WE9 - Post your complaints and disappointments here!

man, i disagree with you, i still think the defenders are crap....
for example, there are two defenders against two forwards....
the forward with the ball is running in one side and you arerunning with him....
i tried line defense, normal defense, marking one or other, both CBs covering, but it keeps happening.
I gave up on the game really, the fouls are a fucking laugh at best and utter shit at worst, the ball physics are another disgrace were almost every ball finds its way to the CPU, the CPU keeper saves almost everything yet when the CPU take ONE FUCKING SHOT into me it most likely always goes in?..put it this way, if my keeper actually makes a save I am close to having a seizure because its that rare.

Ah well, hopefully PES5 will be better, although knowing these twats aka konami they will fix these bugs and add more, cocks.
Han said:
You better use 2 man-markers and a third defender who you set to covering in between....
i dont like 3-5-2.... my flanks get really weak.. 5-3-2 or 5-4-1 are too defensive fo me.
i just want to not leave the other attacker alone when im marking one. when me and my mate play against the computer, is really easy. one marks one and another marks another....
why dont the AI works as this?
i really hate wrong passes with good passers, even easy passes....
rvcruz said:
i dont like 3-5-2.... my flanks get really weak.. 5-3-2 or 5-4-1 are too defensive fo me.
i just want to not leave the other attacker alone when im marking one. when me and my mate play against the computer, is really easy. one marks one and another marks another....
why dont the AI works as this?
i really hate wrong passes with good passers, even easy passes....
In that case try 4 defenders and a defensive midfielder just in front of it. Use the DMF as the one who dives into gaps by putting him at covering.

I myself solved the problem of the wings against a 4-2-2-2 this way:

'mandekking' means 'man-marking' and 'tegenstander' means 'opponent' :)

If one of the attacking midfielders goes to the wing, he is medium manmarked by the DMF, so he goes with him.

If your opponent plays 4-3-3 it's more simpel, because you can play with 4 defenders, like this:

This works for me, especially because of the man-marking you can come in front of your opponent easily, winning the ball.
Notice that I always use covering in conjunction with man-marking...

Hope it helps :)
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valentino said:
Han: why don't you upload your replays that "midfielder pass it (L1+/\) to the striker and the striker control it perfectly".
i really want to see it.
no L1+/\ to wing
no L1+/\ from backline

only L1+/\ from midfield play to striker in the center position (not wing position).
Okay, no problem; here's one I made with my masterleague team.
As you also did not believe that you can measure the length of the pass, I did not choose the usual lengthy throughpass, but one of shorter length, still played with

I did it by first face the player in the desired derection and only then execute the pass...
I hope I have convinced you ?

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Nicely done, but your player was in the centre circle when you played that ball. If you were further up the pitch that would have been catching practice for the keeper.

In previous WEs, you could play a much more lofted pass than that one. Almost straight up and down, that doesn't cover so much distance. Perfect for balls played from 30 yards or closer.
ActionHank said:
Nicely done, but your player was in the centre circle when you played that ball. If you were further up the pitch that would have been catching practice for the keeper.

In previous WEs, you could play a much more lofted pass than that one. Almost straight up and down, that doesn't cover so much distance. Perfect for balls played from 30 yards or closer.

That's exactly my point... from very deep, it works ok... but nearer the penalty box, it seems impossible to dink a small L1 + /\ pass, without it going straight to the GK.
to the people who are giving up because it's too hard, or too many fouls etc.. and blaming konami saying they ruined the game. give me a fucking break. this game is the best WE yet. you just suck at it and you gave up.

i've played a season in ML and now i really really enjoy this game. you cannot play it the same way as previous versions, but that is good. the changes they have made to the gameplay are to make it more realistic.

simply put, play the game like a real football match and you will see how superior this game is. the ref is calling too many fouls on you because you're holding down X and [] and just charging at the person with the ball. you're not getting scoring opportunites because you're not CREATING them.

i love WE9. big respect to seabass for making this game the most realistic football simulation yet and waving a big F U to all the people who are too impatient to appreciate the depth this game has to offer.

my advice for those frustrated:
- play 10 minute games
- pass the ball with intelligence, positioning of the player is much more important now you can't just point and pass or shoot and expect it to go there
- be patient. play to the player in space, draw defenders and try to create goals, rather than trying to muscle it in or trying to pass it when the player is not open.
- when you defend don't just run and pressure the ball.
- play smart, or you will get burned. and when you do, don't blame konami's AI scripting.. you just suck.
foss said:
to the people who are giving up because it's too hard, or too many fouls etc.. and blaming konami saying they ruined the game. give me a fucking break. this game is the best WE yet. you just suck at it and you gave up.

i've played a season in ML and now i really really enjoy this game. you cannot play it the same way as previous versions, but that is good. the changes they have made to the gameplay are to make it more realistic.

simply put, play the game like a real football match and you will see how superior this game is. the ref is calling too many fouls on you because you're holding down X and [] and just charging at the person with the ball. you're not getting scoring opportunites because you're not CREATING them.

i love WE9. big respect to seabass for making this game the most realistic football simulation yet and waving a big F U to all the people who are too impatient to appreciate the depth this game has to offer.

my advice for those frustrated:
- play 10 minute games
- pass the ball with intelligence, positioning of the player is much more important now you can't just point and pass or shoot and expect it to go there
- be patient. play to the player in space, draw defenders and try to create goals, rather than trying to muscle it in or trying to pass it when the player is not open.
- when you defend don't just run and pressure the ball.
- play smart, or you will get burned. and when you do, don't blame konami's AI scripting.. you just suck.

Superb post! :applause:
Ball cleared out of the Albacete defence, falling straight to Van Bommel, who looks sure to chest it down safely and continue the attack. But....

...with an awesome "molecular restructuring" move, the Albacete man wins the ball and manages to flip it backwards over his (embedded) head, perfectly into the path of a breaking forward.

So much good... so much bad...
foss said:
to the people who are giving up because it's too hard, or too many fouls etc.. and blaming konami saying they ruined the game. give me a fucking break. this game is the best WE yet. you just suck at it and you gave up.

That is a pathetically juvenile remark. :roll: You cannot account for the various playing styles of each player. Just because someone does not like this version, for whatever reason, does not mean they should completely change there style to enjoy the game or that they suck.

I myself have adapted to playing the game. I have learned to pass accurately, have pulled off some amazing dribble moves, and have scored multiple ways. I do not lose often. Many games end up 0-0, and the more I play the more I win. For many people, however, winning or losing games is not the ultimate factor in their final opinion of the game. It is how the game plays. WE9 just doesn't feel right to me. I have found some things that detract from the enjoyment. There are also some elusive things about the game, that I cannot quite put my finger on, that also make the game less enjoyable. It is a good game, but I find WE8LE better, and more importantly, more enjoyable.

I am glad that you like the game, but find your statement too extreme. I would never tell you that you have just compromised your playing style to adapt to WE9, and that you should go play WE8LE. Everyone has an opinion and that opinion should not be shoved down other people's throats. :)
Pere Ubu said:
Ball cleared out of the Albacete defence, falling straight to Van Bommel, who looks sure to chest it down safely and continue the attack. But....

...with an awesome "molecular restructuring" move, the Albacete man wins the ball and manages to flip it backwards over his (embedded) head, perfectly into the path of a breaking forward.

So much good... so much bad...


Realism baby!!
Again, for the record, not everyone who has complaints about the game is complaining simply becuase the game is now 'too hard.'

I regularly beat the computer on six stars and for me difficulty has nothing to do with it. And everyone who says that all the problems are solved once you 'play the game as though it were real football' need to give it rest.

It's not that the game is now too realistic. In some ways it's become less realistic. Witness the deeply flawed through pass system that has become more automatic than ever. And the over zealous refereeing. Again, I agree that there needed to be more fouls called, but as I mentioned earlier, anyone who watches English football will tell you that the referees are now just too sensitive. I'm not complaining because the silly amount of fouls causes me problems beating the CPU. It doesn't. It just really interrupts the flow of the game to have so many unecessary fouls on both sides - from the CPU as well. It's not as if this is the first time Konami have had trouble implementing a new referee AI scheme. When they first brought in the advantage rule it took them a few versions to really get it going. Don't be surprised if you see toned down referee AI in subsequent versions.
yeah... i beat the com regularly too..but i still tink we9 sux..
and those stupid fouls are not becoz we are holding on to x button... do u tink we are noobies? we9 is obviously an unfinsihed game coz if u play long enough... you will get fed up with all the AI imbalance and the stupid bugs and fouls...
i have many sliding tackles perfectly executed IMO but the ref still gives fouls... my player clearly won over the ball... another incident, my def gave the strike a SLIGHT shoulder push, and beep!, penalty

oh, another incident, my player was dribbling and a def was following him, i made a pass, and the leg movement of the pass kicked the def, he stumbles, FOUL. Now, what the fuck is taT? a perfect game?? kiss my arse

did i mention offside? i have seen tons of offside replay, and my striker was only an inch offside, sometimes i see that my player is level with the def but still given offside... this is stupid...

how bout when i was bursting towards the goal with the keeper to beat, and when i was about to shoot, the def stick a leg out, resulting me stumbling, thus giving the ball away? it should have been a red card or at least a foul, and i noticed that obstruction fouls are always given to CPU team, almost all obstruction by the CPU are not given to me... i mean, it was fucking obvious tat my player was obstructed.

about 6 stars, shooting system in 6stars is just crap... the diff btw 5 and 6 stars is that the AI for 6 stars is the same as 5 stars but they limit our ability. e.g. more than half of your shots are aimed at the centre of the goal even though u pressed down or up... YES im in a good position to shoot... not some 180 deg turn and shoot kind of thing

afterreading all these and u still claim that this is a perfect game... than you are too easily satisfied
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Any else notice an offside bug? This has happened a shitload for me.

From a corner kick, your guy kicks the ball into the box, and a defender clears it out to one of your midfielders. With the midfielder try to pass the ball to the guy who just kicked the corner. If he is still close to the touch line, he will be called offside even when there is a defender marking a post (which can be clearly seen in the replay). Very annoying, since it seems to happen to me like once every other game.
brur said:
Any else notice an offside bug? This has happened a shitload for me.

From a corner kick, your guy kicks the ball into the box, and a defender clears it out to one of your midfielders. With the midfielder try to pass the ball to the guy who just kicked the corner. If he is still close to the touch line, he will be called offside even when there is a defender marking a post (which can be clearly seen in the replay). Very annoying, since it seems to happen to me like once every other game.

maybe the def are behind the goal line(out of play)... in that case it would be a legitimate offside, but i doubt it...

i just though of another bug that has been bothering me for all the we series... a thousand and 1 times we have seen GK saving the ball on the line and in reality the momentum of the GK would have caused him to fly into the net, resulting the ball to cross the line BUT NO, there seems like an invisible wall behind the goal line that prevents the ball from crossing the line when the GK has its hands on it
brur said:
Any else notice an offside bug? This has happened a shitload for me.

From a corner kick, your guy kicks the ball into the box, and a defender clears it out to one of your midfielders. With the midfielder try to pass the ball to the guy who just kicked the corner. If he is still close to the touch line, he will be called offside even when there is a defender marking a post (which can be clearly seen in the replay). Very annoying, since it seems to happen to me like once every other game.

So is that defender the ONLY guy between your player and the goal line? If yes, that's offside. I just made a professional picture to tell you what I mean.

I think the game is absolutely superb. Only gripe I have are:-

Fouls - Way to many, you go near a player and it's a foul, just gets a tad annoying. Although I think the ref's just a cheat. :D

Yeah like Kezz says, the offside rule often is described as 'A player is offside if he is beyond the last denfender when the ball is played to him', when in actual fact if the Keeper is further forward than the last defender then the keeper becomes the player that determines the position of the line of offside. Basically the rule should be more like 'A player is offside if he is beyond ten of the opposing players when the ball is played'. :)
anyone who watches English football will tell you that the referees are now just too sensitive.

Yes, the English game traditionally has invloved more physical play. A lot of things are not called , whereas in other leagues would be called fouls. But that does not mean the rest of the world plays that way.

But also, noticed certain in-game refrees let the game flow more. Could anyone confirm/deny this.

BK_83 said:
yeah... i beat the com regularly too..but i still tink we9 sux..
and those stupid fouls are not becoz we are holding on to x button... do u tink we are noobies? we9 is obviously an unfinsihed game coz if u play long enough... you will get fed up with all the AI imbalance and the stupid bugs and fouls...
i have many sliding tackles perfectly executed IMO but the ref still gives fouls... my player clearly won over the ball... another incident, my def gave the strike a SLIGHT shoulder push, and beep!, penalty

oh, another incident, my player was dribbling and a def was following him, i made a pass, and the leg movement of the pass kicked the def, he stumbles, FOUL. Now, what the fuck is taT? a perfect game?? kiss my arse

did i mention offside? i have seen tons of offside replay, and my striker was only an inch offside, sometimes i see that my player is level with the def but still given offside... this is stupid...

how bout when i was bursting towards the goal with the keeper to beat, and when i was about to shoot, the def stick a leg out, resulting me stumbling, thus giving the ball away? it should have been a red card or at least a foul, and i noticed that obstruction fouls are always given to CPU team, almost all obstruction by the CPU are not given to me... i mean, it was fucking obvious tat my player was obstructed.

about 6 stars, shooting system in 6stars is just crap... the diff btw 5 and 6 stars is that the AI for 6 stars is the same as 5 stars but they limit our ability. e.g. more than half of your shots are aimed at the centre of the goal even though u pressed down or up... YES im in a good position to shoot... not some 180 deg turn and shoot kind of thing

afterreading all these and u still claim that this is a perfect game... than you are too easily satisfied

as for you, these are the drawbacks of the game ? lol, it's pathetic !!!!!
and for those who think dribblin' is dead, learn french and go on wearepes.com, you'll fall on your knees, another reason for I'm glad to be french eheheh !!
wilier said:
That's exactly my point... from very deep, it works ok... but nearer the penalty box, it seems impossible to dink a small L1 + /\ pass, without it going straight to the GK.
Just read what valentino asked:
valentino said:
Han: why don't you upload your replays that "midfielder pass it (L1+/\) to the striker and the striker control it perfectly".
i really want to see it.
no L1+/\ to wing
no L1+/\ from backline

only L1+/\ from midfield play to striker in the center position (not wing position).
My pass was exactly what he asked for!

And about your remark: this pass was not from very deep and passed near the penaltybox, not going straight to the keeper. What more do you want me to do to proof you wrong?? There sometimes is a point were you and actionhank have to admit that your judgement of this type pass is wrong.
I can made loads of other movies where I play long throughballs, short to the left, diagonal etc. but I am sure you keep complaining.
Just admit you like complaining about WE9. ;)
(or that you work for EA :mrgreen: )
Han, no worries mate...I am having trouble opening the video clip u loaded with my office pc, bcoz of some outdated codec... and then some guy complained that the the thru pass was from deep in your own half... never mind.. i'll try again to view your file using my home pc, instead.
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