WE9 - Post your complaints and disappointments here!

I have the Game.

I can really make 15 consecutive passes.
I can dribble.
I make nice one two s.
I win high balls in the midfield.
I make crosses as good as the player crossing permits.
I My players control the ball as they should depending on their stats.
I Play games in 15 mins and I had games were the score ended 3-2 and 0-0.
I Find the A.I to be more challenging, you cant take it easy.

So I dont understand why all you are complaining, you just have to watch and play soccer, you have to find space for your passing by evoiding players and not play direct football. You must also dribble were is needed not all the time ( like in real soccer), and you must be concious of what player you are controling all the time, its different to shoot with Zidane or to shoot with a Norwich player.In defence you have to be good in positioning abd intercept more balls rather than pressing :x: all the time.

This is for those who play against CPU because when playing your friends is a whole different story and more enjoyable. But for those who play CPU all the time jusr remember that the days when you scored against A.I controlled players when ever you wanted to put some more effort now are over, so dint frustrate your self and attack the game because you dont feel anymore im control of the situation, you are now just an other team in the master league not the chosen team that wins the league and all the cups all the years.

Just learn and play like real soccer, yeh its hard.
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this game is going on my nuts!!!

i cant make 3 passes in a row in the opponents half, i cant score!

i mean do i have to take inter or chelsea to win a game?
i usually take livorno and its impossible to score one or two goals.

if you want to start an attack your opponent has 7 players in his half and you cant make a combination or a deep pass to your striker.

edit: the defenders are too good, you cant dribble past them.how should we score? flying with the ball?
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Right my mate is back off his hols now so I'ts down to three or four nights a week 4-5 hours solid 2 V's CPU play on WE9 in ML(sh@#) mode.... Nearly everyone has said that any faults Imay have found or seen are not there, no catch up no Auto side step,no foikin whistle dixie ref's etc. I do hope however they've have made it harder to get money/wen points though, and it takes longer to walk away with everything seeing as how Konami have short changed us yet again with the utter crap that is the ML (I will not be turned on this thats for sure)

I dug out my Amiga last week and have been playing SWOS till the wee small hours. God it's a million miles away from PES an WE in so many ways but foik me it's still soooo much fun and sadly better in some ways.
Antred and others, I appreciate the supportive comments of 'get out more' and nothing's perfect. I agree with that. And if I wanted super realistic footie, i would go out and play, after all, i'm in a school footie team, and it's not as if i can't even kick a ball. Lol. But the point is that this thread's for people to voice their complaints, and in all honesty, it's nice to just let people get things which itch them off their back. As to get out more, lol, most of us do I like to think. Lol. I have a girlfriend to content with, but it's also nice to be able to just do the simple things and play a football game, without getting totally stressed out by annoying glitches or a hectic fouling system.
i understand tat u have to play the game like u see in real life soccer, its all about realism... but its a game... and a game is meant to be fun. the fun factor is less than the realistic' factor in we9, in other words, its not as fun to play we9
Negatrev said:
I think you'll find at the end of the game, it's your guys that are much slower, not the AI faster. It's all relative.

I think you'll find that you're a fanboy with a fanboy's vision.

The AI don't get faster :lol: :lol: :lol: :lmao: :lmao:
I think what most people find really annoying is the AI on the human team , while the AI on the CPU team can do wonderful things and make runs off each other, outside of the player (I/we control) on our team, that players team mates are brain dead or should I say AI lacking! Defenders moving away from cpu players in the box to give them time to receive passes ..

Bottom line , I think all of the genuine complaints about this game would be overlooked if the AI players on our teams (the ones we are not in control of) were more responsive and defended and made runs to receive passes and not just run back to the formation position as soon as they lose the ball..
Madrileno said:
I have the Game.

I can really make 15 consecutive passes.
I can dribble.
I make nice one two s.
I win high balls in the midfield.
I make crosses as good as the player crossing permits.
I My players control the ball as they should depending on their stats.
I Play games in 15 mins and I had games were the score ended 3-2 and 0-0.
I Find the A.I to be more challenging, you cant take it easy.

So I dont understand why all you are complaining, you just have to watch and play soccer, you have to find space for your passing by evoiding players and not play direct football.

I haven't had much of a problem with anything you've described, but I, personally, have complained about things you haven't mentioned.

If you read my previous post, I'm most disappointed in the through passing system, the 'momentum' system, and the over-sensitive refereeing. These aspects do not, believe it or not, make Winning Eleven more like real football. For me, they actually make it less realistic than previous iterations. In real football, the simple fact is that 9/10 lofted throughballs do not end up in the keepers arms. In real football, a player is able to direct the weight and direction of his pass, not pass along one of 16 pre-set 'rails'...

Agreed, it's a fair point that nothing is perfect, but it's just a bit disapointing that many aspects that were already less than perfect have been changed for the worse.
Han, Jiwa and others. I really hate to tell you guys to not protect the beloved WE9, because there are many good points, but I would just like you guys to let people like ActionHank voice their opinion. This is a thread for complaining and disappointments, and I don't think it's exactly fair that they can't even do it in a forum which has it measured out for them if you guys are just going to contradict everything they're trying to state. Cheers.
A basic flaw - can't edit PES and WE United kits....

Nokami always screw something up - previously it was removing the ability to move players from clubs into the free pool, this is now back in. Or not allowing created players to be added to clubs, which is now in, or not carrying through edited stats to ML, which is now in...Great we think, all our simple editing problems fixed...but they go and screw up on something else !! I mean what else are PES and WE United in the game for, than to edit over with clubs of your choice? And they mess up on such a simple thing as editing the kits!?! Hope it is fixed for PES5...
Homan, I appreciate your support, but I wouldn't worry too much.

I'm pleased for them that they don't have any problems with this new version - their expectations for the series obviously aren't as high as some of ours'. Hopefully, though, there enough people out there to point out the shortcomings so that we can have a positive impact on the evolution of the series.
can someone tell me whats the diff btw the AI for 5 stars and 6 stars? so far i can only tell that almost all of my shots are aimed at the centre of the goal even though i was holding 'down' or 'up' all the time
homan_7 said:
Han, Jiwa and others. I really hate to tell you guys to not protect the beloved WE9, because there are many good points, but I would just like you guys to let people like ActionHank voice their opinion. This is a thread for complaining and disappointments, and I don't think it's exactly fair that they can't even do it in a forum which has it measured out for them if you guys are just going to contradict everything they're trying to state. Cheers.
Read our posts to self-reflect

Like "Hmmm, for HIM the
does work, not for me, what can be the reason for that?!, maybe there is no bug..."
winston said:
I think you'll find that you're a fanboy with a fanboy's vision.

The AI don't get faster :lol: :lol: :lol: :lmao: :lmao:

That's exactly what I said. Why do you bother embarassing yourself.
Han said:
Read our posts to self-reflect

Like "Hmmm, for HIM the
does work, not for me, what can be the reason for that?!, maybe there is no bug..."


Are you sure that the L1 + /\ power actually changes depending on how long you hold down the /\ button? I notice that the instruction manual does NOT say that the length of the pass can be controlled.

I for one have found that this pass is overhit in WE9, although it works ok if played from deep. Is it really just a matter of tapping the button???

In nearly all other aspects, I think this game is untouchable, but this remains a blip in my book.

Btw, I really tried to face the striker, wait for the run, etc...
wilier said:

Are you sure that the L1 + /\ power actually changes depending on how long you hold down the /\ button? I notice that the instruction manual does NOT say that the length of the pass can be controlled.
"Through Ball
Press the /\ button to send a through ball through the defense, using the directional button to aim the pass.
By holding down the /\ and aiming with the directional button you can send the ball to a player father away"
This, of course works too for the L1+/\. Speaks for itself

Yes, for shorter distances you tap the button, but you do better to try that out in training first. That's what I also did....
Han said:
"Through Ball

Yes, for shorter distances you tap the button, but you do better to try that out in training first. That's what I also did....

OK.. that makes me more relieved.. I think then that Konami have made the sensitivity greater, just like the shooting bar... which I prefer now that I've mastered it!

In WE8LE, the L1 + /\ was fully automated in terms of power, and was a little too easy to pull off!
wilier said:
OK.. that makes me more relieved.. I think then that Konami have made the sensitivity greater, just like the shooting bar... which I prefer now that I've mastered it!

In WE8LE, the L1 + /\ was fully automated in terms of power, and was a little too easy to pull off!
One more thing: It highly depend on who is giving the through-pass. Zidane will be a more likely accurate passer, as his long passing accuracy is better than the average player. Also his long passing speed playes an important role.
A speedy long pass has another trajectory as a slow, small dipping pass.
So, know your players well who you choose to send a long through-ball with.
I think these are important abillities for these kind of passes:
- Long passing accuracy
- Long passing speed
- star-attribute for passing
- maybe technique as well.
ActionHank said:
Homan, I appreciate your support, but I wouldn't worry too much.

I'm pleased for them that they don't have any problems with this new version - their expectations for the series obviously aren't as high as some of ours'. Hopefully, though, there enough people out there to point out the shortcomings so that we can have a positive impact on the evolution of the series.


Point taken . This thread is for complaints. Well, I guess sometimes I do overlook that and respond/rebutt. Apologies, if it irritated anyone.

As for expectations, ultimately my expectations might echo yours. I do want a lot of things done too. But seriously mates, unless we are getting thru to Konami itself, or Konami reps are looking at these posts, then nothing said here really matters, right?.

I realised that opinion on WE9 is very divided, therefore I started a poll. Just to gauge whether i'm in the minority or majority.

Han: why don't you upload your replays that "midfielder pass it (L1+/\) to the striker and the striker control it perfectly".
i really want to see it.
no L1+/\ to wing
no L1+/\ from backline

only L1+/\ from midfield play to striker in the center position (not wing position).

and 1 more, nobody complains about wrong passes? it's not accuracy direction, it's wrong person.
like this:

in previous WE (and it's already a perfect method):
pressing right: pass to CF
pressing right-down: pass to CF
pressing down: pass to RMF
pressing left: pass to OMF
only 2 button is assigned for the same player. it is because no other player close to the CF
but now in WE9:
pressing right: pass to CF
pressing right-down: pass to CF
pressing down: pass to CF
pressing left-down: pass to OMF
pressing left: pass to OMF
pressing left-up: pass to OMF
i figured out the method, WE9 pass to the closest person. i know konami's defence would be "why don't u press it longer (hold)?". i don't, coz some player i want to pass is not in the furthest position.
why konami change that already perfect method? like this passing method and throw-in in WE7.
Ernestito said:
this game is going on my nuts!!!

i cant make 3 passes in a row in the opponents half, i cant score!

i mean do i have to take inter or chelsea to win a game?
i usually take livorno and its impossible to score one or two goals.

if you want to start an attack your opponent has 7 players in his half and you cant make a combination or a deep pass to your striker.

edit: the defenders are too good, you cant dribble past them.how should we score? flying with the ball?
please don't make complaint about your skill. read the title: "WE9 - Post your complaints and disappointments here!"
it is about complaints about WE9.
valentino said:
Han: why don't you upload your replays that "midfielder pass it (L1+/\) to the striker and the striker control it perfectly".
i really want to see it.

only L1+/\ from midfield play to striker in the center position (not wing position).
I am working right now, but I proposed that yesterday already, but before I did make one, the conclusion taken overhere was that this passing was random, sometimes happening and sometimes not. That made me think such a video was declared as luck anyway, so no use to do that.

Are you sure you want to see that without declaring it as random/luck? :)

Oh by the way, the new way is that you should face to the person you want to pass to and only then you press :l1: +:triangle:
In that order, at that way... then you see the miracle :D
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valentino said:
please don't make complaint about your skill. read the title: "WE9 - Post your complaints and disappointments here!"
it is about complaints about WE9.

take livorno, 5 stars and play against milan or inter.if you score more than one goal then i believe you have great skills, ok ?
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