WE9 - Post your complaints and disappointments here!

kobashi said:
i either win 1-0, lose 1-0 or draw 0-0.

That is what seems to be happening a lot to me as well. I really don't fancy 5-5 draws in every game but an average of 1 goal for either side every few games isn't going to be much fun if you think about it.
JayD said:
The simple fact that you say you are playing on 3 stars shows you are not very good, WE is simulation like you have to work at the game, it's not pick up and master like FIFA. Work at it and you will reap the rewards. If you can't be bothered then don't play it as you won't enjoy it.

With all due respect I was never a fifa player and have been playing the Winning Eleven series ever since 5. I'm not about to brag about it but I don't think I'm the worst around.. I used to beat teams comfortably on 6 star when I was playing WE8i. Now I'm not complaining that the new game is difficult (actually the more difficult it is the better, because it makes the game more lasting); it's just that the joys of scoring and winning have been greatly diminished because of its pure scriptedness. I'd be the last person in the world to condemn a WE game.. but here I am totally unconvinced by this version. I'll keep trying and giving it a few more months.. I really hope to be proven wrong.
i hate it when the GK parries the ball upwards and then drop back down for the opponent to head in, its just too stupid, the GK should parry the incoming ball over the bar for a corner
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Man..are you sure your playing we9? I never have half of these problems. So what if its low scorelines? Thats what happens in football.
these, i post several type of pass that can not be done in WE9:

1. how do we pass to RMF, right after kickoff? without doing any movement first.

when i press down, the ball goes to the CF (which already running forward).
when i press left-down, the ball goes to OMF.
it can be done by manual ground pass, but i WANT TO do one-two. so... how u do it? u simply can't

2. this is L1+/\ with HOLD method. from the midfield, i want to pass it to the running striker. but how will it be? the pass will be directed to the OMF who's already cought offside... so stupid...

it can be done too by O or manual long pass, but ofcourse there are moments that need a quick timing. O and R3 need some times to fill the power gauge.

3. the wing is at front, only 1 opponent's defender there, your striker is waiting for the pass. so, how to it?

it can't! now with /\ too upfront, it will be cought by the keeper or out of field. with X, the pass will be bounce the defender. O 3x is too strong too.
some of you will say to controll the ball 1st, then pass. but it will be a GAMER SOLUTION, to A FOOTBALL SOLUTION, coz real football always does that pass.

so, who's fault are these? i say it's the game tester's fault, i'm pretty sure they/he/she is not from footballer class.
or... was WE9 released without tester?!
In the first example you are not allowed to pass to the RMF, because from the kick off you HAVE TO pass forward first.
In the second case you can pass forward by holding X in this case, else the ball goes to the interveining player.
I am not sure of picture 3. Probably it just isn't possible unless you try the right analog pass... maybe...
phrase said:
The main thing about WE9 is the manual-ness...Everything is manual.Seabass Tatsuka mentioned this way before WE9 is released.To headers,you have to move players infront of the defender when the cross is coming in,just like in real life.For through balls,you have to be sharp eyed to see you forwards starts running,THEN,you press triangle or the L1 + triangle...It really works this way.The long shot trick is time and space.Again like in real life,thats what you really need,no one harrassing you,clear view on the goalmouth and banggg...80% of the time,it'll make the goalie work.If yall want,easy goals and shite,try FIFA 06,WE9 is the only game for football fanatics like myself.Peassssss
manual-ness in WE (7-8-9) is just a bullsh*t :)
if they praise manual-ness, how come the MANUAL CURSOR CHANGE is not totally manual??
how come the defender movement is too scripted (too on-track)?
Wenyong said:
My main gripe about WE9 is simply that the game feels much too scripted to reward the gamer aptly. It's funny you should mention us going back to play fifa because I feel that is precisely the direction KONAMI is heading at present and it's disappointing.
totaly agree. WE now is too gamefull, and less realistic in football (not just the animation they praise). in football game, realistic animation is useless without realistic football.

the shots are too arcade, too strong, too often to be extremely strong. even without space and good control of the ball, the players can always shoot very strong! WE is going to be like FIFA.
Han said:
In the first example you are not allowed to pass to the RMF, because from the kick off you HAVE TO pass forward first.
In the second case you can pass forward by holding X in this case, else the ball goes to the interveining player.
I am not sure of picture 3. Probably it just isn't possible unless you try the right analog pass... maybe...
i know that! what i was saying is:
1. the 1st CF pass to the next CF
2. the 1st CF runs forward, while the 2nd CF has control of the ball
now i'm talking the 3rd movement, the 2nd CF can't pass to the RMF.

i was using that example, but in WE9, there are lots of wrong-direction pass like the one i use the example.
they have a direction (pass to CF will be right + X, pass to OMF will be left + X or left-down + X), why do konami have to assign the down + X to pass to the CF???
ekequist said:
Hi everyone,

I´ve played WE8LE alot in multiplayer (2 on 2) and all I can say is that WE9 is a huge dissapontment and step backward when it comes to multiplayer (more that 1 player in each team).

For all of you who haven´t tried WE9 in 2-on-2, please do so before commenting on this post, because WE9 is a totally different game when it comes to multiplayer compared to singleplayer.

WE9 R.I.P.

YES I AGREE with u. i just played 2-2 matches yesterday and it was a garbage-game.
phrase said:
For through balls,you have to be sharp eyed to see you forwards starts running,THEN,you press triangle or the L1 + triangle...It really works this way.The long shot trick is time and space.Again like in real life,thats what you really need,no one harrassing you,clear view on the goalmouth and banggg...80% of the time,it'll make the goalie work.If yall want,easy goals and shite,try FIFA 06,WE9 is the only game for football fanatics like myself.Peassssss
i always do that since i play WE in PS2, always look at the timing, when striker starts to run, that's when i press L1+/\
but now, even the striker has no obstacle and the passer is godlike like beckham and he face the right direction and the timing is perfect, the pass will be just stupid (even the chance to do right passes in this moment is 5% only). so what is "realistic"?
i don't know how anybody can not admit that konami screwed up on the through ball. they do make mistakes you know..
Golden Go@l said:
Its seems that many more people are discouraged with this version of Winning Eleven compared to WE8LE. Is this par for the course for Winning Eleven games or did Konami try too many changes?

Common grievances:

+ the auto sidestep (especially for analog users)

+ no zoom on wide camera

+ cpu defenders buching up in penaltly box

+ :l1: + :triangle: not as effective. Almost useless. Better to use :circle: or manual pass.

+ triple :circle: cross too bouncy and off target

+ human controlled players suddenly shifting away from attacker as you gain control of them - example: cpu passes ball to the right and you press :l1: to gain control of nearest defender. Suddenly he jerks to the left then you press right to recover, but the pass is received and the man is unmarked. It doesn't happen often, but when it leads to a goal... :mad:

+ attackers moving way out of the play to avoid offsides call - example: I was trying to set up Henry for a goal, but he was slightly offside. Instead of moving back slightly or allowing the defense to catch up to him, he suddenly sprints 10 meters the other way. It looks funny, but definitely costs goal scoring opportunities.

+ shooting not as precise as WE8LE. By precise I mean timing of :square: meter, change in lob shot. Just feels off.

+ abundance of fouls. I myself haven't notice much of a difference compared to WE8LE. Maybe, I dont play as agressive. I tend to just ride the defender slightly, timing when I press :x:, :circle:, or :square:.

+ players slide tackling glitch - in once instance the cpu's straight leg slide across pitch several feet before he went into the slide tackle, then part of his body and arm disappeared below the grass.

+ harder to jostle for headers. I admit that it was way easy in WE8LE, especially using R2, but I don't feel in control battling for headers.

+ too many shots hitting the crossbar and posts (both human and cpu). It looks cool, I'll give it that. I rarely see that many in real soccer matches.

+ overall, the game just has this elusive "different" feel to it. And not the type of "different" that I know I could adapt to. I hope i'm wrong.

I could probably list more, especially with more game time, but I think people get the gist.

WE9 does have some great features, but the imbalances in gameplay hurt it. I know i could grow to like this game, however I'm not sure if I can overcome the auto sidestep and no zoom widecam. It's a shame because the game did make progress in many areas. Maybe with a great patch I can be converted. I'm hoping that Konami fuses WE8LE and WE9 together to create WE9 Final Evolution. That would be a phenomenal game. Keeping my fingers crossed. :)

That's the definition of the perfect post.

My biggest complain is with the player switching and the way is hesitates for a moment to keep running in the same direction as it was. It ruins defense for me, and sometimes I'd rather keep running with a defender who is further away than switching to one that is closer to ball, simply because I know he will move away from the ball for a split second and piss me off.
beachryan said:
My ML scoring is like 10 goals less than the leaders in Goals For, but I've only let in 3 in 12 games. Craziness. I'm not sure if that's because I'm only on 3*s (I couldn't take the higher ones, my players seem to be on ice around the opponents penalty area) or maybe its my stellar defense ;)

That's because CPU Attacking routines suck. It's really hard for cpu to score me any goal at all, as all their attacks are so predictable, usually they just score me from pk, fk or corners... and that's basically it.
And this is the exact same thing on 3 or 5 stars it doesn't matter.

The main difference between 3 and 5 stars is that 5 stars uses a lot more of cheap AI, which is much more seen when cpu is defending ( defenders auto catch up, our passes missing the target, even more biased refs, etc), so it's harder to score on 5 stars, but I'd say their attacking skills are pretty much the same on both, of course on 5 stars they score a lot of goals from fk and corners... specially on last minute ones... but this probably isn't cheap AI again :lol:

And for those saying there's no catch up on WE since WE8... well, yeah right... you are true in one thing. There was no catch up in WE8 ( ok, not that noticeable at least compared to previous versions ), but it's back in full throtle on WE9. You really can't see that or you simply don't want to see it?
jiwa said:
Firstly, I don't get this 'fanboys' stuff. Does it mean if someone thinks the game is great while you think it's otherwise, then they' must be a 'fanboy'?.

Certainly not. The person you describe is a "fan". There is a difference.

Here is an excerpt from wikipedia on the term: "Fanboy or Fanboi is a term used to describe someone who is utterly devoted to a single subject or hobby, often to the point where it is considered an obsession. <snip> Stereotypically, fanboys are attributed with a sycophantic devotion to the creators and principles behind a work they are currently enthralled by, but will quickly move their attention elsewhere once something better or just newer comes along."

I might want to add: fanboys are extremely alert concerning any kind of critique directed at their subject of devotion -- however mild it may be -- and tend to overreact by trying to discredit/pigeonhole anyone who doesn't share or conjure up the same amount of enthusiasm for the subject matter as they do.

As for the CPU boost, I do agree its there, but it's there in 'ALL' games too in some form or another.

Sure there is. But there are different ways of doing this. The way Konami does it, is, in my opinion at least, quite questionable and at times outright insulting to my intelligence. They have become masters of the sneaky disguise. Deflections being a much discussed case in point. At first they seem naturalistic and great. Ball wobbles, bounces, deflects. Such beautiful physics! Never before seen in a sports game. Marvellous! After a good amount of games you start to wonder why these "random" deflections bounce back to the CPU 9 out of 10 times (at least during critical phases of the match). After another good amount of games you realize that they are in fact not random at all. I am fine with you having no problems with this (or maybe not even agreeing upon it being THERE). I feel cheated and a bit let down. This is all fine and good and just a matter of people having different experiences/perceptions/expectations of a game which can and should be dicussed. But as soon as someone comes along and tells me: "dude, i do not have this problem. i don't know what you are talking about. it must be you not mastering the game. practice and you will be rewarded, or go and play FIFA instead" a certain line has been crossed -- especially when that happens in a thread that is explicitly created to discuss the niggles one might have with this game. Reversely i won't post negative comments all over a thread that bears the title "Why WE is so great".

From the discussions here, Maybe the kind of AI some people expect does not exist on any gaming platform yet.

Very few people know about the current state of AI programming and what's possible and what not. Chances are, much more is possible than what we are presented at the moment and the reasons it's not implemented yet is because big-budget projects like PES (or FIFA or any million seller) are subject to compromises, tight deadlines and trade-offs. Further, making use of these new possibilities often means a total overhaul of an exisiting engine. But why should i overhaul my engine if the original version (plus some adjustments) sells big time year in and year out and i don't even know whether the overhaul will be accepted/successful? Why should i change anything if almost everyone is happy? Add to that the fact that humans and companies in general are by default lazy and usually never feel the need to over-deliver on something if they don't absolutely have to.

But all these arguments shouldn't be denying anybody the right to at least dream about changes and improvements, or should they? Currently the major wishes for changes in the WE/PES series as i can see them are more or less exclusively based on the way the game looks. People want licences. They want Nike boots. They want wrist bands. They want C.Ronaldo-style taped ankles. They want Bernabeu. They want appropriate and up to date transfers. All fair and square and usually no one is accusing them of wanting to FIFA-ize the franchise. But strangely, if anyone comes up and says: I want a more intelligent off the ball behavior of my AI team mates, or: I want free 360 degree movement and passing, or: I want an AI that doesn't reside to dirty tricks to be competitive, or: can we finally have another ref and not one which even though he spots each offside with an eagle's eye, doesn't see the most blatant fouls the CPU is commiting on my teammates -- then all hell brakes loose and I am told either of the following: A) if you don't like it go play FIFA B) you have no clue how to play this game C) you are just whining because you can't win D) practice more E) Why change something which is perfect? F) Mate, you don't seem to know a thing about footie. look at real fooball. Refs err, players make mitakes. Same in PES. So what's your problem?

All that, i might want to add, usually in a semi-patronizing and semi-self-complacent tone which seems to consider the ones who came up with the critique as imbecile noobs.

jiwa said:
IMO 1P mode, is just leftover.
Ok, your opinion. For me SP is a measurement of how well a program is written and thought out. Also, especially in Japan (for which this game is released in the first place) online-play is still in its total infancy. Any marketing manager at Konami, who would state the above would probably not remain one for much longer. Also, some of the problems that bog down the game in SP are still around in MP. But i guess in 2 or 3 years from now, your assessment might be correct.
kobashi said:
i don't know how anybody can not admit that konami screwed up on the through ball. they do make mistakes you know..
indeed. it's like konami is their religion "konami don't do mistakes, we do" :D

even the CPU screw up the long-through-pass. it proves the stupidity done by konami :)
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simakperrce said:
Very few people know about the current state of AI programming and what's possible and what not. Chances are, much more is possible than what we are presented at the moment and the reasons it's not implemented yet is because big-budget projects like PES (or FIFA or any million seller) are subject to compromises, tight deadlines and trade-offs. Further, making use of these new possibilities often means a total overhaul of an exisiting engine. But why should i overhaul my engine if the original version (plus some adjustments) sells big time year in and year out and i don't even know whether the overhaul will be accepted/successful? Why should i change anything if almost everyone is happy? Add to that the fact that humans and companies in general are by default lazy and usually never feel the need to over-deliver on something if they don't absolutely have to.

But all these arguments shouldn't be denying anybody the right to at least dream about changes and improvements, or should they? Currently the major wishes for changes in the WE/PES series as i can see them are more or less exclusively based on the way the game looks. People want licences. They want Nike boots. They want wrist bands. They want C.Ronaldo-style taped ankles. They want Bernabeu. They want appropriate and up to date transfers. All fair and square and usually no one is accusing them of wanting to FIFA-ize the franchise. But strangely, if anyone comes up and says: I want a more intelligent off the ball behavior of my AI team mates, or: I want free 360 degree movement and passing, or: I want an AI that doesn't reside to dirty tricks to be competitive, or: can we finally have another ref and not one which even though he spots each offside with an eagle's eye, doesn't see the most blatant fouls the CPU is commiting on my teammates -- then all hell brakes loose and I am told either of the following: A) if you don't like it go play FIFA B) you have no clue how to play this game C) you are just whining because you can't win D) practice more E) Why change something which is perfect? F) Mate, you don't seem to know a thing about footie. look at real fooball. Refs err, players make mitakes. Same in PES. So what's your problem?
yes and i would appreciate them more if they release the full-and-perfect version (not perfect "perfect", but at least bugless and fulfill the this-year-demand) 1 in a year. not 3 in a year but bugful and faultful and (i think) not well tested.

it's like, we are all the beta tester for the final version of WE (february release)
it would be interesting to get the real word on scripting and AI routines from Konami... because i would be interested to see what percentage of comments here are purely psychological. it took me awhile to get used to playing WE9 but im better at it now and disagree with a lot of things posted here. to me, WE9 plays much more realistically to WE8LE. sure, it's not as much fun until you get better at playing this way (since you're used to the previous game) but i think a lot of people are saying that it sucks because they can't play the same was as in WE8. by playing this way i mean that you have to make sure players are in better positions when passing (tougher passing) same for through balls.. you can't just blindly shoot passes nor can you expect 99% of your through balls to go through properly. also you can't dribble past defenders like in we8, you must patiently pass the ball around and create space, just like in real football. also, i find that you must play at least 10 min games since it takes much more time to create scoring chances. i used to play ML with 5 minute games but now I must play at minimum 10 minutes to get a decent game in. this is fine actually for me more realistic. since in WE8 you could literally create scoring chances at will.

where's the fun if you pick up the new game and whoop ass right away? it's much more fun to have to learn the intricacies of the new game and challenge yourself to adapt and play. if you look at it this way, WE9 is superior. it's much harder and more realistic in the way you play football. i just feel a lot of people are frustrated because it's harder. don't diss the game diss your lack of patience.

and for people commenting on how it sucks (and they're playing at 3*s).. jesus, give me a break. play it at 5 or 6 stars, then comment. anything less than 5 or 6 stars is purely for newbies, children under 8 and people who take the short bus to school.
valentino said:
these, i post several type of pass that can not be done in WE9:

1. how do we pass to RMF, right after kickoff? without doing any movement first.

when i press down, the ball goes to the CF (which already running forward).
when i press left-down, the ball goes to OMF.
it can be done by manual ground pass, but i WANT TO do one-two. so... how u do it? u simply can't

2. this is L1+/\ with HOLD method. from the midfield, i want to pass it to the running striker. but how will it be? the pass will be directed to the OMF who's already cought offside... so stupid...

it can be done too by O or manual long pass, but ofcourse there are moments that need a quick timing. O and R3 need some times to fill the power gauge.

3. the wing is at front, only 1 opponent's defender there, your striker is waiting for the pass. so, how to it?

it can't! now with /\ too upfront, it will be cought by the keeper or out of field. with X, the pass will be bounce the defender. O 3x is too strong too.
some of you will say to controll the ball 1st, then pass. but it will be a GAMER SOLUTION, to A FOOTBALL SOLUTION, coz real football always does that pass.

so, who's fault are these? i say it's the game tester's fault, i'm pretty sure they/he/she is not from footballer class.
or... was WE9 released without tester?!

fully agree with u... in situation 3, i will turn backwards and pass, in tat case the def cant intercept
jiwa said:
As for the CPU boost, I do agree its there, but it's there in 'ALL' games too in some form or another.

How else can you simulate extra effort, motivation, urgency to play. If you were playing a 2P game, a goal down with 10mins to go. Wouldn't you be pressing harder, chasing more. Overall palying a more aggressive game to try to win or draw the match. Tell me, how do you inject this adrenaline push into an AI?

Hey, it's great that the AI team can find this extra urgency which makes them defy natural fatigue, particularly given that every AI team plays an energy sapping high pressure game, constantly having 2 guys pressing your guy on the ball. Yet despite this, for the last 10-15 minutes of every half, they actually speed up so that there whole team can accelerate and run at 99, have the agility of a cat and pass at the speed of light and with 100% accuracy. And it's great that every single AI team, whether it be Brazil or Hong Kong, can rely on the certainty that towards the end of every half, with 100% predictability, they will be playing pixel perfect, world class football.

So where's the button that lets me do it? Where's my turbo button? Where's my "time to try harder and run faster guys" button? Oh that's right, my guys are limping around through extreme fatigue that makes passing 10 yards a major achievement.

The concept of urgency in the AI team is a good one. The execution is badly overdone in the extreme.
winston said:
Hey, it's great that the AI team can find this extra urgency which makes them defy natural fatigue, particularly given that every AI team plays an energy sapping high pressure game, constantly having 2 guys pressing your guy on the ball. Yet despite this, for the last 10-15 minutes of every half, they actually speed up so that there whole team can accelerate and run at 99, have the agility of a cat and pass at the speed of light and with 100% accuracy. And it's great that every single AI team, whether it be Brazil or Hong Kong, can rely on the certainty that towards the end of every half, with 100% predictability, they will be playing pixel perfect, world class football.

So where's the button that lets me do it? Where's my turbo button? Where's my "time to try harder and run faster guys" button? Oh that's right, my guys are limping around through extreme fatigue that makes passing 10 yards a major achievement.

The concept of urgency in the AI team is a good one. The execution is badly overdone in the extreme.

I think you'll find at the end of the game, it's your guys that are much slower, not the AI faster. It's all relative.
Like i said before i have been playing the series for a long time and i think i am very good at this game. It always takes me some time to get used to the new gameplay when the next version is out. Some of the complaints i have been reading maybe be because they are frustated or irratated with the game like me. In my opinion some issues of the game can be overcome by practicing but there are some aspects of the game that really bothers me. For example the auto sidestep, that doesnt happen in real football, players just kick the ball with the outer part of the feet when changing direction. The sidestep is usefull sometimes but not always, i think konami should change that for the european release. Other problem is the referee, its always with the advantage rule, this proves that the slightest contact in this game is a foul, so most of the times its the advantage rule or a foul. These are two main problems that really bring down the quality of the game. About the shooting, the through pass, the headers the dribbling, is just getting used to the new gameplay and more practice. I must say the edit mode is completely incredible. I really hope pes5 to be more refined.
Hello Everyone, :salute:

I played a couple of matches. What did they do to the :l1: + :triangle: !!!
:shock: :shock:

I played all the games from ISS Pro Evo to WE9, but the through pass got worse with every game especially PES4 and now WE9. Come on Konami!
foss said:
to me, WE9 plays much more realistically to WE8LE. sure, it's not as much fun until you get better at playing this way (since you're used to the previous game) but i think a lot of people are saying that it sucks because they can't play the same was as in WE8. by playing this way i mean that you have to make sure players are in better positions when passing (tougher passing) same for through balls.. you can't just blindly shoot passes nor can you expect 99% of your through balls to go through properly.

and for people commenting on how it sucks (and they're playing at 3*s).. jesus, give me a break. play it at 5 or 6 stars, then comment. anything less than 5 or 6 stars is purely for newbies, children under 8 and people who take the short bus to school.
the animation and individual skill like harder-dribling, i agree with u, more realistic it is.

but the football and tactical are not realistic, how come u can not do pass with L1+/\ to the striker who is not guarded at all (and the passer is free and not blindpass)? it's not about accuracy realisticity! it's BUG! admit it. it's always go further than it's expected. accuracy problem means it goes sometimes right, sometimes wrong, sometimes further, sometimes more right, sometimes more left, sometimes more backwards.

i don't expect it to be 99% accurate. but konami ruin it by making it 99% bugpass (further than expected).

and i always start my new WE with max stars (5 and when i have WEN i play 6 stars). and i do national competitions here in my country and i win 1st place sometimes

now i manage myself to WE9, i can play well, score well, win well, easily overcome the CPU n human player. but still i miss something here, "real football" and beautiful advance playing. the long pass has gone, monotone-boring-direct-pass-game comes.

and it is not the accuracy, it is bug, the CPU itself always crew up in long through pass. u guys just have to admit it. if not... the WE9 final version will come with this bug again (they will think it is not bug, thanx to you).
yea its kinda useless, just get rid of it alltogheter if your planning to do this with it. but i will try some different things with it later, maybe they just changed the control to make it harder. i once had a well placed L1 /\ when i directly after passing pressed the backwards dpad. so maybe there's some trick too it.

i hate how they improved things, but didnt nailed it a 100%, only the advantage rule they got right for like 90%. But for instance ball reflection; when you pass against someone's feet it gets deflected a bit, thats great, but when you strike a cross against a defenders body, it will always fly up in the air like a balloon. this happens with shooting too most of the time when u hit a player or keepers body. only hitting feet or legs gives a realistic reaction, everything else is just the same old unrealistic ball fly's towards the moon crap, same goes for hitting the crossbar. and keeper deflection with the hand go in 80% of the cases behind the backline with the same kind of effect. its all very scripted.
BK_83 said:
they should remove the auto side step when turning 90 deg and make a new animation for turning


Yep... the L1 + /\ through ball sucks... last night.. i purposefully faced teh forward, waited for the run... he had acres of space.. and BOOOOOM.... super powerful pass to the goalkeeper... :(

So close to perfection, yet so far... :(

Btw, do you think this can be fixed by upgrading ALL the players' through pass stats???
I scored a goal from a delightfull throughpass using L1+/\
Oh well, should have been a bad pass from me that accidently felt in the space before my striker :mrgreen:
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