WE9 - Post your complaints and disappointments here!

s33k3rgr said:
Real football my friend is not fun at all.You have to try very hard to make an opportunity and its even harder to make this opportunity into a goal.If you seek FUN then go to fifa 2006.Its very laughable. :lol:

You totally missed my point... I play WE since the 1st version and so far they have got a great mix of fun and realism, and the fun part is what's missing from WE9.
If you want games to be 100% real like football then we should be playing 90 minute matches and not 10 or 15 for god sake! Think on what you are saying! So our 10 minute matches would all end at 0-0 as in real football a 10 minute match would end up 0-0 almost for certain. And in fact that's just about what happens most of the time in WE9.
It's real, but it's not fun as any game should be.
And I don't agree real football isn't fun lol if it's not fun why is it so popular? that's weird...
Well when i was saying that real football is not fun ,i mean that it is difficult to make an opportunity for a goal and not that football is not a fun sport.Understood?
simakperrce said:
That doesn't mean that I am totally in love with this games. Historically there are (IMO) too many small niggles which take away from this game being the way I wish it would be (it's always a personal issue), and I personally thought PES4 was the worst in the series so far, mainly because I thought the physics scripting and the CPU bias were so blatantly out of control that the game felt at times (many times) not like a game that I conrolled anymore, but something the CPU took control of whenever it felt like.

So now, if anyone could kindly tell me how this weighs up in WE? It probably won't be noticeable after playing 10 odd games or so. It needs some time, and many games (probably ML games, not nationals or league games) until there is a clearer picture. So please, no comments of people who play 10 minutes and then post here how great the game is and how much it has improved and so on. But this is an important factor to me, because if it is indeed even worse than in PES4 (as I heard it is) it will greatly influence my buying decision.

Thanks ahead.

Well, if you were the type of person that actually had the intelligence to recognise how PES4 really worked, relying on scritped cheating, then trust me, you don't want to go anywhere near WE9.It really is so bad.

Don't get me wrong. Some of what the fanboys say is true. There are some really nice new elements to the gameplay, some new animations, etc. But when the scripted physics, cpu cheats, bias referees and inability to control your player properly kicks in, this game is unbearable.

Of course, some fanboys are still denying that the cpu turbo boost towards the end of the match even happens or that sometimes you cannot move your guy at all (so why did Konami have to implement super-cancel in the first place if it wasn't to overcome the poor AI which prevented you from controlling your guy?), things that most normal people have accepted for many years. So don't expect these somewhat ignorant people to have sufficient vision or brain capacity to see how reliant this game is on scripted cheats.
winston said:
Well, if you were the type of person that actually had the intelligence to recognise how PES4 really worked, relying on scritped cheating, then trust me, you don't want to go anywhere near WE9.It really is so bad.

Chiiiillllllll Winnnnnston!!

Heh, Maxwell moment there, sorry. Had to be done.
maybe PES5 ca at least arrange some of these crappy bugs, another thing you guys missed, or only i'm experiencing it is, when i win the ball, the ball bounces back on an anothers opponent's feet, REPEADETLY, or goes out for a throw or a corner, I can't win the freakin ball
This game is fantastic..What a games i have with my brother...Volley,passes,defending everything is great...We8le cant compare, it feels like crap against we9..

We9 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>We8Le

hi, this is my first post, but ive been playing konami soccer games since iss for n64. This is the first time i feel that the we series is going in the wrong direction.

First off I really dont mind the auto sidestep, after playing for the past week and a half, I sort of minimized the use of that crappy move. The things I do mind are: how crappy some of the guys control the ball. A great dribbler should at least be able to shield the ball when they are facing the outside touch line. Somehow the computer magically steals the ball away from me (giving me a throw, which just leads to a cycle of this situation repeating a number of times) when im in that position. I also have to ask, is the L1 dribble even in this game anymore? In the previous versions you can clearly see the player dribbling close, but in this, the ball still goes a decent amount ahead of you.

Another thing is the "manual" selection mode. Again this is pure bs, its not manual at all. It even seems worse this year as I seem to get a player change a lot more. Added to that, when you are automatically switched players, the player you were previously controlling will just stand there or walk backwards rendering him useless if you were to switch back to him. Added to this is the general stupidity of the players who like to just sit there and watch the ball go right by them.

Also winning headers in this game is ridiculously hard at times. Why? because the damn computer always lines up your guy in back of the computer. And then when you do try to move him he is stuck in that collision mode. Obviously someone is gonna say I suck for not winning headers, but I can easily make a video of how ridiculous this really is. I would super cancel, be right in front of the computer (meaning i would win the header) then all of a sudden my guy makes a U-turn and tries to line up behind him as the ball is coming down. During this time, i am banging on the super cancel button trying to move him back to where he was. Another thing with these headers, half the time, when you are on offense your forwards will play the bounce instead of the first time landing, rendering them useless as the cpu will just stroll in. Again, the same issue as above occurs.

The shooting in this game is once again terrible. Sure you can produce some pretty stuff shooting from outside the box, but in general its just wack. How many times I have a clear shot from inside the box and somehow I miss the target (both R2 shot and the regular crap). In real life, if I had these opportunities I would at least put it on frame 90% of the time.

Like other people, the speed of the cpu defenders is some bs. Having someone like Cygan catch up to me when im on a breakaway with Martins is just ridiculous. Sure speed might become too much a game breaking factor, but hey it happens in real life.

Last complaint is the automatic steal attempt my guys do on defense. Im sitting there running side by side with the forward and he tries to cut to the inside. Obviously my guy should be able to steal this easily or perhaps just shield the ball as the ball moves to the inside, but this is not the case. The players now go for an automatic steal attempt regardless of whether you push any buttons. The biggest load of crap ever is when you are running toward a player in the box and they turn, your defender has a chance to do an automatic slide tackle, which leads to a pk.

Finally, I just want to add that the argument that 'this game is more realistic!' is just a load of BS. This game is never gonna be realistic, hell no sports game is. The argument should just not even be there, cause I can name numerous unrealistic things in the game. Let me put it this way, I want the game to be realistic, but not realistic to the point of frustration. The programmers should know to make it as realistic as they can while keeping the fun factor, and making sure they tailor the game towards a person on a controller, who can only control one player on the field at a time.

obviously you can see Im not too thrilled about this game.

Ps. I didnt even mention the refs and scripted motions, but those too are crap.
Chris Davies said:
Chiiiillllllll Winnnnnston!!

Heh, Maxwell moment there, sorry. Had to be done.

*clears throat* It's not a Maxwell moment actually, it's a line from "Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrells" (Maxwell nicked it!) ...and if you check, I aimed it at Winston a few pages earlier! ;)
Han said:
Hi Simakperrce, I know you from soccergaming :)

Hi Han, good to know you are still around. I missed you as one of the few Ultra-Pro-PES-ists, who brought good arguments to the table (other than: "play FIFA then" or "practice more", that is.). So HERE you are! Not posting on SG anymore? Why?

Han said:
I can tell you PES 4 is in another league, lower, that is.
You just wanted to know that, right? ;)

Actually: no. I wanted to know whether the feeling of the game being scripted/cheating is more or less evident than in PES4. No offence, but you are probably the wrong person to answer, because if I remember correctly you don't even agree that there is such a thing as excessive scripting/CPU bias in PES3/4, no?

Han said:
Of course I can tell you all good things about WE 9, but this is the wrong topic for that, but if PES 4 was rated as 88/100, I would certainly rate WE9 as 95/100.

Doesn't really surprise me.

Han said:
WITHOUT being a fanboy!

i have been playing for two days we9 and I find very annoying the movement of the players, I am a huge fan of the series and hope they improve this for pes5.
Wenyong said:
It's not about us going back to playing fifa when the going gets tough.. it's about having fun. Why did we all start playing the Winning Eleven series in the first place? Was it because of the gorgeous graphics? Was it because of the various licenses or the fact that your favourite team is represented "officially" in the game? Is it because the aminations seen when a player goes over looks a hundred per cent realistic? Or is it because the gameplay felt like real football; you felt like part of the action, thinking, strategising the next move, scoring a satisfying goal after a once-in-a-lifetime build-up?

I think most of us are addicted to the game because of that last point. The gameplay engine of the Winning Eleven series was a mixture of realism and decent entertainment.

It's true, some real football games can be a drag to watch (I am entitled to quote certain clashes in the Serie A because I am a huge fan of calcio) but if all matches end up in the likes Chievo 0 Reggina 0 I really don't think football would have become the greatest and most popular sport in the world as it is now. KONAMI has put twice as much realism into the game but gamers have missed out on a lot of fun as a result. Some modern football games are still enthralling encounters.. I just don't see that happening in WE9. Worse, even if it a match ended up like Liverpool 3 Milan 3, I wouldn't have battered an eyelid because most of the goals would have been long range shots or through strokes of luck. My main gripe about WE9 is simply that the game feels much too scripted to reward the gamer aptly. It's funny you should mention us going back to play fifa because I feel that is precisely the direction KONAMI is heading at present and it's disappointing.

On your last 2 statements, I agree. Noticed that too, since PES4 in fact. But not everyone who buys the game is a fanatic for realism. Therefore they may need to balance the simulation and arcade aspects correctly. I feel it still been OK up to now.

winston said:
Well, if you were the type of person that actually had the intelligence to recognise how PES4 really worked, relying on scritped cheating, then trust me, you don't want to go anywhere near WE9.It really is so bad.

Don't get me wrong. Some of what the fanboys say is true. There are some really nice new elements to the gameplay, some new animations, etc. But when the scripted physics, cpu cheats, bias referees and inability to control your player properly kicks in, this game is unbearable.

Of course, some fanboys are still denying that the cpu turbo boost towards the end of the match even happens or that sometimes you cannot move your guy at all (so why did Konami have to implement super-cancel in the first place if it wasn't to overcome the poor AI which prevented you from controlling your guy?), things that most normal people have accepted for many years. So don't expect these somewhat ignorant people to have sufficient vision or brain capacity to see how reliant this game is on scripted cheats.

Firstly, I don't get this 'fanboys' stuff. Does it mean if someone thinks the game is great while you think it's otherwise, then they' must be a 'fanboy'?. A little background, I've been playing footie games even further back than N64. Anyone remember KickOff 2 on the Amiga, even the first ISS on the SNES. Thought FIFA had it's moments too, Especially RTWC-98 which I thought was quite fun to play. TECMO W-Cup 86 at the arcade now that was a blast too.

All 'games' do rely heavily on scripting to provide the illusion of realism. Without scripting, there goes all the fluid animation/movement that we've been accustomed to. IT's great when it all comes off nicely, but sometimes it doesn't and we'll all have to live with it. So WTF, if this version doesn't ring my bells, can I have fun with it, yes.

Am I satisfied maybe yes, maybe no. What do I do, I'd play on and just enjoy the experience.

As for the CPU boost, I do agree its there, but it's there in 'ALL' games too in some form or another.

How else can you simulate extra effort, motivation, urgency to play. If you were playing a 2P game, a goal down with 10mins to go. Wouldn't you be pressing harder, chasing more. Overall palying a more aggressive game to try to win or draw the match. Tell me, how do you inject this adrenaline push into an AI?

From the discussions here, Maybe the kind of AI some people expect does not exist on any gaming platform yet. Ho do you program a humans will to win/survive to a CPU? So to overcome this, CPU may boosts it stats slightly, so what. In FPS we do have 'respawning' don't we. Bezerker mode anybody? So the CPU cheats a little, so what. Down in a game, human vs. human and opportunity presents itself to exploit a gameplay flaw. What do you think we'll do. Take it man. An that what the CPU does. IN fact I think humans cheat more if you are playing each otehr. Thats why I give up on online gameplay, and rather play just with mates who like to paly football, not concerned about win loss stats and such.

Now if that mentatlity rating could be used for your own team wouldnt it be brilliant. Just say YOu got a high teamwork, high mentality player. YOur team is down. Bring him on, and immediately all players in you team are motivated, play better, rally and win the game. I'm sure many of us will be champining this as superb,cool etc.. But how would it be achieved. Simple - boot stats of player side.

Judge a sports game by it's 2P mode first. If its enjoyable. Then good. IMO 1P mode, is just leftover. Sure we all play ML, but nothing compares to a good session of 2v2 or 3v3 against equally mathced human opponents every weekend. NO matter how much ppl claim CPU cheats, about scripting so on and so forth, eventually we'll be beating it on 5stars. And where do you we go from there...nowhere. It'll get so boring that you'd stop 1P until the next versions out.

I think I've been going on too long now. Just didn't like it whean you said people are ingnorant and lack brain capcity!.

The main thing about WE9 is the manual-ness...Everything is manual.Seabass Tatsuka mentioned this way before WE9 is released.To headers,you have to move players infront of the defender when the cross is coming in,just like in real life.For through balls,you have to be sharp eyed to see you forwards starts running,THEN,you press triangle or the L1 + triangle...It really works this way.The long shot trick is time and space.Again like in real life,thats what you really need,no one harrassing you,clear view on the goalmouth and banggg...80% of the time,it'll make the goalie work.If yall want,easy goals and shite,try FIFA 06,WE9 is the only game for football fanatics like myself.Peassssss
phrase said:
The main thing about WE9 is the manual-ness...Everything is manual.Seabass Tatsuka mentioned this way before WE9 is released.To headers,you have to move players infront of the defender when the cross is coming in,just like in real life.For through balls,you have to be sharp eyed to see you forwards starts running,THEN,you press triangle or the L1 + triangle...It really works this way.The long shot trick is time and space.Again like in real life,thats what you really need,no one harrassing you,clear view on the goalmouth and banggg...80% of the time,it'll make the goalie work.If yall want,easy goals and shite,try FIFA 06,WE9 is the only game for football fanatics like myself.Peassssss

Well said, man. If we all adapt to the new mechanics, the game will open up to you.

im pretty disappointed that they didnt change the penalty taking system. if anyone remembers virtua striker 3 at the arcades the penalty system had a power bar feature so the ball could REALLY be placed anywhere on the goal, and hitting it too hard would make it go over, or past the post. i would love to see this in newer versions of winning eleven.
"If yall want,easy goals and shite,try FIFA 06,WE9 is the only game for football fanatics like myself.Peassssss"

The best post here!!!!Should be sticky...
Han said:
Ekequist, I like to react on some of your points if you don't mind. As I haven't play WE9 multiplayer, I skip your first complain:

I think you have a point here, although this kind of things also happen in real football. If you forget to mark a player this can happen. It's part of the new defensive way of playing the game. After some advices from this board I now understand how to defend and I get only rare goals from distances against me. (see the topic I started about defending, http://www.evo-web.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=24075 ). The point is to 'predict' where the opponent is going to pass and close in with a defender or even better, put a defender between the passer and receiver. If you defend well, you can avoid most of the shots from distance.

Totally disagree with this. I already made countless goals thanks to through-passes. I think you should get used to it.

Well, the stumbling and tripping is true. I have too that I immediately loose possession after just winning a tackle. You found the right reason for it: When you try to do moves with R1 you have lesser control and it shows. For me I believe it's another part to get used to. About your comment of slow reacting players; I think that makes the players also harder to dribble and that's a good thing. The dribbling in previous versions (especially PES 4) was unrealisticly easy.
Yes, the ref is calling fouls a lot. I think that is because the emphasize of WE 9 has shifted more to hectic midfield battles. Rather than goal-mouth battles. This is also the reason why lesser goal-chances are created.

Throwing the DVD out of the window just shows impatience to learn to play well...
no wonder you and your friend don't like it.
Go to the training ground and you will learn to appreciate the game after a month or so :lol:

Hi Han and thanks for your reply.:) I can agree with you on some of your points and we probably just have to train and get used to the new gameplay.:)

But the most annoying thing that makes this game totally unplayable in multiplayer (more than one player in each team) is what I try to describe in my first point. The problem is that it´s impossible to run where you want with a player as long as the ball is free. As long as the ball is free, the player controlled players always runs towards the ball. This makes the game totally unplayable in multiplayer as it´s impossible to build up plays and coordinate attacks when the players always starts to run towards the ball (which in 99% of the cases means that they run in the wrong direction) when you take control over them. The player freedom was perfect in WE8LE, but that freedom is all gone now.

I read a post by someone who said that Konami and Sea Bass wanted to make the game more manual...well, not beeing able to control your player as long as the ball is free is not exactly what I call manual control, it´s just extremely non-manual:)

Well, of course my friend over reacted when he threw the disc out of the window, but I can some how understand his frustration.

As I said in my last post, the game plays fine in singleplayer but it´s a pure horror in 2-on-2.

Am I the only one here who has tried the game in 2-on-2 and has experienced these problems? Are you all playing single player or 1-on-1?

Take care and keep on playin.:)

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ekequist said:
But the most annoying thing that makes this game totally unplayable in multiplayer (more than one player in each team) is what I try to describe in my first point. The problem is that it´s impossible to run where you want with a player as long as the ball is free. As long as the ball is free, the player controlled players always runs towards the ball. This makes the game totally unplayable in multiplayer as it´s impossible to build up plays and coordinate attacks when the players always starts to run towards the ball (which in 99% of the cases means that they run in the wrong direction) when you take control over them. The player freedom was perfect in WE8LE, but that freedom is all gone now./PS

Nooooooo don't tell me that me and my mate always play on the same team against comp... He's on hol at the mo so i've only been playing single player and thats god dammed awful,i was hopeing multiplayer would be better but it looks even worse, WTF are Konami playing at coz it sure aint football.....
phrase said:
The main thing about WE9 is the manual-ness...Everything is manual.Seabass Tatsuka mentioned this way before WE9 is released.To headers,you have to move players infront of the defender when the cross is coming in,just like in real life.For through balls,you have to be sharp eyed to see you forwards starts running,THEN,you press triangle or the L1 + triangle...It really works this way.The long shot trick is time and space.Again like in real life,thats what you really need,no one harrassing you,clear view on the goalmouth and banggg...80% of the time,it'll make the goalie work.If yall want,easy goals and shite,try FIFA 06,WE9 is the only game for football fanatics like myself.Peassssss

All that is great I love the fact you have to move into possition etc.. but can you tell me why the auto side step and why oh why does speed and acceleration mean nothing coz defenders are on Auto catch up??
Ekequist, like I said I did not play the game in multiplayer, so I cannot judge about that. If it is like you said it's pretty annoying indeed and I cannot believe Seabass keeps it like that in PES 5. Unless there is no time left to update the problem. One of these days Konami presents PES 5 in Germany.
One thing I like very much in WE 9 is the pace of the game, which is perfect.
A negative thing I can think of, is that the defending team is defending much too deep, regardless the formation you use. I understand why they made it like that, because if - in PES 4 - the d-line was set to C in teamsettings , huge gaps arrise on the midfield. So by making the midfield-line closer to the defend-line, they wanted to close that gap as it was in PES 4.

I think Jiwa got an interesting point when he defended the scripting of the game, pointing to the last phase of the game, when the CPU needed to get some extra strength to make an equalizer. Of course, AI is made by scripting things, true, but the way it was in WE8LE and previous versions, was not the right way of scripting IMHO. The right way is substituting a defender (or midfielder) and bringing in an extra attacker AND changing the formations into a more attacking one, just like Champoinship Manager always does. That would be the correct way.
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The auto sidestep dosent really bothers me thou,It can be used sparingly.Whatever it is,it dosent bothers me.This auto-catch up discussion is bullshit.It dosent exist since WE8.They have improved it in WE8LE and its better now in WE9.I've bursted thru lots of times after a through ball and went on to score goals.I've even seen the defender,struggle then fell down while tryin to hassle Henry for a through ball.My "improved" Cristiano Ronaldo has burned a lot of defenders in a sprint.C'mon mate...give it some time,I know negatives are better to spot than positives but there are definitely more hits than misses in this game.
I've given it about 30 games more last night and it's not improving my gaming experience one bit. If Seabass had wanted us to work more and concentrate on the "manual-ness" he's got it all wrong - the game feels so much more scripted than manual.

Basically, I'm made to work so much harder for a goal but when I finally score it I'm so much less satisfied because chances are it'll come from a scripted routine (eg. long shot at goal that the game depicts should find the net 90% of the time). I hope you know what I'm driving at because at the end of the day if i score a goal and I'm not too keen about it then the game has failed on a fundamental level.

Case-in-point: I won 3-0 on 3-star against Palermo (I'm using Udinese) and all 3 goals came from penalties. Coincidence? I think not. In the next match, I won 1-0 thanks to a 5th minute strike from way outside the area. I didn't feel a thing when the ball went in because once I had the space for the shot I expected it to fly in - purely scripted stuff.

Case-in-point 2: I lost 0-1 (notice it's always this scoreline) from a headed goal straight from a corner kick. The rest of the 89 minutes involved battling in midfield for every ball and the entire match just felt terribly scrappy - thousands of misplaced passes, deflections off players' feet, throw in after throw in - it felt as though neither team could get a grip on the game. It would already be a dread to watch on television, let alone guilty of directly contributing to such a match. Realistic? You bet - not every team is a Milan or a Manchester United and most mid-table teams will play like that on a mid Sunday afternoon. Draggy and tedious? Sure as hell is.

Anyway, I'm sick and tired of having to use the R2 button to shoot. It just doesn't feel right. I'm not complaining because I haven't got used to it yet, but if everytime I want to score I have to press a combination of buttons then it really takes a lot of fun out of achieving that objective. I took an R2 long shot in a game and the ball hit the post, rebounded out to one of my players faced with a totally empty goal with the goalkeeper completely stranded, and from no more than 5 metres out ballooned it dramatically when my bar has barely reached a centremetre (without R2). It's just absurd.
phrase said:
FIFA06 is coming out soon you know...

That's not very polite nor mature..

If you wish to refute, do it through my points. It doesn;t make sense to launch personal attacks and sacastic comments.

In any case I'm not forcing my opinions down anybody's throat.
phrase said:
The auto sidestep dosent really bothers me thou,It can be used sparingly.Whatever it is,it dosent bothers me.This auto-catch up discussion is bullshit.It dosent exist since WE8.They have improved it in WE8LE and its better now in WE9.I've bursted thru lots of times after a through ball and went on to score goals.I've even seen the defender,struggle then fell down while tryin to hassle Henry for a through ball.My "improved" Cristiano Ronaldo has burned a lot of defenders in a sprint.C'mon mate...give it some time,I know negatives are better to spot than positives but there are definitely more hits than misses in this game.

I have to agree adamently... there is NO catch-up AI cheating in WE9...
Han said:
One thing I like very much in WE 9 is the pace of the game, which is perfect.

Hi again,

I totally agree with you on that one. The pace is less arcade and much more realistic and that´s a very good thing. They have also changed the "Wide" view so that you can see the entire penalty area when a player has the ball on top of the screen...VERY GOOD!:) Yepp, there are a lot of nice tweeks, but I can´t believe that they screwed up on the multiplayer freedom.

I´ve picked up the game from my friends lawn and will of course give it another chance even though I alreday know that I never will be satisfied with the restricted freedom in multiplayer.:)

Take care everyone!

wilier said:
I have to agree adamently... there is NO catch-up AI cheating in WE9...

Erm...okay...sure there isn't. Now please remove the rose-tinted glasses and look again. Yes Ronaldo can accelerate past a defender when he's dribbling, but if they're both going for a loose ball, see who gets there first. Plus, C. Ronaldo isn't that great an example, given that his speed is a whopping 82 in the game, I guess he should be caught up by defenders! I've definitely had countless times where I've put Rooney through and he gets caught up by the big central defenders, normally to be hassled from behind and a foul called, but no card, oh no the ref doesn't really give cards anymore.

On a side note I'm coming around in my opinion. Maybe I did need a couple weeks with the game. Starting to score better goals, pass better etc... The main problem I have now is that while I do find it hard to score, the computer barely ever beats me, tons of 0-0 games. My ML scoring is like 10 goals less than the leaders in Goals For, but I've only let in 3 in 12 games. Craziness. I'm not sure if that's because I'm only on 3*s (I couldn't take the higher ones, my players seem to be on ice around the opponents penalty area) or maybe its my stellar defense ;)
Wenyong said:
I've given it about 30 games more last night and it's not improving my gaming experience one bit. If Seabass had wanted us to work more and concentrate on the "manual-ness" he's got it all wrong - the game feels so much more scripted than manual.

Basically, I'm made to work so much harder for a goal but when I finally score it I'm so much less satisfied because chances are it'll come from a scripted routine (eg. long shot at goal that the game depicts should find the net 90% of the time). I hope you know what I'm driving at because at the end of the day if i score a goal and I'm not too keen about it then the game has failed on a fundamental level.

Case-in-point: I won 3-0 on 3-star against Palermo (I'm using Udinese) and all 3 goals came from penalties. Coincidence? I think not. In the next match, I won 1-0 thanks to a 5th minute strike from way outside the area. I didn't feel a thing when the ball went in because once I had the space for the shot I expected it to fly in - purely scripted stuff.

Case-in-point 2: I lost 0-1 (notice it's always this scoreline) from a headed goal straight from a corner kick. The rest of the 89 minutes involved battling in midfield for every ball and the entire match just felt terribly scrappy - thousands of misplaced passes, deflections off players' feet, throw in after throw in - it felt as though neither team could get a grip on the game. It would already be a dread to watch on television, let alone guilty of directly contributing to such a match. Realistic? You bet - not every team is a Milan or a Manchester United and most mid-table teams will play like that on a mid Sunday afternoon. Draggy and tedious? Sure as hell is.

Anyway, I'm sick and tired of having to use the R2 button to shoot. It just doesn't feel right. I'm not complaining because I haven't got used to it yet, but if everytime I want to score I have to press a combination of buttons then it really takes a lot of fun out of achieving that objective. I took an R2 long shot in a game and the ball hit the post, rebounded out to one of my players faced with a totally empty goal with the goalkeeper completely stranded, and from no more than 5 metres out ballooned it dramatically when my bar has barely reached a centremetre (without R2). It's just absurd.

The simple fact that you say you are playing on 3 stars shows you are not very good, WE is simulation like you have to work at the game, it's not pick up and master like FIFA. Work at it and you will reap the rewards. If you can't be bothered then don't play it as you won't enjoy it.
i am playing on 4* and in ML i am struggling to score goals. i find that all teams put way too many men behind the ball. teams like arsenal and man utd should not be like this? yeah if i playing blackburn or portsmouth but every team. come on man!!

i either win 1-0, lose 1-0 or draw 0-0.
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