WE9 - Post your complaints and disappointments here!

plumbers_x said:
The same cpu cheating and scripted physics from WE8LE is still there.

What happened to this new "freedom" to control your guy we were supposed to be getting?

Actually heard the scripting and CPU bias is worse than ever before... can anyone confirm that?

BTW, first post. hi all.
2 person free kicks are so tough in WE9.. :( i used to rock at them in WE8LE. actually everything is tougher in WE9. i used to own at WE8LE now i suck at WE9. much more so than previous versions. you really gotta pass the ball carefully and build up the play rather than rushing forward.

shots are a lot tougher to get accurate also, however i feel that long distance shots are much more frequent! it's fun to score this way.

dribbling the ball around defenders is quite tough now also. you really have to pass the ball and set up plays. i guess this is good for realism as that is how the game is in real life.. lots of passing.. looking for an opportunity.
this game is just f*cking awesome... only thing i can complain about is the lack of teams and licenses... but gameplay wise, it is very very good...

it's feels much more real to play it, i can't find any arcade feeling or fifa crap...

but what do i know...
Wenyong said:
I think all of our frustrations can be summed up aptly.
Simply put, WE9 isn't fun to play. That's all there is to it. Gaming should be fun, period. It doesn't matter if we're talking about sports titles, RPGs, shoot-em-ups.. there's a reason why we all play games. It's because we have fun when we're doing it.

I agree 100%, WE allways had a great mix of realism and FUN that lacked on all other footie games, with WE9 Konami simply aimed at too much realism turning the game into an almost unplayable one. The last thing WE9 is, is fun to play. And besides all the problems setting up offensive moves the game is way too SLOW!

I've just moved back to WE8LE (after a lot of time trying to adapt to WE9) to see what I'd feel, and I feel WE8LE to be a much better game. And much more fun to play.

Worst things on WE9, cheap defending CPU AI, refs that give fk for just about everything totally ruining the flow of the game and an even worst CPU attacking AI, I can count with the fingers on my hand the number of goals CPU as ever scored me on WE9... they really suck at attacking, so the games are usual all played at their midfield with me trying to break their defenders over and over again, pretty boring.

Konami did blew this one. I know whenever a new version comes out we need some time to adapt, and usually after one week or so, we won't even consider going back to a previous version. But this time I don't think that will happen, it has been about 2 weeks WE9 got released and I still find this game way too much boring, so I'll probably keep playing WE8LE until PES5 at least.

And plus Konami seems to have messed with the kits so we won't be able to patch unlicensed teams, that's another good reason for me to keep with WE8LE.
Ive got 2 things that bug me, and have since we7:

Ai is dumb and crap. Also very easy. THey prefer to pass stupidly around their box than attack.

Goalies are pathetic and look terrible in their animations!!!!
i really don't understand what people are moaning about....i think this is the best we/pro evo that iv'e ever played....the gameplay is the most realistic ever...the only thing that i'm finding hard is the lack of licensed teams but hopefully soon there will be either a new graphic studio or a patch to fix this...well done konami for making a superb footie game even better
SSJbrolly said:
I agree 100%, WE allways had a great mix of realism and FUN that lacked on all other footie games, with WE9 Konami simply aimed at too much realism turning the game into an almost unplayable one. The last thing WE9 is, is fun to play. And besides all the problems setting up offensive moves the game is way too SLOW!

I've just moved back to WE8LE (after a lot of time trying to adapt to WE9) to see what I'd feel, and I feel WE8LE to be a much better game. And much more fun to play.

Worst things on WE9, cheap defending CPU AI, refs that give fk for just about everything totally ruining the flow of the game and an even worst CPU attacking AI, I can count with the fingers on my hand the number of goals CPU as ever scored me on WE9... they really suck at attacking, so the games are usual all played at their midfield with me trying to break their defenders over and over again, pretty boring.

Konami did blew this one. I know whenever a new version comes out we need some time to adapt, and usually after one week or so, we won't even consider going back to a previous version. But this time I don't think that will happen, it has been about 2 weeks WE9 got released and I still find this game way too much boring, so I'll probably keep playing WE8LE until PES5 at least.

And plus Konami seems to have messed with the kits so we won't be able to patch unlicensed teams, that's another good reason for me to keep with WE8LE.
Real football my friend is not fun at all.You have to try very hard to make an opportunity and its even harder to make this opportunity into a goal.If you seek FUN then go to fifa 2006.Its very laughable. :lol:
Just thought id add my 2 cents to the most 'negative' thread on this site.. hahah
only problem with this version... none really.. outta all the versions, this is the one i just cant stop playing.. i say 1 hour max.. and i end up being on it for bout 2-3 hours.. even sometimes in training mode.. the realism is just amazing...
ive had we since we6.. all the way though to the we7s (we7int - which was my fav version) and we8s, including we8le.... but with we9..there is no way back.. the ball movement is just so amazing.. great flow.. more types of bounces.. more types of shots on goal including headers..ie. now u can bounce headers into ground..and they can bounce up into the roof of the net..etc.. and just the amazing variations in volleying and shots on goal..the chips are also better.. i loved em in we7int..and not so much in we8le..but now in we9 they are perfectly balanced ;)

ok... this game is footy heaven for me.. but since this is a negative posting thread.. heres just a couple..

1. Goalies go through post on many saves bottom and top corner.. and also goalies will often drop kick from over the penalty box.. but i think both of these problems are mainly due to konami running outta time before putting we9 out.. itll be fixed next version for sure.. but its not a big problem..

2. I guess goalies do look unrealistic when saving the top corner shots..other than that they are fine..but konami will fix this..and then .. theres not much more to fix... except constant work on AI

3. ...... cant think of much more.. this game just rocks too much to be sad bout the negatives....

i understand this is free speech etc..but please.. even though threads like this may allow peeps to be open bout their opinions and what konami should improve..please lets be bit more 'glass half full'.. rather than empty... life is easier that way ;)
s33k3rgr said:
Real football my friend is not fun at all.

Then why is it the most poular sport in the world? Are those who play sadomasochistic? If you're just trying to prove a point that's one thing. But that's your opinion and not a fact. No disrespect intended. :)
s33k3rgr said:
Real football my friend is not fun at all.You have to try very hard to make an opportunity and its even harder to make this opportunity into a goal.If you seek FUN then go to fifa 2006.Its very laughable. :lol:

I agree 100%!!! Konami made the best football S I M U L A T I O N game ever! If some people need to play an arcade game, there're always all of the rest titles of...something like in real life called football!Go to FIFA then...
vagelis said:
I agree 100%!!! Konami made the best football S I M U L A T I O N game ever! If some people need to play an arcade game, there're always all of the rest titles of...something like in real life called football!Go to FIFA then...

With all due respect, as I am new here... but can the WE/PES fanboys PLEASE stay out of this thread which CLEARLY says what it is about. If you can't read, it says: "WE9 - Post your complaints and disappointments here!". There are a gazillion of threads not only on this board where you can exchange how much you love this game, how much it roXors and so on.

I know that WE/PES is better than FIFA. I also know it's the best football game out there. Blah, blah, blah. Stop wasting space. I don't need to be lectured about either year in and year out. I KNOW, ffs.

That doesn't mean that I am totally in love with this games. Historically there are (IMO) too many small niggles which take away from this game being the way I wish it would be (it's always a personal issue), and I personally thought PES4 was the worst in the series so far, mainly because I thought the physics scripting and the CPU bias were so blatantly out of control that the game felt at times (many times) not like a game that I conrolled anymore, but something the CPU took control of whenever it felt like.

So now, if anyone could kindly tell me how this weighs up in WE? It probably won't be noticeable after playing 10 odd games or so. It needs some time, and many games (probably ML games, not nationals or league games) until there is a clearer picture. So please, no comments of people who play 10 minutes and then post here how great the game is and how much it has improved and so on. But this is an important factor to me, because if it is indeed even worse than in PES4 (as I heard it is) it will greatly influence my buying decision.

Thanks ahead.
It's not about us going back to playing fifa when the going gets tough.. it's about having fun. Why did we all start playing the Winning Eleven series in the first place? Was it because of the gorgeous graphics? Was it because of the various licenses or the fact that your favourite team is represented "officially" in the game? Is it because the aminations seen when a player goes over looks a hundred per cent realistic? Or is it because the gameplay felt like real football; you felt like part of the action, thinking, strategising the next move, scoring a satisfying goal after a once-in-a-lifetime build-up?

I think most of us are addicted to the game because of that last point. The gameplay engine of the Winning Eleven series was a mixture of realism and decent entertainment.

It's true, some real football games can be a drag to watch (I am entitled to quote certain clashes in the Serie A because I am a huge fan of calcio) but if all matches end up in the likes Chievo 0 Reggina 0 I really don't think football would have become the greatest and most popular sport in the world as it is now. KONAMI has put twice as much realism into the game but gamers have missed out on a lot of fun as a result. Some modern football games are still enthralling encounters.. I just don't see that happening in WE9. Worse, even if it a match ended up like Liverpool 3 Milan 3, I wouldn't have battered an eyelid because most of the goals would have been long range shots or through strokes of luck. My main gripe about WE9 is simply that the game feels much too scripted to reward the gamer aptly. It's funny you should mention us going back to play fifa because I feel that is precisely the direction KONAMI is heading at present and it's disappointing.
Hi everyone,

I´ve played WE8LE alot in multiplayer (2 on 2) and all I can say is that WE9 is a huge dissapontment and step backward when it comes to multiplayer (more that 1 player in each team).


Here is why:

1. When you make a pass to your teammate and then change player to make a run, the player you choose ALWAYS runs towards the ball until your temmate has recieved it. You are free to run where you want first after your teammate has recieved the ball. Well, this is so frustrating because you will loose several seconds when your player is automatically running in the wrong direction and this spoils the gameplay the idea of building up an attack alot.

2. The scoring is so much more random than before. Suddenly someone scores a random goal from 30 meters, the scoring is not as rewarding as in earlier games. In earlier games, if you played well and dominated the game, most of the time you´ll score more goals than your opponent and win the game. This is not the case with WE9 in multiplayer. In WE9, it´s enough to get a single decent shot from 30 meters or a cornerkick and the game is dead. It´s just too hard to score due to good plays and being the dominant team in a match.

3. The through passes are all banged up again. In WE8LE, they got them right and everyting felt perfect. But in WE9, it´s all back to PES1 level again...it´s totally useless to even try to use a through pass when you are making a counter attack.

4. The players reacts far too slow on your commands (turning) which leads to enourmous stumbling and tripping and loosing the ball to the opponents players (who strangely does not suffer from this when not having the ball). I think it´s realistic that the players cannot turn on a dime with the ball, but the speed balance between the player who possesses the ball and the opponents player surrounding him, trying to steal the ball is ridiculous. It´s like the player with the ball reacts in slow motion and the players who is trying to steal the ball reacts in FFW.

5. The referee totally destroys every single game by calling fouls all the time. The funny thing is that there are hardly any cards shown, just load and loads of fould wich just destroys the flow of teh game. Even the advantage feature seems to have gone all mad since WE8LE.

Don´t get me wrong, I love PES and WE and I´ve loved every single game since PES1, but WE9 is a HUGE dissapointment and step backwards since WE8LE when it comes to multiplayer. Of course they have improved on a lot of things, but the downsides are just to much.

All this downsides ended in that one of the players ejected the patched copy of WE9 and threw it out the window when we had a 2-on-2 tournament last night...it´s that bad.

For all of you who haven´t tried WE9 in 2-on-2, please do so before commenting on this post, because WE9 is a totally different game when it comes to multiplayer compared to singleplayer.

WE9 R.I.P.

Hi Simakperrce, I know you from soccergaming :)
I can tell you PES 4 is in another league, lower, that is.
You just wanted to know that, right? ;)
Of course I can tell you all good things about WE 9, but this is the wrong topic for that, but if PES 4 was rated as 88/100, I would certainly rate WE9 as 95/100.
WITHOUT being a fanboy!
It helps to note that in the 1 or 2 odd years I have been frequenting this forum (granted I haven't been participating much in here because I was already an active member in a local WE forum besides this one), never have I seen so many people having gripes about a new release. A lot of posters on this thread are not known whiners and have their thousand-odd-or-so posts to prove that they're actually mature gamers and generally accomodating to minor issues and bugs about previous versions because of their love for the game and their addiction to the series. Case in point: This thread has been the most active one here during the past week and it's still growing. The other WE9-related threads are subdued in comparison. Now I'm not trying to shove my point down anybody's throat and conclude that this game sucks, because I have also personally spent a lot of money on it (not to mention a lot of sleepless nights anticipating for its release) and I was very much hoping that it would be the gest football game ever. But so far I have not been able to convince myself to love it as much as I would have wanted to. I have never gone back to playing a previous version after buying the latest one but I might just well do so after giving this another month. It doesn't give me any satisfaction participating in this thread.. how I wish I was posting actively in a thread called "WE9 - Post your ecstacy here!" instead..
Ekequist, I like to react on some of your points if you don't mind. As I haven't play WE9 multiplayer, I skip your first complain:

2. The scoring is so much more random than before. Suddenly someone scores a random goal from 30 meters, the scoring is not as rewarding as in earlier games. In earlier games, if you played well and dominated the game, most of the time you´ll score more goals than your opponent and win the game. This is not the case with WE9 in multiplayer. In WE9, it´s enough to get a single decent shot from 30 meters or a cornerkick and the game is dead. It´s just too hard to score due to good plays and being the dominant team in a match.
I think you have a point here, although this kind of things also happen in real football. If you forget to mark a player this can happen. It's part of the new defensive way of playing the game. After some advices from this board I now understand how to defend and I get only rare goals from distances against me. (see the topic I started about defending, http://www.evo-web.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=24075 ). The point is to 'predict' where the opponent is going to pass and close in with a defender or even better, put a defender between the passer and receiver. If you defend well, you can avoid most of the shots from distance.
3. The through passes are all banged up again. In WE8LE, they got them right and everyting felt perfect. But in WE9, it´s all back to PES1 level again...it´s totally useless to even try to use a through pass when you are making a counter attack.
Totally disagree with this. I already made countless goals thanks to through-passes. I think you should get used to it.
4. The players reacts far too slow on your commands (turning) which leads to enourmous stumbling and tripping and loosing the ball to the opponents players (who strangely does not suffer from this when not having the ball). I think it´s realistic that the players cannot turn on a dime with the ball, but the speed balance between the player who possesses the ball and the opponents player surrounding him, trying to steal the ball is ridiculous. It´s like the player with the ball reacts in slow motion and the players who is trying to steal the ball reacts in FFW.
Well, the stumbling and tripping is true. I have too that I immediately loose possession after just winning a tackle. You found the right reason for it: When you try to do moves with R1 you have lesser control and it shows. For me I believe it's another part to get used to. About your comment of slow reacting players; I think that makes the players also harder to dribble and that's a good thing. The dribbling in previous versions (especially PES 4) was unrealisticly easy.
5. The referee totally destroys every single game by calling fouls all the time. The funny thing is that there are hardly any cards shown, just load and loads of fould wich just destroys the flow of teh game. Even the advantage feature seems to have gone all mad since WE8LE.
Yes, the ref is calling fouls a lot. I think that is because the emphasize of WE 9 has shifted more to hectic midfield battles. Rather than goal-mouth battles. This is also the reason why lesser goal-chances are created.
All this downsides ended in that one of the players ejected the patched copy of WE9 and threw it out the window when we had a 2-on-2 tournament last night...it´s that bad.

For all of you who haven´t tried WE9 in 2-on-2, please do so before commenting on this post, because WE9 is a totally different game when it comes to multiplayer compared to singleplayer.

WE9 R.I.P.
Throwing the DVD out of the window just shows impatience to learn to play well...
no wonder you and your friend don't like it.
Go to the training ground and you will learn to appreciate the game after a month or so :lol:
WE9 refs while strict, I still like them a whole lot since they aren't anywhere near as biased to the CPU as in previous versions, players also need to get used to the new system, timing is whats needed in defence and without it expect a foul just like in real life.

You guys are funny. Just look through your posts and you'll see an amazing amount of contradiction going on. The passing is crap/good/too hard/easy, the lobs are harder/realistic/unrealistic/easy the shooting is too hard/random/good.

Ok you dont like the game then go back to we8le. Its that simple. Send your game back to play-asia or whatever and get a refund and put it towards fifa street. Its obviously out of your league in terms of gameplay ;)
OK... having played about 30 games now, these are my general impressions for 6 stars:

1) the L1 + /\ is well and truly useless/random... big shame... and the defence is a little deep....

But apart from that, I have to say that everythign else is great to me

2) lower scorelines, and fewer clean through chances on goal... i for one appreciate the realism, althouh others would prefer to have a more "fun" game at the expense of realism. It's a personal choice...

3) i've read many people complaining that fast strikers are easily caught up by slow defenders. This is totally UNTRUE. If you use a fast striker and use the R1 + double tapping the direction, the striker can always outrun the slow defender.

4) what i notice is a big difference between quality and weak strikers. Using Adriano... wow.. he is a powerhouse and skilful too... using Crouch, i found him slow but great in the air ;) ...

5) the refs don't give excessive amounts of fouls if you defend PROPERLY, and this means using the X and SQUARE button less... in WE8LE i could tackle with my eyes closed, but now, I have to PREDICT where the AI will pass the ball and cut off any passes... this is a MAJOR improvement from WE8LE. In fact, when u watch real football, it's actualy quite hard for one guy to rob another player of the ball, if that player decides to turn away and pass the ball. It's mainly only during very fast play when you corner the guy or he is pressured into makiung a sloppy pass that you win the ball.

6) GKs do seem much better and act more intelligently. No complaints...

7) AI routines are actually impressive. Maybe you guys think it's so easy to programme 22 active player movements at the same time... if it were, football would not need coaches... the AI has improved... you can see players tracking back to cover opponents breaking thru the middle... you see people make more runs relative than before....

8) dribbling is harder, but much more rewarding... if you actually do not run AT ALL, you can dribble effectively, but maybe only go past 2 players max... in WE8LE, it was so easy that i am surprised more ppl did not complain then. Now ppl are saying it's impossible... which is just untrue. Also, you can notice that strong players can be clumsy but still barge through (Gerrard)...

9) the physical contact b/w players of different size and weight is tremendous...

10) this is the first WE game where the AI strikers know how to finish...

and on that point, so will I....
Good post willier.
Only one thing I do not agree with is the L1+/\.
When the player faces the intended direction before you press L1+/\ makes him pass accurate :)
Han said:
Good post willier.
Only one thing I do not agree with is the L1+/\.
When the player faces the intended direction before you press L1+/\ makes him pass accurate :)

Yes, I've found that L1 + /\ is most accurate (still not 100% which would be unrealistic) when the ball player has his body position to see both the ball receiver and the intended path ,ost clearly. If there is more players between you and the ball target, or if you have the ball playing at a blind angle, the likelyhodd of success is much lower.
BK_83 said:
well i gotta say, after playing we9 for sometime... i too feel like throwing it out of the window sometimes

Make sure you're looking at the window and the floor target before you throw, or it'll just hit the frame and bounce back at you.
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