WE9 - Post your complaints and disappointments here!

simakperrce said:
Ok, your opinion. For me SP is a measurement of how well a program is written and thought out.

Firstly, good post and well written. Though it seems you rolled up a lot of resentment from other posts as a reply to mine. It's OK.

Just to point out, that I did know what 'fanboy' meant, but thanks for the detailed explanation.

Secondly, I still think sports games are meant for multiplayer ( not online MP). My point was in reference to Sports titles only.

Anyway, I'm not going to prolong the subject, since I gave my opinion and you've had yours. I'm cool with it, hope you are too.

Cheers. \\:o/
After another 2 solid nights of play, my experience with the game has slightly improved.. it's stil la drag to go through the matches, but I've since figured out several ways to approach the game which would undoubtedly help. I hope this would be especially useful for those who are still terribly disappointed with the game. In a nutshell, unlearn and relearn! That's the only way you're going to enjoy this game.

- Playing a 15 min game instead of the usual 10. The pace of the game has slowed considerably and with passing needing to become more deliberate and patient, you would really want a longer match in order to recreate the intended realism - if not all matches are going to end 0-0.

- Get over the automatic sidestep by taking deliberate steps to aviod it! If you change direction quickly, the animation is going to spool right off, so slow it down. Receive the ball, back off a bit, turn diagionally, then turn diagionally again. It gives you greater control and you'll get the hang of it after a while. The automatic sidesteps will still happen from time to time (bad habit from WE8i) but it will be minimised and the game will generally feel less scripted.

- Get used to using 2 buttons in the penalty area! Scoring from just the shoot button alone is virtually impossible in this game, so I have somewhat got used to holding down the R2 button whenever I want to try my luck or am presented with a chance. It takes a while and you'll invariably miss some easy chances..

- Get your thumb off the "x" button while you're defending! Tackling in Winning Eleven no longer depends on mashing the "x" button and getting as close as you can to the opponent with the ball.. the best way to win the ball now is simply to strategically position your player to intercept passes or simply to anticipate where deflections will go. I think there's a reason why KONAMI made this version such an irritating start-stop game.. once you tackle, you will foul, so after a while we'll all just give up and rely on intuition and positioning instead, which is what Seabass probably had in mind. I am now defending using just D-pad and R2 (to sprint).. once in a while attempting a sliding tackle to intercept a pass, never once touching an opponent, just getting near him.. and trust me it works.

It's getting better, but it's still a drag to go through 15 min games at such a slow pace.. games can get really scrappy and I will be looking forward to the end of a match which really doesn't argue well for the longevity of the game. But I'm starting to get the hang of what KONAMI is trying to get me to do.. and slowly unlearning all my experiences and skill accumulated in all the previous WE series. I just hope the game will only get better from now on..
Wenyong said:
- Get your thumb off the "x" button while you're defending! Tackling in Winning Eleven no longer depends on mashing the "x" button and getting as close as you can to the opponent with the ball.. the best way to win the ball now is simply to strategically position your player to intercept passes or simply to anticipate where deflections will go. I think there's a reason why KONAMI made this version such an irritating start-stop game.. once you tackle, you will foul, so after a while we'll all just give up and rely on intuition and positioning instead, which is what Seabass probably had in mind. I am now defending using just D-pad and R2 (to sprint).. once in a while attempting a sliding tackle to intercept a pass, never once touching an opponent, just getting near him.. and trust me it works.
Yes, I also think Konami made this version like this for a reason.
I found out that winning the ball needs a totally different approach. You need man-marking now! Read my topic about it, starting at post #27 overhere:
This way you intercept the pass much earlier... just read it :)
Wenyong said:
After another 2 solid nights of play, my experience with the game has slightly improved.. it's stil la drag to go through the matches, but I've since figured out several ways to approach the game which would undoubtedly help. I hope this would be especially useful for those who are still terribly disappointed with the game. In a nutshell, unlearn and relearn! That's the only way you're going to enjoy this game.

- Playing a 15 min game instead of the usual 10. The pace of the game has slowed considerably and with passing needing to become more deliberate and patient, you would really want a longer match in order to recreate the intended realism - if not all matches are going to end 0-0.

- Get over the automatic sidestep by taking deliberate steps to aviod it! If you change direction quickly, the animation is going to spool right off, so slow it down. Receive the ball, back off a bit, turn diagionally, then turn diagionally again. It gives you greater control and you'll get the hang of it after a while. The automatic sidesteps will still happen from time to time (bad habit from WE8i) but it will be minimised and the game will generally feel less scripted.

- Get used to using 2 buttons in the penalty area! Scoring from just the shoot button alone is virtually impossible in this game, so I have somewhat got used to holding down the R2 button whenever I want to try my luck or am presented with a chance. It takes a while and you'll invariably miss some easy chances..

- Get your thumb off the "x" button while you're defending! Tackling in Winning Eleven no longer depends on mashing the "x" button and getting as close as you can to the opponent with the ball.. the best way to win the ball now is simply to strategically position your player to intercept passes or simply to anticipate where deflections will go. I think there's a reason why KONAMI made this version such an irritating start-stop game.. once you tackle, you will foul, so after a while we'll all just give up and rely on intuition and positioning instead, which is what Seabass probably had in mind. I am now defending using just D-pad and R2 (to sprint).. once in a while attempting a sliding tackle to intercept a pass, never once touching an opponent, just getting near him.. and trust me it works.

It's getting better, but it's still a drag to go through 15 min games at such a slow pace.. games can get really scrappy and I will be looking forward to the end of a match which really doesn't argue well for the longevity of the game. But I'm starting to get the hang of what KONAMI is trying to get me to do.. and slowly unlearning all my experiences and skill accumulated in all the previous WE series. I just hope the game will only get better from now on..

I disagree that you need such long games. I've had a few 3 and 4-0 games through my seasons (onto fourth now). Sometimes when you get into a groove you can score in so many ways, you can't believe you just won 1-nil the previous game. I have almost no 0-0 draws on 10 mins.

Also normal shots work fine. You just need to use the right shot for the right situation. Think of the shoot button as the snap-shot. It has greater power and is harder for the keeper and defense to judge and block. Wheras R2-shot is for when you have the time to aim more, curling the shot into the far post from angle, or when you can't get a straight line of sight at goal.

I score most goals with the normal shot, just remember the power-charging bar is faster now. The only situation I ALWAYS use the placed shot is when the goalkeeper is running at me and defenders are beside me. This is only because they often get to the goal-line before the ball and clear it.

I'm not saying anyone HAS to follow my tips to do well at this game, it's just something to try if you keep getting these 0-0 draws.
Wenyong said:
. In a nutshell, unlearn and relearn! That's the only way you're going to enjoy this game.

- Playing a 15 min game instead of the usual 10. The pace of the game has slowed considerably and with passing needing to become more deliberate and patient, you would really want a longer match in order to recreate the intended realism - if not all matches are going to end 0-0.

I agree, worked that out this morning. Play that long and you'l get used to the thing quicker than you would playing ten minutes.
Relearn? You can't be serious. This is the first time I have had to relearn how to play this game, and I'm pissed about it. I've been playing this series for five years and every other version of this series I have been able to pick up and dominate as if I never quit playing.

I just want to know what possessed Konami to completely change the gameplay of this series. "I have an idea, let's alienate the fans by changing the basic gameplay formula which made this game head and shoulders above all other sports games!" Great idea.

-A powerful on-target shot in WE8 equates to a shot blasted over the bar in WE9. Yay!

-Passing...oh God. Unforgivable, boardering on unplayable.

-The CPU favoritism in terms of fouling is unbelievable and undeniable. I literally cannot touch a player in my box, since any minor bump can be a penalty.

-ML is worse than ever. The transfer market is atrocious. A player refuses a deal in Week 1 but accepts the same offer in Week 3. It would also be nice to know why a player rejects a deal, but that's asking far too much.

-What happened to player growth? My 17 yr olds progress about as quickly as my 29 yr old Ruud Van Nistelrooy. This renders signing young players pointless.

-CPU controlled teammates are incapable of doing anything for themselves. They stand around and watch me dribble most of the time. Almost no independent movement on their part.

-Has anyone else experience this? When I run after a loose ball, my player, against my wishes, will run parallel to the ball instead of towards it. Its as if he is avoiding it altogether.

-The slowest player on the CPU team is faster than the fastest player on my team, and some of my players speed statistics are in the 90s.

Konami, what the fuck happened?
I've been playing long enough that I can now say that my negative experiences simply aren't down to needing to get used to the new gameplay, and there are definitely a few things Konami have got wrong this time around, I feel. Many of them have already been mentioned, but I thought I'd add another view.

It seems as though Konami have gotten into the worrying habbit of releasing a partially finished game with each full iteration of Winning Eleven. Whereas before, with 5, 6, and even 7, the 'final evolution' versions felt like extra-polished versions of an already tight product, recently Konami seems to have been relying on the European release and Japanese re-release to turn out a properly made game.

With WE 9, I think there are many symptoms of good ideas that have not been properly executed.

1) New focus on momentum - this is a good idea, but it's been far too rigidly implemented, and it strikes me as a major factor behind the horrible passing. Players will routinely over-run short balls played towards them simply because they've had to change direction slightly to recieve the ball. In reality, such an adjustment shouldn't be a problem, but in WE 9 many players seem unable to react in time.

2) New focus on interceptions / less tackling / more fouls - again, a more realistic touch, but again, taken too far. I'm glad to see that most changes in possesion now come from intercepted passes, as this is much more like real football, but it seems as though Konami has greatly exaggerated the degree to which even world class players mis-play easy balls. They have also increased the number of fouls from direct tackles, which I think was needed, but they have done so to a silly degree. Certainly for fans of English football, the fact that the refrees now seem to perceive football as a wholly non-contact sport is a bit frustrating. I think an ideal balance would be somewhere inbetween the current madness and the referee AI in WE8LE.

3) Through pass - what on earth happened here? Partiuclarly in the case of L1 through passes, which now appear practically useless. It was suggested earlier, in Konami's defence, that the developers wanted to make the game feel more 'manual' by forcing you wait for a player to make a run before using the L1 through ball - but if anything this makes the game far more automatic. It's the AI that decides when to make runs, and forcing you to wait on them to do so takes away a great deal of control over the game. A truly manual solution would simply be to adopt a through pass system similar to football kingdom, in which you hold the button to determine the weight of the pass and the direction simply corresponds to where you've pointed the analogue stick. Why manual passing is such a mess when FK showed how elegantly it could be done in it's first attempt is beyond me.

4) Sidestepping crap - the fact that they removed some of the functionality of the L2 button and made it automatic simply so the game would be more readily compatible with the PSP version is simply unjustifiable (if true). Since when, ever, has a home version had to give up functionality simply to be compatible with a paired-down portable version that owners may or may not buy?

5) Disappearing crowd - again, at this stage in the PS2's lifecycle, the inability to render 22 players, 1 ref, and a 2D flat crowd simultaneously is worrying.

I sincerely hope that many of these flaws are straightened out with the further releases of the gamne - although if they are, perhaps Konami should have just made the effort the first time around. They set their own release dates, and if they can't put out a finished game by the dates they set themselves they should simply push them back.
Ha, I nearly forgot.

I know this has been mentioned as well, but Konami's decision-making continues to baffle me in terms of their stadium and team selection. Depor and Valencia have established themselves well in the last few years, but they still come nowhere close to Real Madrid in terms of global popularity - particularly in Japan since the signing of Beckham. And yet the Bernabeau is still nowhere to be seen. I would have thought Real Madrid was one of the series' prodest licences, but apparently not.

Also, why say Newlands over Estadio da Luz, or any of the other great stadia at Euro 2004? It's not as though Konami have decided to enhace the global feel of the game having taken out Egypt, eh?

And also, why on earth aren't the Nippon Challenge teams unlockable as playable sides? Sure, they might not be the most popular teams around, but given the fact that they had to be programmed into the game makes this omission simply laughable.
ActionHank said:
Ha, I nearly forgot.

I know this has been mentioned as well, but Konami's decision-making continues to baffle me in terms of their stadium and team selection. Depor and Valencia have established themselves well in the last few years, but they still come nowhere close to Real Madrid in terms of global popularity - particularly in Japan since the signing of Beckham. And yet the Bernabeau is still nowhere to be seen. I would have thought Real Madrid was one of the series' prodest licences, but apparently not.

Agreed The BErnabeau is one of the signature stadiums in modern football. I feel that Real Madrid are part of the La Liga licensing. But for the Bernabeau KOnami may have had to negotiate directly with Real MAdrid. Could be that Real are asking for a obscene amount of money for it.

Also, why say Newlands over Estadio da Luz, or any of the other great stadia at Euro 2004? It's not as though Konami have decided to enhace the global feel of the game having taken out Egypt, eh?

And also, why on earth aren't the Nippon Challenge teams unlockable as playable sides? Sure, they might not be the most popular teams around, but given the fact that they had to be programmed into the game makes this omission simply laughable.

Yeah one of the most baffling decisions in the series so far. And the fact is I hear that its being ommitted for PES5 is even more baffling. :shock: I mean how much more work would it have been to tweak it a bit to make it a true Road to Germany Qualification for PES5. I wouldn't even half expect the qualifying groups to be made out correctly (knowing Konami) :( But why, oh why don't leave it in. Allow the player to select any team, and then go thru regional qualifying stages all the way to the world cup.

I realise that they are too lazy to put in loads of minor national teams, but even it was only fantasy qualification, it would have been a great game mode. :roll:

Maybe they're saving it for WE9I or WE10 which should be released just before the WCUP next yer. I can only hope. :applause:

These are some of the things (non gameplay related) that I dont like in WE9.

- Taking long time for loading substitution animation. Mix it up. Sometimes even a pan out from the default camera view to the sidelines would suffice. Also appllies to set-pieces.

- The crappy kit selection interface. What happended to the one in WE8LE where you could see the real kit with logos and all. Now it looks so first gen. Also no flags/team badges on this screen.

- Still silent players. No calling or shouting/prompting of the players on the pitch.

- Sequence of match intro was better in WE8LE, IMO. Ie. Stadium, players walking in, team picture, lineiup foramtion -> match.

- Select button not used for anything now. Should have used it. Probably assign formation instead of having to use up the strategy buttons again.

Just a few thought, mates.

this is one of the worse WE in my opinion... the game just feels so stiff... it s been so long since the game has been released but we are still complaining about it. i can't belive how bad this game is... shame on Konami. Lucky in asia we don't have to pay so much for a game... haha...
It's not stiff, not for me at least. Have you played the game much? You actually get used to it. My friends still fail to execute good passes only because they always pass when the player is in a bad position or isn't in the position to pass properly.
come on people... stop doubting each other... the game has been outfor so long. u still ask me if i have played it for long. u just can't head the ball. My midfielders seem unable to jump for a simple header after a long clearance from midfield. its getting on my nerves....
This game really sux:
-you dont score everytime
-its to slow now, i like turbo speed
-you must think when you passing or pass is intercepted
-you cant just press Through pass and you will be 1:1 with the keeper, its so hard now and you need to be in good possition to do that
-too many fouls(you cant just clicking the x button)
-no crowd(thats the most important think)

"My midfielders seem unable to jump for a simple header after a long clearance from midfield."

No you are unable to do that..I have no problem with this...
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I read complaints about the L1+:triangle: over and over again. I think it's time to make some movies because I repeatedly can send a measured throughpass to my strikers. You can measure the length of the pass by simply holding :triangle: pressed longer. Okay, it's hard to do it all the time but it ìs possible. In real football such a pass is also misplaced often.
I have not much time today but I will try to make a movie, else it will be tomorrow.
it's BUG! it's always go further than it's expected. accuracy problem means it goes sometimes right, sometimes wrong, sometimes further, sometimes more right, sometimes more left, sometimes more backwards.

it can only be done for the winger, coz wings don't have enemy's keeper waiting for them in the wing.

if it's about reality, how come in bad situation (for the passer), with wrong foot, the passer ALSO CAN DELIVER THE PASS (but ofcourse it will be further than expected, just like how it goes with the right foot). and guess what, in radar and replay i can figure that the winger is not in good position (he run backward, not forward).

i repeat: it's always go further than it's expected. accuracy problem means it goes sometimes right, sometimes wrong, sometimes further, sometimes more right, sometimes more left, sometimes more backwards.
ActionHank said:
They set their own release dates, and if they can't put out a finished game by the dates they set themselves they should simply push them back.
fully agree with you. i'd more appreciate konami if they release 1 perfect game in a year than 2 buggy games like WE9-beta and PES5-beta then 1 perfect game in the february. and it is assumed that WE february release is perfect, but the fact it is not perfect either (WE8LE still can't do L1 kick in 1st touch, manual keeper still buggy in out of penalty box, etc etc).

i'm not expecting the most-perfect version, i'm just expecting EASY things that are found out to be minus is fixed (like i write above)


my (defending) player should able to cut the ball by running fastly there. but he can't! he just run VERY SLOWLY to the back of the opponent!
is this the one they call MANUALNESS??
i'm getting pissed off when somebody lectures me about manualness (i forgot who he is, i think it's in the previous pages). i always play all-manual and hoping konami is developing more manual technique, not auto-too'on'track-scripted AI like FIFA.

I might do do super cancel, but i can't! why? coz the super cancel is now SLOW! why did they invent the super cancel if the super cancel is slowing the movement first??
if the answer is it's about hardness, where is the reality? real footballer can always cut stupid pass, but now can't
if the answer is about development, how come WE7's perfect super cancel is getting worse in WE8 and now WE9?
ActionHank said:
1) New focus on momentum - this is a good idea, but it's been far too rigidly implemented, and it strikes me as a major factor behind the horrible passing. Players will routinely over-run short balls played towards them simply because they've had to change direction slightly to recieve the ball. In reality, such an adjustment shouldn't be a problem, but in WE 9 many players seem unable to react in time.

2) New focus on interceptions / less tackling / more fouls - again, a more realistic touch, but again, taken too far. I'm glad to see that most changes in possesion now come from intercepted passes, as this is much more like real football, but it seems as though Konami has greatly exaggerated the degree to which even world class players mis-play easy balls. They have also increased the number of fouls from direct tackles, which I think was needed, but they have done so to a silly degree. Certainly for fans of English football, the fact that the refrees now seem to perceive football as a wholly non-contact sport is a bit frustrating. I think an ideal balance would be somewhere inbetween the current madness and the referee AI in WE8LE.

3) Through pass - what on earth happened here? Partiuclarly in the case of L1 through passes, which now appear practically useless. It was suggested earlier, in Konami's defence, that the developers wanted to make the game feel more 'manual' by forcing you wait for a player to make a run before using the L1 through ball - but if anything this makes the game far more automatic. It's the AI that decides when to make runs, and forcing you to wait on them to do so takes away a great deal of control over the game. A truly manual solution would simply be to adopt a through pass system similar to football kingdom, in which you hold the button to determine the weight of the pass and the direction simply corresponds to where you've pointed the analogue stick. Why manual passing is such a mess when FK showed how elegantly it could be done in it's first attempt is beyond me.

4) Sidestepping crap - the fact that they removed some of the functionality of the L2 button and made it automatic simply so the game would be more readily compatible with the PSP version is simply unjustifiable (if true). Since when, ever, has a home version had to give up functionality simply to be compatible with a paired-down portable version that owners may or may not buy?

5) Disappearing crowd - again, at this stage in the PS2's lifecycle, the inability to render 22 players, 1 ref, and a 2D flat crowd simultaneously is worrying.

I sincerely hope that many of these flaws are straightened out with the further releases of the gamne - although if they are, perhaps Konami should have just made the effort the first time around. They set their own release dates, and if they can't put out a finished game by the dates they set themselves they should simply push them back.

On 15 pages of complaints this is the only post that most appropriately sums up everything that is wrong about WE9. Great post.
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jiwa said:
Agreed The BErnabeau is one of the signature stadiums in modern football. I feel that Real Madrid are part of the La Liga licensing. But for the Bernabeau KOnami may have had to negotiate directly with Real MAdrid. Could be that Real are asking for a obscene amount of money for it.

That might be the case, but in the past Konami have included stadia without having licenced the teams. Highbury, the Nou Camp, the San Siro and the Amsterdam ArenA have been in the game since WE5 - when none of the teams were licensed. Without having permission from Real, they wouldn't be able to use the proper name, but this has never stopped them in the past. I really can't think of an excuse.
it's called... bug

if it's about realistism, it should be less accurate. but WE9 makes it VERY ACCURATE, but always too further away.

I MYSELF CONFIRM IT by observing it for days

even with difficult possition, wrong foot, and wrong position of the reciever (he's running backwards), the pass always goes there

It was suggested earlier, in Konami's defence, that the developers wanted to make the game feel more 'manual' by forcing you wait for a player to make a run before using the L1 through ball
konami have nonsense here, it's a BIG LIE. i always waiting for my striker to run before launching a pass, from previous-previous-previous WE. and now with my striker in good running position, it always goes further away. IT IS VERY ACCURATE, but accurate in WE9 terms. if konami wanted to put more realistic pass, they should have make it LESS ACCURATE, not ALWAYS ACCURATE BUT FARTHER AWAY.
Absolutely, the passes are now far too heavy. And I don't care what anyone says, the lack of loft has really changed the functionality of L1 through pass.

It used to be that you could play Zidane-like chip passes, where you simply lob the ball (with a great deal of loft but very little pace), over a defender to an advancing player. This pass was best used around the edge of the penalty area, when you didn't have a lot of space to work with, and you simply wanted to get the ball up and over the defender, but without directing it too heavily toward goal.

This is now completely impossible, because the L1 through pass has now become a driven ball every time. The Winning Eleven series has always relied on automatic through passes - i.e. with almost no regard to where you've pointed your controller, the CPU makes the actual decision for you, by aiming for what it thinks (often incorrectly), is the best option. But at least in previous versions the CPU seemed to be better aware of other players positioning and also your proximity to goal. It used to be that if you were further away from goal and had built up a fair bit of speed, the L1 pass would result in a longer, more fligted pass into space. With less speed and whilst closer to goal, it would result in something like that little lob pass I mentioned earler.

Now every L1 through pass is blasted as though it's coming from the full back position.
I agree, there is a complete lack of subtlety and control to the whole passing system, which is heavily scripted and now seems so archaic.

The biggest single improvement they can make to this game is to have FULL analogue control so you can determine exactly how hard, high, in what direction and with what curl and spin you wish the ball to go. Of course, the players stats, position on the pitch, etc should have some bearing on just how well the pass/shot is executed.

It really makes me laugh when I read people say they think the game is already perfect. There are so many fundamental things which could be radically improved.
Could this be down to team work though?

I know in the last iteration you'd get through balls fouling up until your team had played together for a while.

Once they'd got used to each other their passing becomes much more accurate.
JimJoeC said:
Could this be down to team work though?

I know in the last iteration you'd get through balls fouling up until your team had played together for a while.

Once they'd got used to each other their passing becomes much more accurate.

We're not talking about the Master League in particular, mate. We're talking generally, no matter what team you use, whether in friendlies, cups, etc. The passing is just fundamentally scripted. It has been for years, but WE 9 has made it the worst yet.

winston said:
I agree, there is a complete lack of subtlety and control to the whole passing system, which is heavily scripted and now seems so archaic.

The biggest single improvement they can make to this game is to have FULL analogue control so you can determine exactly how hard, high, in what direction and with what curl and spin you wish the ball to go. Of course, the players stats, position on the pitch, etc should have some bearing on just how well the pass/shot is executed.

It really makes me laugh when I read people say they think the game is already perfect. There are so many fundamental things which could be radically improved.

That's it exactly. Hopefully, with the new consoles coming out this will be a reality sooner than later. Sports games have had full analogue control since the N64 and since the Dual Shock Controllers for PSOne. If Winning Eleven doesn't have analogue control on PS3 and Xbox 350, it will be... well... just the sort of inexcusable omission that Konami has been known to make sometimes. But fingers crossed.
Actionhank, i congratulate you like Wenyong on some pretty good posts. I personally have become so pissed off that i'm tempted to even go back to WE9. I have managed to get one through pass right in about a 100, and that was pure luck, because some weird keeper animation glitch meant the keeper somehow disappeared to the left of my striker when he was actually on target to hold it. Apart from that, i hate the dribbling and the passing system. The foul system aggravates me enough to just give up till the next installment comes out.
Man you lot need to get out more.

15 pages of this boring stuff? Time to vacate this thread me thinks, everyone goes on about stuff i just cant see, its enjoyable its better than we8le, its challenging and its like real football.

The only solution offered to you guys is to go back a version, patch it with updates and wait for the next gen version. its that simple.
this thread is for us to relieve our stress from playing too much we9

another bug found... beckham was at the right side of the midfield and i pressed L1 + tri for the thru pass.. it went further ahead and just as i thought the keeper was to catch it, the ball curled as it bounced off the grass, the GK totally misjudged it and was left helpless... i saved the replay, it was damn funny... does anyone know how do i transferr the replay to PC?
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The thing is every year we get the famous quotes "This is the best ever" and "This is the worst ever". It was the same last year, and it will be the same next year and the year after..As they say beuty is in the eye of the beholder...but remember nothing is perfect
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