WE9 - Post your complaints and disappointments here!

BK_83 said:
who tinks we9 sucks and pes5 gonna rock?

you do know they're both basically the same game dont you?

anyway winning eleven 9 doesnt suck and if anybody says it does they're either trying to get attention, suck arse at the game or they just plain dont like football.

ive yet to see a good enough reason to come to the conclusion that the games rubbish, someone please tell me how it is. ive been playing it for about a week now and it shits all over pes4.
BK_83 said:

the ai for we9 just cheats too much... i cant stand another match with ai... its so scripted
its not scripted fool havent you thought that maybe youre just shit.
The Power said:
whats that little school girl giggle about? if you want BKs arse that badly just ask him for it im sure he'll oblige.
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true, I agree with jc_denton. I love WE9 but I ain't gonna lie it is hard. But that means its more of a challenge. rather then being too easy like we8.
valentino said:
thanx :)
it is far away from the keeper. i mean the falling spot of the longthrough pass is now further away. can't pass perfectly to the man (even the lads are both in good position).

i more thing:
i really don't like the way konami make it "know-everything" about X pass. now X pass is like lecturing me. passing with X is like passing with /\ in previous series.

why does X pass to the fronter area when /\ is there? if konami praise MANUALNES, how come this to happen? i don't like my pass automatically aimed to fronter area, i want to do it manually like previous version.

now i can not know if my passer will pass right to the reciever or in front oh the reciever

and about pass that can not be done, i'll post it later coz i'm on vacation now (i'm now using an internet cafe's PC)


Agree with you, picking out the middle man from a line of 3 is difficult. Other than that I've had no problems.

As for X passing, I feel in football it is generally prefered to pass slightly ahead of a player and into space.I don't know if whats going on in WE9 is Konami's interpretation of this, but I have no problems with it so far. I never liked 'on rails' passes or passes that home in on players.

A thru ball is a thru ball. It is meant as a defence splitting pass not a generic passing move. Although 'in game' many people use it as such.

For those who've played real football, mostly the passing is done by instinct and 'in game' is generally translates quite well. I do admit that sometimes, the scripting cuts in and prevents you from playing your intended pass to your intended receipient, but it not so often that it renders the game flawed or unplayable.

valentino said:
the problem is, the passing is acurate, but always further away. now, it can be a good pass only if there is no oponent player in front of your player.

but it IS a flaw of konami. try passing with L1+/\ from wing side of penalty area, the ball will go out or will be catched by keeper.

the AI should pass it right to where the reciever can recieve the ball clearly, just like the real passer think. but it is not. and it is certainly a flaw.
A chipped thru pass from the wing. IMO this is totally unrealistic move. I think the :l1: + :triangle: move was abused so much in prev. versions that some people think it's flawed now.

agree. i have been complaining it since WE8. i want total manual. it is a stupidity to invent semi auto 1st level when the manual method is semi auto.

FYI MANUAL has never been completely 'manual' back from the early days. Only problem so far, and I agree with you here, is that the CPU intervention is too frequent now at this setting.

good game is not about difficult control. good game about having comfortable (easier) control, but chalenging gameplay :)

and WE9 has ruined it all.

The controls are not flawed IMO. And I feel mastering controls is all part of the challenge. In fact I feel 'new' players, without any previous WE/PES 'baggage' will find it easier to adapt, although the learning curve for shooting and others moves can be rather steep.

I see the chipped throughball being mentioned here. Personally I never came to this thread cuz i think the game is brilliant, better than ever before and with proper patch we can enjoy it more than any other game we've had but I have noticed what Valentino was saying about Chipped through balls.

Now I don't do it from the wing and agree with Jiwa when he says that is an unrealistic move but I do think it's odd that even with best passer in game, and the passer being under no pressure basically being perfectly free and have lot of time to deliver perfect throughball still never does. Remember i'm not talking about GROUND throughballs, they can still be perfect but the chipped ones to me seem a bit TOO FAR ahead.

I like it ahead of my player but now it seems they're way too ahead of your striker who you're tryin to pass to. This means if the defence is sitting deep there is almost no way of getting a chipped through ball to your striker because even if it is successfully over head of last defender, the falling spot of ball is so far ahead of your player 2-3 metres that it's close enough for GK to come forward and grab ball or kick it out.

I'm not entirely sad about this and just see it as more of a challege and still loving the game but after having game for this long, I have NOTICED this and think it's a bit odd that it seems it's ALWAYS too far ahead even with best passers.. never just slightly ahead but almost always too much ahead which means you need extremely fast player as your strikers or you can forget about chipped throughballs unless the defence is sitting really really forward which ain't very often.

Just my 2 cents.
PLF said:
I see the chipped throughball being mentioned here. Personally I never came to this thread cuz i think the game is brilliant, better than ever before and with proper patch we can enjoy it more than any other game we've had but I have noticed what Valentino was saying about Chipped through balls.

Now I don't do it from the wing and agree with Jiwa when he says that is an unrealistic move but I do think it's odd that even with best passer in game, and the passer being under no pressure basically being perfectly free and have lot of time to deliver perfect throughball still never does. Remember i'm not talking about GROUND throughballs, they can still be perfect but the chipped ones to me seem a bit TOO FAR ahead.

I like it ahead of my player but now it seems they're way too ahead of your striker who you're tryin to pass to. This means if the defence is sitting deep there is almost no way of getting a chipped through ball to your striker because even if it is successfully over head of last defender, the falling spot of ball is so far ahead of your player 2-3 metres that it's close enough for GK to come forward and grab ball or kick it out.

I'm not entirely sad about this and just see it as more of a challege and still loving the game but after having game for this long, I have NOTICED this and think it's a bit odd that it seems it's ALWAYS too far ahead even with best passers.. never just slightly ahead but almost always too much ahead which means you need extremely fast player as your strikers or you can forget about chipped throughballs unless the defence is sitting really really forward which ain't very often.

Just my 2 cents.

Spot on PLF. Yeah, my comment specifically at chipped thru balls from the wing into the box. Yes, I do agree that the normal chipped thru ball in this version lacks the trajectory and backspin of previous iterations.

I remember those passes I used to play in WE8:LE have your striker just time his run right and taking the chipped thru ball over the last defender in his stride or instep. Sometimes you could hold off ever so slightly when nearer the box, and hit them firsttime on the volley.

What's here now is something akin to a driven long pass 'ala Gerrard' if you know what I mean. Good from deem but pretty useless in the fianl 3rd of the pitch.

Maybe there's a certain 'unmentioned' mechanic for getting the backspin on, but i've haven't managed to pull it off yet.

total control of players my arse. defenders and goalies still clear balls automatically. last night had a game and my gk was at the edge of the goal box and automatically headed the ball "clear"...that's it, enough is enough. i'm sticking a pic of seabass on the back of the toilet so i piss and shit on it everyday
fantomas23 said:
total control of players my arse. defenders and goalies still clear balls automatically. last night had a game and my gk was at the edge of the goal box and automatically headed the ball "clear"...that's it, enough is enough. i'm sticking a pic of seabass on the back of the toilet so i piss and shit on it everyday

Can you please stop your sort of behaviour here? I've already told you once and I'm not gonna do it again. Behave or you're out. Everyone knows by now that you seem to be on a personal rampage against Seabass.
jiwa said:
Maybe there's a certain 'unmentioned' mechanic for getting the backspin on, but i've haven't managed to pull it off yet.


phrase mentioned that L1+/\ can be altered by double or triple tapping the /\ button... can anyone confirm this?

Also, I read that FIFA are changing the PK system, to allow hard, soft, and chip shots... COME ON KONAMI!!! No more of this awful random boring PK torture.........
1 frustrating thing is...CPU GK saves every bloody attempt at goal, and what about my GK, stares at the incoming header even though it was within his reach

another thing is my players just stand there without running forward when attacking eveen though i have set their attacking arrows forward
May depend on their attacking attribute. When that is low, a player will not go too much forward. Another thing is the defending arrow. When that is high, the player will also keep back.
you do all realise there is a kinda old fashioned chip through ball move in the game dont you?
ive noticed the if you just tap the cross button the player does a dinky chip in whatever direction and if you use this with super cancel it does make a substitute for the chip through ball... kind of.

and anyway the chip through ball doesnt seem to be that anymore, its more of a long ball move now which in my opinion is a lot better exspecially when used from your own half.
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BK_83 said:
1 frustrating thing is...CPU GK saves every bloody attempt at goal, and what about my GK, stares at the incoming header even though it was within his reach

another thing is my players just stand there without running forward when attacking eveen though i have set their attacking arrows forward

Aye, makes the game impossible really, doesnt matter who the CPU GK is, fact is he saves fucking everything unless you blast it from 5 yards out.

Yet again doesnt matter who I have in-goal, fact is if the CPU have a shot the chances of it going in is probably 98%, it is a fucking joke, doesnt even ATTEMPT to save the fucking thing, cheating at it's best.
I had my doubts about the pes series getting better, as in AI (human team players)and when Seabass gave the 2 interviews that konami pulled from the web about not being able to go that much with the game with the PS2! I thought that the game would be just a few tweaks here and there.. and it would seem what Seabass said in those 2 pulled interviews has come to pass..

We can only hope with the Xbox360 version that "our players AI , not just the cpus team" will be very greatly improved and that instead of just looking at a ball a few yards away they will go after it and not wait until they are icon controlled to move for it wasting precious seconds and thus making the game very fluid .. And real "manual" control and manual powerbar passing!
I like to think I'm one of the people who really know this series and every year I've kept thinking, maybe this time they will mess it up. I have to say after a few weeks of playing WE9, it's the first time ever when I feel that there's more in the game that I DONT like as opposed to what I like.

At first I thought WE8LE was way too difficult against the CPU..too hard to keep the ball and difficult to dribble past players. After a few weeks os solid playing, I learnt it and me and my WE-playing friends think it's the best game in the series.

WE9 it isnt. Against the CPU the game, albeit it's realistic, but its not much fun. The first thing you do when you get the ball in midfield is to go up or down and not attack..you lose the ball SO easily....the high through pass is pretty much useless too.

Frustrating is what I say WE9 is especially against the CPU and I hate this feeling. I went back to WE8LE and it's a fucking great game, I think it's better. But I've never gone back to the previous game and maybe now I will.

WE9 is excellent, but I think the constant pauses in the gameplay due to the referees and the difficulty of dribbling, keeping the ball, are in a videogame, not so cool features. I hope PES5 is going to be updated from WE9 in terms of gameplay, but looks like it's not.
kingpug said:
Aye, makes the game impossible really, doesnt matter who the CPU GK is, fact is he saves fucking everything unless you blast it from 5 yards out.

Yet again doesnt matter who I have in-goal, fact is if the CPU have a shot the chances of it going in is probably 98%, it is a fucking joke, doesnt even ATTEMPT to save the fucking thing, cheating at it's best.

Yeah, I tried editing one of the AI goalkeepers to have all stats of 1, and he was still bloody brilliant, caught nearly everything and those that he didn't were expertly tipped past the post.

It's clear that Konami have taken heed of people complaining of 4-4 scorelines in WE8 so have now just made it harder to score, not by improving the overall AI as such, but simply by scripting it to be far more unlikely that you will score what are guilt edge chances. I also edited my goalkeeper to have all 99's and he was still a laughable butter-fingers.

One of Seabass's pre-release comments about how in WE9, "more shots will go over the bar" struck a chord. And it has transpired as I feared. Shots are just scripted to go over the bar, no matter what. You can tap the shoot button from 3 yards out and the game will just decide it's time for another "over the bar". Got to keep that score down at all costs.

And I am sick to death of every single cpu team leaving 4 defenders sitting at the edge of their box the whole game, and as soon as you get possesion, they immediately revert to a back 8. Sorry, but real football is just not like this. Sure, it makes it harder to create chances and score, but it does not provide satisfying gameplay and is a big step away from realism.

What this game really needs if for someone to hack the AI and make it better. Like Riot, I found myself going back to try WE8LE again. I wasn't the biggest fan of WE8LE but it was better, and certainly a bit more fun, than WE9. WE9 has been the first game in the series that I felt is just plain wrong.
Playing the game on camera wide made all the difference for me it made it more playable i was able to pass better cause i could see more of whats going on.
after seeing all of your lots dumb arse posts ive come to the conclusion that winning eleven 9 is most certainly a love it or hate it game.
to me ive seen nothing wrong with the game at all it improves over pes4 in every way.

also ive noticed that most of the complaints are trivial things like its hard to score or the through balls crap. from what ive read most of these things come down to a lack of skill at the game. so stop whinging and either dont play the game or practise your call.

by the way does anyone here actually like the game or is it just me?

[edit] also the ai isnt that bad the computer has scored some crackers against me, compared to pes4 where they only scored rebounds or mistakes id say its much improved.
what are you playing on 2 stars or something?
winston said:
And I am sick to death of every single cpu team leaving 4 defenders sitting at the edge of their box the whole game, and as soon as you get possesion, they immediately revert to a back 8. Sorry, but real football is just not like this.
bollocks! havnt you watched real football thats how it is the only time they have less than 4 players back is when a teams being caught on the break. in we9 it replicates this pretty well.
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I absolutley luv dis game mang.... The only thing i kinda hate is the NO CROWDS on wide camera and the fact that players get SO TIRED like in just 3 games..... i mean i dont even use the turbo button that much and yet some of my players are dead by the 4th or 5th game.... which is completely unrealistic.... Everything else is aight to me....

iS it me or does 10 min feel REALL REALLY short now????? gonna try 15min games to see if there is more chances and goals...... Maybe konami want us to play longer like i did in WE6.... that game was hard to score just like im finding this one to be.....
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bummy_jab said:

I absolutley luv dis game mang.... The only thing i kinda hate is the NO CROWDS on wide camera and the fact that players get SO TIRED like in just 3 games..... i mean i dont even use the turbo button that much and yet some of my players are dead by the 4th or 5th game.... which is completely unrealistic.... Everything else is aight to me....

iS it me or does 10 min feel REALL REALLY short now????? gonna try 15min games to see if there is more chances and goals...... Maybe konami want us to play longer like i did in WE6.... that game was hard to score just like im finding this one to be.....
finally someone who's not hating on the game for no reason but at the same time realises it does have a few minor problems.

the only things i can see wrong with the game is the shirts untucking too fast and maybe the worse teams like charlton, celtic and the master league default team could actually be a bit worse in game.
I also did a test and put every Chelsea player's Consistancy stat on 8, which is supposed to make them better at preventing mistakes, aka miss-passes and terrible ball control.

So I had them all on 8, had red form and played Prague, and I must say I never noticed one bit of a difference, stats dont mean fuck all really.

jc_denton - Your the only dumb arse here, you say you have seen nothing wrong with the game yet you then say it has minor problems, what one is it?

Why would we hate the game for no reason, what shit are you talking?

I want to like the game, I went out and bought a new PS2 so I can play it, but whether you like it or not the game is a fucking joke in more ways than one, so get your head out of your arse and admit the game isnt as perfect as you all think.
I've completed one season in the League with Inter on 3*,
and I must say that this game must be played on a minimum of 15 mins
for any meaningful gameplay.
10 mins is a bit less.
You have to be very careful to not lose the ball in the opposing
half. The CPU defends pretty well, and you really have to be patient
to carve out chances.
I like the game, but if you need a lot of patience to enjoy the game.
If you play patiently and maybe on 15 mins halves, then it can be

One thing I like is that the CPU's goals are varied. I've had
some 25 yarders, some headers, some flowing passing moves against me.
I don't feel too hard done when I lose.

I think this game has a much steeper learning curve and also
patience is the key to mastering it.
Yea I read about playing on 15 mins alot now, I might give it a bash, but the thing is it is just the fouls that make me annoyed. But as you said you need the patience of a saint to play this game.
To be honest I think the game has turned even more realistic now that it has lost some of that "fun factor". BUT i am one of those who would rather have a REAL simulation than just me beating every team including the good ones by 3 to 5 goals which happened too often in previous versions.....
kingpug said:
Yea I read about playing on 15 mins alot now, I might give it a bash, but the thing is it is just the fouls that make me annoyed. But as you said you need the patience of a saint to play this game.

I have only one question for you: How many years does you play the pes/we series?
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hello all from washington dc,
i love this game, but i only play the master league and to be honest with you all i think that the shooting is very hard, but the way the other teams come back on defense it is almost imposible to score on a one on one, but realy have not played it against another person to really c the faults of the game, the only thing i think that sucks about it is that it is Japanese and i dont understand jack,,but i do the best that i can and play,,it is great to know that i am not alone in this passion of WE, everyone have a blessed day.

Riot said:
I like to think I'm one of the people who really know this series and every year I've kept thinking, maybe this time they will mess it up. I have to say after a few weeks of playing WE9, it's the first time ever when I feel that there's more in the game that I DONT like as opposed to what I like.

At first I thought WE8LE was way too difficult against the CPU..too hard to keep the ball and difficult to dribble past players. After a few weeks os solid playing, I learnt it and me and my WE-playing friends think it's the best game in the series.

WE9 it isnt. Against the CPU the game, albeit it's realistic, but its not much fun. The first thing you do when you get the ball in midfield is to go up or down and not attack..you lose the ball SO easily....the high through pass is pretty much useless too.

Frustrating is what I say WE9 is especially against the CPU and I hate this feeling. I went back to WE8LE and it's a fucking great game, I think it's better. But I've never gone back to the previous game and maybe now I will.

WE9 is excellent, but I think the constant pauses in the gameplay due to the referees and the difficulty of dribbling, keeping the ball, are in a videogame, not so cool features. I hope PES5 is going to be updated from WE9 in terms of gameplay, but looks like it's not.

Now that is a good review.

Han said:
In any case there is no bug in the :l1: +:triangle: , what some of you said...
It's harder, true, like big mouth above ( ;) :mrgreen: ) said, that's all.

Why people think it's more balanced when it can only succeed 1 time from 15-20 times?

Some other problems:
Sometimes when you just tap square the ball flies over; i wonder how the hell am i supposed to shot? I only tapped :square: ffs

And the Side step dribbling isn't effective at all; I can dribble with it but it just isn't effective…

Sometimes its impossible to defend 90*degress shots..

i really cant believe i will be playing this shitty game for another 6 months...
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