WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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I can do my own threatening DJ. ;) He's not insulting anybody - well it is kind of insulting, but he's not breaking any rules. We'll just have to agree to disagree.
Playing the game wrong? Thats an insult! Dude ive been playing this game since ISS Pro on PSX what 10 years ago? If I dont know by now how to play ISS/PES and even WE10 then something must be wrong.

Take a serious chill pill and post some decent stuff yourself, dont just flame people who are making valid points and accuse them of repeating shit.

Also show more respect to Moderators like JB. Or else your stay here might be cut short.

That was my replies to JB. I said he played the game wrong. Some of his points in the videos shows just that. He keeps pressure-button pressed and believes the CPU will help him time his tackles. Thats just plain wrong. It hasn't been like that since PES 5.
Does anyone suffer from lag playing pes08 online re the xbox360 version?

Yep, all the games are riddled, online and offline I'm afraid.

I even experienced lag and slowdown when I walked into the shop the buy the fucking game, and again when I handed over my cash for 360 version. :0)
Hello people I'm a massive PES fan (and have been for years) but I'm totally gutted with the poor quality of the game this year (I'm a PS3 owner).

If it wasn't bad enough we can now get easy 50 yard plus goals FFS - that isn't a simulation of football.
That was my replies to JB. I said he played the game wrong. Some of his points in the videos shows just that. He keeps pressure-button pressed and believes the CPU will help him time his tackles. Thats just plain wrong. It hasn't been like that since PES 5.
I dont play the game like that either but I have seen similar occurences when ive played PES2008. plus 9 out of every 10 deflections goes straight to a CPU Player. I think it should be more balanced out. Some should go into open space in between players, some may go towards a Player controlled man and others may go near a CPU Controlled man but this never seems to be the case.
Ok phoned Konami earlier today. Talked to a very helpful guy from Konami - 0208 9875730.

He told me that they had been inundated with calls since the weekend and were fully aware of the issues. He said that the problems only came to light after the game had been released.

They are having problems trying to figure out what the problems are at the moment as they are saying that some people are having no issues, others minor, others major and some pretty much unplayable and the cant seem to figure out why although they are sure it is caused by what TV you have, the connection you are using and the pixel setting you are running it on.

But didn't Seabass talk about slowdowns in pre-release interviews?
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So i finally got my copy yesterday which only took 6 days, so gd stuff shopto.. Right so there i am playing Fifa, Man Utd against Slavia Prague, winning 2-0 when my mum comes in my room with a nice brown package.. Im thinking o yes, its finally arrived, so i open it up and there it is, just beautiful.. So i finish my game, winning 2-0 :), back to the XMB, take out Fifa and insert PES 08.. First think i notice, the intro isnt bad, music is actually quite catchy, 10x's better than the old bollocks they use to have.. I install the game onto the hdd and go get myself a nice cold beverage and a sandwich, sit back down and ready to go...
So i go into Exhibition mode and pick my beloved Man Red ;) against some crappy dutch team i think, Rotterdam or something.. Go into the formation screen and change my team around a bit, click Exit and bang we're off.. First thing i notice is the graphics, aren't that great for a so called next gen game.. Fifa wins there hands down.. So i start playing and after playing Fifa for 3 weeks, its hard to get back to the style of PES.. It was fast and quick and wasnt sure whether to use Normal Long or Wide camera angle.. But i tell you what, i was getting so much slowdown it was a joke, it just wasnt enjoyable.. I changed to wide because i thought it looks better and plays slower that way but the slowdown was starting to really piss me off.. So the first game i end up losing 2-1 on Professional and my first impressions were, pretty disappointing and worrying.. So i played a few more games and still getting the slow down, so i thought sod it. I read a while ago that if you change some settings on ur ps3 it makes the game run smoother etc..So i exited the game, changed some stuff, mainly taking off media server, turning off PS2 upscaler and fired PES up once more.. Played a few more games and surprisingly the game is running 10x's smoother and much more enjoyable to play.. So 4 games later and i still havent won more than 1 game, biggest defeat losing to Arsenal 5-1 with AC Milan, im pretty good with footie games so to lose by that much, was pretty shocking.. Well an hr or so later and im still trying to enjoy my beloved PES but was finding it pretty darn hard, so guess what, i stuck Fifa back in.. Yes i couldnt believe it myself, a PES fanboy and i resorted to playing Fifa over PES.. So im sitting there thinking and playing, have i really given PES a fair chance and the answer was NO.. Ive played ISS all the was up to now and know that it takes at least a few days to get into the new PES which ever game it is.. So... once again, back to the xmb and out comes fifa, in goes PES.. I play a few more games and started to get the hang of it a bit more, it wasnt blowing my mind but was getting a little bit better each time.. There are some problems believe me and i definatly wouldn't call this "Next Gen" but its PES and with a bit more time im sure it will grow on me bit by bit..
So those were my opening thoughts, but they are my honest opinions on the first few hrs of the games.. Some good and bad points:
- Faces, spot on..
- Nets are pretty gd, not sure if i prefer the Fifa one's tho, look better if u ask me..
- Switching the ball is kinda pissing me off.. Why on earth would u switch a ball at 200mph.. Haven u seen how hard the ball flys across, jesus christ, not quite sure what Konami were doing there..
- Goalies are hit and miss, there make a good save and other times be in no mans land, rushing out for no reason or just standing there doing nothing..
- Edit mode, complete shite, wtf they have done to that, i have no clue..
- Love the music.. :)
- Wide camera angle, is the best u can play on.. Why? Cos im use to Fifa and its looks the best like that..
- Shooting, still not sure if i like it or nor, shots feel a little bit to hard at times..
- Commentary, a big improvement, still not up to Fifa's but getting there..
- Refs whistle is way to loud and blows it way to much.. Needs to lay off the protein shakes me thinks..
- Passing.. The ball sometimes feels to heavy, they seem to just roll like a rock on the floor..
- Dribbling, pretty easy to dribble round players, where as tacking is bloody hard at times, need some practise there..
- Celebration are nice and cutscenes are not bad..

Theres my overall thoughts, ill play some more later on and tell ya which i prefer, PES or Fifa.. But no matter what anyone says, this is no next gen title.. :-$
Or maby you just lacks the skill to see the extra depth that is added to the gameplay in each version?

On every version I ended up winning every trophy on 6* just about every season, it's boring doing that, I had no interest in multiplayer, I just wanted to play a decent manager/career mode with depth and longevity, PES no longer provides me what I want.
About the US PS3 and slowdowns:

I think jflores and volka has the PS3 60GB version, so they indeed have the EE chip. A friend of mine here (Peru - PS3 US owners here) have the game with a SD television and have no slowdowns at all (60GB version also). When I get my copy I will let you know if any slowdown occurs.
About the US PS3 and slowdowns:

I think jflores and volka has the PS3 60GB version, so they indeed have the EE chip. A friend of mine here (Peru - PS3 US owners here) have the game with a SD television and have no slowdowns at all (60GB version also). When I get my copy I will let you know if any slowdown occurs.

yea its the 60 Gig version i have
A couple of things come to mind when from the Konami info.

That the issues were not discovered until after release - this must be a blatant lie. The demo was released on the Xbox, the platform, that coincidentally, has the least issues, but not the PS3. Wow. How fortunate was that?

It's almost as if someone saw how poor the game was on that platform, and said, well a poor demo will affect sales more than problems after release. What level of testing are they doing prior to release that they didn't notice these problems, or at least the amount of slowdown. I don't believe them for a second. This is a shameless attempt to do as little as possible in the hope they will not receive the volume of complaints necessary to remedy the problems before the next release.

Also the fact that they are still struggling to diagnose the problems, never mind what has been said, my guess is they have been looking at the problem since the game was sent out, and that would have been weeks ago. After all they have spoken about how focussed they are on PES 2009, and are, I would assume, already working on it, which has been more or less confirmed by Seabass himself. If this is the case, they would be using this years code to do this. Are we to believe that they are not suffering from the problems that many of us are, despite that fact that I am sure they use it on a multitude of TV's. Yet they are no closer to sorting it.

As one of the lads previously said, why is the choice of TV a problem with this game, when no other games on this platform have this issue?

Konami are spinning a pretty poor yarn.

Konami are ripping-off PES fans big time and are a bunch of chancers producing a nasty, buggy, horrible BETA of a game.
What you are asking people to do is to be loyal to a video game.

You can't be loyal to a damn video game. It's just that...a game. Talking bad about it isn't going to hurt its feelings.

What you need to realize is that all this negativity you are hearing just might get Konami on their toes (I doubt it judging by how they are going now), hear all the advice that fans are dishing out and come back with a much better game. Constructive criticism is a very good thing.

Oh ah no need to tell me to make sure my feet are firmly planted in reality.

The only reason I'm speaking up is because so many people are not.

I am all for constructive criticism but what's gone on is just male PMS to the extreme.

I've got my smart hat on though so no worries.
On every version I ended up winning every trophy on 6* just about every season, it's boring doing that, I had no interest in multiplayer, I just wanted to play a decent manager/career mode with depth and longevity, PES no longer provides me what I want.

Playing the computer and winning all the time doesn't help you become a better player. You don't need the extra control in duels, you don't need the great response time, you don't have to try to get better at things, because you're already winning. Against the computer you will always end up playing on auto-pilot without real intensity in the game. There's no mental part of the game, no trying to psyche out your opponent with high pressure, no playing safe passes to piss out your opponent, no changing of tempo to ruin the opponents rhythm, and stuff like that.

Seems to me that most people who complain about the game is only playing vs CPU.
Really? I play with Manual GK setting. Will this tip still work on manual?

it must be but not just with triangle obviously, maybe if you try and move your GK slightly forward with L1+triangle just at the moment the oppossing player shoots the ball might do the job.Unfortunatly Cpu GK doesnt use this GK move as cpu doesnt use that other move too run with R1 and then R1+R2 to kick the ball even further.Don't worry tho cause cpu GK might not use this move but it defends very differrent than human players so it will be very hard for you to score that kind of goal against the cpu
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