WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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The fact is the game slows down ridiculously on PS3 and it shouldnt happen... pathetic. If thats all Konami can come up with and Call it PES 2008 id hate to see what PES 2009 will be like. Same old? Crap Master League? Same CPU Cheating and bullshit deflections? Awful Collision detection? Same Cartoony graphics and hurrendous Screen Tearing? All this sorta stuff should NEVER happen. I do know that when Konami brought out PES3 that had slowdown issues big time too....
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No matter who's fault it is, PES6 was released on 360, was shite, PES2008 was released on 360, was shite, both developed by a team led by Seabass. Rushed or otherwise, they could have got the basics right first, such as no slowdown (in-game remember) and online play that worked. Everything else could have waited.

YOU think PES 2008 on 360 is shite, thats your subjective meaning. That doesn't make it shite. And then you release videos of why you think the game sucks, and most of the videos just proves to every decent player that you can't play the game.

Sure it's not perfect, but do you really have to whine over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again about the same things?

We've got the point! Do you have ANYTHING new to add to the discussion? Anything at all? Just a tiny little bit, or are you just going to repeat yourself forever?
YOU think PES 2008 on 360 is shite, thats your subjective meaning. That doesn't make it shite. And then you release videos of why you think the game sucks, and most of the videos just proves to every decent player that you can't play the game.

Sure it's not perfect, but do you really have to whine over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again about the same things?

We've got the point! Do you have ANYTHING new to add to the discussion? Anything at all? Just a tiny little bit, or are you just going to repeat yourself forever?
I think this guy needs to be shot with a tranquilizer dart OR needs to be swung the Banning Hammer Of Justice....

Dude you seriously need to calm down and accept peoples opinions differ. Both myself and JB and lots of others share the same view that PES has got worse and worse since PES5...
It's funny people being all apologist for PES2008 by saying it's the first bad game, first backward step, first declining version of the franchise, for me the franchise has been declining since about PES3 due to lack of innovation/improvement in the master league.....

Or maby you just lacks the skill to see the extra depth that is added to the gameplay in each version?
YOU think PES 2008 on 360 is shite, thats your subjective meaning. That doesn't make it shite. And then you release videos of why you think the game sucks, and most of the videos just proves to every decent player that you can't play the game.

Sure it's not perfect, but do you really have to whine over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again about the same things?

We've got the point! Do you have ANYTHING new to add to the discussion? Anything at all? Just a tiny little bit, or are you just going to repeat yourself forever?

Don't get married.

Because if you're like this with a differing opinion over a video game, it may get brutal with a woman not agreeing with you.
I think the problem of your questions is that most need to do a lot of try-out on the PS3 to answer ( like howmuch disk is used or the stadiums with lag )
That is probably the reason for the lack of response. I did enter my answers.

Well I think those are necessary if we really want to get behind all this. But please fire away if you have a better suggestion to get the crowd back into this :lol: Helping is the goal.
I think this guy needs to be shot with a tranquilizer dart OR needs to be swung the Banning Hammer Of Justice....

Dude you seriously need to calm down and accept peoples opinions differ. Both myself and JB and lots of others share the same view that PES has got worse and worse since PES5...

Yes. We know you think so. How many posts are you going to make today saying just that, without adding any new points? Maby you should get a forum-bot who can post random whines a few times a day. That would make it much easier for you, and you'll have so much extra time playing the game.

What are you trying to achieve just repeating the same things over and over again? Does it make the discussion more constructive?
Any post I make is responding to a point, whether it's repeated or not. I was having a discussion with Badgerman when I said that, who I enjoy a discussion with, and he wasn't complaining. So my suggestion is, put me on the ignore list.
All games have 1 problem or another... PES has lots of them which if you Watch JB's reasons why I hate PES 2008 video you will see a fair few of them :)

Yes, I've seen those videos, and I have replied to his first video. Here's copy-paste from my reply:

#6 - Never seen this happen, but doesn't look too good. But I usually never play vs CPU, so I dont care too much.
#5 - You press the pass-button WAY too early. This isn't FIFA. Passing has to be timed.
#4 - You're paranoid. I've seen lots of real football matches where the ball seems to always fall into the feet of one of the teams. This happens because of the way the players position themself. It's football. Get used to it.
#3 - Dont press pressure to run for the ball. Your player is positioning himself to do a tackle on the opponent. Run for the ball yourself. This is not a problem. Its you who play the game the wrong way.
#2 - Sure you didn't tap the run-button? I have never had this problem.
#1 - Thats just bullcrap. You didn't press in the right direction. That never happens if you do it the right way. NEVER!

I only see #6 as a problem. The other 5 is just you who isn't very good at the game.

And here's my reply to his other video:
No no no, you play it wrong. You can't just keep the pressure-button pressed and believe the CPU will do the work for you. You have to run for the ball yourself, and press the pressure-button when he is close enough for the tackle. It also helps releasing the sprint-button before doing the tackle, which gives you better control. And when you tackle, point the stick towards the ball.

PES 2008 is obviously a much deeper game than the way you try to play it.

I would like to get your opinion on this...
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So you've ignored my replies then, and you still insist I've been playing the game wrong for ten years... I give up. Dude, please, put me on your ignore list.
who ever says PES6/360 is shite, is wrong (imo). It's cut down to its very basics, it should have been a mid/down price game from the beginning -> true.
I also agree tearing, slowdown and not working online should have been fixed BEFORE release.

The game is still fun to play, though I've been expecting more from a PS3/360 game (graphics-> animation/collition detection, game modes,..).
I still prefer the buggy,ugly PES to a shiny, well-done FIFA...

-> this doesn't mean FIFA has bad gameplay, PES just gives me more feeling of playing different teams/players.

@DJ: I accept different opinions (even yours ;) ), but it's still a PES forum and It's annoying to read the bashings over and over again (it started already when the game wasn't even released yet)
Video games are perfect now? I didn't know a video game couldn't have no gameplay flaws whatsoever.

games do have flaws. I think the frustrating thing with the Pro Evo series is the same flaws seem to appear every year.
So you've ignored my replies then, and you still insist I've been playing the game wrong for ten years... I give up. Dude, please, put me on your ignore list.

I didn't find anything in your replies that changed my opinion about these points. PES 2008 has changed more from PES 6 than you think. As in every version of PES, it takes some time to get into it.
So you've ignored my replies then, and you still insist I've been playing the game wrong for ten years... I give up. Dude, please, put me on your ignore list.

JB, I don't think a mod should behave like this...
It's sad to be forced to use ignore lists these days, there was no need for it the last 5 years
Sando only you know that ;) but if a cheap goal from in your own half by pressing R2 plus circle is your idea of what you want from a football game then I guess we inhabit very different universes.
Maybe because it is easier to record and post video from the pc version.

BTW MGS4 has been delayed, it looks like konami has no clue how to make ps3 games, or maybe they wanna wait till they sell more PS3.
people on other forums are confirming the R2+circle 50 yard plus goals happen on all versions. Now someone has to be a complete fanboy (in denial) if they think it's 'fun' or ok to be able to score from with your own side of the pitch so cheaply.

Or maybe I'm 'moaning again'
ToaTheBoa said:
YOU think PES 2008 on 360 is shite, thats your subjective meaning. That doesn't make it shite. And then you release videos of why you think the game sucks, and most of the videos just proves to every decent player that you can't play the game.

Sure it's not perfect, but do you really have to whine over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again about the same things?

We've got the point! Do you have ANYTHING new to add to the discussion? Anything at all? Just a tiny little bit, or are you just going to repeat yourself forever?

ToaTheBoa said:
Yes. We know you think so. How many posts are you going to make today saying just that, without adding any new points? Maby you should get a forum-bot who can post random whines a few times a day. That would make it much easier for you, and you'll have so much extra time playing the game.

What are you trying to achieve just repeating the same things over and over again? Does it make the discussion more constructive?

And of what worth are you comments? What have they added to the debate? Endlessly complaining about anyone who criticises the game.

ToaTheBoa said:
Or maby you just lacks the skill to see the extra depth that is added to the gameplay in each version?


Please expound to us the "extra depth" that he has missed in PES2008!
Exactly, I remember getting PES6 on my 360 and actaully really enjoying it for a while. But everyone was saying the next PES will be great, just wait till it's on the PS3 that will be the first real next gen PES and using lots of \\:o/;):):8)::applause: smileys to go with it (TG, HAN) just to name a few, now PES 2008 has dissapointed again the same people are saying the same thing again, next year will be great blah de blah. Well unless Konami have a major reshuffle, it will be the same as the last 3-4 years and only be a slight upgrade.

It will not be good. they need a lead producer or someone very addept at making a series come back for this to happen. EA has peter moore now for the quality control
Playing the game wrong? Thats an insult! Dude ive been playing this game since ISS Pro on PSX what 10 years ago? If I dont know by now how to play ISS/PES and even WE10 then something must be wrong.

Take a serious chill pill and post some decent stuff yourself, dont just flame people who are making valid points and accuse them of repeating shit.

Also show more respect to Moderators like JB. Or else your stay here might be cut short.
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