WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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You being a prime example. What has FIFA got to do with this?!


You honestly don't expect an answer for this do you?

Can you seriously not connect the dots?

PES is a shoddy game this year, not just through lack of development but also by its lack of technical polish and the problems this is giving (slowdown, crashes, ps3breakage, lagfest,etc). Thats reason enough to be critical.

First run out on a new console, tear it a new one next year if you must but I don't have enough experience in the computer game industry thingy to properly analyse if Konami are at fault here (and if so, how much). Of course you seem more qualified and in the know so perhaps you can enlighten us

Seeing as you are so desperate to defend PES by saying fifa has been shit for years, Ill explain why you are only showing even more ignorance by doing so.

Who's Ill?


How many of us, pesfans first and foremost, have bought the crap fifa's? Hardly any, I havent bought it since 98 as that was the last decent game they made.

A surprising amount I'd of said considering the amount of Fifa threads I've noticed on every PES forum for years now.

It wasnt till last year that I finally, after nearly a decade, bought it as it was showing promise with its new engine and pes360 was a poor port. So not being ignorant I gave it a try and liked it somewhat. It had potential but still wasnt good enough. This year, its forfilling its potential, and even though there are some issue's to be improved, its a very good game.

Now you see, the more openminded non ignorant of this bunch can see what fifa is doing and how its improving with its new engine. And because of that we, the customers, are deciding to buy the game, something most of us havent done for years as they were shoddy, crappy games.

just wanted to quote the next bit on it's own :]]]]

And yet somehow, now konami are doing the same you choose to defend them by saying ea did it for years. There is one blatent problem with your argument, namely non of us BOUGHT fifa when it was shite! So why should we by PES now that it is shite?! Because its pes, because its konami, because its Seabass' baby?!

The bolded bit is just ungh. No one bought it, yet it outsold PES and Pro Evo sites always had big threads about the game.

Overlooking that, somehow, you have played 2 Fifa games and I'm guessing a lot more Pro Evo games. There be a reason for this.

Fifa has a good atmosphere, but PES is genuinely enthralling and all round greetness

Dont be so f$%ing ignorant and while doing that it will allow you to stop being so hypocritical aswell!

I appreciate you trying to school me but oh well :]
how the F*ck can anyone play this game on this quality:shock:

I found this video on an italian forum, but quite frankly most people i know are running the game on low setting to avoid slow downs or simply because they average pc cannot take it. I think konami should have programmed and optimised better the pc version so normal machine could actually run it properly.
1 version of Pro Evo that didn't meet unrealistically high expectations
I'll say it again, the only thing I expected from a next-gen Pro Evo is no blatantly obvious cheats, and that's not asking too much, is it? A few more teams would have been nice as well but with Konami being Konami I wasn't expecting that. So I don't think it's about expectations at all.

Most people are only moaning about the slowdown (not one or two jerks a game, complete slowdown during various moments), which ruins games for the people it affects - and it's a shitload of people, look around. Plus, online is unaccessible for a lot of people as well.

Expecting the game not to jerk and expecting to be able to click "online" and play an online game is too much to expect? Fucking hell, I'd better rent every single game I ever want for the rest of my life.

You can't defend that, I'm sorry but you just can't. And if you say "Seabass doesn't control that" then great, it's not Master Seabass's fault, it's Konami's. And it's still wrong.

Saying on the box, online playable, and then getting it home to find a message that says "sorry, we didn't finish this yet, hold on for a month" - well, if you excuse that then... I won't finish that sentence. But it's illegal, surely.

I'll make a game, put "1,000 teams from around the world" on the box, and then when you boot it make a little message come up that says "sorry, we were told by God that we had to slow down, you can only be 20 teams at the minute - GIVE US A BREAK, they'll be ready for 2008".

In that case, take my money in 2008 you fucktards.
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Lol Badger :) You're not only funny but intelligent too :)


Please don't compare me to Hitler :) Mate, this is becoming neverending and only making this thread worse. How about we stop because i don't really like to argue, it only depresses me that we're arguing over a game..

Is one of you a "Moderator" by any chance?
I'll say it again, the only thing I expected from a next-gen Pro Evo is no blatantly obvious cheats, and that's not asking too much, is it? A few more teams would have been nice as well but with Konami being Konami I wasn't expecting that. So I don't think it's about expectations at all.

Most people are only moaning about the slowdown (not one or two jerks a game, complete slowdown during various moments), which ruins games for the people it affects - and it's a shitload of people, look around. Plus, online is unaccessible for a lot of people as well.

I think I'm more accepting of the whole situation as around PES5 time I was thinking that we'd have to wait ages for Pro Evo to move on to the next level. I've always envisioned 1 game to test the water (a la PES1 on PS2) followed by something awesome.

I'm obviously not bothered yet as everything has gone to my plan, if next year is woe then you'll hear about it.

Also I'm just dandy without a 360 or PS3 right now so I'm larfing at people who shedded out hundreds just for this game expecting the greatest thing ever. However I'm also moaning at people who think that Fifa is the second coming of Jesus. It's not too hard to sit back and say, right here we are, if we're not there by then then I'll x on seabass' face.

Expecting the game not to jerk and expecting to be able to click "online" and play an online game is too much to expect? Fucking hell, I'd better rent every single game I ever want for the rest of my life.

Eh, growing pains.

If I was buying a car and the brakes didn't work hell yeah I'd be unhappy.

A game has some slowdown during replays. get in to ze chopper now

You can't defend that, I'm sorry but you just can't. And if you say "Seabass doesn't control that" then great, it's not Master Seabass's fault, it's Konami's. And it's still wrong.

But I don't give a shit about Seabass. People harp on about him as it's the only name they know and it is seriously tiresome.

And yeah, bigger picture here. This game wasn't going to be the bees knees but for the love of christ how it's been lambasted is insane. Everything's been skewed so much that my eyes hurt.

Saying on the box, online playable, and then getting it home to find a message that says "sorry, we didn't finish this yet, hold on for a month" - well, if you excuse that then... I won't finish that sentence. But it's illegal, surely.

ahaha that's great.

Of course Pro Evo players cannot possibly wait a month to play with strangers via the internet.

I wouldn't say it's illegal. It says the game will have online features, the game will have online features. If it's a nice interactive message box saying wait a month then that's what it is.

I'll make a game, put "1,000 teams from around the world" on the box, and then when you boot it make a little message come up that says "sorry, we were told by God that we had to slow down, you can only be 20 teams at the minute - GIVE US A BREAK, they'll be ready for 2008".

In that case, take my money in 2008 you fucktards.

I'm sure there would have been a smidgen of pressure to get the game out on time. Something Fifa is not stranger to
Apart from the fact that I shall have a list of people and quotes and when these people do the deed they shall be reminded.

Then I shall collect their scalp.

For consumption.
Dude seriously take a step back... If it turns out great next year then Happy Days but no need to rub peoples nose in the dirt from a year previous? Thats a bit immature mate. If its shit next year then Konami are losing it!
Dude seriously take a step back... If it turns out great next year then Happy Days but no need to rub peoples nose in the dirt from a year previous? Thats a bit immature mate. If its shit next year then Konami are losing it!

Ach, you looked through my sarcasm and saw that I was being literal.

And yeah, the reaction to this has been akin to a family pet dying. People have gone through the 7 stages of grieving or whatever here, denial, anger and the lot. What's been said has been so unbelievably humourous that mankind will miss out if it is not recorded for future generations.

I think its inexcusable..they have had AGES to work on the game! They have had PS3 and 360 dev kits for sometime now. Slow down? that is pathetic for a next gen console.

And you have first hand experience with coding for both I take?

You haven't got an insight so keep your cents to yourself dogggg
A game has some slowdown during replays. get in to ze chopper now
The game is literally like playing a slideshow on PS3 for a large percentage of people. Not replay shuddering, in-game meltdown. If it was only a few suffering from it there wouldn't be news stories on various gaming websites saying Konami have received craploads of complaints and are working their arses off on a patch. There were a few server problems this time last year, and people complained, but it wasn't a news story (that I can remember).

But I don't give a shit about Seabass. People harp on about him as it's the only name they know and it is seriously tiresome.
Agreed, Teamvision is fantastic so give him his due, he's not lost the plot yet.

ahaha that's great. Of course Pro Evo players cannot possibly wait a month to play with strangers via the internet.
Er, that's all some people buy the game for, to play online. I get slated every time I talk about how crap the ML is, "every game is crap offline, you have to play it online" - so saying that people aren't going to miss playing online is, I promise you, completely and utterly wrong. It's what most people buy the game for (I don't know why, I can't see the point in Fulham v Barcelona ten million times in a row, but I'm one of a minority and so are you, all the kids love owning people online nowadays, lolz).

I wouldn't say it's illegal. It says the game will have online features, the game will have online features.
Well it says it DOES have online features, and it DOESN'T. It doesn't say "will have online features in a month". You're paying for something that you're not getting, if you're one of the majority who only buys it to play online and you go and spend your £40 quid on it to find you can't, and you don't touch the rest of the game, you've just threw £40 away haven't you? Yes it will be fixed in a month but you're not getting what you've paid for, you can't argue with that. Whether you will in the future or not, you've paid for it now, you're not getting it now, so it's completely wrong.

If all you buy the game for is online play, it's literally going to a shop and saying...

"Kane & Lynch please." (Kane & Lynch equals PES, online)
"That's £40. You get Barbie Horse Adventures free with it." (Barbie Horse Adventures equals PES, offline)
"Oh right, well it's free so I'll have it, but I don't really want it. Here's your £40."
"Thanks, here's your receipt."

Next day...

"Hi, I bought this game from you yesterday, the box is great and the manual's thrilling, but there's no disc."
"Ah right, yeah, that's because it's not going to be ready until next month. Sorry about that."
"So you took £40 off me for a box and a manual?"
"You got Barbie Horse Adventures, didn't you?"
"But I don't want Barbie Horse Adventures. I have zero interest in playing Barbie Horse Adventures. I wanted Kane & Lynch."
"Give it a chance, you might like it! Kane & Lynch is for chumps anyway, I don't see the point in it myself."
"Just give me a refund you gimp."
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We're having a debate DJ, we actually chat on MSN every couple of days. We both crave intellectual debate, even if it is only about games... We don't hate eachother, don't worry.
The game is literally like playing a slideshow on PS3 for a large percentage of people. Not replay shuddering, in-game meltdown. If it was only a few suffering from it there wouldn't be news stories on various gaming websites saying Konami have received craploads of complaints and are working their arses off on a patch. There were a few server problems this time last year, and people complained, but it wasn't a news story (that I can remember).

Are there any framerate figures about as I haven't come across anything technical yet?

Agreed, Teamvision is fantastic so give him his due, he's not lost the plot yet.

Aye but he's not the be all and end all of all things good and bad.

I liked that sentence

Er, that's all some people buy the game for, to play online. I get slated every time I talk about how crap the ML is, "every game is crap offline, you have to play it online" - so saying that people aren't going to miss playing online is, I promise you, completely and utterly wrong. It's what most people buy the game for (I don't know why, I can't see the point in Fulham v Barcelona ten million times in a row, but I'm one of a minority and so are you, all the kids love owning people online nowadays, lolz).

What I was on about was that waiting a month is hardly that much of a burden. There are people that are more passive about not eating for a week than some people here are about a minor detail on a computer game.

Well it says it DOES have online features, and it DOESN'T. It doesn't say "will have online features in a month". You're paying for something that you're not getting, if you're one of the majority who only buys it to play online and you go and spend your £40 quid on it to find you can't, and you don't touch the rest of the game, you've just threw £40 away haven't you? Yes it will be fixed in a month but you're not getting what you've paid for, you can't argue with that. Whether you will in the future or not, you've paid for it now, you're not getting it now, so it's completely wrong.

People not being to able to entertain themselves on a new Pro Evo for a month without online is something that I cannot comprehend.

How much free time do these people have? Do they not have any friends who could pop round?

I wouldn't say that you've thrown your money away if you only play online. You've got a headstart on the competition if anything, with time to familiarise yourself with the game.

If all you buy the game for is online play, it's literally going to a shop and saying...

"Kane & Lynch please." (Kane & Lynch equals PES, online)
"That's £40. You get Barbie Horse Adventures free with it." (Barbie Horse Adventures equals PES, offline)
"Oh right, well it's free so I'll have it, but I don't really want it. Here's your £40."
"Thanks, here's your receipt."

Next day...

"Hi, I bought this game from you yesterday, the box is great and the manual's thrilling, but there's no disc."
"Ah right, yeah, that's because it's not going to be ready until next month. Sorry about that."
"So you took £40 off me for a box and a manual?"
"You got Barbie Horse Adventures, didn't you?"
"But I don't want Barbie Horse Adventures. I have zero interest in playing Barbie Horse Adventures. I wanted Kane & Lynch."
"Give it a chance, you might like it! Kane & Lynch is for chumps anyway, I don't see the point in it myself."
"Just give me a refund you gimp."

But the rest of the game isn't the equivalent of a freebie that would end up as a door stop. It's the core of the game that's been around for nigh on 10 years before online was introduced.

If people genuinely cannot fathom a game without online features for a month then I am seriously disenfranchised with gamers today.

Yeah playing online is all gravy at times but for the casual gamer it's not exactly the only thing available to them.

Just for reference on things that miff me. GTA getting delayed filled me with woe.
But the rest of the game isn't the equivalent of a freebie that would end up as a door stop.
It is to people who only buy the game to play online. Don't you get what I'm saying? Yes you could practice, but people don't want to. They use online unranked matches to practice. The rest of the game literally has no purpose to them.

I know three people in the real world (yes, I do, honestly, I know it's surprising) who have played PES for as long as I have. I am the only one of all four of us who still plays football games offline. They don't even play eachother when they're at eachother's houses, they chat like old women and wait until they're both in their own homes to play.

You and I are a dying breed, Simpson. I mean, Badgerman.
loved it for 2 days...started thinking...now i hate it.

what have they done to our beautiful game? give me back the good old times of we7.
What i don't get is the following: if the game is first developed for pc and then ported, why didn't they start from pes6 pc and keep all the options that were there??

Anyway people are reporting a masterleague bug, apparently the masterleague freezes at the 17th game.

Not to mention i just played a beautiful juventus parma on the masterleague with both teams having white shirts, i almost went blind.

I have the feeling they are just doing a betatesting on us europeans and then they will release their bugfree jap version.
i will keep it...collection stuff...i am not bashing konami...they offered me too much fun and good hours over the past years...but this is really not what i expected :(

fingers crossed for 2008 ;)
1 version of Pro Evo that didn't meet unrealistically high expectations and 1 version of Fifa that has continued to slowly improve and everyone wets the bed. I just know that when Pro Evo gets the perfect scores next year that everyone will flock back, that day blood shall spill as I froth with anger.

This just means that this year we play FIFA and the next we'll play PES.

Where's the problem?
"That's £40. You get Barbie Horse Adventures free with it." .....

"So you took £40 off me for a box and a manual?"
"You got Barbie Horse Adventures, didn't you?"
"But I don't want Barbie Horse Adventures. I have zero interest in playing Barbie Horse Adventures. I wanted Kane & Lynch."

Is Barbie Arse Adventures any good?
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