WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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hmmm....only issue i know is the crash that happends if you download from PSN in the background.
Playing the game for 10 days now everyday,thats the only issue i know.

BTW it was mentioned before by someone that with the standard FW, the game had ablosute 100% no slowdowns or issue's
very interesting....seems its realy releated on FW,So it can be also fix by a FW.
Show some gratitude over Seabass, he is STILL the one that brought you the game, without him we all will still be playing FIFA or, worse, not playing Footie games at all.

Yes because Seabass just did it out of the kindness of his heart, not for anything in return......

So remind me, what kind of car does Seabass drive? What's his house like? How much money does he have in the bank?
ThomasGoal - Now come on Seabass is protecting you from the awfulness of PES2008 so as people keep telling me we should all be thankful to Seabass for everything, all the time...with no wavering...four legs good, two legs bad...repeat forever :)
Placebo some of these people obviously think of Seabass as the head of a religious group and that out of the goodness of his heart he 'allows' us to buy his product. As we are mere 'customers' we should give thanks for Seabass lowering himself to take our money :)
hmmm....only issue i know is the crash that happends if you download from PSN in the background.
Playing the game for 10 days now everyday,thats the only issue i know.

BTW it was mentioned before by someone that with the standard FW, the game had ablosute 100% no slowdowns or issue's
very interesting....seems its realy releated on FW,So it can be also fix by a FW.
I called Konami to tell them about the no-slowdown from Jflores ( which is funny, because the others have ). I told them too he might have the factory-settings. They said they are aware that the game runs fine with that settings and they are also aware that some have few slowdown and others bad slowdown.
It's really confusing but, he said, "we think we have isolated the problem, but we are not 100% sure of that" ( this sounds hopefull ;) ).
From PESFan I found some Konami-recommendations for the PS3:
-Play at 720p
-Switch off all screen-displays except the score and the radar
-Sound and commentary-settings to the minimum
-Play on a pitch with few details
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[Winning11 Blog] Option Files On The Way - http://www.winningelevenblog.com/2007/10/option-files-on-way.html

Many Many e-mails about the OF's! So many so that I don't even know who to start writing back to. Rest assured more OF's are on the way. We are currently working real hard behind the scenes as its a hectic time for the W.E.N.B. Team.

We are doing all we can to get the OF's ready for release. We even have a great supporter who is willing to create an Xbox 360 Option File on his console as he doesn't go on Xbox Live!

Make sure you keep checking the site. More PES news and details later tonight.


W.E.N.B. Team
From PESFan I found some Konami-recommendations for the PS3:

-Switch off all screen-displays except the score and the radar

The above is what I have always done with all WE games. I don't like too many things on my screen. I just want to see nothing but green pastures and players running about.
why no-one tell Seabass about this?

I spent much of last December writing a preview of PS3 zombie shocker, Possession, for the Official PlayStation 2 magazine. The game is a mouth-watering mix of survival horror adventure and squad-based shooter, with you commanding a ravenous undead army against a city stuffed with civilians, cops and soldiers.

The magazine is now out on the shelves, so I can finally talk about meeting up with Possession developer, Volatile, and chatting about what it's like to write games for Sony's next-gen hardware. At the time, the team were working with an emulator rather than a full PS3 dev kit, but already seemed comfortable with the peculiarities of the multi-processor behemoth.

Of course every developer is going to have a different take on PS3, but this is what one of them had to say...

First of all, as with Killzone developer Guerrilla in a recent online Q&A sesh, they were happy to point out that PS3 is not as complicated to write for as we've all been led to believe. Apparently, the machine's use of Open GL as its graphics API means that anyone who's ever written games for the PC will be intimately familiar with the set-up. In fact, PS3 employs a cut-down version named Open GL ES, which is even simpler - as Volatile's lead PS3 programmer, Lyndon Homewood explained:

"ES is designed for things like set-top boxes and mobile phones, where you want the fundamental graphics but don't need some of the fringe stuff that Open GL has. Because you've got that on PS3, it's going to be much easier than the PS2 to get something up and running - there are hundreds of books out there for it, so you can do your background reading. All the documentation is there."

We also got onto talking about how PS3 will deal with Cg - a version of the programming language C, which allows developers to code for advanced graphics processing units, specifically in the area of 3D shaders. (You can read more about Cg here and here). You may be completely up to spec on how this works, but Lyndon gives a decent beginners guide if not:

"Cg gives you a standard documented API for programming graphics chips. The main two segregations of Cg programming are the vertex shader and pixel shader. With the vertex shader you can act on 3D models at the vertex level, so for each triangle you can do something on each corner and then everything in-between is interpolated. So if you want to make your whole shape bigger, you can just push all the vertices out a bit. In this way you could, say, morph your character into a giant just by scaling up all the verts. It's a lot easier to get to that point in the graphics pipeline.

"And then you've got the pixel shaders. When you render each triangle on screen the GPU asks whether you want to do something to each individual pixel you render... so at this point you could run some sort of mathematical algorithm on each individual pixel - perhaps a lighting effect like high dynamic range lighting (a rough Wikipedia entry on HDR lighting can be found here). And that wasn't possible on PS2.

"All of this is already available and won't be a massive leap from what you're seeing on PCs with high-end graphics cards. But obviously on PS3, you've got eight chips to spread the processing cost over - the main PowerPC chip and seven SPE chips. In a PC, there's just one CPU, two in a dual processor machine. Having an eight CPU multi-processor system in your living room is pretty flash.

"At the end of the day it's just a multi-processor architecture. If you can get something running on eight threads of a PC CPU, you can get it running on eight processors on a PS3 - it's not massively different. There is a small 'gotcha' in there though. The main processor can access all the machine's video memory, but each of the seven SPE chips has access only to its own 256k of onboard memory - so if you have, say, a big mesh to process, it'll be necessary to stream it through a small amount of memory - you'd have to DMA it up to your cell chip and then process a little chunk, then DMA the next chunk, so you won't be able to jump around the memory as easily, which I guess you will be able to do on the Xbox 360.

"The graphics capabilities of PS3 will, I think, be slightly above the absolutely top-end graphics cards on the PC, but you've got much more processing power in the box so you're going to see a lot more physics, a lot more generated geometry. With water ripples, for example - they're pretty much algorithms, you have a flat plane of triangles and you run some sort of mathematical algorithm over it to generate a surface rippling effect - well, you will have the processing power to do these sorts of generated geometry effects On PS3. You could actually put one chip aside just to do that..."

According to Homewood, the management of the SPE chips is going to be a major consideration. One way is to assign specific roles to each of the chips - get one handling physics, one working on AI, etc. This might sound tidy, but Volatile are not convinced - partly because certain gameplay events, like a massive shoot-out, are going to create spikes in demand for, say, animation, collision detection and rag doll physics. One SPU working alone on each of these elements won't be able to deal with such spikes efficiently. Also, there's the question of co-ordination:

"The way we're thinking of doing it ourselves is via a job queue. We'll stick the jobs we want to do into a queue on the main processor and then we'll get the SPEs to pull off a queue entry and process it whenever they're free. You want to make sure all of your processors are always running. If you give the chips specific jobs, you'll end up with a lot of them being idle - you won't get the maximum out of PS3 doing that unless you time everything perfectly, so that the time it takes to do the animation on the first chip is exactly the same amount of time to do the physics on the next chip, which is exactly the same length of time it takes to do all your AI on the next chip - I think that would be extremely problematic."

One last thing. Volatile reckon PS3 is going to be much better for HD cinematics than Xbox 360, thanks to its Blu-Ray storage medium. 20 minutes of HD-TV footage takes up around 4.7GB, so an Xbox 360 game would quickly run out of space. This is going to matter more in the coming years as movies and games merge and we see more film elements being brought across to games.

So there you go. PS3 is relatively easy to program for if you have experience with high-end PCs - certainly more straightforward than PS2 with its proprietary graphics APIs. We've also heard lots of talk - from various studios - that Sony's developer support will be a lot stronger with PS3 (it's already much, much better with PSP apparently). Time will tell.

For now, we have screenshots, demos and promises, we have enthusiastic developers taking their first glance at the next generation of Sony hardware. We don't have games.
Ok now I know what the term fanboy is !!

Sunday I played PES2008 with my mates and this year I've bought FIFA08 and tried it with them.
2 of them told me just by playing the first game of FIFA : "Wow this game has a great atmosphere and graphics...looks more like a real football game BUT we prefer PES2008 because we're not LOST !"
1 of them told me (this one isn't a good player at both games but is better than the two others in real life) : "Definitely I'll buy this one".
Then when I tried PES2008 it was like "damn what's this crazy speed and Benny Hill running animations ! and erfff 8 directions, I'm now so used to play more directions with FIFA08"

Conclusion : It's to tell you that between my mates I was the best PES player and ws playing competitions in France...but sorry this year I really feel the difference and FIFA is great compared to PES6.5.
About Jflores' question why he has no slowdowns etc on his U.S. PS3 I think there must be a difference in updates.
Maybe there is also a hardware difference between European PS3's and U.S. ones.
Anyone who can say something about this?

There is no Emotion Engine in the (non NTSC) PS3's - Remember all the backwards compatibility issues before / at launch in Europe.

Funny enough these issues were 'Fixed' by a Firmware update, so software not hardware.

... Yep now we've figured it out, because the hardware chip is primarily for PS2 backwards compatibility,.... i.e are you enjoying your PS2 game PES 2008 on PS3? :D
LOL! running animations are hilarious in this game. They do run like baywatch hotties on a beach.

They don't bothe me too much TBH. I do agree that they need to make this running animations more player recognizable for future releases.

When I get home I will add the game data to the PS3 HDD. Do you guys think this will ruin my game and reveal the slowdowns?

Han, what do you think?
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This makes very depressing reading i'm afraid. Why do people insist on buying a sub standard game and help put it at the top of the charts.

I imagine sea-monkey stretching back in his over sized sofa, puffing on a cigar with a big smug grin on his face saying to his developers "I told you, didn't i? They really will buy anything. Perhaps we don't really need to overhaul my beloved game for next year, my public seem happy enough don't they"

People like you really are ignorant monobrows.

How many "sub-standard" games have Fifa released eh?

So much blinkered vision going on here it's unbelievable.
how the F*ck can anyone play this game on this quality

You added too many words their mate, it should be:

how the F*ck can anyone play this game


Anyway, great video.
There have been quite a few comedy moments from pes so far, the guys trying to head the ball bouncing on the bar, the ref now also getting involved and tackling kaka and now this.
There is no Emotion Engine in the (non NTSC) PS3's - Remember all the backwards compatibility issues before / at launch in Europe.

Funny enough these issues were 'Fixed' by a Firmware update, so software not hardware.

... Yep now we've figured it out, because the hardware chip is primarily for PS2 backwards compatibility,.... i.e are you enjoying your PS2 game PES 2008 on PS3? :D
I would bet you are right about the emotion chip; sounds like a problem to me :shock:
BTW I have no PES 2008 PS2...
People like you really are ignorant monobrows.

How many "sub-standard" games have Fifa released eh?

So much blinkered vision going on here it's unbelievable.
You're living in the past, it's all about today. How does that song go... "It's not what you've done, it's what you're doing, what are you doing now?"

I don't think PES is a pile of turd, but they're certainly not pushing the limits of innovation when they could be.
People like you really are ignorant monobrows.

How many "sub-standard" games have Fifa released eh?

So much blinkered vision going on here it's unbelievable.

You being a prime example. What has FIFA got to do with this?! PES is a shoddy game this year, not just through lack of development but also by its lack of technical polish and the problems this is giving (slowdown, crashes, ps3breakage, lagfest,etc). Thats reason enough to be critical.

Seeing as you are so desperate to defend PES by saying fifa has been shit for years, Ill explain why you are only showing even more ignorance by doing so. How many of us, pesfans first and foremost, have bought the crap fifa's? Hardly any, I havent bought it since 98 as that was the last decent game they made.

It wasnt till last year that I finally, after nearly a decade, bought it as it was showing promise with its new engine and pes360 was a poor port. So not being ignorant I gave it a try and liked it somewhat. It had potential but still wasnt good enough. This year, its forfilling its potential, and even though there are some issue's to be improved, its a very good game.

Now you see, the more openminded non ignorant of this bunch can see what fifa is doing and how its improving with its new engine. And because of that we, the customers, are deciding to buy the game, something most of us havent done for years as they were shoddy, crappy games.

And yet somehow, now konami are doing the same you choose to defend them by saying ea did it for years. There is one blatent problem with your argument, namely non of us BOUGHT fifa when it was shite! So why should we by PES now that it is shite?! Because its pes, because its konami, because its Seabass' baby?!

Dont be so f$%ing ignorant and while doing that it will allow you to stop being so hypocritical aswell!
FIFA has nothing to do with it although I do agree there games in the past have been seriously shit! you only have to look at FIFA 2003,4,5 and finally 6! They were awful to say the least. 07 and Next Gen 07 were heading in the right direction. PES has been the same with the exception of a few tweaks here and there since PES3 I think. Its about time NOKAMI did something about it.
Living in today is all well and good but forgetting the past 5 years and saying "This game is so-so, but this one is so-so with licenses" and the like is daft (which is what's going on)

A lot of us are here because Pro Evo has given us some pants-browningly good moments. Fifa has done very little to invoke the brown in it's history.

1 version of Pro Evo that didn't meet unrealistically high expectations and 1 version of Fifa that has continued to slowly improve and everyone wets the bed. I just know that when Pro Evo gets the perfect scores next year that everyone will flock back, that day blood shall spill as I froth with anger.

It's sort of odd in a way to see people being fickle and just knowing that they're going to about-turn in a matter of months
Nah its age :) I read reports of Early Blu Ray drives possibly being subject to failure TG. If thats true then there situation could be worse than MS's and having said that my 1st PS2 only lasted roughly a year before the Disc Read Errors kicked in....
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