WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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I think you have to be retarded to enjoy PES2008, no offense anyone.
The blind fanboy sheep that buy this shit are feeding at Seabass's poisoned trough.

I bought the game, but rest easy my more intelligent FIFA brethren, it's going STRAIGHT back to the shop.
FIFA is the future, more cultured individuals understand this.
PES is the past, only people less fortunate than myself(and a privileged few)cannot comprehend this.


Don't ban this guy, i like him :)
Right, back on-topic we go.

This is probably been covered, but anyone find a way to transfer players from one club to another on the 360? Always seems to want to swap players, and not assign to blank slots!
Noted said in the 360 forum (I think it was) that there doesn't appear to be a transfer option in the latest game.

Perhaps they'll be doing downloadable roster updates this year...?
I transfered Yakubu over i have now completely forgot how i done it i think i had to click on the team you want him to go to then if there unregistered slot you use that. It was confusing for me at first i was going wtf no transfer again surely not but i found it out in the end completely different method to in the past.
Jack are you going to ban text speak m8 ;)

Oh and for junka et al., I am wrong the Great Leader (Seabass) cannot do anything wrong, hence obviously PES2008 is not simply the greatest simulation of soccer that anyone can imagine but will be acknowledged as the greatest video game of all time. Of this I am sure - our Great Leader can do no more or less than this.

So anyway I just played a game of PES2008 - almost without slowdowns, almost getting to pick what kit my team would have, almost without buffoonish goalkeeping errors and you know what?

The single greatest gaming experience of my life....wait what was that...oh sorry Great Leader I was wrong...in fact the Great Leader has informed me it was the single greatest experience of my life. Thank you Great Leader!

Oh you guys...you have been right all along...why PES2008 is totally mint init m8 :)
Jack are you going to ban text speak m8 ;)

Oh and for junka et al., I am wrong the Great Leader (Seabass) cannot do anything wrong, hence obviously PES2008 is not simply the greatest simulation of soccer that anyone can imagine but will be acknowledged as the greatest video game of all time. Of this I am sure - our Great Leader can do no more or less than this.

So anyway I just played a game of PES2008 - almost without slowdowns, almost getting to pick what kit my team would have, almost without buffoonish goalkeeping errors and you know what?

The single greatest gaming experience of my life....wait what was that...oh sorry Great Leader I was wrong...in fact the Great Leader has informed me it was the single greatest experience of my life. Thank you Great Leader!

Oh you guys...you have been right all along...why PES2008 is totally mint init m8 :)

KILLA does it better tbh...
I just want to say that I received my PS3 copy today. I have played in most stadiums and have not experienced any slowdowns on gameplay or replays. The game runs smooth as a baby's bottom and I am having a blast playing it. I have a 42' LCD Samsung TV. Note, that I haven't even stored the game's data on the HDD yet. I guess I am one of the lucky ones, however it could be the TV's. Who knows..All I know is that I cannot put the game down. The gameplay is slower than the 360 demo and very satisfying.

The only thing I am having trouble with at the moment is the PS3 Trigger buttons. They feel very uncomfortable and unnatural.

That's all for now.

Back to some more playing fun!
Jack are you going to ban text speak m8 ;)

Oh and for junka et al., I am wrong the Great Leader (Seabass) cannot do anything wrong, hence obviously PES2008 is not simply the greatest simulation of soccer that anyone can imagine but will be acknowledged as the greatest video game of all time. Of this I am sure - our Great Leader can do no more or less than this.

So anyway I just played a game of PES2008 - almost without slowdowns, almost getting to pick what kit my team would have, almost without buffoonish goalkeeping errors and you know what?

The single greatest gaming experience of my life....wait what was that...oh sorry Great Leader I was wrong...in fact the Great Leader has informed me it was the single greatest experience of my life. Thank you Great Leader!

Oh you guys...you have been right all along...why PES2008 is totally mint init m8 :)
I requested a ban of text speak this time last year I think, no kidding. I luv english, lol. I believe it was added to the rules at some point but then when it became evident that it was happening every five seconds, it was abandoned. O noes, nvr mind.

For the record (I dread to think of the amount of people wondering if I'm going to ban you for being a "nuisance"), I agree with what you say, and I don't think - with users like yourself - I'm going to get involved in warnings, bans etc. because it will doubtlessly be seen as a number of things. Trying to trick people into thinking I'm fair (when I'm actually the Lord Of Darkness), not banning you quickly enough which proves I'm incapable, blah blah blah... So in cases where someone is repeatedly badmouthing PES (which I've got away with for years) and they're not abusing someone directly, I'm steering well clear of it.

So Jim, if you get banned, don't think I had anything to do with it matey. ;)

KILLA does it better tbh...
:lol: I miss him already, he spoke the truth...
:lol: I miss him already, he spoke the truth...

Well i'm going to put my blindfold on and play PES2008, at least i won't see the slowdowns that way, and since it's scripted my actions on the input device won't make any difference anyway :)
*Bites tongue and sits on hands*

That sounds like a great solicitors that, Bites Tongue and Sits On Hands. Or two dodgy "associates".

As a mod I shouldn't be dragging this thread so far off-topic really, I'll be out of a job tomorrow...
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Jack to be serious for a moment perhaps Evo Web should have forums for adults and forums for the kids? Then perhaps some objective and interesting debates could occur in the grown-ups forums and the kids can be left to discuss the how minty/killa our Great Leader and all his works are.


But it gets kinda boring being told one is an a****** for wanting a game that doesn't perform and feel like a beta.

Over at the worse game ever thread in the xbox section fanboys keep popping up declaring PES2008 to the greatest ever game etc. no matter how well thought out the critics have been. As someone on that thread suggested there are a huge amount people in denial about just how poor an effort PES2008 is (it plays like it's an arcade game FFS).

Why the hell can we not discuss the pros and cons of Konami's "efforts" without some tit coming in and saying "WHAT? YOUR FULL OF SHIT - THE GAME IS AMAZING!"


Look when a developer enters into a long-term realtionship with gamers as Konami has (whether they care to acknowledge it or not), there is an unspoken agreement between parties that the gamers will continue to buy the game as long as they feel that the company is making real and substantial efforts to try to improve it while also keeping pace with the advances in gaming technology.

Can anyone, being honest, say they think Konami has done that with this release (in fact has taken several step backwards).

They have not held up on their end of the 'gaming relationship' so for me (and many others I'm sure) it's time to move on until they prove themselves in being able to win us back again. Hopefully with a game that: (a) runs as it should, (b) intelligently simulates football (not pinball with players on steroids), and (c) gives the end user maximum flexibility with regard to options - editing, being able to pick a kit for a league match etc., (not reducing that end user choice).

I sure wanting all that from the Great Leader makes me a dangerous subversive.
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OK I have one for us, seeing as Konami must be seeing some negative feedback from this release do you think they will release the same game to Japan on PS3 etc or will they tweak it slightly for that audience, I have always found WE games to be a little better so curious to see if Nokami do anythng about it..
*Bites tongue and sits on hands*

That sounds like a great solicitors that, Bites Tongue and Sits On Hands. Or two dodgy "associates".

As a mod I shouldn't be dragging this thread so far off-topic really, I'll be out of a job tomorrow...

- I'm afraid you leave me no alternative than to introduce you to two of my associates.

[Two Men enter]

- Bruno is almost blind, has to operate wholly by touch. Claus is a moron, who knows only what he reads in the New York post. I believe they never let a man loose consciousness, however long they may work upon him...
Well personally I hope they are working 24/7 to fix things for the Jap version (I really would like a half-decent footy game this year) but I doubt our Great Leader is too worried about what we mere 'lowlifes' (i.e. customers) have to say on the matter.
By the way does anyone else find it somewhat ironic that one the leaflets that comes with the game is titled "Wasted Potential?"
Can anyone, being honest, say they think Konami has done that with this release (in fact has taken several step backwards).
Without meaning to sound offensive here, and you know I agree with you completely, you have to understand that everyone sees things differently. What's a fact to you and I isn't a fact to everyone.

I'm being brutally honest here, when I play the "other" game, I miss the reaction times and I miss the Teamvision. Now you say in the quote above, that people should believe it has taken huge steps backwards, and it has in my mind, no doubt. But I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised with Teamvision. And that's no crappy strap-on feature that's meaningless in the long run (unless you only play multiplayer, which a lot of people do). It's very clever, and to be brutally honest again I'm shocked at how good it is because I thought Seabass had completely lost the plot. It changes the way you play the game.

I only have to look at the vids in my sig to remember why I'm not going to buy it this year, and I genuinely don't want £40 going towards making PES2009 the same pile of tripe (in my opinion). But Teamvision is, in my opinion, a very good addition - and if you don't believe in CPU cheats (which a few people don't, they say I'm playing the game wrong...), then the game must feel fantastic, once you adapt to the speed (and you do).

Konami need telling that we're not happy with features being ripped out every year with no need (not being able to change kits in the ML is an absolute joke, could they not be arsed copy-and-pasting that code from last year? Plus charging £40 for half a game - which it is while the online problems prevent you from playing properly - is scandalous, and I should imagine verging on illegal, false advertising if it mentions internet play on the box surely?). But they are getting one or two things right. And not everyone will think the same way as you.

- I'm afraid you leave me no alternative than to introduce you to two of my associates.

[Two Men enter]

- Bruno is almost blind, has to operate wholly by touch. Claus is a moron, who knows only what he reads in the New York post. I believe they never let a man loose consciousness, however long they may work upon him...
I'm guessing this is a quote from a film or a TV show. You'll have to enlighten me. :(
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I just want to say that I received my PS3 copy today. I have played in most stadiums and have not experienced any slowdowns on gameplay or replays. The game runs smooth as a baby's bottom and I am having a blast playing it. I have a 42' LCD Samsung TV. Note, that I haven't even stored the game's data on the HDD yet. I guess I am one of the lucky ones, however it could be the TV's. Who knows..All I know is that I cannot put the game down. The gameplay is slower than the 360 demo and very satisfying.

The only thing I am having trouble with at the moment is the PS3 Trigger buttons. They feel very uncomfortable and unnatural.

That's all for now.

Back to some more playing fun!

Yo jflores, i c that u live in the US and u say u just got urs today.. Who did u get it from and roughly how long did it take.?!
Erm well yeah, why would people want to buy something that didn't work properly? That just don't make sense

Why would Konami spend a fortune making it better, when they can obviously get away with turning out the same old game every year. I'm afraid it's all down to profit at the end of the day, spend a little make a lot or spend a lot and make the same amount. If it's true what you say and you keep buying it, hoping it will better, then you are on to a loser. If you want it to get better DON'T buy it when its a turkey.

Treat Konami like a dog, give it treats when it has done well but punish it when it's been a bad boy

Well in all honesty i havent played PES 08 yet, not even the demo so i dont really know what to expect.. I've read a crap load of opinions from tons of ppl and many say its absolute shite while others say its a good game.. Ill be receiving mine hopefully sometime this week and will give my thoughts on it then..But if i dont like it and i aint happy then ill just carry on playing Fifa.. And theres always CoD 4 aswell coming out soon so basically im set for at least a couple of months! :D;)
Jim: Geez you do complain alot you know ... and do you like Kim Jong Il that much? :) Why don't you join them? Won't miss you too much I'm afraid.
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