WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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This is not about FIFA versus PES...it's about the shoddy quality control and poor production values of Konami...even Seabass himself had his doubts BEFORE the game was released...is Seabass also a fool in your eyes?

I love Seabass for giving me pleasure all those years. No need to call him names.
[MC-PS3] PES 2008 tops UK software sales charts - http://www.maxconsole.net/?mode=news&newsid=22339

ES 2008 tops UK software sales charts

Despite reports of in-game slowdowns and a lack of innovation, PES 2008 has topped the UK software charts in its first week on sale. The PS2 version sold the most copies, followed by the Xbox 360 version and the PS3 version.


Konami's Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 has topped the UK software charts, entering its first week at number one according to Chart-Track data.

In terms of unit sales, the PS2 version of PES '08 was number one, followed by the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions.

Rounding out the UK top five were FIFA '08, Football Manager 2008, Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, and Ratatouille.

Valve's The Orange Box was at number six, just ahead of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, which entered at number seven. Halo 3 fell from number five to number eight, ahead of High School Musical: Makin' the Cut and Cooking Mama.

THQ's Juiced 2 failed to make the top ten, but nevertheless made an impressive gain, up to number thirteen from twenty.

Recent release entering the charts for the first time this week were The Sims 2: Castaway at number ninteeen, Clive Barker's Jericho at number twenty-six, and Thrillville: Off the Rails at number twenty-eight.

News Source: Gamesindustry.biz
Trance that is an awesome suggestion for free kicks you got there, hats off to you my man, this is the kind of vision we need from Konami. These kind of ideas are the ones which will make our game evolve. I put your name forward to collate our ideas and present them in the same way you have done with your free kick idea.

To add to your idea, how about a set play function. We could create plays in the training arena, save them and use them in match situations, not just with free kicks mind you, even corners and throw ins etc. I remember we were able to do this years ago in "John Barnes" football game for the Amiga. I spent many an hour creating amazing free kicks and what a buzz it gave me when it ended up with the ball in the back of the net
[MC-PS3] PES 2008 tops UK software sales charts - http://www.maxconsole.net/?mode=news&newsid=22339

ES 2008 tops UK software sales charts

Despite reports of in-game slowdowns and a lack of innovation, PES 2008 has topped the UK software charts in its first week on sale. The PS2 version sold the most copies, followed by the Xbox 360 version and the PS3 version.


Konami's Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 has topped the UK software charts, entering its first week at number one according to Chart-Track data.

In terms of unit sales, the PS2 version of PES '08 was number one, followed by the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions.

Rounding out the UK top five were FIFA '08, Football Manager 2008, Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, and Ratatouille.

Valve's The Orange Box was at number six, just ahead of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, which entered at number seven. Halo 3 fell from number five to number eight, ahead of High School Musical: Makin' the Cut and Cooking Mama.

THQ's Juiced 2 failed to make the top ten, but nevertheless made an impressive gain, up to number thirteen from twenty.

Recent release entering the charts for the first time this week were The Sims 2: Castaway at number ninteeen, Clive Barker's Jericho at number twenty-six, and Thrillville: Off the Rails at number twenty-eight.

News Source: Gamesindustry.biz

This makes very depressing reading i'm afraid. Why do people insist on buying a sub standard game and help put it at the top of the charts.

I imagine sea-monkey stretching back in his over sized sofa, puffing on a cigar with a big smug grin on his face saying to his developers "I told you, didn't i? They really will buy anything. Perhaps we don't really need to overhaul my beloved game for next year, my public seem happy enough don't they"
[MC-PS3] PES 2008 tops UK software sales charts - http://www.maxconsole.net/?mode=news&newsid=22339

ES 2008 tops UK software sales charts

Despite reports of in-game slowdowns and a lack of innovation, PES 2008 has topped the UK software charts in its first week on sale. The PS2 version sold the most copies, followed by the Xbox 360 version and the PS3 version.


Konami's Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 has topped the UK software charts, entering its first week at number one according
to Chart-Track data.

In terms of unit sales, the PS2 version of PES '08 was number one, followed by the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions.

Rounding out the UK top five were FIFA '08, Football Manager 2008, Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, and Ratatouille.

Valve's The Orange Box was at number six, just ahead of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, which entered at number seven. Halo 3 fell from number five to number eight, ahead of High School Musical: Makin' the Cut and Cooking Mama.

THQ's Juiced 2 failed to make the top ten, but nevertheless made an impressive gain, up to number thirteen from twenty.

Recent release entering the charts for the first time this week were The Sims 2: Castaway at number ninteeen, Clive Barker's Jericho at number twenty-six, and Thrillville: Off the Rails at number twenty-eight.

News Source: Gamesindustry.biz

So..... konami has his money..:applause::applause:
I love Seabass for giving me pleasure all those years. No need to call him names.

Sando you called me a****** for daring to express my view that PES2008 isn't the best thing ever. I then pointed out that Seabass has himself in interviews said he has not done enough with PES2008, and so I asked you if you also think Seabass is also a fool...

And you then tell me not to call him names (precisely what I was not doing)...WTF? Are you really that dim? I guess that you are.

Maybe you and junka can play each other online (have fun with that lag if you can) and then chat in text talk about it....
This makes very depressing reading i'm afraid. Why do people insist on buying a sub standard game and help put it at the top of the charts.

I imagine sea-monkey stretching back in his over sized sofa, puffing on a cigar with a big smug grin on his face saying to his developers "I told you, didn't i? They really will buy anything. Perhaps we don't really need to overhaul my beloved game for next year, my public seem happy enough don't they"

well what do u expect.. u think ppl are suddently not going to buy PES just because of slowdown etc, i dont think so.. When ppl love a series they keep buying it, hoping its going to get better each year, fifa has their fanboys and PES has them aswell..
It was always going to sell a shedload precisely because of what rickyricc is talking about. It's the same with all brand names (and Pro Evo is a brand name - what game do you play, THE GAME FOR MEN, PRO EVO! If you don't own a copy, you're in danger of waking up the day after release as a homosexual, that's a "fact", don't you know).

But these figures don't factor in the amount of complaints they're going to get, A) for the slowdown and B) for the net play not working from release, and they also don't factor in returns. So I'd like to think that there will be a few thousand sensible people taking it back and telling the shopkeeper to send it back to Konami with a note saying "insert up developer's arse".

Obviously only a total moron could like the game enough to keep it after a week.
I wish i could be part of this elite sensible club, but i actually like the game and can see me keeping it until PES2009.

Obviously only a total moron could like the game enough to keep it after a week.
I wish i could be part of this elite sensible club, but i actually like the game and can see me keeping it until PES2009.
I'm not calling you or anyone else a moron (I know certain people would but I'd like to point out that I won't ;)). I can understand why people like it, and I don't want to be part of the elite "my game is better than your game, THINK LIKE ME OR I'LL THREATEN YOU, GRRRRRR" club (bit OTT but you get what I mean). The elite "wash, rinse and repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat" club badge will do me. :thumbup:
well what do u expect.. u think ppl are suddently not going to buy PES just because of slowdown etc

Erm well yeah, why would people want to buy something that didn't work properly? That just don't make sense

When ppl love a series they keep buying it, hoping its going to get better each year, fifa has their fanboys and PES has them aswell..

Why would Konami spend a fortune making it better, when they can obviously get away with turning out the same old game every year. I'm afraid it's all down to profit at the end of the day, spend a little make a lot or spend a lot and make the same amount. If it's true what you say and you keep buying it, hoping it will better, then you are on to a loser. If you want it to get better DON'T buy it when its a turkey.

Treat Konami like a dog, give it treats when it has done well but punish it when it's been a bad boy
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iv'e played the game to death, and really enjoy certain aspects of konami's latest offering, however the game is to fucking fast and is starting to grate

gonna get rid i'm afraid
i am wondering if the moderator of this thread can in anyway keep this thread free of dummys who post shit in asking people to go and fuck themselves!!

i feel slightly concerned that it is simply decaying from a "discussion" into open warfare where it looks to me the guys with the FIFA avatars simply come here and go fishing for bother.

The whole emphasis on "discussion" is lost as it seems people are more interested in psychological bullying by instructing people to take there copies of pes back to the shops sending love letters to Seabass:roll: A triffle odd.

People do not like it then fine, i am sure other gamers will find out in there own time wheather they CHOOSE to keep it or not. It does not mean there opinions are any less important because they choose to like it;)
Yeah, Jack, I was wondering if I overlooked all the time that you are moderator. So I think you are it only shortly.
Can you safely judge about the posts from all those haters? ;)
i am wondering if the moderator of this thread can in anyway keep this thread free of dummys who post shit in asking people to go and fuck themselves!!

i feel slightly concerned that it is simply decaying from a "discussion" into open warfare where it looks to me the guys with the FIFA avatars simply come here and go fishing for bother.

The whole emphasis on "discussion" is lost as it seems people are more interested in psychological bullying by instructing people to take there copies of pes back to the shops sending love letters to Seabass:roll: A triffle odd.

People do not like it then fine, i am sure other gamers will find out in there own time wheather they CHOOSE to keep it or not. It does not mean there opinions are any less important because they choose to like it;)

fifa avators are because we were taking part in an online league, there is no big conspiracy

i myself am a pro evo fan, still am but don't think pes2008 is worth £40 of my money i'll just carry on with pes6 that's all
I was joking about that whole loving me thing but evidently I was onto something, I'm getting pictures drawn of me now! Sweet! :D Seriously though, the likeness is eerie... It's almost as if... Oh God, you're not a stalker are you?

No seriously, I'm not joking now, it is very life-like. If that was up for sale somewhere the missus would pay Christ knows what for it, it's very good.


Yeah, Jack, I was wondering if I overlooked all the time that you are moderator. So I think you are it only shortly.
Can you safely judge about the posts from all those haters? ;)

I've just this second been made a mod thanks to Mart and co., I'm dreading to think of the amount of protest threads that are going to be started... But I've actually said in the staff forum that certain matters I won't be drawn on because, believe it or not, I'm all for free speech (as long as it doesn't get personal, or illegal, etc) and I don't want to ruin such a wonderful forum. It's not as if I'm the only mod here so I'll only step into something when it's something I know is 100% against the rules. So don't worry, you can call FIFA a pile of wank and say PES is the most wondrous technical achievement since the dawn of time, and I won't flinch. ;)
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Well, well, Jack, now one of the establishment....sold your principles for a bit of power, eh? ;)

You may as well make the most of it and ban a few fan boys whilst you've got the chance :lol:.
What if I say PES is a pile of wank and FIFA is the most wondrous technical achievement since the dawn of time :D

Ive noticed some new animations in the PS2 one atleast, and they are amazing, I am really enjoying it so far, doing a master league with my alphabet tourny team (mate tourny thing) I got P A and E :D Anyway I like the new feint turns, and roll overs etc they look lovely, dribbling is fun , passing is nice I did an amazing team goal. This is against the computer aswell, should be amazing with mates, only had about 4 with mates, and that was on day 1 but they were very good.

The thing I love the most are the slide tackles they are so amazing to pull off.
Well, well, Jack, now one of the establishment....sold your principles for a bit of power, eh? ;)

You may as well make the most of it and ban a few fan boys whilst you've got the chance :lol:.
I could say I'm not tempted in the least, but that would be a downright lie, so I'll just say that I am a changed man. That way, it's such an outrageous lie, that nobody will believe it anyway. ;)

Seriously though, free speech and all that... If you think snorting Liquorice Allsorts is better than rollerskating naked then you're free to say that. As long as you're not saying, shove Allsorts up your nose now before I insert that rollerskate into your person and give you teh aids, it's fine. God bless Evo-Web.

What if I say PES is a pile of wank and FIFA is the most wondrous technical achievement since the dawn of time :D
You get my phone number and a bottle of lube (free whilst stocks last).
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Trance that is an awesome suggestion for free kicks you got there, hats off to you my man, this is the kind of vision we need from Konami. These kind of ideas are the ones which will make our game evolve. I put your name forward to collate our ideas and present them in the same way you have done with your free kick idea.

To add to your idea, how about a set play function. We could create plays in the training arena, save them and use them in match situations, not just with free kicks mind you, even corners and throw ins etc. I remember we were able to do this years ago in "John Barnes" football game for the Amiga. I spent many an hour creating amazing free kicks and what a buzz it gave me when it ended up with the ball in the back of the net

Cheers mate. :)

To be honest I have focused on the basic dynamics and controls of gameplay. There has been a suggestion submitted on PESFAN that suggested being able to use a setplay editor to select what players would be at what positions, and where they would run etc.

Seeing how complex setplay functions might be (considering the huge amount of different positions for freekicks and such, and the differences of the opposition teams you play), it might be complicated.

BUT, you also mention an example where it worked great, and looking back on examples in the past that worked is always the best idea for the basics. I look to ISS98 alot in my suggestions. ;)

I also have a huge text document for PES ideas with lots of suggestions and thoughts on lots of gameplay stuff and how it should work. I always think of new stuff and I just write them down to be able to not "obsess" over them. Gives some peace of mind. ;)
I could say I'm not tempted in the least, but that would be a downright lie, so I'll just say that I am a changed man. That way, it's such an outrageous lie, that nobody will believe it anyway. ;)

Seriously though, free speech and all that... If you think snorting Liquorice Allsorts is better than rollerskating naked then you're free to say that. As long as you're not saying, shove Allsorts up your nose now before I insert that rollerskate into your person and give you teh aids, it's fine. God bless Evo-Web.

You get my phone number and a bottle of lube (free whilst stocks last).

Hang on a second this aint one of those things where I ring the number expecting something erotic only for it to go on hold with a pound a second rates?

If it is, I will have the lube now, what delivery service does it take? :lol:

I must be crazy, some of the songs I think are good, most are annoyingly catchy! :(
I think you have to be retarded to enjoy PES2008, no offense anyone.
The blind fanboy sheep that buy this shit are feeding at Seabass's poisoned trough.

I bought the game, but rest easy my more intelligent FIFA brethren, it's going STRAIGHT back to the shop.
FIFA is the future, more cultured individuals understand this.
PES is the past, only people less fortunate than myself(and a privileged few)cannot comprehend this.

I think you have to be retarded to enjoy PES2008, no offense anyone.
The blind fanboy sheep that buy this shit are feeding at Seabass's poisoned trough.

I bought the game, but rest easy my more intelligent FIFA brethren, it's going STRAIGHT back to the shop.
FIFA is the future, more cultured individuals understand this.
PES is the past, only people less fortunate than myself(and a privileged few)cannot comprehend this.


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