WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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Mark - how dare you be critical of PES2008? - I think the fact that, we mere lowlifes that buy and play the game, cannot have the kit we want is great.

After all our great leader Seabass always knows best. Don't question the great leaders efforts please.

i know this has been asked a million times, but from your experience can u tell me if the gameplay is superfast? like the demo, or is it a nice normal speed? thanks mate

yes mate i hated the demo because it was sooo fast

retail version is a little quick but after a few games you adapt and you feel right at home again, but it also might seem fast because iv'e been playing FIFA08 pretty much everyday since it's release in september
I am starting to really like the game now (360 version) on wide and with a few of the games speedsters (Messi et al) slowed down a little in plays much more realistic. In wide mode it is easier to pass (no more blindly pressing the x button and it automatically finding a man) and its easier to defend as you can cut oput much earlier...

I have had absolutely zero slowdown...
how do you shoot? every shot i hit is a low one!

The power meter can be filled almost fully now without it blazing over, wich is great when you get used to it.

I'm finding it a challenge on top player which is a surprise to me.
England beat my Argentina 5-2 :)
I've sorted out the cpu formations, including defence arrows, maybe that's why.
If you look at Koolaje's previous posts, he's actually very supportive of the "fight against Seabass". I think you've misunderstood him (to be honest I don't understand what he means by that post myself).

If you want someone to pick on, pick on the guy in the Xbox 360 forum telling me I'm a "sad fucker" for having a games list in my sig. :( *Sniff*

The fight against Seabass LMFAO!!

How old are you? Jack please get over this hate campaign you seem to be trying to conjure up against Seabass. Surely you realise you are NEVER going to affect him or influence him in anyway

you type so much i am TRULY amazed that you have not suffered carpal tunnel syndrome(Fingers crossed thou)!!!

As for the other bold comment....The guy DOES have a point;)
Dearest Mr Bauer,

Firstly i would ask you to stop believing in your own so called hype.

The fight against Seabass LMFAO!!

How old are you? Jack please get over this hate campaign you seem to be trying to conjure up against Seabass. Surely you realise you are NEVER going to affect him or influence him in anyway

you type so much i am TRULY amazed that you have not suffered carpal tunnel syndrome(Fingers crossed thou)!!!

As for the other bold comment....The guy DOES have a point;)

:shock: My god!!

A one word responce instead of the usual novel written by yourself and no sarcasm in site. Starting to think people may be bored by what you are writing are you?:8):

But i am not Jack Bauer;)

If there is any shooting to be done it has to be someone as miserable as you.

Who complains of PES always being the same yet the news of a new one cannot come quick enough for you.

Stick to FIFA "Jack"

I can think of no greater HELL than sitting next to both you and Peter:roll:

Grey doesn't even come close

urbanspy's signature from the summer said:
Jack Bauer, Jack Bauer, Jack Bauer, I don't care

Listen, I know you love me, but can you PM me instead of posting all over the internet? It's getting embarrasing.

These have all been posted within the last six months by your good self (and I've skipped three posts that were aimed at me but without addressing me). For someone who says I love my own hype - you seem to be the one trying to create it. There's people here who say the moderators don't do enough moderation - you should be fucking grateful, because all you are is a bully with nothing better to do than come on a forum about a football game and comment on how stupid someone is, without actually mentioning football most of the time. You've wished death or serious injury on me several times now, and all because I reiterate my opinion. You're a lovely fella, and I know how badly you want me, but I'm taken. Sorry.

(And in reply to what you said, I was joking about "the fight against Seabass", hence the quotes, and as for being a sad fucker - well, I'm not the one who's written all the love letters above)
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Wow with insights like that I really know that I'm debating with the the brightest and best on Evo-Web. So why precisely what was it about my post that makes me an a******?

I REALLY want PES to finally produce a wonderful and rewarding simulation which has real depth...and that makes me what an a******?

Can you actually try engaging in the issues, perhaps? How is it I can fire up my PES6 on my old PS2 and it is rock solid...no slowdowns that I can notice...yet a game that looks more or less like a PS2 game cannot run problem free on my PS3...and I'm somehow moaning 'unfairly'. Are you serious?

This is not about FIFA versus PES...it's about the shoddy quality control and poor production values of Konami...even Seabass himself had his doubts BEFORE the game was released...is Seabass also a fool in your eyes?

Not so much a fool as a puppet

Somewhere in the development process and no doubt wanting to still have equality in quality between systems PES along with the name turned out to be the same for all consoles minus playability and reliability issues

I blame the publishers wanting a game to come out fast fast fast rather than the dev company etc.

it's them that are the ones pushing out unfinished product.

i can only hope that peter moore really breathes some life into EASports as there is no other figure head at konami that could do that for pro evo at all anymore...so PES2009 will be a bad game as well
I haven't read the whole thread so forgive me if i'm repeating what others have said.

I'm a massive happy clapper and can usually see no fault in the games and can't stand all the negative shite that accompanies every release of PES but I have two gripes with this game. Firstly it's far too easy. I've only played on the hardest difficulty setting and won the world cup with England with my first games without conceeding and scoring plenty (we all know that's not realistic;)). Dribbling is particularly easy and with any moderately paced player you can run around the defence with ease.

My other gripe is that when you score a goal the whistle blasting as it crosses a line. I know it's a small incidental thing and I'm not sure if it's been present in previous games but I find it really noticable and really takes away from the scoring experience.

Apart from that the game's great.
Listen, I know you love me, but can you PM me instead of posting all over the internet? It's getting embarrasing.

These have all been posted within the last six months by your good self (and I've skipped three posts that were aimed at me but without addressing me). For someone who says I love my own hype - you seem to be the one trying to create it. There's people here who say the moderators don't do enough moderation - you should be fucking grateful, because all you are is a bully with nothing better to do than come on a forum about a football game and comment on how stupid someone is, without actually mentioning football most of the time. You've wished death or serious injury on me several times now, and all because I reiterate my opinion. You're a lovely fella, and I know how badly you want me, but I'm taken. Sorry.

(And in reply to what you said, I was joking about "the fight against Seabass", hence the quotes, and as for being a sad fucker - well, I'm not the one who's written all the love letters above)

Please Sherlock enlighten me...

urbanspy, go and play in the traffic you obsessed prick

And as for you i MAY....then may not consider what you say, but seeing as October has not even passed and you seem to have just joined this forum i will put it down to just getting your post counter up.

Don't even pretend to fucking know me as i have contributed more to this forum than you could hope to.
My advice is don't be a sheep, be clever do your own investigation into posters and when you get home from school and read this maybe if you take my advice you may just get ahead in life
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