WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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Oh sweet jeet christ.

Looks like you just sprung a pair and feel like driving about in your cool as Nova.

You're using proper words, but I can tell that I hate you. You're unoriginal and you used "cock" as an insult.

Ugh, I fully anticipate you to call me gay as you boast how Angelina Jolie is pleasuring you as you type. Actually if you were going to do this, please do. Your inadvertant humour is much better than anything I can come up with (sad fase galore :'[ )

My lyrical attack will melt your keyboard, fase and sense of balance. I am not unleashing it for your own good.

Cammey is bearable, but I just know that you are one of these people that can only gain sustenance from being the most stereotypical internet-nerd tough guy, to the point where I find myself questioning are you infact a caricature.

Are you a caricature?

So yeah. Don't use my words ta duck or I shall not be amused >:[

>:[ denotes angry face

badger, serious question how old are you mate?
I wouldnt say they cheated us. The game plays decently.

The lack of features is due to the demand of consumers to play the game earlier.

game is ok, but don't agree with your last point nazzo

theyv'e had more than enough time to release the pes2008 we all wanted
wotever happened to the nike balls ?? are they in the game ?? all I have is the PES balls and addidas balls to choose from.

as well as the your take on neo-Kantian epistemology perhaps

Oh, Kant. That really is interesting, was under the assumption that I was the only one to even know about him with the post quality/intelligence of this board.

Had to read his take on beauty, and how you could determine as a fact what is beautiful for a course on Beauty & Sublime. Had to read Burke, Nietzshe, Hegel, Simmel, Foucoult, etc. aswell. Really interesting.

*Back ontopic*

You are wasting your time Jim. All you will end up with are a group that agree with you, like me, Jack, Trance and a few others, and another group that talks in text speak and tells you to stop moaning and just be glad they released a game. And that, if you adjust and turn off enough settings, the game is actually playable in a couple of stadiums.

Ive actually, for the first time since the ISS snes release, havent bought the game. Even when I could get it for only 38euro's (the classics are only 30euro's here). Last year I waited till pes360 went cheaper to get is as I wasnt prepared to pay full price for a game lacking so many essential features. This year Im not even bothering to wait adn just refuse to buy it. Partly because I just dont want to play the same old ML again, but even moreso because I now refuse to pay them for their "work". They really are taking the piss and unfortunatly for us, and eventually the game, there are enough people who will gladly lap it up.
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You are wasting your time Jim. All you will end up with are a group that agree with you, like me, Jack, Trance and a few others, and another group that talks in text speak and tells you to stop moaning and just be glad they released a game.

And don't forget we're to "enjoy the game for what it is". Well, I can't enjoy shit.

I originally had no intention of buying it, but having found FIFA was just not good enough to meet my needs, and a simple curiosity to see just what Konami had come up with on PS3, I decided to spend the £40. I'm glad I did buy as I don't think I could have fully appreciated from other people's comments just how bad it really is.

And you know, for all that the chronically slow framte-rates and jerkiness are utterly laughable, that's not what makes the game so disappointing...I feel these can be fixed because every other game I've played on PS3 is perfectly smooth. What I find most depressing is that it really is just PES6 badly ported, all the AI cheats meticulously recreated to give exactly the same rage inducing experience as last year.

So much for TeamVision and a whole new next-gen AI. Not even a hint of evolution in the gameplay. The only change since last year is added jerkiness and loads of features missing.

PES should be renamed Pro Regression Soccer.
Come on guys, this a forum site for a computer and console game, lets talk, discuss, argue and hell even slate each other over that, lets not turn it into a my Dad's bigger than your Dad, forum.

I can understand people 'doing' one every now and again, but some people on here are just seem to be trying to bully other posters and are continually attacking other peoples points of view.. Don't get me wrong I feel like taking quite a few people to task on here sometimes, but come on whats the point, for all we know most of the posters on here could be twelve year old kids.
The Internet makes geniuses of us all, in forum land...
Baxter and Bauer,
Do you you have to reiterate the same points constantly?
Konami and/or Seabass aren't going to read any or this, all you are doing is going on and on about why you don't like PES anymore.
I don't think there is anyone left that you haven't enlightened tbh.
Four quick points:

A) I appreciate what you're saying but I never repeat stuff for the sake of repeating it. I don't copy and paste my posts. I only ever say something if someone posts a comment that I'd like to debate.

B) New people register all the time - jimbaxter is not exactly someone I remember as a prolific poster up until the last month or so, for example - and so it's not like I'm repeating myself to the same people over and over or I would have left years ago.

C) I'm not trying to "convert" anyone. I don't care if you play PES, FIFA or Barbie Horse Adventures. I've said several times that you can criticise FIFA as much as you like, the more constructive criticism of any game out there, the better. I'm just pointing out what I'd like to see changed.

D) I've always said Konami never browse these forums, but I was informed a month or two ago from a very reliable source that they actually do, in some respect. So I'm hoping it's not just for the Hot Women Thread in off-topic. ;)

Even I do not agree with that :D
If life was GTA I'd be seeing a "respect level raised" sign about now. ;)
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badger, serious question how old are you mate?

I am a very mature 12 year old

Yes I registered when I was 7.

Perhaps my immensitude is too much for some?
koolaje - very witty I'm sure Oscar Wilde would have been delighted with such a clever put down, but perhaps you and Junka et al. might try to join in semi-serious discussion about PES2008 and the decline of the series?

Or perhaps I should do a 180 - thank you Seabass and Konami for the BEST football game ever - I love slowdowns and an unplayable online mode. Please keep up the good work, can we have even more next year Seabass - cause that would be 'mint' mate.

I wasn't talking to you mate, but I'll make something for you.

Not everyone is pissing PES 2008 like you, MAYBE not everyone has as bad a slowdown as you. I made this point because, unlike PS2, PS3 has plenty of factors that make this game great / good / bad / worst. Factors such as which PS3 version he/she's using (is it the first edition / the 60 GB version / the 20 GB version / 80 GB version / the latest 40 GB version?), which firmware he's using, how much free space HD he has left, what display settings he uses, etc.

My point is that it's not as clear cut as what might have caused the slowdown. How bad is it? Seems that it "depends". Might want to put a survey to find out further.

The point is, Junka is doing everything he can to spread information on how to make the game look better, so respect him for doing that, instead of shooting down everybody saying the game is great. What you're doing exactly the opposite of a PES fanboy :)

I have been reading to what you guys said about PES 2008, but since I don't have the game yet, not going to comment too much. But I've seen few good and many bad things being commented about PES 2008 which for now I say, it is a good, but not a GREAT game .. yet (depending on what the patch is going to fix).

I agree to be able to totally fulfill it's true potential, it has to be build all over again (but keep the gameplay!).

(Btw I'm not arguing about Online because clearly they just didn't implement it properly).

If you look at Koolaje's previous posts, he's actually very supportive of the "fight against Seabass". I think you've misunderstood him (to be honest I don't understand what he means by that post myself).

If you want someone to pick on, pick on the guy in the Xbox 360 forum telling me I'm a "sad fucker" for having a games list in my sig. :( *Sniff*

I don't think the konami guys (especially the PES 2008 devs) are reading these threads, so for those guys to know what our guys over here think about the PES game, might have to send an official complaint to our local Konami ppl about the game, and what needs to be done.

As I said above, I want the game to be better. And Seabass "said" they're going to revamp the team and the game next year, so for now, I am quite content to my WE10 game.
On the PS3 I had to spend 10 Min's just getting the screen right, why the hell is that, apart from maybe altering the centre, I've never had to do anything else on any other game?
And i found my eyes were hurting after a couple of games too!

As posted earlier, can all the people on here kindly direct all their vitriol and disappointments to Konami, the more they get the less they can ignore and maybe something will happen, like a kick up the jacksie for Seascape and his 'Staff's' or for those who believe his hands are tied or indeed has nothing to do with making the title what it is and just follows orders, a thousand more 'staff's' and some more $'s.
Yes, I posted that one. Maybe it is a good idea to send seperate posts for different catagory's. Else your on-line issue get all attention and other subjects are ignored.
Whats sad is we all know that the Japanese are not gona get this poorer a version of the game. Konami would not dare to release it in this state.

There better be a patch around the same time as release
You used eyetoy to make those kits?

Nazo they are from a PS3 option file [PS3] mccroix's optionfile 1.1
the OF contains 8 premiere league kitts(home kitts)
and spurs and newcastle in game ofcourse u get total 10 premiere leagie kitts,so its ok for now(for me) to play the ML:)
u can find the OF at the download section.;)
For me in terms of gameplay is by far the best pes to date, ok there is much need to be done OFF the field but i don't care much about that cause by the time ill learn the new things(dribbling etc) and how it flows and everything ill get (pes2009) :)
On the PS3 I had to spend 10 Min's just getting the screen right, why the hell is that, apart from maybe altering the centre, I've never had to do anything else on any other game?

Christ, I know you lot moan alot on here about extremely trivial matters... but 10 mins to change the screen position is taking the piss.

I've always had to change the screen, but I think thats down to my TV as I have to move it on nearly every game. For this (PS3) I just zoomed out abit..
I think he meant the colour, I faffed about with that for ages.
Didn't have to though, and it's certainly nothing to moan about.
Yes I have contacted Konami (for what it's worth). I guess even without the slowdown I personally would not be happy with the game (I will not bore everyone as to why).

As for Konami reading blogs etc., I suspect that they would generally ignore them, but with a negative response like this I think they might just be trying to work out just how many people in the fanbase are upset and so on. However, Konami might be going down the old EA route: a belief they (us) will ALWAYS buy PES so we really do not need to try to be innovative etc. Which is a shame as it will kill the series. (Even the most loyal of fanboys will eventually lose faith with such an approach).

Last thought from me then I think I'll be off this thread. I lived in the USA for around 2 years and in almost everything the customer service was fantastically better than in the UK, even in places like NYC. Why - well at least one reason was that the average customer expects nothing less and will not take bad service. While in the UK things are rather different.

The IMPORTANT point being if you expect bad service/products that's exactly what you will get, so perhaps the simple act of 1000's of us (playing on whatever platform) e-mailing Konami telling them why we are not statisfied with their efforts with PES2008, will have an impact.

Personally I think the whole fiasco of PES2008 might be the start of the end for PES - Konami clearly holds us - their customers - in contempt. And if this happens next year with 2009 (because they know they can get away with it and still have people giving the game 9/10 etc.) then personally I will NOT waste my time or money with any Konami game.

And if you think I'm some crank well a genuine community legend thinks PES2008 is the worse game he has seen in a long time (it's the guy behind the excellent GGS ultility commenting in the XBOX section). And then look at PESFAN - at lots of people saying just how let down they feel with PES2008.

Perhaps those of us 'moaning' just need to wake up and be thankful that Konami lowers itself to allowing us, mere customers, to give them our money.
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I am a very mature 12 year old

Yes I registered when I was 7.

Perhaps my immensitude is too much for some?

You really are a strange character.

I will share the pm you sent me so everyone can see your striking talents.




Oh wait, there we go.

So yeah. I made a post directed at you in that thread


It would be great if you read it.

Oh, and my words are precious little wonders and you using them to try and promote your own cause makes them cry.

You didn't even use it well.

Infact, it was atrocious.

I am sure that you are a terribly unfunny internet stereotype and it would be just great if you stopped using this website entirely.


You will use my words of wonder but you want me banned?


I am the greetest I am well aware.

And I am much greeter than you - also many aware.

So I shall pass judgement on you from my throne.

You are not worthy in any regard and you'll just disappear into the black hole of the internet and we shall never cross paths evar!

Sounds like a date!

mwah mwah

---Badgerman esquire MP Honourary Doctorate in the post




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