WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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Ouch, you must only read 50% of my fucking posts then.


Seriously though, I should tone that down. It's the area that I live in, honestly. Even the grannies swear around here.

I force my way through them if I think it might be worth it. ;)

The occasional curseword is fine obviously, but once you see 2-3 stringed together and obviously aimed at someone other than KONAMI (evil faceless corporation) or Seabass (evil person who deserves it... OK that was a bit harsh ;)) then I don't see the point of reading any further. If someone attacks someone like that they must've run out of arguments. :)
well played the full ps3 retail version and actually think it plays better than the 360 version.

Disapointed with slowdowns and lack of features. but the in game slowdown in pretty minimal on my ps3.but hey pretty sure they will improve this with patches. Just the crappy replays. Disappointed that the game is not the quantaum leap that I was dreaming for. However doesnt take away the fact that I also agree with others here that there are stil some annoying limitations/cheats whatever you want to call it of the game engine, but overall it is clearly PES and plays as such. its good, but thats about it. I like fifa08 as well, but again its good and no more.

Looks like we have 2 "good" games and shall have to wait with bated breath for 2009 versions to come good.............

ps I think this simulation vs fun game argument is irrevelant. Each to their own. Some like anal detail and replication of real life, some prefer a more distilled and artifical representation for the pursuit of fun, rather than life replication.
The biggest flaws for both PES and fifa games is the clear failure to "achieve the realised goals" of what they set out to do. Hence the slowdowns, lack of features, sluggish response, waxwork faces, full player movement, repeated animations, etc etc.

If both games get closer to realising their aim without technical compromise, then we shal have beter games.....
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man....its getting nasty here.
I mean some ppl are so stressed out here.
Why not get rid of ur pes2008 copy and just play FIFA? and plssss leave this thread,
and buy pes2009 next year or someting....repeating the same shit 10x is getting boring.
Junka, you've repeated how boring it's getting about ten times now, so why don't you leave and play PES2008? You're boring me.


It's good constructive criticism most of the time, if you can't handle it, vote against free speech and block the users you don't like. Simple!
God with some of the effort, passion, not to mention aggression in here, given the backing from Seagrass and his Staffs we could Knock 09, out in a couple of months, and guarantee no slow down or any mention of a god damn ML...

I love it when somebody goes off on here, I imagine them hammering their keyboards and shouting the words into the screen, while they are typing them... :x :lol:
Every time I play the game (offline) I get the same error message saying "an error has occured you have been signed out of the PS network." Its really starting to piss me of!

Is this happening to anyone else?
God with some of the effort, passion, not to mention aggression in here, given the backing from Seagrass and his Staffs we could Knock 09, out in a couple of months, and guarantee no slow down or any mention of a god damn ML...

I love it when somebody goes off on here, I imagine them hammering their keyboards and shouting the words into the screen, while they are typing them... :x :lol:

God I hope that's not the case hehe. :)

I gently type my thoughts whilst enjoying some pancakes, how's that? :D
Junka, you've repeated how boring it's getting about ten times now, so why don't you leave and play PES2008? You're boring me.


It's good constructive criticism most of the time, if you can't handle it, vote against free speech and block the users you don't like. Simple!

Trust me....i play the game more often then sitting here and moaning:)
Junka - you think that what Konami has produce in PES2008 is good? Do your REALLY like rubbish keepers that can't catch a cold? We are not “moaning” - we are discussing the game and what we think. If you are so upset that even loyal PES fans are not happy don't look at the forum. But for those that have said and do say that our legitimate criticisms and concerns are trivial or boring well I say stop being such blind fanboys.

What perhaps is of most concern is (i) that Konami thought this product was acceptable/have no concern for quality control issues (this was always EA’s problem in my view); and (ii) the series isn’t developing, in fact it seems to have gone backwards -–this isn't acceptable and is very worrying in so far as Konami seem not to be concerned. Like I say I am a PES fan but I’m not going to continue to spend my time and more importantly my time if PES2008 is what Konami thinks next-gen football is about.

Finally why does Konami release a game and then almost immediately hint at a patch? That’s a real issue of quality control. Did they not notice the slowdowns, or think that their loyal customers wouldn’t mind or care? For me the slapdash, shoddy production from Konami is not a good sign for the future of the series.

And I believe this wonder patch when I see it on action – I’m not holding out much hope. Looks like another year of PES6!
I love it when somebody goes off on here, I imagine them hammering their keyboards and shouting the words into the screen, while they are typing them... :x :lol:
When I was doing that "six reasons" video, I had to re-record #1 three times. When I was explaining how the guy is in a straight line above me, and yet my player kicks the ball to the CPU, I kept getting louder, higher-pitched and adding words like "incredible, unbelievable, how stupid is this"... :mryellow:

The joy I felt when I rammed the disc back in the box, hahaha.
I gently type my thoughts whilst enjoying some pancakes, ....

....strawberry jam and icecream. The Swedish way hehe. ;)

Pancakes are stupid...they're nearly nice, but utlimately not that good. No amount of jam and ice cream makes up for their intrinsic crapness...a bit like FIFA.

In keeping with the baking anaolgy, PES is like a lovely chocolate eclair, but it's gone very mouldy and should be thrown in the bin.
When you pay 30 to 40 pound for a game, shouldn't you be able to expect to play it on any of the camera angles offered without experiencing slow down issues? What say you Junka?
Pancakes are stupid...they're nearly nice, but utlimately not that good. No amount of jam and ice cream makes up for their intrinsic crapness...a bit like FIFA.

In keeping with the baking anaolgy, PES is like a lovely chocolate eclair, but it's gone very mouldy and should be thrown in the bin.
That's good actually, the pancake has got the basics right but needs more, the eclair has been eaten thrown up and re-baked so many times you know exactly what it's like before you eat it again. :mryellow:

When you pay 30 to 40 pound for a game, shouldn't you be able to expect to play it on any of the camera angles offered without experiencing slow down issues? What say you Junka?
I wouldn't bother mate, some people just enjoy a game for what it is. It's like when you're young and your mum gives you a jam sandwich for dinner because she forgot to go shopping. It's shit, but you take what you're given and you eat it.

I could never be like that, I'd rather shove it back in her fat Japanese fishy face when she/he/it/the fish gives it back to you for the tenth day in a row, but not everyone's like me. :)

I like these food analogies!

But seriously, if people like the game then they can buy it, it's their choice. Whether it means we get the same crap each year is irrelevant, they enjoy the game so they buy it.
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So why do football games exist in the first place then?
To entertain you.

I don't see why certain people think it is so fucked up to find faults with a game and suggest ways to improve them, Jesus wept.
It isn't fucked up. It is wishful thinking and i would love it if a footy game exists that perfectly simulates real footy. I even play both PES and FIFA like i play realistically. Bugs exist unfortunately and they are really annoying. But what can i do about it. So what i do is, i switch off my console and revert to different things that would entertain me :) E.g. Real footy, going out for a walk, meeting friends, watch a movie, go to the gym, etc.

There will never be a perfect game, I know that, but if the ten-year-old CPU glitches were removed it would be a good fucking start.
Bugs exist unfortunately and they are really annoying. But what can i do about it. So what i do is, i switch off my console and revert to different things that would entertain me :) E.g. Real footy, going out for a walk, meeting friends, watch a movie, go to the gym, etc.
Fair enough. I take a video to try and show these points, so more people see them for themselves and hopefully one day enough people will rebel to make Konami wake up and produce a good game on next-gen consoles (and PC) only. Fuck last-gen. It's over. That's what I do.

But anyway, my point is, I love games and I want to see a difference made to them. That is why I post on here, that is why I was a member of FIFA Soccer Blog, that is why I keep on posting despite the odd message of abuse after four years. If you love something, you don't give up, even in the face of the realisation that it is making no difference. Love is blind, and dumb. And possibly deaf.

And I fit in walking, meeting friends and watching movies too. ;)
My copy of Pro Evo finally arrived today and im disappointed, im not even gonna bother listing the stuff im disappointed with because most people will already know...

It hurts me to say it, but FIFA 08 is the better game, by far. This is coming from a person that has never bought or owned a copy of Fifa since '99 (Bergkamp on the cover), ive owned every single PSE/ISS game and this one is the worst.

I got FIFA 08 free with me PS3 when i bought and its a close to realism you can get! the only thing that i hate is the... shooting, you have to pass your way into the goal most of the time and i rarely score a screamer, apart from that, this game absolutely shits all over PES 2008.

Konami have let us all down this year.
Pancakes are stupid...they're nearly nice, but utlimately not that good. No amount of jam and ice cream makes up for their intrinsic crapness...a bit like FIFA.

In keeping with the baking anaolgy, PES is like a lovely chocolate eclair, but it's gone very mouldy and should be thrown in the bin.

Only I don't go through all the effort of frying them, I just pour the batter into a sandwich grill and let it cook for 10 minutes. Easy and hands-off. Plus it has lots of carbo hydrates and proteins (flour and egg). Very nice no-nonsense stuff this. ;)
So, Trance, what are the traditional Swedish delicacies? It might be more interesting to talk about this than flawed football games.
The serious slowdown that some people are seeing - me included - in gameplay (not just in cutscenes) is very real, very persistent in some stadia, and very irritating. I'm happy to hear that there are people not seeing any (or not much) as it means there is hope for those of us who are afflicted by this thing. Now even without this issue PES2008 still has big negatives. My annoyance in relation to PES2008 is a reflection of the esteem I have for the series.

Now for example if we take Assassins Creed; we're all waiting for that one with bated breath. Imagine that it comes out and say it has cutscenes that look like something from a bad PS1 game. Let's also say that it stutters randomly every few minutes - again, just on the PS3 – would anyone sane say ‘put up with it’, ‘stop moaning’ et al.? No of course not.
But anyway, my point is, I love games and I want to see a difference made to them. That is why I post on here, that is why I was a member of FIFA Soccer Blog, that is why I keep on posting despite the odd message of abuse after four years. If you love something, you don't give up, even in the face of the realisation that it is making no difference. Love is blind, and dumb. And possibly deaf.

This is where i come in to tell you honestly you are wasting too much energy on here and you should start thinking of working in a game industry where you can make a difference. :) I'm serious. Then we would be the ones ranting about your industry's bugs :mrgreen:
So, Trance, what are the traditional Swedish delicacies? It might be more interesting to talk about this than flawed football games.

We don't have alot of delicacies, usually we just eat lots of potatoes and meats and fish.

Who has time to chop sallads anyways... :D

So what's your fav food then? Mine would probably have to be mashed potatoes and some combination of meat and sauce, perhasp with mushrooms in the mix.

Something like this:



Just subtract the peas.
I'm a sucker for a curry. The great thing about curries is that anything goes. There's such a range of spices that you can combine and you can throw in any combination of vegetables and meat and it always tastes good...and it's easy to cook. Not exactly a traditional British food but we've adopted the curry as one of our national dishes...one of the advantages of being multi-cultural. Nutritious and healthy, too.

I'm not far off being vegetarian thesedays and really like a mung bean curry recipe that I've come up with....basically just chuck a bunch of spices, veg and soaked mung beans into a pot and cook for 30 mins, serve with basmatic rice...delicious.
Well I like sexy Swedish babes with big t*** :)hmmm....sucky sucky lol

Ok my last thoughts on this for a while

Why should people be forced to do any of this in order to play a football game? The game has been developed by a bunch of lazy, clueless idiots...but so long as people are willing to buy the games and defend the shoddy treatment they receive, why should the developer try harder?

Why are people so accepting of this? If you received a movie that had several scenes missing, but they could be added in a few weeks, wouldn't you complain? If you got a book and found several pages had been forgotten or poorly printed, only to be told it would take weeks to sort out, you'd go bananas. So why on earth are so many defending this obscene practice?

Last years game on 360 was horribly flawed and broken, this year's is the same, the developer is clearly taking the ****. Yet people continually exclaim..."Oh it's not that bad".

Those people are the reason we are getting more and more shoddily made games, console gaming is getting more and more like PC gaming every day. I remember the days when game crippling bugs and issues in games were rare, and when they happened, people complained.

Nowadays, people are seemingly so desperate for quality games to play they are willing to put up with something as shoddy as this, to overlook the fact that football games have been playable for years on systems far less capable than the PS3 and 360, yet we are being spoon-fed this garbage and some of us are apparently swallowing it gratefully.

And to that the unbelievable comments of the games creator, ("we don't know why this is happening", "next years game will be the true next gen PES"), and I'm certainly not in the mood to go on rewarding their disdain for their customers after being ripped off by PES2008.

Shame primarily on Konami, and shame on the apologists...together they are slowly but surely ruining PES.
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