WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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Should I make a FIFA video showing the annoyances of FIFA? The lack of control etc? Also them god awful player models and Pathetic appearances? I agree PES has always had those type of problems and I for one have constantly ranted about them for a long time but for me the Game is still 10 times more playable than FIFA.

Personally I don't give a f*** abour FIFA versus PES fanboy debates. I don't care if you think PES2008 is 'better' than FIFA08 the REAL question is PES2008 good enough for loyal PES fans? In my view not it isn't - not by a long way.

I notice there is a thread about TV's and slowdown - the implication/subtext of that thread is that we PES fans must have the 'right' TV for the game to work as it should. I mean that is simply absurd. Konami have really slapped us all in the face this year.
The worse thing is - i cant really see Konami releasing a 'patch' that can improve the performance of the game at all - Fair do's if they can, but i would have thought that the major problems (specially in ps3 version with frame rate) cant be ironed out just like that with a quick 'patch'

If they can - how did it get released in this state in the first place?

Did they all sit round and look at the slowdown etc and say, "yep, that looks good."
Should I make a FIFA video showing the annoyances of FIFA? The lack of control etc? Also them god awful player models and Pathetic appearances? I agree PES has always had those type of problems and I for one have constantly ranted about them for a long time but for me the Game is still 10 times more playable than FIFA.

Sadly I don't want a game, I want a simulation, and in that sense there is such a thing as too much playability and response.

FIFA needs to change some tactical/AI things to be alot more like PES where you have instant in-game recall of different formations (so you can change from a 4-4-2 to a 2-5-3 formation if you want to), attack mentality of the team etc.

Playing FIFA08 on the PC, it gets frustrating when playing with Barca, and although you might be trailing 1-0, your players refuse to push up beyond the mid line. The CPU team always have 4 back players unpressured to relieve the pressure on, and even though you might push 2 attackers up on them, as soon as you "let go" of them, they just trail back home.

BUT, that is last-gen where you don't have any editing of formations and such in-game (besides rudimentary changing of 4-4-2, 4-3-3 etc. But no way of making everyone push up like crazy, or such.

I haven't played Next-Gen in Manager or such where I have sat and played around with formations and such, but I do believe you can edit positions of players, and such, and attack arrows etc like in PES.

Also, FIFA has a "Cancel" (RT and LT I think) but this could do with being "Super" aswell so that you can take control and intercept passes early if you notice it going too long etc.

Still, their gameplay is very nice right now, so they can focus on the abstract programming of making the players behave more like humans.
so FIFA 08, should be really boring, PES is still the best game, for someones to bash, for others to play. PES wins again this year :)
DJ, seriously, go for it. I would like to see both games improved - two wrongs don't make a right, just because one is worse than the other doesn't mean neither should be improved. So if you can be bothered, do it, and hopefully EA will take notice of it (far more chance than Konami noticing mine, anyway).

I would still rather play a game with new bugs than with the same ten-year-old bugs - it's the fact that you always know what's coming that winds me up. This is why people say "the game is always the same" - even if it's not, these bugs are always there, and ten years of the same limits is atrocious. That's what they're usually referring to.

But each to his own, and as I've said every year for about five years, hopefully next year we'll get one incredible football game.

Little question here because you got me concerned about you. What will happen to you if you never have that incredible football game? I hope you don't do anything crazy :o

If you really want incredible football, my suggestion is, turn off your console, wear your footy gear, call your friends up and go have fun playing on a real pitch with a real ball and real kits (unless you got cheap ones :p), real nets and no ref (unless you know someone who's really bored and wouldn't mind reffing) :D
So why do football games exist in the first place then? I don't see why certain people think it is so fucked up to find faults with a game and suggest ways to improve them, Jesus wept.

There will never be a perfect game, I know that, but if the ten-year-old CPU glitches were removed it would be a good fucking start.
yes dude i agree, u have to try, but konami have fucked over all their loyal fans, instead of a breathtaking game they give us shit, first time this year i have gone to fifa, i have hated fifa for years coz in my opinion the gameplay was fucking awful, this year though i think its a great game, but i still want to play pro evo so i will buy it when it comes out and give it a chance, but mate konami aint gonna change something if they dont want to, especially when they sell shitloads of copies, i know i wouldnt spend money on my business if i was doing really well as it is, u know what im trying to get at now? they may change it and fix things eventually but it certainly wont be because u or anyone else has been saying it on a forum, they will do it only if they want to

i see u didnt even reply to this post jack, proves what myself and others have thought about u, that u are a little bitch, over and out, im done with this fucked up forum where little cunts lick jacks ass because they are afraid to voice their opinion
Errr, I didn't reply because I thought we'd had a good discussion and I agreed with your points towards your last few posts??

You were very agressive, then you calmed down and you made good points, and we had agreements. We're let down by Konami, you can forgive them, I can't because I don't like the game. Now you're being agressive again, what the fuck?

I agree with your last post, Konami are selling the game, it will sell well, so they won't change anything. But I'll still try to get through to them because I will be really happy when these glitches are removed. You're right, though.
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i see u didnt even reply to this post jack, proves what myself and others have thought about u, that u are a little bitch, over and out, im done with this fucked up forum where little cunts lick jacks ass because they are afraid to voice their opinion

You can also voice your opinion in another way instead of being such a tough hardass behind your PC. Well then, since you're off; good luck and don't let the virtual door of this forum hit you on the ass on your way out. Edit: on some points I don't agree with Jack, but overall he talkes sense and his posts are often well balanced and nicely put; pay attention and you could learn a thing or two!!
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Errr, I didn't reply because I thought we'd had a good discussion and I agreed with your points towards your last few posts??

You were very agressive, then you calmed down and you made good points, and we had agreements. We're let down by Konami, you can forgive them, I can't because I don't like the game. Now you're being agressive again, what the fuck?

I agree with your last post, Konami are selling the game, it will sell well, so they won't change anything. But I'll still try to get through to them because I will be really happy when these glitches are removed. You're right, though.

aggresive? on a forum? if we were face to face id show u aggresive, but i aint aggresive mate, u are way off, im older than u and i know a lot more than u think, wasnt aggresive, was annoyed because u make ur points and as soon as someone gives a different opinion u go into a fit writing 5000 word posts analyzing every single part of the game, in other words u are never wrong,people like u annoy me and ill say it, i dont give a flying fuck if nobody likes it and all these little bitches come out of the woodwork making comments like "im with u jack" "yes jack u are right" fuck that dude, take it whatever way u want, aggresive im not, all i am to u is a nickname on a forum as u are to me, but u are never wrong are ya? i gave a different opinion thats all i did, u dont like that
You can also voice your opinion in another way instead of being such a tough hardass behind your PC. Well then, since you're off; good luck and don't let the virtual door of this forum hit you on the ass on your way out. Edit: on some points I don't agree with Jack, but overall he talkes sense and his posts are often well balanced and nicely put; pay attention and you could learn a thing or two!!

here is one of those bitches i was talking about, hahhahaha, learn a thing or two? ur not serious surely
Mate, what I think about the game is right to me, and what you think about the game is right to you. I am raising my personal points of concern, and I understand and respect where you are coming from with your points. I have even said that you are right (or at least, I believe you are right) on several things, and that what I am doing is a waste of time. Could you show a little respect in return to my way of thinking, please?

Did you ever see the comments that were written on FIFA Soccer Blog? I got abuse every day on there for speaking about PES on this forum. So you might think I have a ton of bitches who kiss my arse, but I get far more comments and PMs from people asking to fuck my mother than I get saying that I'm right. So you think whatever you want to think, okay?
jonestm a few pages back on this thread yoour responded to one of my comments that you where 'sure' you would love the game (do you perhaps wish to acknowledge those of us that had fears about the game have been proved correct?).

Also I have seen many many posts both at evo-web and other forums making excuses and saying in effect 'deal with it'. Why should I - NON of my other PS3 games run as badly as PES2008, and they are move graphically challenging!

An even without the slowdowns why have the editing options been slashed? Why are the Goalkeepers pathetic? Why do the CB's go AWOL? Why do cross field balls feel like rockets being launched? - Why because Konami thought that all of that WAS good enough for us loyal fans...well it IS NOT.

I said I'd "probably" love it, beacause I'd loved every other PES.
I don't love this one, more love and hate it.
If i can edit the cpu formations to make it harder, edit speed and dribbling, and if Konami fix the online mode, then i might.
here is one of those bitches i was talking about, hahhahaha, learn a thing or two? ur not serious surely

There you go again being tough and all. Listen mate, as I said I don't agree with Jack all the way, but his posts make sense ( as oppose to yours). Now, I don't know what got you so pissed off (diper rash maybe?) but all in all PES is a faulty game which underwhelmed me. All Jack does is highlight the negative points, which is good and could lead too improvement. I'm not on anyone's side, but please have some more respect for other people and their opinions. I'm not going to start a intellectual or vocabular war with you , because clearly you are unarmed.
631 pages so far and we still talking the same thing over and over
konami cheated us very well this time,they knew that we will rush and buy this game on ps3 than when we find that its fuckkin rubbish so we will buy it again on ps2,in that way they double there sales and what do we get?same game,same animation,same shouting,same,gameplay on both consoles but one with slowdowns and and the other is fine...............fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck konamiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Mate, what I think about the game is right to me, and what you think about the game is right to you. I am raising my personal points of concern, and I understand and respect where you are coming from with your points. I have even said that you are right (or at least, I believe you are right) on several things, and that what I am doing is a waste of time. Could you show a little respect in return to my way of thinking, please?

Did you ever see the comments that were written on FIFA Soccer Blog? I got abuse every day on there for speaking about PES on this forum. So you might think I have a ton of bitches who kiss my arse, but I get far more comments and PMs from people asking to fuck my mother than I get saying that I'm right. So you think whatever you want to think, okay?

ok, ill give u respect for replying, u do know what u are talking about, im not saying u dont, u just come across as only ur opinion counts, what i mean by that is that no matter what anyone says to argue your opinion u come back and argue again, u know wat i mean? dude i aint agressive, i hate asslickers, i cant fucking stand them, theres a lot of asslickers on this forum, they are weak as piss, i actually like it when someone comes on here and is firm with their opionion and they speak back, not just yes this yes that
There you go again being tough and all. Listen mate, as I said I don't agree with Jack all the way, but his posts make sense ( as oppose to yours). Now, I don't know what got you so pissed off (diper rash maybe?) but all in all PES is a faulty game which underwhelmed me. All Jack does is highlight the negative points, which is good and could lead too improvement. I'm not on anyone's side, but please have some more respect for other people and their opinions. I'm not going to start a intellectual or vocabular war with you , because clearly you are unarmed.

u just keep proving my point over and over again, dude im actually laughing at ur posts, this is nothing more than entertainment to me, feel free to keep talking, im listening........and laughing
we have to face that we don t have a next gen football game this year
nba 2k8 is next gen
uncharted is next gen
cod4 is next gen
guys open your eyes and stop buying pes on ps3,just buy it on ps2 its better
ok, ill give u respect for replying, u do know what u are talking about, im not saying u dont, u just come across as only ur opinion counts, what i mean by that is that no matter what anyone says to argue your opinion u come back and argue again, u know wat i mean? dude i aint agressive, i hate asslickers, i cant fucking stand them, theres a lot of asslickers on this forum, they are weak as piss, i actually like it when someone comes on here and is firm with their opionion and they speak back, not just yes this yes that
When you are not coming across as aggressive then you make a lot of sense ;) and I agree with most of the points that you raise, it is just a game, and I know they won't change it. But games are something I'm passionate about, whether that means I get a load of shit off people or not, and if I was making a game personally I would strive to make it perfect and value people's feedback. Some games companies actually do, SI (who make Football Manager) released a patch within just over a week to fix the issues their customers had, despite the fact that people were ready to go off on holiday. That's commitment and passion for what you do.

I no longer have PES2008 anyway, it was only rented, so there won't be much more I can say but what I've already said anyway. :)

I don't think everyone on this forum is an ass-licker by the way, you either like the game or you don't like the game, and so naturally you're going to agree with someone and disagree with someone else. People like trance_allstar who make big long posts about the physics engines... You might find that boring but I love it, not because I think he's right and he thinks I'm right, but because it's always a detailed, balanced, fair analysis with comparisons to real life. No matter whether someone is agreeing with me or not, those are the posts I want to read. If he was working for EA or Konami the games would improve within a year. I love that.

But anyway, if I don't reply to your next post, please don't get offended again and make an outburst. ;) I just feel like we've covered everything between us now that we're ever going to agree on!
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we have to face that we don t have a next gen football game this year
nba 2k8 is next gen
uncharted is next gen
cod4 is next gen
guys open your eyes and stop buying pes on ps3,just buy it on ps2 its better

i agree with that, but i think fifa this year is quite good, and it is next gen
When you are not coming across as aggressive then you make a lot of sense ;) and I agree with most of the points that you raise, it is just a game, and I know they won't change it. But games are something I'm passionate about, whether that means I get a load of shit off people or not, and if I was making a game personally I would strive to make it perfect and value people's feedback. Some games companies actually do, SI (who make Football Manager) released a patch within just over a week to fix the issues their customers had, despite the fact that people were ready to go off on holiday. That's commitment and passion for what you do.

I no longer have the game, it was only rented, so there won't be much more I can say but what I've already said anyway. :)

ok cool, lets just leave it at that and call it a heated discussion (if thats possible on the internet) i said my bit and u said yours and u have as much right to say something as i do, i understand that, again ill tell u im not aggressive, im passionate, very different things, if im wrong i will admit it, remember when i said on the fifa thread that if fifa 08 is good ill come out and admit it? i did that didnt i? perfect its not but awesome it is, no probs jack, we got out of control there at one stage but i think we are back on track, have a good day
i respect your opinion but i can t adapt to fifa s gameplay after playing winning eleven for more than 10 years

im in the same position as u my friend, but the more u play it the more u will adapt, but i have to admit i lose most of my games online, i dominate a lot of games but end up losing 1-0 most of the time, that gets annoying but the thing i like about it is u have to work hard to create something, damn hard, for someone who hated fifa im actually liking this years
in other words u are never wrong,people like u annoy me

Wow. ;)

Also, not being wrong could potentially be a sign of being right, or atleast... not being wrong. Worth thinking about.

Also do note that using strong words and nonexistant formatting, and then asking why noone replied or commented on your post, might seem a bit redundant. I generally stop reading posts once I hit expletives.
u just keep proving my point over and over again, dude im actually laughing at ur posts, this is nothing more than entertainment to me, feel free to keep talking, im listening........and laughing

Look mate, I wasn't tryin to be offensive in anyway and I respect ( and partially agree) with some of your points. My apologies too you if you think I wanted to slagg you off. We all have diff opinions and that' s a good thing, I just wanted too prevent a personal issue between members and all. Peace!
Wow. ;)

Also, not being wrong could potentially be a sign of being right, or atleast... not being wrong. Worth thinking about.

Also do note that using strong words and nonexistant formatting, and then asking why noone replied or commented on your post, might seem a bit redundant. I generally stop reading posts once I hit expletives.

no probs mate
Look mate, I wasn't tryin to be offensive in anyway and I respect ( and partially agree) with some of your points. My apologies too you if you think I wanted to slagg you off. We all have diff opinions and that' s a good thing, I just wanted too prevent a personal issue between members and all. Peace!

thats fine mate, no hard feelings, we just clashed thats all, nothing wrong with that
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