WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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There are so many other games coming in the next few weeks that will be far more deserving of my money than PES2008 has been, Konami have really let themselves down here. I am probably a bit harsh in blaming people for trying to get the best from a bad situation, they only want to play a game they love. But, that doesn't mean they should blindly accept this and shout down those who will not.
here are some pics that i made from mccroix's optionfile 1.1 KITTS (PS3 ONLY)




This one looks really good. I hope it isn't rich in cholestrol though.

I'm a sucker for a curry. The great thing about curries is that anything goes. There's such a range of spices that you can combine and you can throw in any combination of vegetables and meat and it always tastes good...and it's easy to cook. Not exactly a traditional British food but we've adopted the curry as one of our national dishes...one of the advantages of being multi-cultural. Nutritious and healthy, too.

I'm not far off being vegetarian thesedays and really like a mung bean curry recipe that I've come up with....basically just chuck a bunch of spices, veg and soaked mung beans into a pot and cook for 30 mins, serve with basmatic rice...delicious.

Curry is quite nice indeed. Though I think I've over-eaten myself on it, or eaten it once too many on a dish I didn't really like, so it would need to be a good dish to start with for the curry to work for me. I love "chinease food" though, the kind where you'd get a package of rice, and a package of various chicken and vegetable bits in a lovely sauce (not the sweet-sour kind, the other transparenty-one that is just yummy).

Overall, I love meats. I could never go vegetarian, I just like the flavour to much. Though I've no idea how much cholesterol or bad fats I ingest. I basically have no bodyfat so atleast there is no danger of weightproblems, but I suppose the occasional checkup to make sure you aren't in the dangerzone is good.

So that's the 411 on me (I may have just butchered that expression...). ;)
I like curry too :) such finished one about an hour ago - and Junka NO ONE CAREs for the pictures of those piss poor kits. They are NOT impressive ok!
No game has the same bugs for ten years. Apart from PES. That's my point.

I don't mind a game with bugs, I play Football Manager, I should get a badge for that saying "I was 1st in the league until I got ARRAY ACCESS OUT OF BOUNDS".

But to have the same limitations for ten years... Not acceptable, not worth my money.

But I think that game was the best during the ten years
Junka maybe because you are an idiotic fanboy that doesn't actually add in an intelligent way to the thread (but you do tell everyone to stop moaning and be wowed that we have been sold a sub-optimal game by Konami). And is the text talk that you use really the way you speak and talk....shudder LOL are you 12 years old?
But if you don't point out the glitches how will they ever be fixed? How would games ever improve if people just kept their mouths shut about the problems?

If you like the game then praise it, if you don't then bitch about it, if you don't want to read the praise or the bitching then there's an ignore button in your control panel where you can add the username of whoever you dislike.

I don't want to play a game that has the same bugs to exploit as ten years ago, and I will try to document that as best as possible so that someone at Konami goes "you know what, he's right, these glitches are always the same and everyone knows how to exploit them before the game even comes out, we should do something about that".

If you have a problem with that then I'm sorry but I'm not going to stop bitching about something I see as a serious problem, that is my opinion and if they disappeared in PES2009 I would be over the fucking moon. So I will carry on with that vain hope in mind.

don't think they care what we think jack, these points your making have been spoken about before and we still get the same old

yeah we can moan about it but does it really make a difference
Having been inspired by Jack's efforts to capture some of the inherent flaws in pes2008 and the pro evo engine in general I've youtubed a couple of instances which highlight larger issues within the game.

The first video which ive dubbed DumbVision, shows how inept the defensive ai is most of the time, this is vs. computer but it happens just as often in human v human meaning cut backs are still the guaranteed way to score, people say "well pes is just a true representation of football", please find me a video of real life with all 4 defenders charging towards the near post all within 2 centimetres of each other.

The second video is a pet hate and that is the hideous net physics, the net visuals have been changed and improved (slightly, still the same net in every stadium, breeze blocks etc.) but the physics remain unrealistic and disgracefully bug-prone, every match i see players walking through nets, balls dissapearing through nets and this one takes the biscuit, the ball hits an invisible forcefield inside the net, what the fuck?


I think we all need to make more effort to document these bugs, explain how they relate to fundamental flaws within the game engine and do whatever we can to make Konami's money-grabbing con-artists aware of it, on the off chance they do pull the finger out next year and make an effort to put out a proper football simulation, as has been said - it's flipping well unlikely, we can but hope.

Just imagine if the company behind Pro Evo were something like Sports Interactive, anyone familiar with the CM/FM series will know what a dream company they are when it comes to listening to fans and using their feedback to improve and fine tune the game. Even if they cut the cheats per game from 15-20 per match as it is now to 5-10 per match it would be a good start.
Having been inspired by Jack's efforts to capture some of the inherent flaws in pes2008 and the pro evo engine in general I've youtubed a couple of instances which highlight larger issues within the game.
Loving those videos - that first one is especially hilarious, unbelievable. I don't remember seeing that in earlier PES games. More, more!

Just imagine if the company behind Pro Evo were something like Sports Interactive, anyone familiar with the CM/FM series will know what a dream company they are when it comes to listening to fans and using their feedback to improve and fine tune the game. Even if they cut the cheats per game from 15-20 per match as it is now to 5-10 per match it would be a good start.
EA listened to their fans and added online leagues. If it wasn't for online leagues, I wouldn't still be playing FIFA. That's what happens when you listen to the fans.

They could still listen a bit more - hopefully the reaction times are fixed next year - but they do try. With FIFA Soccer Blog, they were chiming in with us very often, asking if we needed anything and supplying us with information and images. They genuinely do give a shit about their fans and their fan-sites.

If PES listened to their fans, it would be the best game in the world.
I'd love to see you try you cock.

Thought you were banned...

Oh sweet jeet christ.

Looks like you just sprung a pair and feel like driving about in your cool as Nova.

You're using proper words, but I can tell that I hate you. You're unoriginal and you used "cock" as an insult.

Ugh, I fully anticipate you to call me gay as you boast how Angelina Jolie is pleasuring you as you type. Actually if you were going to do this, please do. Your inadvertant humour is much better than anything I can come up with (sad fase galore :'[ )

My lyrical attack will melt your keyboard, fase and sense of balance. I am not unleashing it for your own good.

Cammey is bearable, but I just know that you are one of these people that can only gain sustenance from being the most stereotypical internet-nerd tough guy, to the point where I find myself questioning are you infact a caricature.

Are you a caricature?

So yeah. Don't use my words ta duck or I shall not be amused >:[

>:[ denotes angry face
Junka maybe because you are an idiotic fanboy that doesn't actually add in an intelligent way to the thread (but you do tell everyone to stop moaning and be wowed that we have been sold a sub-optimal game by Konami). And is the text talk that you use really the way you speak and talk....shudder LOL are you 12 years old?

haha.....reading from ur last post and reply's u should not talk about intelligence my dumb friend;)
anyway im back on playing some more matches while u keep b1tching and crying...good luck:)
haha.....reading from ur last post and reply's u should not talk about intelligence my dumb friend;)
anyway im back on playing some more matches while u keep b1tching and crying...good luck:)

Just post your lil pretty pictures and stfu, let the JB's, Jims and Trance's of this world talk sense please.
Junka maybe because you are an idiotic fanboy that doesn't actually add in an intelligent way to the thread (but you do tell everyone to stop moaning and be wowed that we have been sold a sub-optimal game by Konami). And is the text talk that you use really the way you speak and talk....shudder LOL are you 12 years old?

STFU man. If you dislike PES2008 go ahead but don`t try to overtalk us with it. It is your (and some others) opinion that the game is sub-optimal but this doesn`t mean that we can`t like it. Play the game if you want to play the game and don`t play it if you dislike it. You can give your opinion but you don`t need to brainstorm other members with it.
Elite if you were to buy a book (perhaps unlikely) and it had several pages not printed or ripped out would you be OK with that because that, in effect, is what Konami has done with PES2008 esp. on PS3. I have a few PS3 games and not one of them sutters like PS3. Is this level of quality control really good enough?

I played the game tonight with my brother and the slowdowns and horrific replays really do diminish the pleasure derived from playing it. For the first time I really do not feel like investing any of my time playing this version of PES (half the time my mind is on when the next slowdown will occur - hence it isn't very immersive).

Now the real problem to my mind that Konami think so little of us their loyal fans that this would be OK and they could get away with it - an attitude that EA has often had. And it is an attitude that sinks.

So when this sub-optimal product is praised or people are told to STFU as you nicely put it - then in effect you are saying to Konami "it's ok I don't mind if you do not have any quality control etc."

What about a little solidarity between gamers? Aren't you bothered in the slightest that many fellow PES fans feel so let down and fed up with this product? I'm gutted not just for me but for all the other PES fans that feel as unhappy about this as I do. So do not tell me (or the wider community) to STFU or stop moaning as though we do not have something to be angry about OK?

Last of all while it is a forum so the spelling etc., doesn't have to be great anyone that constantly writes in text speak comes over as child, or worse still an educationally sub-normal adult.
koolaje - very witty I'm sure Oscar Wilde would have been delighted with such a clever put down, but perhaps you and Junka et al. might try to join in semi-serious discussion about PES2008 and the decline of the series?

Or perhaps I should do a 180 - thank you Seabass and Konami for the BEST football game ever - I love slowdowns and an unplayable online mode. Please keep up the good work, can we have even more next year Seabass - cause that would be 'mint' mate.
If you look at Koolaje's previous posts, he's actually very supportive of the "fight against Seabass". I think you've misunderstood him (to be honest I don't understand what he means by that post myself).

If you want someone to pick on, pick on the guy in the Xbox 360 forum telling me I'm a "sad fucker" for having a games list in my sig. :( *Sniff*
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I will be uploading my scans, also. What I will try to do is scan as many kits as possible, that way you will have a choice of the clubs which you wish to download. I will keep you updated with progress when it happens.

You can expect an update monday (as i am working today and tomorrow!) :D

Iv'e also had a theory for importing kits but again i will show you the fruits of my labour on monday.

I really like the sound of your plan mate. ^^
Its great that we have an choise do download that teams we want. How many scan can we use on the ps3? 22? So… if I take 5 teams, it means I use 20 scans? … Than… I will prefer Liverpool, ManU, Arsenal, Chelsea and either Man City or Everton
And now… after that great news…
It's really really hard for me, to wait till tomorrow. :D

Kee up the good work Carl! :)
Junka - very funny I'm the dumbass but you are the guy that writes only in text talk all the time. Well OK smart guy can U (see what I'm doing there - trying to be smart like Junka with the text talk) tell us all your in depth thoughts on PES it present, past and future, as well as the your take on neo-Kantian epistemology perhaps :)

Oh and not that I have to prove anything to anyone I actually have three university degrees (unfortunately my PhD thesis wasn't written in text speek so it only just passed ;) )
Baxter and Bauer,
Do you you have to reiterate the same points constantly?
Konami and/or Seabass aren't going to read any or this, all you are doing is going on and on about why you don't like PES anymore.
I don't think there is anyone left that you haven't enlightened tbh.
631 pages so far and we still talking the same thing over and over
konami cheated us very well this time,they knew that we will rush and buy this game on ps3 than when we find that its fuckkin rubbish so we will buy it again on ps2,in that way they double there sales and what do we get?same game,same animation,same shouting,same,gameplay on both consoles but one with slowdowns and and the other is fine...............fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck konamiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

I wouldnt say they cheated us. The game plays decently.

The lack of features is due to the demand of consumers to play the game earlier.
Lets not get angry at ourselves but at konami. we should blame and insult konami as they've obviously done nothing to further their game engine this next gen. forums like this one were "pro' winning eleven "pro' pro evolution soccer. NOW? it feels divided and we only have konami to blame not it's game's players.

yeah i think PES2008 is bad BUt i've ONLY played the demo. i played the demo of fifa 07 and hated it was ok with fifa 07 retail hated the uefa demo but "kinda" liked the retail. WE2007 for 360 didn't have a demo but i liked the full version. i 'kinda' like the fifa 08 demo and now i LOVE the full retail of fifa 08 so if you take all that into account i think I'll "kinda like" the PES2008 retail..

Ahhh a little confusion until the madness settles
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