WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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How Han? Because he calls people up for their obvious ps3 favourtism? Thats not fanboy behaviour. If you check he isnt saying the 360 rules or that the ps3 is a pile of crap or any of that crap, he's just highlighting an obvious element in the comments/news that was provided.
How? Simply because he suddenly changed the subject and started talking about biassed mistakes where PS3 was involved.
I don't mind though, as I own both 360 and the PS3 and I am strictly neutral.
Do you know what, I'm shocked. It's not that bad. Several things ruin it for me unfortunately, but it is fun, and it's not as bad as the demo, no way.

+ Game Speed: The game speed is almost perfect. It's still faster than real life but I only say that because I've seen someone else play the game for a second. When you're playing it, it feels right.

+ Slowdown: On the 360, I've switched stadium effects off (not to help, but because I don't like them) and I've not noticed any in-game slowdown so far. Not a single jerk.

+ Shooting: Shots are easier to control now, you can put them where you want them to go - no balloons over the bar.

+ Teamvision: Biggest positive? I have noticed Teamvision already. I wasn't even thinking about it, but after a few games I was getting irate at my team's performances - started out well, then suddenly we weren't scoring the same amount of goals, and play was being restricted. Then it hit me that it wasn't just a coincidence - I looked at their defenders and wingers, and they were covering the positions that I would usually pass to, blocking me out.

Now unfortunately, as great as that is, the following ruins the game for me.

- Passing: Passing is getting on my nerves on professional/top-player. There's times where every ball is intercepted and there's nothing you can do. You're pointing out players and the ball is hit so weakly that, if you knew the player was going to make such a shit pass, you would have kept hold of it, and it's infuriating. There is nothing you can do to get the ball through to someone, the game just won't do a decent pass for you, it does a shit one so that the opposition can get a sniff. The passing needs a lot of work.

- CPU Cheating: I have seen one cheat per match so far, which isn't acceptable, but at least it's less than before.

- Difficulty & Goalkeeping: Difficulty is too easy across all levels, including the top ones - but I don't think it's because of the general play, it's mostly down to the goalkeepers. The goalies couldn't hold a baby without dropping it - hit a shot straight at them and they're utter shit. They will push it straight onto a striker's foot or straight into the net.

- Master League: The ML is ruined for me. Why? I'm a realism freak. You've got two divisions of 20 for each league, so the English league has a Premier League filled with the English Premier League teams, and a lower-league of all kinds of European teams. So after one season, wave goodbye to Wigan and say hello to AEK Athens. After five seasons, you could have a league with 50% English teams, 50% European teams. This is what I have always hated the most about PES - only now it's not easily fixed, with patching options being limited on 360 (and the game won't run on my PC).

- Multiplayer: In multiplayer games especially, the same old routines are there. Pass to wing, cross, score. Cutback, score. I'm bored already.

- Edit Mode: All I will say on this is, Konami, why did you even bother putting the edit mode in this year...

(Please note, look at the above three points - Single Player, Multiplayer, Editing - that's three huge parts of the game that people look forward to. Great stuff Konami.)

- Replays: Replays and cut-scenes are unwatchable. Disgraceful.

- Bugs: And finally (I won't mention the DISMAL music as that's not gameplay - what's with the "da da da DOO da da da daaa" guy?!), the first goal I saw on the game was an own goal by the CPU, which sounds like it is happening way too regularly. Liverpool v Birmingham City in the ML, the ball was going out for a goal kick and their defender slide-tackled the ball into his own net with nobody near him. PES has been the single most bug-free game I've ever played over the last ten years, so to hear about all the bugs in PES2008 is shocking.

It's so nice to have quick response times, I've missed that when I've been playing FIFA. Just a shame that, as always with PES, the off-the-pitch shit completely ruins the on-the-pitch stuff.

In my opinion. ;)
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This stereotype that if u criticise pes u are a fifa fanboy or u say something about the PS3 then u are a 360 fanboy is ridicolous (and viceversa btw).

Anyway has anyone tried to run the game on a Mac using bootcamp???? if yes does it run properly???? I am actually getting the new leopard so i am gonna give pes a try there since on my other laptop it runs like shit.
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Where is the papercut freekick wall they showed in earlier screenshots?
And were is the advanced training?
Lastly, how do you chose which of your defenders will join the corner kicks?

Gamekult's PES Hardcore gamers gave it a 6/10 :(
Seabass what did you do to the only game I was playing on PS2?

I bought FIFA08 on PS3 this year (which is a very good game) and I hope Seabass will move his ass on PES2009 !!

One year without PES since ISS on Super Nintendo....I'm lost...
Considering it's Jack Bauer who wrote this review I am not too disappointed with it; more postives than expected ;)
That you noticed about TeamVision soo quickly is a plus for your footballvision ;)
I did not agree with some points and I go into those now: ( where I made no comment, I agree with you )
- Passing: Passing is getting on my nerves on professional/top-player. There's times where every ball is intercepted and there's nothing you can do. You're pointing out players and the ball is hit so weakly that, if you knew the player was going to make such a shit pass, you would have kept hold of it, and it's infuriating. There is nothing you can do to get the ball through to someone, the game just won't do a decent pass for you, it does a shit one so that the opposition can get a sniff. The passing needs a lot of work.
I think you should read the official PES guide ( very much recommended!), which describes that you pass worser under pression or when you pass in an angle ( so moving forward and passing 45 degrees, for instance ) The passes become too slow or not precise...
- CPU Cheating: I have seen one cheat per match so far, which isn't acceptable, but at least it's less than before.
So this is no '-', but an '=' :)

- Difficulty & Goalkeeping:
Difficulty is too easy across all levels, including the top ones - but I don't think it's because of the general play, it's mostly down to the goalkeepers. The goalies couldn't hold a baby without dropping it - hit a shot straight at them and they're utter shit. They will push it straight onto a striker's foot or straight into the net.
Maybe you should wait a bit longer. Teamvision can improve this point, but maybe you are a very good player.. [/quote]

- Master League
The ML is ruined for me. Why? I'm a realism freak. You've got two divisions of 20 for each league, so the English league has a Premier League filled with the English Premier League teams, and a lower-league of all kinds of European teams. So after one season, wave goodbye to Wigan and say hello to AEK Athens. After five seasons, you could have a league with 50% English teams, 50% European teams. This is what I have always hated the most about PES - only now it's not easily fixed, with patching options being limited on 360 (and the game won't run on my PC).
But Master League is no normal league; it has it's own format and you like it or not. That is a long time the same and indeed, some improvements would be nice I agree....
It's me! :lol:

Has it come out well then Beatts ?

Will it be possible to hack 360 gamesave file to get kits on ? so annoying that left out photo thing. :(
Argh, I start to enjoy the game and then I notice a new cheat that happens twice in two minutes. I tried to tackle the ball from a midfielder and my player bounced backwards off an invisible forcefield around the player - I've never seen a cheat that blatant before. I've watched the replays and it's as if, when he puts his foot forward to stab-tackle, he kicks an invisible wall, and then he steps backwards in shock.

Plus, I've seen a defender walking, then running at full pelt still not able to catch me - then, when I'm nearly at the side of the box, he suddenly presses a second sprint button us humans don't have and he gets the ball off me. ARGHHH. FUCKING SEABASS.

Trying to shoot hard from far out seems impossible this year, every time I try it the ball goes along the floor and straight to the goalie - and it is way too fast, I'm noticing it more and more now. It's such a shame because you can't help but love the response times after playing FIFA for a month. So sad that there's so much wrong with the game.

Commentary is amazing though (if you could switch Lawrenson off)...
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are the GK's really that bad? can't say I am looking forward to scoring goals from silly GK's pushing the ball into the net or straight out to the other striker.

I am a bit confused about the speed on 360 version as Jack sez the speed is great but other people say the speed is super fast and not great at all.

hopefully Konami fix the GK's for WE2008!
are the GK's really that bad? can't say I am looking forward to scoring goals from silly GK's pushing the ball into the net or straight out to the other striker.

I am a bit confused about the speed on 360 version as Jack sez the speed is great but other people say the speed is super fast and not great at all.

hopefully Konami fix the GK's for WE2008!
Kobashi, see my edited post above... It is too fast, just not as fast as the demo. You don't notice it at first but if, for example, you go and make a cup of coffee and you come back, as soon as you start playing again you notice.

Well I have inserted a couple of kits now.

The key is the try and get the colour as flat as possible but that isn'y easy :lol:


There is some hope at least.
It's better than the default kits at least... :) Just a shame that there's no way for me to take that off your console and put it onto mine. No way could I be arsed taking photos of each kit with a bloody camera.

Gamekult's PES Hardcore gamers gave it a 6/10 :(
Seabass what did you do to the only game I was playing on PS2?

I bought FIFA08 on PS3 this year (which is a very good game) and I hope Seabass will move his ass on PES2009 !!

One year without PES since ISS on Super Nintendo....I'm lost...

Link to the review??? or it's a paper magazine????
Considering it's Jack Bauer who wrote this review I am not too disappointed with it; more postives than expected ;)
That you noticed about TeamVision soo quickly is a plus for your footballvision ;)
I did not agree with some points and I go into those now: ( where I made no comment, I agree with you )
I think you should read the official PES guide ( very much recommended!), which describes that you pass worser under pression or when you pass in an angle ( so moving forward and passing 45 degrees, for instance ) The passes become too slow or not precise...

Problem is, and I'll speak for Jack here, it doesn't happen when under pressure or when passing in angles.
It happens whwn your DMF or defender has the ball, intending to pass it up to a midfielder or such. Inevitably your players sort of cower behind opposition players, and no matter how you try, they are intercepted.

Also, I have a huge problem with what you are saying about the angles. Passing in angles is harder yeah, but passing in a 45 degree angle in real life can hardly be considered difficult. I would be able to get the same power into a 45-degree pass relative to where I am running, as a pass straight forward.

From about 90 degrees and beyond is where you'd really suffer in real life.

I wish they would actually try this out in real life, and not just come up with random limitations (another example is running with your side to the goal and trying to shoot (90 degrees). Rather than turning whilst shooting, the player just sort of broadsides it without even turning to get a better angle, and the ball just gets a sort of lobbed trajectory mostly).

Also, I can never get past the fact that the passing would be awesome if they just did what FIFA08 did and introduced manual aim and power for the throughballs. That way you wouldn't need to rely on the AI aiming the passes, and you could actually make intelligent passes.

Another issue I have is that if you play Fixed cursor, there is no way to pass and then sprint forwards immediately.

If you play without ficed, this can be done by passing with a player while holding L1. The player passes, and then sprints on his own forwards.
If you pass a normal pass when Fixed, the player freezes for about a second sometimes when he has struck the pass to finish the animation. And if you pass with L1, your player just runs forward without you being able to control him at all, not even Supercancel. This is a tremendous oversight by KONAMI. Supercancel still doesn't affect the players always, so if you for example play 2 players in the same team, and you switch to a player who is doing one of these runs, there is no way to control him. You just need to wait untill he has run 10 meters offside and is turning back. Should been fixed last year, and still is there...
I've played two games after buying the PS3 version today, and I wish I'd got the PS2 version.

That's probably just as bad but at least you could watch replays and have a good frame-rate.
I hate FIFA08 as well so I'm feeling terrible atm, no decent footy game for a whole year :(
Yep, you said it all Trance...

Another annoyance I've noticed for years that's still there; you do a great through-ball to somebody, the defenders are all over the place, he's on his own... And what does he do? He walks towards the ball. Not runs, walks. He waits until the defenders are in better positions, and then for the last ten feet of the run, he speeds up.

Thank fuck I've only rented it, too much is coming out now, and this is only after ten games or so.

It felt fresh for the first few games but so much of the old game is still there - cheats that were added for the PSone/PS2 games because those consoles weren't powerful enough to produce intelligent enough moves to beat you. It is pathetic that they are still there, in this day and age.

As someone said on WENB before the article was taken down, the only way for PES to progress is if they rip it all down and start again. And they won't. So say hello to crap football games for the next ten years. :(
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That's it, disc is back in the box. Just played a European Cup, Eng v Tur, and every time I got a defender in front of an attacker and pressed standing tackle, he just WOULD NOT DO IT - and the same with shots, I had a great opportunity to score with a defender off to the side of me, I press shoot and by the time he's actually kicking the ball the defender has made a tackle. The response times in FIFA are poor but at least it's a programming problem and not a blatant cheat that only happens when there's a CPU player close to you.

It's not that you can't score, A) I'd rather that I couldn't (through the CPU PLAYING WELL) and B) it's too easy to score across all the difficulties. It's the fact that the cheats are still there and the game desperately needs ripping up and starting again. Not good enough.

Bitterly disappointed, and after it looked so promising at the start.
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Someone PLEASE tell me PES2008 on PS2 is a decent game, and not hyper fast and too easy to score.
It's not that I can't ever, it's that sometimes they just won't do it in order to give the CPU a chance, even if you're standing one foot in-front of the guy.
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