WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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DaWu has mentioned stupid CPU own goals and so has Bingham67, that is a worry. :|

And Bingham67 is a PES lover 100% - it should be mentioned that most of the guys who are bitching about the game are big fans, it isn't like they were going into PES2008 expecting to hate it. Shocking.
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thats very truth..that game runs smooth as silk!
amazing game, bought my ps3 casue of that one.(although i stoped playing cause i wouldnt get real box scorer for my life due to too many singles, than o sold the big black dust keeper.)

What is it with people buying then selling their consoles, come to think of it I've never sold or traded a game either... I tried with a new wrapped PS3 wrapped game I had, and they said it was worth £10, they were selling it for £40 in the shop, I said oh, look it's marked up wrong that should be £10, the girl just looked at me...
I've still got every console and comp I've ever bought , apart from my old Atari that, was smashed over my head in a row.... ;)
Can't wait to play it for myself. All this negativity on the game is really shocking and disturbing. Seabass, why did you allow this game to go gold in that state? You already have more than enough money as it is. You should have delayed or cancelled this release until all the problems were sorted out. This just goes to show the greed in this company/developers.
[Winning11 Blog] PES 2008 PSN Network Issue - http://www.winningelevenblog.com/2007/10/pes-2008-psn-network-issue.html

Taken from the Level7 interview with Seabass:

L7: How many players can play online on each format and are we going to see some downloadable updates like new line-ups?

Seabass: It’s only one-on-one on all formats. The reason is that we weren’t happy with the way it was done in the previous games. We want online play to be just as good or at least similar to how it is offline, so we have rebuilt most of the system. Doing so, we didn’t have time to include more than 1 vs. 1. When it comes to updates, we haven’t got any plans for now. We are weak when it comes to licenses and when we get better on that, we can also work on getting updates online.

Konami have some work to do, if they want the online play to be just as good as offline play.
Think people are over-exaggerating by the looks of things, I've read so many contrasting opinions on here and pesfan so there must be some sort of middle ground. Sometimes you get drama queens who like to over-hype things a little to much.
Another bug i seen is keeper foot attached to the net and he starts dragging it out and then it pings back. :shock: It happened twice so im pretty sure this is a bug and im sure you will all see it when playing sometime.

Forgot to mention also player likeness is only thing i feel game got going for it and that is ruined aswell by running animations like they are dancing what have they done. ? :/
Think people are over-exaggerating by the looks of things, I've read so many contrasting opinions on here and pesfan so there must be some sort of middle ground. Sometimes you get drama queens who like to over-hype things a little to much.

Or this might be one of those games where you either love it or hate it.
What is it with people buying then selling their consoles, come to think of it I've never sold or traded a game either... I tried with a new wrapped PS3 wrapped game I had, and they said it was worth £10, they were selling it for £40 in the shop, I said oh, look it's marked up wrong that should be £10, the girl just looked at me...
I've still got every console and comp I've ever bought , apart from my old Atari that, was smashed over my head in a row.... ;)

dude i live in brazil....third world...
a ps3 costs almost 5x the minimum salary here... i would never be able to afford both ps3 and 360 at the same time. so i sold my ps3 and re-bought a 360.
but yeh i understand u... when i lived in the US i had the same thoughts.
beatts! Got the game yet?

Nope, tomorrow morning at work for me. (cause I get my discount)

Trading-in skate means I have to pay like £3.00 :lol: Bargain!

DaWu is entitled to his opinions, and at least he is giving his account as is everyone else. I know there will be issues but I have already made my peace with that, I tried fifa this year but it wasn't for me.

I will also be picking up an eye-toy (ps2) so that I can at least have a good mess around with the edit mode. And I will also post my findings, along with a review of some description.

I won't hide the fact that seabass has been incredibly lazy this year some of the things that have really troubled me are inexcusable, things like:

- Allowing only 22 Faces and 8 Kits, this is just fucking backwards.
- Not allowing Teams from league C in masterleague, Ok fix the structure then fuck it all up again.
- No boot editing
- No embelem editing
- No untucked shirts as standard.

These are things that should not have happened under any circumstances not given the time that they had to develop the game.

Slowdown should also never be an issue in this gen either but I have yet to encounter this.

That is my little rant, because im not going to sit here grining while I get mugged for my money. However, I also realize there are alot of positives and for that I am hopefull.

So as I said earlier iv'e made my peace and am going to take this years version on face value. No glorified preconceptions and no extreme negativity.
Think people are over-exaggerating by the looks of things, I've read so many contrasting opinions on here and pesfan so there must be some sort of middle ground. Sometimes you get drama queens who like to over-hype things a little to much.
You can tell who's exaggerating and who's not, especially based on their post history. Lots of people who have nothing but praise for PES are hating 2008, including those who verge on fanboyism.
You can tell who's exaggerating and who's not, especially based on their post history. Lots of people who have nothing but praise for PES are hating 2008, including those who verge on fanboyism.

Think that'll come down to disappointment more than anything rather than just thinking the game's crap, these same people will be playing the game in 6 months time so it's not as bad as some people make out, especially from the avid followers of the PRO series.
Me and a friend already left pes 2008 and we are playing 2vs2 on line on pes6. Maybe for the single player experience pes 2008 is better, but 2vs2 on line was the most fun i have eved had playing pes.

And the goly issue is really big on the pc version. try crossing and shooting often during a game and u'll se it yourselves.

BTW the list of things they took away from pes6 is really huge, camera angles (essential for me), stadia and training options being the most noticeble.
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Konami working full strength to fix crippling online PES lag

Konami has posted an online notification when gamers enter the PES 2008 lobby revealing that the publisher has uncovered "issues which can affect the online gameplay quality of PES 2008" and is working "full strength to find a solution as quickly as possible". Currently PS3 PES 2008 is unplayable with gamers reporting "the ball pinging about uncontrollably and players randomly disappearing and reappearing."

News Source: pro-g

According to pro-g they are working on a patch for offline and online issues, they found this out by ringing konami uk
thanks rivaldinho ;)
@jflores about the ps3 eyetoy,its not avaible here....prolly next mont on the 9th:(
but im planning to get that,the ps2 eyetoy is not good of quality,the new ps3 version is more improved(picture quality and stuff)
You would have to wonder if they waited to see how people reacted then said they were working on a patch, or have they been working on a fix, since finding the problems, which should have been obvious along time ago...

off topic, Martin jol has tended his resignation...
I can't believe how much I've gone off PES :(

I love the core gameplay, it's better than ever, but I HATE EVERYTHING else about the game now. Graphics, music, I fucking hate it all!

Wish things were like they were in PES3 :(
I first called Konami and they told me they were arware of the problems and asked me to fill in the form on their support page, which I did.
Short after that I received the mail below:

Dear customer,

Thank you very much for contacting the Konami customer support team.

Konami Digital Entertainment has uncovered issues which affect the gameplay
quality of PES 2008 on Xbox360. We are working at full strength to find a
solution as quickly as possible. We sincerely apologise for this
inconvenience. Further announcements will be made as quickly as we have
additional details.

Your Konami Support Team

On the phone I asked how long it may take to make this patch and he did not answer that. When I asked if I should think in terms of weeks or months, he said 'in terms of weeks'

I opened a topic for this problem where I urged people to fill in that form on the konami site to feed them with as much as possible info and hopefully people will fill that in, because then Konami can make a more adequate problem analyse.
Here is the topic I mentioned:
Someone else noticed the bad keepers:

"What's more, goalkeeper handling is a little suspect at times, especially when it comes to parrying stinging shots", eurogamer review.

Good review, pretty much what i also think, good game for those who prefers dribbling and running with the likes of Ronaldo/dhino and the one man kinda game. But defending in multiplayer on line is gonna be really really difficult.

"PES 2008's entertaining match improvements, exhilarating action and solid additions mean it just about scrapes another 8, though at no point does it come even close to flirting with higher scores. It's fast, fluid, fun and physical, an improved, revamped version of PES 6 if you like. If that's what you're looking for from the next iteration of the series, then you won't be disappointed. If not, then I think you can probably work the rest out for yourself..."


i mentioned that in my post a couple of pages back. i fucking hate the goalies in this game.
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