WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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Dudes, what's another good place to order besides Shopto.net? I live in the states. I tried ordering from shopto but I had problems ordering online with their site. I kept getting errors to contact my card provider. Spoke to my bank and they said it's a problem on their end. I don't want to deal with all this and wanted to know if there is another more reliable site to order from.
Appreciate it mate. ;-)

Unfortunately, I will be ordering the PC version. Don't want to deal with slowdowns and framerate problems with the PS3 version. It's just not worth $80 with all those problems in my opinion.
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My impressions of the PS3 version

My friend junka asked me about my impressions of the PS3 version so i cant let him hang :-)

First i must say i have PES2008 on the PS2;X360;PC and on the PS3!!!

The thing where the last days everybody talked about are the massive slowdowns wich should be in the ps3 version of the game. So i had installed the game on my hdd and i must say to all the people:what the fuck,wich massive slowdowns did u all mean??? I play the game yesterday on my pc(AMD 2 Core 5000+ 4gb ram 512mb Ati HD26000 Pro) and i must say the slowdowns on the ps3 version are not so extreme like everybody say. There are a few lil slowdowns in the replays but i dont must speak about that because of the x360 version has more slowdowns. And i can say that the slowdowns are not a problem. All 3 versions i played run still fine. the only thing why the pc version of the game is in my eyes on place 1 of all the releases is that u can a lil bit more with the edit mode because of that fact that u can upload jpgs from your hdd right into the game. PS3 and X360 users must use a webcam( i use an creative live! cam optia af on my ps3;perfect;later a post a pic of an created face with that).

So let us come to the important things of the game,the gameplay: this year the game is a lil bit faster in my eyes then in the years before but it is still perfect like in the years before. The animations of the players are great and u love it when u see them run. The AI is this year one of the best things i ever had seen in an soccer game. When u got the ball ur teammembers run into the freespaces to get the ball and in every minute of the game ur teammembers use their brain.

So my first game today was Chelsea vs Manchester United(i won 3:2 after overtime :-) ). When u have the time play versus Manchester and watch all the players how they move and how they play the ball. When u look at C.Ronaldo when he gets the ball, its like u watch a real game in the tv. When he has the ball into the game he tries to go in 1vs1 situations and dont have an eye for his teammembers. Other player like Scholes play nice passes to the teammmembers and try to shot from long range. Every player on the field has his own style like in the real life and that is how is is so kewl to play that game. From the gameplay that game is a 10+!!!

sure there are some bad things too on every system. Only 15 Stadiums(PC;X360;PS3),you cant edit the badges or some missing editoptions like in the games before on the pc or ps2(shoes cant edit anymore). Like i said before on the X360 and PS3 it is difficult to create the kits for the unlicenced teams or the faces of the fake players with an webcam but i can only say that i love that game and when i must choose between Fifa 2008(got it on the X360) and PES2008 i will choose PES2008 because of the awesome gameplay. Sure Fifa has all those licences but a good soccer game is a game with good gameplay not with all licences!!!


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Dudes, what's another good place to order besides Shopto.net? I live in the states. I tried ordering from shopto but I had problems ordering online with their site. I kept getting errors to contact my card provider. Spoke to my bank and they said it's a problem on their end. I don't want to deal with all this and wanted to know if there is another more reliable site to order from.

I ordered mine from www.game.co.uk but I don't recommend them, their "picking and packing staffs" is really lazy
it getting worser by the minute its all barca

why didnt konami make online with only barca????

1 team online barca because everyone uses it,and its a lot cheaper for konami,call the game Barca2008 instead of pes2008
So it's the fault of the PS3 that PES doesn't look like a next gen game and doesn't run smoothly? Why doesn't it look like a next gen game on 360 either then? Clearer the flaws are down to Konami.

graphics no
slowdown, its quite possible its a combination of a steep learning curve for devlopers and shitty development... tell me why companies like capcom have killed certain games on the ps3?

$$$$$$ due to extensive development costs...
graphics no
slowdown, its quite possible its a combination of a steep learning curve for devlopers and shitty development... tell me why companies like capcom have killed certain games on the ps3?

$$$$$$ due to extensive development costs...
They just havent gotten to grips with porting across a game to the PS3 well yet. Lots of optimization needs to take place in order to get it to run as smooth as they would like... Thats my understanding of it all so really its Lazy Arse Konami on all fronts!
it getting worser by the minute its all barca

why didnt konami make online with only barca????

1 team online barca because everyone uses it,and its a lot cheaper for konami,call the game Barca2008 instead of pes2008

i wont use barça
I've never played PES online so i have nothing to worry about in that respect :P Random 5 club then random 3 national me and my mates play.
Same with FIFA though, everyone goes for the top teams. Why? How can people get satisfaction beating someone if they know it wasn't all down to their skill but that they have to use the best teams on the game to win? A bit childish I'd say. Kinda like they're scared of getting beat.
Dudes, what's another good place to order besides Shopto.net? I live in the states. I tried ordering from shopto but I had problems ordering online with their site. I kept getting errors to contact my card provider. Spoke to my bank and they said it's a problem on their end. I don't want to deal with all this and wanted to know if there is another more reliable site to order from.

I'm in Mexico and order it thru Ebay, there is user/company (100% reputation) which specialize in imports (japan/europe) and he got 10 games in pre-order, expected to ship on Monday October 29th, pricing is not that good ($74 USD + shipping )

Here is the contact:

btw, all fellow americans add me on PSN: RazorMEX
I'm in the USA. Ordered through Shopto.net. No problems yet. It was shipped this morning. No idea how long it will take to arrive though.
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