WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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Wow, Pro-G just ripped PES 2008 a new asshole. Pretty much said what a LOT of people on here think, and get slated when they mention it on this thread.
Amazing, especially considering that they had a lot of screenshots of PES2008 before anybody else. I'm surprised they weren't too scared to say anything in-case Seabass takes them off the list of early betas next year - but good on them.
Considering they were taking screenshots from early betas months ago, I don't think they would be stupid enough to review beta code - they were obviously waiting for the final version before saying anything. But stranger things have happened.
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Amazing, especially considering that they had a lot of screenshots of PES2008 before anybody else. I'm surprised they weren't too scared to say anything in-case Seabass takes them off the list of early betas next year - but good on them.

Speaking of which, one of them said several times he played some advanced versions from his contacts with no slow down at all. And he reinforced that when he allegedly went to a game convention few weeks ago and he played a perfectly smooth version.

But since he left the forum there is no way to ask him what version did he really play, maybe pes2010.....
who reads that PRO-G reveiw will think that they will give the game a 3/10 max, but then they gave it a 7/10, imo thats a positive note. those guys are confused.
I agree with that review though. It really is an insult to all WE fans. This is the thank you we get by supporting their games with our greens.

Very bad business and poor treatment of the loyal fans.
Speaking of which, one of them said several times he played some advanced versions from his contacts with no slow down at all. And he reinforced that when he allegedly went to a game convention few weeks ago and he played a perfectly smooth version.

But since he left the forum there is no way to ask him what version did he really play, maybe pes2010.....

This is laughable now he wasn't even talking about adam. Seriously prejudiced imo.
who reads that PRO-G reveiw will think that they will give the game a 3/10 max, but then they gave it a 7/10, imo thats a positive note. those guys are confused.
He does say that if it wasn't for the slowdown and a few other things that the game would be one of the best PES games to date - so I think the score reflects that (i.e. he wants to love it but he can't).
The PC version of this game will be seriously brilliant once the patchers work their magic. A saving grace.

I just put my hands on the pc version, i did not have time to play more than couple of games, but regardless of its visual quality, i must say that the gameplay is a smoother more responsive and more arcadish PES6. I hoped for something like pes5, we got something like pes4 which i never really enjoyed. Matter of taste for sure but not the game for me, on line i am sure it is gonna turn into a coast to coast party.
ProG had no complaints about actual gameplay.
The slowdow, therefore must be awful on PS3.
Terrible news for those that don't have a 360, or remotely decent PC.
ie: me.
The latest video from PCAction is very fast, is it because of the video settings or is it like that when you play them?

Gutted to see The WORST PES 2008 version is in a PS3, hopefully WE 2008 will be better. Good thing is that since it's in PS3, they're now hopefully able to send out a patch for those that have the game. Hopefully ...
Wait so Pro-G says even when the game is installed on the PS3 HD slow down still happens, this is what other gamers on other forums have said. Its a shame that 'certain posters' refuse to acknowledge this point when praising this game to the hilt and still expect us to buy into their 'legendary status'............oh my bad it must be the TV's
I have posted to help people out with the speed of the game. Mine goes at a reasonable speed and others play ping-pong.
Because of that I suggested that the difference may have to do with the TV.
I now read two posts where people see this as an excuse for the slowdown and this was NOT the case. The slowdown has nothing to do with the pace.

I also did read the Pro-G review and they simply told the truth. I cannot find a FIFA-fanboy statement or so. They told the facts! The review was in a strange way refreshing and I hope Konami will do something with it.
Damn Pro-G murdered PES 2008. After reading that i'd give it a 6/10. Tbh i do agree with many things he said. And i don't like how some people are trying to make pes 2008 like it is the best ever. If it is the best ever we wouldn't have so many complaints.

Imagine lashing so much pounds on an unfinished buggish game. What am i, stupid? No thank you.
"But if you install it you'd have less slowdown". Ok.. but slowdown is still obvious.
"But you can play in a select few stadiums with no slowdown". What about the rest? Why are they in the game even?
"But you can choose a certain pattern and no slowdown guaranteed". Why give us the option of choosing patterns then?
"But.. But.. But its a great game!". Yea. whatever. I played PES so much and i KNOW what is great and what isn't. Don't fool me or decieve me like its my first time ever.

Graphics aren't next-gen, only last-gen in HD. If Konami don't know how to make a next-gen game yet then they should stick to last-gen consoles and not fool people. Oh sorry i forgot there are some whom are either brainwashed or immature to use common sense. I ask you this.. Do you SERIOUSLY, in your SAIN minds, believe this game is what you expected, the GREATEST PES EVER and deserves your money?

C'mon... Go back to your senses. Don't reply screaming "But it is gameplay what counts!". If i want that i'd rather play pes6 on ps2, thank you. There is a reason why people were so excited about the arrival of PES on next-gen consoles; it is supposed to be a next-gen game. It isn't, simple as. I'm saving my money for something that is actually worth it, hoping next year Konami does it right.

My 69 cents.

(Note: I am seriously ticked off)
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