WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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You could refuse to buy buggy products and thus force the company to actually start giving a shit about the people who contribute tens of millions of $ in revenue.......

By buying the game you're saying to Konami "we don't mind that you release games that have only basic, limited features, graphical bugs, slowdown, please keep selling us such games"......

Thats why I'm going to sell my copy of FIFA 08. Too buggy gameplay.
Advertising and sponsorship are two different things, if you sponsor a product your using your brand to help create awareness of another. Advertising is purely self promotion.

One you pay for the other is usually the opossite.

You can still pay for both or not, to be honest in this case it could be seen as either, only the two parties involve would know for sure.....
I wish people would stop with the "yeah its not as good as I expected but still better then FIFA. It shouldnt matter how it compares to FIFA, if it is a let down then it is a let down end of.

It is like me saying yeah NBA 2K8 is a let down and no way near as good as we all thought it would be but hey thats okay as it is still better than NBA live 08.
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Still i stick to my point it was better to get an old version full featured pc version that we could easily upgrade visually with patches. This poorly featured next gen one without 2vs2 on line makes no sense.

And for the record: if u give ur money to get ur brand name into the game u clearly want people to see it and therefore the review has a serious " conflict of interest issue".

Not that i really trust IGN anyway since it is owned by fox, the most biased media company ever.
Advertising and sponsorship are two different things, if you sponsor a product your using your brand to help create awareness of another. Advertising is purely self promotion.

Well the main difference is that sponsorship is often done as a goodwill gesture and is not purely for generating extra revenue. For example a company sponsoring a handicap sporting event likely wont recieve more income then expenditure from that event. Advertising is unrelated to the "event/game" etc and is purely done to enhance revenue.

Now the part about IGN. Thats ingame advertising and is done to create extra revenue. Meaning if more people buy the game, more people will see the ign.com logo and its likely more people will then visit the site to see what its about. Its in IGN's best interest to sell as many copies as possible to generate as many visitors as possible. I think giving an inflated review score will help more people buy the game ensuring more people see the logo and visit the site.

Ofcourse you could argue that if they bought the game based on the review score there is no need for the "see logo - go to the site" cycle mentioned above. It is likely to be profitable in the end because a game selling more means its seen more often (top10 sales, word of mouth, etc) meaning that their innitial inflated score will help sales indirectly.

Either way, they are too close and too involved for it to be fair imo. They look like an independent review site that you can view to get objective opinions, advertising in a game youre reviewing isn't objective.

You forget not all reviewers are the die hard pesfans that we are. They take the game by face value and clearly enjoyed it. Indeed we as a comunity have become hyper critical to a point that it becomes the norm.

We may be hypercritical, but as i have said before, 9/10-10/10 scores should be reserved for games that a really really good across the board. Giving a game a 9,3 when the graphics, sound, modes arent up to scratch, aswell as consistently having slowdown in certain situations and having limited options when compared to oldgen doesnt equal a really good game, and therefor a really high score. Only someone who "loves" the game and ignores its flaws, or has an ulterior motive (advertising) would rate the game that high.
Agreed, with limited modes off line and on line, poor features, limited choices and technical problems u can't never score a game more than a 8 even if the gameplay is very good.

Anyway any news on the game being sold in spain?????
360 version very fast!!!???? God I hope not - Polakis is it faster than PES6 on PS2? I can take stuttering replays, a couple of slowdowns but when they run like they have a carrot rammed up their arse it does my head in...
Well........ you are right but we can`t do anything about it!! There shouldn`t be war, racism or child molestors but we can`t do anything about that either!!

What a weak and overtly stanish response, try and retain some pride please
360 version very fast!!!???? God I hope not - Polakis is it faster than PES6 on PS2? I can take stuttering replays, a couple of slowdowns but when they run like they have a carrot rammed up their arse it does my head in...

it's slower then the 360 demo, but that can have to do with the wide cam. Like the speed of the game.
360 version of pes2008 is faster than ps2 sadly...

I think that one thing is the best solution right now. To decrease speed and acceleration in 360 version in order to have a perfect game. 360 does not have slowdowns or framerate drops. Its only very fast. But this can be fixed with an option file. Pitty that this cant work with ps3 cause game is already slow but with more optical/graphical problems

What do you think?
Main problem polakis is the on line where u can't turn the speed down. And honestly with such little off line modes and same masterleague, on line is the crucial element of this game together with multiplayer.

But if the speed and nature of the gameplay turns on line game into tennis games then i think we had better stick to the ps2 version.
All this talk about the 360 version being very fact I think those who can should wait for WE2008 as the Japanese games are always slower.
I always used chimps-with-quiffs option file for PE6 on PS2 that slowed the game right down - not sure how easy this will be on Xbox360 though...

If it is considerably slower on PS3 and feels more 'real' then I will literally consider getting the console - this is the only game I have kept my PS2 alive for...
360 version of pes2008 is faster than ps2 sadly...

But this can be fixed with an option file.
What do you think?

But you can't share option files, and they don't work online.

While, by many opinions, the game remains fundamentally sound, they seem to be rmoving all the things that created the community we have now - editing, sharing files, pan european leagues etc etc

I still maintain, a AAA title needs more that just great gameplay...would anyone go to the cinema to watch George Lucas read the script of Star Wars?
But you can't share option files, and they don't work online.

While, by many opinions, the game remains fundamentally sound, they seem to be rmoving all the things that created the community we have now - editing, sharing files, pan european leagues etc etc

I still maintain, a AAA title needs more that just great gameplay...would anyone go to the cinema to watch George Lucas read the script of Star Wars?

Depends how much it would cost me :lol:
Beatts sorry but im french and i dont understant much the wenb podcast..

But can you say me if the WENB team release an option file for 360 with your great kits ?

And if this out for the oficially release of the game 25 october ?

The problem with the 360 option file is that it is attatched to your gamertag. As well as this this kit import feature does not allow for .jpg or .pngs to be mapped to the kits. If an option file is distributed the gamertag used to create it would most probally get banned from xbox live.

So at this time i am unsure what the outcome will be mate.
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