WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

those replayed suked compared to pes 08
fifa has made good improvements but its still not better then pes 3 which was stated in this page and is soo true
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

those replayed suked compared to pes 08
fifa has made good improvements but its still not better then pes 3 which was stated in this page and is soo true

Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

SEABASS AND KONAMI CAN'T BE ARSED. That's the bottom line. It IS possible for a game that is great to eventually become a game that is mediocre. Am I excited by PES 2009? No, because Konami lie. I have washed my hands with them. Am I excited by FIFA 09? HELL YEAH. THAT is the game that has come on in leaps and bounds.

Don't be brainwashed by Seafisherman - it's now time to boycott our beloved PES.

You're the most negative person I've seen in a forum for a long time. Do you need a hug?

Go boycott the game. That way I'm sure I will not have to play you online.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

You're the most negative person I've seen in a forum for a long time. Do you need a hug?

Go boycott the game. That way I'm sure I will not have to play you online.

In real life I am happy! :)

This is a PES/WE discussion, and everything I hear about the game makes me :(

Does that make sense?
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

I prefer current gen FIFA to the next gen one as well trance_allstar.
Old gen FTW!
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

those replayed suked compared to pes 08
fifa has made good improvements but its still not better then pes 3 which was stated in this page and is soo true

Well graphically they are worse, but purely animation-wise and comparing to humans, they rock. PES3 (as with PES4 and PES5) don't feature hardly any balls with outside ball spin for example, which in itself kills any realism. You just don't see any shots go on goal and then curl way off to the side. Just that fact alone puts PES3 to shame. PES3 also doesn't have controlled shots, meaning you can't decide to use the braodside for more control whwne shooting. PES3 surely works as a great game, no doubt, but I see it as more of a fun simplification of football. Everytime I shoot in FIFA, I basically see something new. And the way it behaves in the detailed level, like the way the players legs react as it hits the ball (as if the foot actually hit something rather than just going straight through the ball without any loss of momentum). PES3 just had the bare minimum (obviously it is old so I don't expect otherwise, FIFA sucked hard at that point aswell. :)

I just feel we need to make sure that we separate the critisicm in comparison with other games and in comparison with real life. I might think Tetris is more fun ("better") than FIFA08, but it is hardly more realistic in simulating the gameplay of football.

I have some saved replays (have to save full match replays, game crashes if I try and save 10-second ones, but the full match replays are 35MBs each). :)

I'll try and FRAPS together something to really try and show what I mean.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

In real life I am happy!

This is a PES/WE discussion, and everything I hear about the game makes me

Does that make sense?

Not like that much you bitch.
I have to say you and Jack bauer are very creative in brainwashing people overhere by critisizing the known things over and over again.
I sometimes agree with the points you bring on, but you keep repeating them and that gives the impression that you critisize just for the sake of critisizing and that does NOT make sense...

We all are disappointed that PES 2008 brings less than we expected, but the game is still much better than PES 6 for the 360. I played that version all year and therefore PES 2008 is still a big improvement.
Is that unreasonable?
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

I'm sure I've said it before but my biggest moan at Konami and Seayoujimi has nothing to do with the on field game or the cross over to the so called Next Gen, it's the pure lack of development or it seems effort, into the product, especially the off field.
They have taken out far better things than they have added, while making out their taking the title forward.
There inevitably comes a point when even the most avid sheep realizes they are being led a merry dance... I honestly believe Konami and Seayoujimi thought they would be able to stick in another tweaked gap filler product and everyone would just swoon, the fact that EA have closed the gap and make Konami look like a PS1 product as far as the off field efforts go has put a spanner in the works and rightly so in my opinion.
I have no doubt on field the game will be as good as ever, lets face it, it was good years ago and has just been tweaked, but everything else has been a shambles.. And for all the spin from Seayoujimi, I'll still only believe it when I see it...
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

I prefer current gen FIFA to the next gen one as well trance_allstar.
Old gen FTW!

Cool hehe.

Yeah, graphics wise Next-Gen owns. Sweat glistening, balls shining, etc etc.

But for example, the Henry turn/feint I had a video of, cannot be done in Next-Gen FIFA. I tried turning etc in there, but the player refused to use his backheel. And I just love that feint, you can literally see the defender going "ohh shit..." as he realizes he is beaten. Obviously that one was perfectly timed and I've done those like 3 times in a week. As it should be. :)

Also, one thing in FIFA08 PC (not sure if it is in 360), is that if you are standing still or moving slowly (walking), and press the lobbutton once for a very weak lob, the player will instead lift the ball high (like you might see Robinho lifting the ball to a player running behind the defence). An animation I've wanted for so long in PES, but in PES they never lift, meaning as you get closer and closer to goal, the use of the :circle: longpasses are more and more useless since they are too low and too hard.

1:03 in this video (or 0:59 since it counts backwards in this view): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2RCmZk4Tyo

Now In FIFA they have just added that little animation and that little feature, and it is just awesome. I've not gotten in a good position to use it yet, but once I manage to lift a ball through to a striker perfectly, I'll make sure to post it.

Also, I play on "Slow" game speed. Realism ftw. :)
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

I played PES6 on 360 and enjoyed it.... eventually, what I've noticed is that I always seem to stick with PES games without getting totally bored or completely fed up. So I know that I will enjoy PES 2008. it's not the explosion that we've all been wanting but it's no catastrophe. It's still a game I'll love and have fun with. Until PES 2009.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Not like that much you bitch.
I have to say you and Jack bauer are very creative in brainwashing people overhere by critisizing the known things over and over again.
I sometimes agree with the points you bring on, but you keep repeating them and that gives the impression that you critisize just for the sake of critisizing and that does NOT make sense...

We all are disappointed that PES 2008 brings less than we expected, but the game is still much better than PES 6 for the 360. I played that version all year and therefore PES 2008 is still a big improvement.
Is that unreasonable?

I agree
and thats what im pissed about also,there are some ppl here who are disturbing evo-web wil a lot of negative sh1t:(
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

In real life I am happy! :)

This is a PES/WE discussion, and everything I hear about the game makes me :(

Does that make sense?

Hmm, well, many people think different about the game. I still think PES6 is an awesome game, and I don't need lots of revolutionary changes to make me happy. Gameplay is 95% of the game for me. I have never edited a player, I have never played ML. If the gameplay is even better in PES 2008, I will be a very happy when playing this game.

Lets just face the facts. EA is a 100 times bigger company than Konami with 100 times the money. They just don't have the money and people to "nextgenify" the game in the pace EA is doing to FIFA. It takes time to build a new game.

The reason they start talking about PES 2009 is because they also work on things that takes longer time to finish, and haven't had the time to make it to this years version.

I would rather have PES 2008 as a tweaked PES6 than a PES 2008 with a totally new gameplay with lots of bugs and faults. And I'm happy they release a PES 2008 version than no version at all this year...
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

I also enjoyed PES6 on Xbox 360, even if the game was a bit rubbish compared to PES5.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

For all the people arguing now...I think it would be best to wait until you actually have the full game in your possession playing it on your ps3/360/pc. I think its only fair to bash a game after you have invested quality playing time to the perspective game to draw hard and fast conclusions.

It seems many of the people here enjoy the sound of their own voice, and enjoy arguing for arguing's sake. For those of us who have played PES for a while now, we should have known by now not to put PES on a pedestal, like some greek goddess named 'PES'aliah (had to throw in the 40 yr old virgin reference couldn't help it). Every year we complain whats missing, buy the game and enjoy it for what its got. With PES we need to all start aiming low, so that way we don't feel as shafted.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

I don't mean to sound like all I'm here for is to shit on the game. I will try and post in here less (although I've said it before, I will try). I've made my point.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Yeah same here. Sorry if I have pi**ed you guys off - I just wanted PES 2008 to be perfect (or as good as). :)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

I cant wait :D Not too long to go, wheres a cheap place to get it, shopto selling it for cheap, but will I get it early? if so how early if I pre-order now.

£29.99 good for 360 and PS3, forgot the PS2 price, but I want the PS2 one as early as possible so might save it and see if I can buy instore early, unless shopto are known for delivering early.

Also anyone know where to get a cheap XBOX Live Annual subscripiton?
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Also anyone know where to get a cheap XBOX Live Annual subscripiton?

E-Bay mate, I always buy mine from there. There is a guy who sells them in the US for like £15. After you pay him he e-mails the code to you.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Isnt there anywhere else? I cant be bothered to set up a paypal account, I dont know how it works haha!
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

The video interview was great, he is amazingly sincere and does seem very honest when he says he is gonna take into considerations the feedback he got.

If he manages to do a game that looks and feels like the teaser it would be fantastic. But I wanna believe his promise that the next game is gonan be the killer. Bring on 2009...
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

That was a very good interview indeed. I really hope he integrates PES Management into ML.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

Seabass has his shirt untucked, think that as a hint ;)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 10/10/07)

For all the people arguing now...I think it would be best to wait until you actually have the full game in your possession playing it on your ps3/360/pc. I think its only fair to bash a game after you have invested quality playing time to the perspective game to draw hard and fast conclusions.

I said that all along, but they didn't listen :(

Anyway, 9 days can't be sooner enough ... \\:o/
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