WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

Seriously, what did you expect?

Konami have done nothing significant to improve the game for the last 3 years, why would they do something different this time?

Thanks a lot, Seabastard.

Well actually you did improve the game with ur editing more than seabass miguel.

Pes 2008 demo looks like pes6 just faster +
The final version has beel slowed down=

Pes 2008= pes6-20 stadia
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

then theres the PS3 users first PES for that, thats an improvement in itself.

In all respect I seem you need to familiarize with concept of product quality.

Its the gameplay that people were worried about, and apparently its slower, which is what most complained about.

You could downgrade you graphics card and raise details to max, et voilà, you've slowed down the game (only PC users I'm sorry).
Can we spend all this energy on why Konami isn't able to tune speed of the game? ... if we are talking about tuning the speed it means situation is not so good.

And please, consider other people comments stupid as well as yours.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

Well to all the negative reaction of you all losers

We aren't the ones who are prepared to pay £40 for an UPDATE every year my friend. We aren't the ones who get excited by a few new licenses and boots but no change to the game engine. We aren't the ones who swear by Konami's product regardless of it's quality.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

Wow..it's just so unbeleivable. Why are we going to be short-changed again by NOKAMI. I just don't get it. Why can't they give us the most logical things in our games. Why do they keep tampering with things. What is their problem. Do they not have enough workers? do they not have enough ideas? or money?

I just don't get it.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

I never even knew that "fanboys" existed until I read through this thread so I researched it:

"Fanboy is a term used to describe an individual (usually male; the feminine version fangirl may be used for females) who is utterly devoted to a single fannish subject, or to a single point of view within that subject, often to the point where it is considered an obsession. Fanboys remain loyal to their particular obsession, disregarding any factors (often including logic) that differ from their point of view.

Stereotypical fanboys are attributed with a sycophantic devotion to the creators and principles behind a work with which they are currently enthralled. Fanboys are noted for a very emotional attachment to their chosen subject, often taking negative remarks about it as a personal attack. They will readily engage in debates, but will fall back on emotional responses when challenged on facts. For example, a fanboy may go out of his way to point out negative and often untrue statements about their obsession's rivals. Fanboys are often hostile towards critical review of their chosen subject. The stereotypical image of the fanboy is as an unkempt, socially awkward young man who may be perceived as a loud mouthed pseudo-intellectual. Fanboys are also typically aggressive and hateful towards the opposing brand or competition of their obsession regardless of its merits or achievements.

As electronic entertainment gained popularity, the term became increasingly applied to video game and television addicts. As a result, a subculture emerged which readily labeled itself as "fanboys." Within this group, more effort is taken to fit in with a perceived standard, resulting in a more outgoing attitude, even among those with insecurities. This outgoing stance is often felt to be abrasive by those not involved in the culture as deeply. The term originated in comic book circles, to describe someone who immersed himself in the fictional worlds of comics and the culture of comics fandom. The term is often used in a derogatory manner by other less obsessed fans. In the songs of the fannish parody musician Luke Ski, many characters proudly consider themselves fanboys. The term is most commonly associated with adolescent and teen males but can be applicable to any age or sex.

The term fangirl, while similar, often carries slightly different connotations. The term fangirl is often applied to any enthusiastic female fan, regardless of obsessive qualities or not, and is often used with overtones of "teenybopper".

The term "fanboy" is most commonly associated with adolescent and teen males but can be applicable to any age or sex. It is often used in a derogatory manner by other, less obsessed fans. The term originated in comic book circles to describe someone immersed in the fictional worlds of comics and the culture of comics fandom. Common subjects of reverence by fanboys are specific: TV shows; movies; music; anime; comic books; cars; video game consoles, video games and MMORPGs; and computer operating systems, hardware and software.

Popular depictions of Fanboy stereotypes include the Comic Book Guy on The Simpsons and columnist Larry Groznic from the satirical newspaper The Onion. In the songs of the fannish parody musician Luke Ski, many characters proudly consider themselves fanboys.

The earliest published uses of the word "fanboy" have been dated to 1982. One reference is to the cover of the "Official Underground and Newave Comix Price Guide". On this cover page are sketched overweight, overzealous comic book collectors wearing T-shirts that state "Fanboys of America," who are describing the extreme measures they would go to, including moving to San Francisco, to preserve their comics."

After reading that it makes sense what is going on in SOME of the members' minds around here. No offence intended guys, I appreciate how much you want PES to be a SUPERB game. I do, I REALLY do. But as each small piece of news is released, I am not impressed. Extremely fast gameplay, not the editing features people were promised, poor animations, lack of stadia/boots/general effort from Seabass and the Konami staff.

I think that 2007 could be the year that PES dies. I hope I am very wrong. :(
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

.....f*ck it i'm still exicted about the game and wil deffo get the game on 25-10-2007 (for the ps3 ofcourse:))
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

ha ha you got to love konami. Its like weve entered the twilight zone where everything has flipped around. konami doing the crappy minor update rip off of a game every year and EA actually trying to do something about next gen football gaming.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

I thought the edit mode was deep this year?

And didn't PSM3 say there were 30 boots?


Has he broken his arm? is he an octopus? Oh Dear oh dear oh dear.....EA will be laughing.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)



LOOK AT IT!!!!!!!!:shock:
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

After all, PES or not, posting and reading here is really funny.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

Pes 2008 demo looks like pes6 just faster +
The final version has beel slowed down=

Pes 2008= pes6-20 stadia

And why because the arrogant Konami decided to ignore the Xbox 360 and start all over again with the PS3, great Business strategy there. EA are 2 games ahead of them already.

PES2009 = Fifa 07 development PES2010 = Fifa 08 development just like PES 2 and 3 on the PS2
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

Im very happy also my only worry is that there are only 12 shirt patterns in the game, i mean WTF?

Hope adam can shed light on this when he returns.

whoa whoa whoa......where the flying fart did this come from....12 shirts...
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

whoa whoa whoa......where the flying fart did this come from....12 shirts...

I think its the calculation (secret, i heard from my contact) that konami use to determine how much of the content gets ported over to nextgen and in which release. for the pes360 the content calculation was 0,60. For pes8 its 0,68. Meaning you get a limited amount of shirt templates for this year. Its about 8% added each year meaning that by the end of the ps3 lifecycle (the average 5 years) we will have 60% + 5x8% = 100% ps2 content on the ps3. Offcourse by that time it will all start over again for the ps4.

Anyway, can anybody tell me about the 250 teams in this years version? I read the seabass interview, and he confirmed the 250 teams this year. So which ones are they?!

Seabass: I finally accomplished one of the things I wanted to do for a long time, which was increase the number of teams in the league from 16 to 20. Now they look and work as authentically as real football leagues. It's not a huge point but it has always been something I wanted to do.

We have to admit it, Seabass has got to go down as one of the least ambitious game directors. This time last year; "I told you 5 years ago, i want 20 f$%king teams in the ML, i think, now with the nextgen power we might be able to accomplish it.........wow whats going on with britney.......anyway where was I? ...Nevermind, I'm off to get some coffee and a biscuit".
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

Ratchet and clank,Bladestorm demo 2morow on PSN
still no news about PES2008 demo:(
F*cking SCEE realy needs to get shot at if they wont rls the demo.
anyways of to watch Champions League...Forza Milan;)

sorry Ratchet and clank DEMO is pushed back for 1 week
so only bladestorm....and prolly no PES2008,i belief there gonna wait till actober 25th to rls it.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

And why because the arrogant Konami decided to ignore the Xbox 360 and start all over again with the PS3, great Business strategy there. EA are 2 games ahead of them already.

PES2009 = Fifa 07 development PES2010 = Fifa 08 development just like PES 2 and 3 on the PS2

Broken record mate.

Its already been stated its easier to port from PS3 to 360. Get over it already
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

whoa whoa whoa......where the flying fart did this come from....12 shirts...

PSM3 said,

"PES 2008 lets you upload your digital photos and map your face. You can then tinker with the colour settings - see right - to get your complexion right (with 7x wrinkle textures). In theory, it'll be easy to create any player from any team. You can also scan/upload club badges (handy, given the licensing). With 30 x boots, gloves, friendship bracelets, 3x sock lengths, 12X SHIRT PATTERNS and 116 beards - plus 74 goal celebrations - the options are extensive."
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

Beginning to feel like it's all a load of politics... ie Bollocks!!
They all talk a good fight... "ohh were gonna have this and we wanna do that".. "it's going to be the best football Sim ever"...

Then when they never deliver it's a case of oh'.. we wanted to but didn't have time or the technology is not good enough, the technology is too new, there's not enough room on the disk, I only have a hundred staffs, we have all the licences but could not be arsed actually looking at how the leagues and cups work in real life..We had to have something to put back in next year to get you suckers to fork out again for the same product..We don't actually -watch-play-like-SOCCER, and spend all are free time playing VirtuaFighter..

If we put on enough glamour and glitz, pay big bucks for big names on the box, we can do just what we did last year, the sheep core will bleat success, the kids will buy it and play a few games then shove it under the bed along with the 60 other games they had to have or they would report their parents to social services, We'll make a packet and round and round the money goes...

Lets face it It's in neither companies interest to bring out a definitive game, they would only have to work that bit harder next year to top it... I've said it before and I'll say it again, until someone else moves the bar it's going to be drip,drip,drip...

Enough EA and Konami bashing it's a two party system and it stinks just like Politics..

Sorry for the moan, bored and I've got a sore arm... not that that matters :l
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

Yippie, you see; PES2008 is next gen. NOT!
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

In all respect I seem you need to familiarize with concept of product quality.

You could downgrade you graphics card and raise details to max, et voilà, you've slowed down the game (only PC users I'm sorry).
Can we spend all this energy on why Konami isn't able to tune speed of the game? ... if we are talking about tuning the speed it means situation is not so good.

And please, consider other people comments stupid as well as yours.

I did familiarize, look at it this way, NO PES compared to PES now theres no product quality compared to some atleast little, surely you would take little over none?

Also as you said thats the PC, the overall game is slower, which is what MOST WANTED, so whats the problem seriously?

Also Beatts, I understand that the Shirt Patters x 12 was meant to mean that you could have 12 different patterns on it, rather than only 12 to select from, well thats what I thought...
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

Broken record mate.

Its already been stated its easier to port from PS3 to 360. Get over it already

Yes when your starting from scratch but they have had 2-3 years to work on the Xbox 360 and just over 1 for the PS3.
So its mindnumbingly obvious a bad business decision to igore the Xbox 360 especially when your main competitor isnt but i think its another exmple of Ignorant racist business politics from Konami.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

Yes when your starting from scratch but they have had 2-3 years to work on the Xbox 360 and just over 1 for the PS3.
So its mindnumbingly obvious a bad business decision to igore the Xbox 360 especially when your main competitor isnt but i think its another exmple of Ignorant racist business politics from Konami.

Now Konami are racist???


Guess so are almost every other Japanese company. DMC4 was ported to 360 as its easier. If you notice the PS3 games getting delayed started on 360.

They have not ignored the 360 as its still getting a game is it not?

How do you kNow how long they have worked on the PS3?
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

I think they just mean 12 different shirt-patterns and that is not much.
Adonis, please tell us!
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