WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Fella's can someone who has the demo try this? Basically, give the ball to henry, run back to your own penalty box, now run from the top of the screen to the bottom and time how long it takes to run the width of the box. I'm hearing many bad things about the pace of the game, and want to do a wee test. I tried pes6(ps2) and FIFA 08(ps3) and they have surprisingly comparable times, yet FIFA henry feels alot slower. Could someone report back a time please? I'm convinced there is an illusion to the pace.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Very good question, I will do that, just to see if I am imagining things...
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Ah right, wasnt in the ps2 version which is the only PES I played. Wasnt in the Jleague either. They made it automatic...for ps2 versions that is.

And why cant I contribute here, what the fuck is a zip? I have contributed. The game is shocking. In my opinion. I dont care whether you respect it or not, but its shocking. Its too fast, absurd running animations, super speedy passes, awful goalkeepers (still? wtf) and a ball that feels like a brick.

The faces are fucking amazing however, and I do prefer the jockey on PES to FIFA. I know when Seabass decides enough is enough and scraps this engine, they will probably produce the best football game on earth. But that is a long time away. And for now, im after as much simulation as possible, and FIFA gives me that.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Seabass can kiss my arse if he thinks ill pay £40+ for this shambolic mess, he has killed such a great game.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

FIFA 08 Width Of Box: 5.25 seconds
FIFA 08 Side To Side: 9.25 seconds

PES2008 Width Of Box: 4.50 seconds
PES2008 Side To Side: 8.25 seconds

Wow, it's a lot closer than I'd imagined! Perhaps it is an illusion! :|

But I did just kick the ball from one player on the far-left to one player on the far-right in 1.5 seconds, which isn't realistic to me.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Ah right, wasnt in the ps2 version which is the only PES I played. Wasnt in the Jleague either. They made it automatic...for ps2 versions that is.....what the fuck is a zip? I have contributed....and a ball that feels like a brick....and I do prefer the jockey on PES to FIFA.

Dude, how much have you had to drink? :lol:
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Just trying to put my finger on what determines the games pace. If the players run at the same pace, why do the 2 games feel so different? I *think* it may be the amount of steps the player takes? FIFA runs with bigger strides, while PES takes more, faster steps, creating an illusion of pace.Just a theory like.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

What? Im just ever so slightly getting pissed off with the one dimensional attitude from most of the members on this forum. I know its a PES forum but fuckin hell, experience the world.

Im actually gasping for a drink winston :(
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Maybe the boxes in PES are bigger....maybe the boxes in FIFA are smaller.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Might have to give the demo a miss I was at 82% then the download crashed so I canceled it then started again and it went back to 1% when I hadnt even deleted deleted the demo I was downloading before. anyone know why its takes so long to download the demo?I was waiting for 4 hours to get it to 82% but when I downloaded crackdown 2 months ago it only took 1 hour to download when crackdowns file was 1.3gb pritty fucking anoyed :(
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Just trying to put my finger on what determines the games pace. If the players run at the same pace, why do the 2 games feel so different? I *think* it may be the amount of steps the player takes? FIFA runs with bigger strides, while PES takes more, faster steps, creating an illusion of pace.Just a theory like.
Could it be the ball speed? Like I just said (well edited), if I time the button-press, I can kick the ball from far-left to far-right (an accurate pass too not just a blast) in 1.5 seconds, and I've seen it faster. Perhaps it's the ball movement that makes it seem so fast?

Actually, looking at the numbers, the increases are like 10%+, which is easily noticeable (play a DVD at 110% speed and you notice), so perhaps it is just too fast overall.

Maybe the boxes in PES are bigger....maybe the boxes in FIFA are smaller.
LOL, could be that. Although Seabass did an interview two or three years ago saying that they made the pitches smaller on purpose to generate more pressing play, so if that's true then the boxes would... The time would... take... oh God. The pitch could be smaller but the box could still be too big? Maybe? I'm confused now. I don't know.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Ah, maybe the boxes in PES are smaller....maybe the boxes in FIFA are bigger.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

No! That's not right.

Maybe the boxes in PES are not the same size as the boxes in FIFA.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Maybe in PES, the guy is running much faster but, because he is running on ice, it takes longer than you would expect.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Guys, I know people keep trying to justify the speed difference in both games, but to put it bluntly the PES engine is not good enough in comparrison to FIFA's engine.

PES have done all they can with the engine they have, Seabass has got to start looking forward, and making a new engine that can "evolve the series".

Afterall isnt the game called Pro "Evolution"? At the minute this seems a false statement!
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

I just did a shot from the edge of the area that went into the bottom corner, literally a smidge over half a second from hit to net. That's not right, at all, I didn't even hold the button down too long.

I think it's a combination of the running animations and the ball speed. The running times are 10% too fast, which isn't too bad, but the ball speed times are well off being realistic.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

I saw something crazy, I was playing and a mouth came over Ronaldo's head!"where they usually show player numbers does this mean he got a talking too from the Ref?
I noticed a red triangle. I think it's to show a tired player (with an empty stamina bar).
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

I just did a shot from the edge of the area that went into the bottom corner, literally a smidge over half a second from hit to net. That's not right, at all, I didn't even hold the button down too long.

I think it's a combination of the running animations and the ball speed.

Can you convert that to MPH ? ;) Just kidding. Sounds far too fast though!

EDIT: bout 8O mph, feasible from a footballer?
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

The running times are 10% too fast, which isn't too bad

What? If the pitch has a realistic size (about 65m) the running time from side to side is more realistic than in fifa. 8.25 sec shouldn't be a big deal for someone like henry.....
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

I wasn't comparing it to real life, sorry, I meant 10% faster than FIFA.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

This is an interesting discussion :)
I think it is mainly the ball-speed. I wrote some days ago that you can change pace in PES by choosing for one touch-footbal ( faster pace ) or passing, controlling and passing back or dribble somewhat.
I think that is confirmed by these speed-tests.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

With PES6 getting the ball from one player to another was way too slow, to the point of there being too many interceptions, and now it feels way too fast, how weird...!
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Injury player back (thanks pes66)

sorry every one
can any one explain this point more for me ?
what tis point mean ? :)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

I have had the mates over tonight and after playing 3+ hours of Pro Evo, both the demo and PES6 on my PS3, we all agreed that the PES6 on the PS3 felt the better, I hope I dont feel this way after the final version or I have spent £400 to play my PS2 version on for another 12 months... :(
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

sorry every one
can any one explain this point more for me ?
what tis point mean ? :)

If a player is of the field for injury....and returns back u get to see it on a small screen(like PIP) that he is back on the pitch
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

After reading a crap load of pages on here and reading all the bollocks that these fifa fanboys have said, i have to say its been rather amusing.. Now ive played the Fifa demo on PS3 but don't have a 360 (dont want one either) so havent played the PES demo..
My thoughts on Fifa are the same as they have been for the last few years, extremely unresponsive, way to slow (u say PES is to fast on the demo, which may be the case) but fifa is the complete opposite, its snail pace football, therefore its just not enjoyable.. They have gone from hardly being able to score a goal on last years version, in the sense of an actual shot, not a lob or rebounds which happened way to much on 07. Now all u gotta do is hold R1 whilst shooting and its pretty much a goal..Realistic my ars..

Now on to PES, i havent played the demo like i said before but from what ive read, some people like it and the fifa fanboys don't, no surprise there... We've even had Adam himself confirm that the version he played at Leipzig was alot better than what u guys are playin right now, yet people are still bitching about the little things.. Like shirt pulling, is that even in Fifa no, yet ppl insist on moaning about how its not even going to be realsitic..Well what do u expect, its shirt pulling, u run with the ball and the defender is pulling ur shirt along side u.. Ive seen vids on it and it looks perfectly fine, so im not quite sure what u expect..
Theres also diving, i dont belive u can dive on fifa(soz fifa guys, that sucks 4 u :lmao:).. I could go on, but im sure that ill just bore u to death..

The thing is with PES is that they keep the same gameplay etc each year, they just add little things that make it that much more enjoyable.. The saying "If it aint broke, dont fix it" comes to mind, its never been broke so just tweak it here and there, no need to change everything.. But seein as Fifa has never found something that works, they have to change it EVERY year.. Why do u think some ppl say they are bored with the same PES game every year.. But why do they need to change it, so it turns into another crappy fifa game, that ppl love one year and hate the next.. Dont be hatin on Konami just because they use a bit of common sense.. We know every year that PES will be enjoyable, but do u fifa fans know the same question, i think not..

If u guys honestly think fifa is gonna win this year, then i LMAO to that.. Its another broken game with the same faults as every year.. Maybe a few things have been added, like a few skills here and there but that should of been in last years version... The problem with EA is that they make to many sports games, none of them are that great, there all just average, where as Konami focus on one sport and dominant in that.. The thing i find funny is that even on the demo, they have the classic and new control schemes.. One of them is fifa and the other a complete copy of PES... Now why would they do that, lol, cos they know who has been the footie king for the last decade...

Well theres my thoughts and feelings.. Some guys may agree or disagree with me, certainly the fifa lovers will argue there case, but ive said all thats needed to be said.. Reply as u wish, i prob wont waste my breathe replying back, but o well, if fifas that great, then you know your all are right and im just another PES fanboy, writing the same old crap as usual.. :applause:

Ricky :lol:

Best post (execept for the news of course) I've read so far and something I can relate to.
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