WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

The crowd are quite impressive at times on PES - problem is the depth of field effect doesn't always work which makes the crowd look really lowres and grainy. When it works though the crowd look really quite impressive. Much more so than Fifa IMO.

True, the depth of field could be alot better and it would add alot of ambience to the game. I like the crowd this year, it could be better but its alot better then previeus pes games.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

My problem is that a hardcore PES fan, Trance_Allstar, has shown a video of the physics being poor, and they are. You can say "that's your opinion" but the video he showed isn't a random occurence. It's how the game works. So if the physics are bad in FIFA as well, two wrongs make a right? You don't even need to bring FIFA into the equation. The ball gets sucked into the ground and travels on a rail to the guy you're passing to. That's not physics, that's Sonic The Hedgehog. That's not realism either, so saying that PES is a simulation is like saying Bioshock is a simulation. But I give up. I have to stop visiting this thread to make a lot of people happy, including myself.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

I never said fifa fans are idiots, dont change my words.
And I never said fifa was crap, I said it looks promosing.

Whats your problem lol. If you think the ball is floating then you should take a look at this fifa video.
Look closely between 57sec and 59sec, see that ball floating in the air, I assume youre not blind...

I'm sure I can find other in game examples once there are more videos on youtube..


Pes has still better physics then ea's game. I think you should cut the crap , why are you still here anyway.Fifa has its strong points, and again I never said it sucked or anything, but it has it flaws too you know.

Its ridiculous how people take conclusions over here. All of a sudden fifa has better AI, physics, gameplay, control when both games didnt change THAT much since last year. I do like fifa also, it has some strong points I like but man be honest or go talking crap somewhere else..

:shock:Errrm I think you will find that Chris is the major contributor on this thread and one of the biggest contributers to the site.

Balanced, is a good word to describe his contribution, maybe a liitle more respect would be nice, even though you are making your point, its a little atagonistic is it not?

Calm down and dont take things personally especially from someone that has not been personal in any posts I have seen him type.;)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Either you tell us who are these contacts or you can stop talking about non existing versions.

Ok, how about my contact. Just so happens to be my boss and a proevo nut. Those of you who know anything about me know that I work for a very reputable games retailer.

Last week was the annual managers conference, whilst there he was able to playtest the latest games from various developers. Im talking Halo3, Timeshift, Haze etc. Well he also got his hands on a near final version of PES2008 after speaking to him today he also agreed that the demo in no way does the full game justice.

A few points he mentioned were:

- Gamespeed was a touch below pes6
- Passing seemed less automated
- Slightly heavy ball physics still
- Tricks had more of a chance in wrongfooting defenders.
- Refs and linesman added great atmosphere
- Commentary was much improved (english)

so you can continue to hound thomas goal or you can shut up and wind your neck in a little. Thomas has been a great member of this forum for a long time and doesn't deserve the 3rd degree because he too has an opinion.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Hopefully the refs have been tweaked for the final version because they are making some truly bizarre penalty decisions at times! A little heavy handed with the red cards too! It's not really very realistic that every dive results in a yellow card either
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Surely Konami marketing wouldnt release a demo that isnt indicative of the final product?

Fingers crossed on the final release, but I imagine that we will still be disappointed.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

My problem is that a hardcore PES fan, Trance_Allstar, has shown a video of the physics being poor, and they are. You can say "that's your opinion" but the video he showed isn't a random occurence. It's how the game works. So if the physics are bad in FIFA as well, two wrongs make a right? You don't even need to bring FIFA into the equation. The ball gets sucked into the ground and travels on a rail to the guy you're passing to. That's not physics, that's Sonic The Hedgehog. That's not realism either, so saying that PES is a simulation is like saying Bioshock is a simulation. But I give up. I have to stop visiting this thread to make a lot of people happy, including myself.

Again, read closely. I never said the physics on pes are superb. I just said they are even worse on fifa. And overall they really are.

I also said that neither fifa or pes are pure simulations or pure arcade games. So no pes isnt a simulation, I never said it was. Read what I'm trying to say.

No hard feelings mate, I dont think you are a fifa fanboy, but dont complain about flaws with pes that are even worse in fifa.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

God I'll just be glad when both games are out and they have both proved to be disappointments, just so all the handbagging stops... who am I kidding, gets back to the 2-3 a page norm...

I wouldn't put anything past Konami's so called marketing Domaldo, I'm amazed they got the right sport!

My hopes are as high as my teams league position, and almost nothing on either side Pes/Fifa has me thinking otherwise.... Pessimistic I know, but I've been dying to play titles before and been bolstered by so called honest reviews on here, only to find out they must have been playing with themselves, because they were spouting W .... !
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Ok, how about my contact. Just so happens to be my boss and a proevo nut. Those of you who know anything about me know that I work for a very reputable games retailer.

Last week was the annual managers conference, whilst there he was able to playtest the latest games from various developers. Im talking Halo3, Timeshift, Haze etc. Well he also got his hands on a near final version of PES2008 after speaking to him today he also agreed that the demo in no way does the full game justice.

A few points he mentioned were:

- Gamespeed was a touch below pes6
- Passing seemed less automated
- Slightly heavy ball physics still
- Tricks had more of a chance in wrongfooting defenders.
- Refs and linesman added great atmosphere
- Commentary was much improved (english)

so you can continue to hound thomas goal or you can shut up and wind your neck in a little. Thomas has been a great member of this forum for a long time and doesn't deserve the 3rd degree because he too has an opinion.

nice update
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

to get my two cents worth in, I plan to buy Fifa and PES as I do every year so no name calling..

PES Demo

+ Side
Visually Better than Pes6
Menu Better
Shots are better
Passing more responsive.

- side
WAAYYY Too fast
Goalkeepers still pants (why oh why!)
Henry's mouth looks like a cross from he Joker and a blow up doll
Same old same old!

Fifa 08

+ Grpahics (although replays look very plastic and shiney)
+ Gameplay is a lot better more realistic and playes make runs, we will see if this translates to many teams on the full version.
+ quite difficult to maste rhaving been a PES nut for 7 years

- too relient on tricks to get past players each time.
- Shooting ia a little off for me.

Anyway both show some promise on the new consoles, however I then went back and played my PES6 on the PS2 and enjoyed it more than both of the above, shows we all have views and favourites in terms of football games.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

I'm off to go play PES6 on PS2 now.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

After reading a crap load of pages on here and reading all the bollocks that these fifa fanboys have said, i have to say its been rather amusing.. Now ive played the Fifa demo on PS3 but don't have a 360 (dont want one either) so havent played the PES demo..
My thoughts on Fifa are the same as they have been for the last few years, extremely unresponsive, way to slow (u say PES is to fast on the demo, which may be the case) but fifa is the complete opposite, its snail pace football, therefore its just not enjoyable.. They have gone from hardly being able to score a goal on last years version, in the sense of an actual shot, not a lob or rebounds which happened way to much on 07. Now all u gotta do is hold R1 whilst shooting and its pretty much a goal..Realistic my ars..

Now on to PES, i havent played the demo like i said before but from what ive read, some people like it and the fifa fanboys don't, no surprise there... We've even had Adam himself confirm that the version he played at Leipzig was alot better than what u guys are playin right now, yet people are still bitching about the little things.. Like shirt pulling, is that even in Fifa no, yet ppl insist on moaning about how its not even going to be realsitic..Well what do u expect, its shirt pulling, u run with the ball and the defender is pulling ur shirt along side u.. Ive seen vids on it and it looks perfectly fine, so im not quite sure what u expect..
Theres also diving, i dont belive u can dive on fifa(soz fifa guys, that sucks 4 u :lmao:).. I could go on, but im sure that ill just bore u to death..

The thing is with PES is that they keep the same gameplay etc each year, they just add little things that make it that much more enjoyable.. The saying "If it aint broke, dont fix it" comes to mind, its never been broke so just tweak it here and there, no need to change everything.. But seein as Fifa has never found something that works, they have to change it EVERY year.. Why do u think some ppl say they are bored with the same PES game every year.. But why do they need to change it, so it turns into another crappy fifa game, that ppl love one year and hate the next.. Dont be hatin on Konami just because they use a bit of common sense.. We know every year that PES will be enjoyable, but do u fifa fans know the same question, i think not..

If u guys honestly think fifa is gonna win this year, then i LMAO to that.. Its another broken game with the same faults as every year.. Maybe a few things have been added, like a few skills here and there but that should of been in last years version... The problem with EA is that they make to many sports games, none of them are that great, there all just average, where as Konami focus on one sport and dominant in that.. The thing i find funny is that even on the demo, they have the classic and new control schemes.. One of them is fifa and the other a complete copy of PES... Now why would they do that, lol, cos they know who has been the footie king for the last decade...

Well theres my thoughts and feelings.. Some guys may agree or disagree with me, certainly the fifa lovers will argue there case, but ive said all thats needed to be said.. Reply as u wish, i prob wont waste my breathe replying back, but o well, if fifas that great, then you know your all are right and im just another PES fanboy, writing the same old crap as usual.. :applause:

Ricky :lol:
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

played fifa 08 demo and it's just too similar to fifa 07 the graphics and menus are identical to that of 07 and the player faces are still very cartoon like the pes faces are amazingly detailed and the graphics while playingthe game are good to
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

I know it's only a demo but I don't like the direction Konami are going in and unless the final game really is different then I would say this is the worst PES I have played yet.

1. PES3
2. PES5
3. PES4
4. PES6
5. PES2008

It's a bit strange that my favourite game will be 4 versions old come the release of this and yet I'll still buy it and probably play it the most of any game all year.

well m8 yourent alone in this one... my PES/WE rakings are getting quite old now too.

1-WE2000 U-23(psone)
4-WE6 FE(ps2)
6-WE6 (ps2)
7-WE8JL (ps2)
8-WE9JL (ps2)
9-WE10JL (ps2)
1208- PES6 (360)
649221- PES2008DEMO (360)
:lmao: thats where konami is heading!! next goal is to reach number 8923766123.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Thank god I logged in at the right time this thread goes through phases soon it will be swamped a a bunch of fifa avatars owners complaining about everything good someone may have to say about the very flawed demo.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

I belief Thomas Goal and Beatts fully......AND to make it better from the Winning eleven pes 2008 demo on TOKIYO GAME SHOW 07 that is tested by GAMESPOT is alsow mentioned the game they played on TGS07 is far of the Leipzig demo.
An my belief is that at TGS07 they have a demo of the complete game.(and gamespot was talking about the 360 vesion here)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Surely Konami marketing wouldnt release a demo that isnt indicative of the final product?

Fingers crossed on the final release, but I imagine that we will still be disappointed.

They would if it was released just to give people another footy game to talk about. Good or bad

Apparently Konami UK were suprised about the demo as well.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Just because I have a FIFA avatar doesn't mean I like it more than PES, I'm just impressed with the progress EA are making.

I buy both and I always end up playing PES more come the end of the year. ;)

I'm very hopeful that the final game is a lot better and if Thomas and Adam say it is I have no reason not to believe them. :)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Has anybody seen shirt pulling in demo ?
How can I do that Drogba trick ?
Your answers are more than welcome
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Has anybody seen shirt pulling in demo ?
How can I do that Drogba trick ?
Your answers are more than welcome

Yes. Theres videos about to your first question. Not sure about the 2nd as i haven't played the game yet :P
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

I don't know if this allowed but for anyone in North America that wants to try the demo, you can create a x-box live silver account, which is free, with a UK address and simply download it. I just did it and it works. The toughest part for me was trying to figure out the postal code.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

One thing I will say about the game, I will be cancelling my pre order, but I'm glad they brought back the jockey feature. They had it in pes5 and removed it for pes6. You can face your defenders up when YOU want to now, by pressing R2, like you could back in the day.

Awful, Awful game though, Im so disapointed they havent scraped that dated engine. I wanted this to be "the one". Ah well. Good job FIFA is fucking fantastic this year, theres a first.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

can i select a 2nd player / controller in the demo somehow?
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

One thing I will say about the game, I will be cancelling my pre order, but I'm glad they brought back the jockey feature. They had it in pes5 and removed it for pes6. You can face your defenders up when YOU want to now, by pressing R2, like you could back in the day.

Awful, Awful game though, Im so disapointed they havent scraped that dated engine. I wanted this to be "the one". Ah well. Good job FIFA is fucking fantastic this year, theres a first.

you are one of those guys not want to be heared here. You don't controbute this forum. You are a zip.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

One thing I will say about the game, I will be cancelling my pre order, but I'm glad they brought back the jockey feature. They had it in pes5 and removed it for pes6. You can face your defenders up when YOU want to now, by pressing R2, like you could back in the day. .
It was in PES6 as far as I can remember (Xbox 360 version).
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

I saw something crazy, I was playing and a mouth came over Ronaldo's head!"where they usually show player numbers does this mean he got a talking too from the Ref?
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

I belief Thomas Goal and Beatts fully......AND to make it better from the Winning eleven pes 2008 demo on TOKIYO GAME SHOW 07 that is tested by GAMESPOT is alsow mentioned the game they played on TGS07 is far of the Leipzig demo.
An my belief is that at TGS07 they have a demo of the complete game.(and gamespot was talking about the 360 vesion here)

Cheers bud... I don't think the final version will be a totally different game by any means, but I think you have the foresight to understand that.

I for one can't wait for the game with it's full edit mode and leagues at my disposal ;)
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