WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

wake up. no way PES beeing the long time winner. why should anybody switch to PES after a couple of weeks. PES is crap this year. thats sad but thank god fifa made the important step right then when it was needed the most.

I said based on the demos of fifa and pes, that fifa was looking and feeling much better. I said that as we had not played final versions( if you have played both final PES and fia then I apologies) , that maybe there was a very slim chance of hoping that PES may redeem itself.

Just played a few more games on pes demo and getting into bit more, but still frustrated by the stilted aninmations and footy on rails and the bloody speed.

If it was just a little more smoother, and slower and more fluid then fifa could have a fight on its hands, but at present based on demos I would say fifa is winning the battle and could win the war, if reports that the final retail fifa is faster and more responsive which are the primary niggles I have with it. Thus at this moement in time based on demos I do prefer FIFA at this stage.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Can someone confirm if it is too easy on top player?
I refuse to buy a piss easy 1 player game.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

This is the worst thread ever! You "FIFA" guys talk like your the only ones smart in here. Others are complete retards who can't see the truth. Have you ever tried to think that for them the truth is that PES is the better game, they love playing it because of it's gameplay not 'cos they are Seabass' ass lickers.

For example I'd like to buy and play both next-gen titles, but since I'm PC user I can't.

Not having a go at anyone, but more like suggesting to look at this situation from both points of view. And wait for the final games to come out and then make some serious judgements.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

I wonder why everbody is so critical and points out every little flaw or tweak? Its the same every year (little change) and every year people end up loving the game lol.

That's a pretty broad generalization, and not even close to the truth. I ended up liking PES6 less and less the more I played it, since the flaws became more and more obvious as the gameplay became more and more familiar.

I'm sorry, I'm all for opinions, but have you actually played either demo of either game? Look at the fucking ball. It doesn't bobble, it doesn't do anything, when it leaves a player it becomes stuck to the ground until it reaches the pass target.


A video of mine showing what you are talking about (PES6 PC).

It can't be seen very clearly on this (was showing the hovering ball and the poor "bump" simulation. But basically, when the pass leaves the boot, it will almost immediately be sucked down to the ground. Even though the pass "takes off" from the boot gaining some air, it will not have the usual ballistic trajectory.

Rather than looking sort of like this:

It will look more like this:


(Never mind the dots, they are just there to keep the structure of the lines).

In other words, it will rise maybe 10-15cm, and then immediately fall down again, rather than having a "plateau" like normal gravity-affected objects.

This behaviour is obviously completely wrong, and it proves that KONAMI's physics systems are faulty (Gravity doesn't affect all balltrajectories equally, since they have some weird "suction" for balls when you pass).
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Can someone confirm if it is too easy on top player?
I refuse to buy a piss easy 1 player game.
You won't listen to me, LOL, I don't blame you. But I believe you talk sense mostly so I'll answer you in the hope that the respect is mutual.

I hadn't played PES6 versus the CPU since... March? I think? And I played the CPU on JLWECC2007 in early August, if I remember rightly. Neither was for a very long time, and I'm usually crap at the game, every game a 0-0. Well on the PES2008 demo I've scored in nearly every game (I did score in ten in a row, then my 12th/13th go finished 0-0), and won 90% of the games.

I don't think it's the fact that it's easy, I think it's just that we've played the game for years. The gameplay is the same in 99% of areas and so it's just a question of doing the same old same old (give the ball to a winger, run pass the full-back who just flaps his arm at you, cross, score).

There may be an unlockable difficulty though, who knows.


A video of mine showing what you are talking about (PES6 PC).

It can't be seen very clearly on this (was showing the hovering ball and the poor "bump" simulation. But basically, when the pass leaves the boot, it will almost immediately be sucked down to the ground. Even though the pass "takes off" from the boot gaining some air, it will not have the usual ballistic trajectory.

Rather than looking sort of like this:

It will look more like this:


(Never mind the dots, they are just there to keep the structure of the lines).

In other words, it will rise maybe 10-15cm, and then immediately fall down again, rather than having a "plateau" like normal gravity-affected objects.

This behaviour is obviously completely wrong, and it proves that KONAMI's physics systems are faulty (Gravity doesn't affect all balltrajectories equally, since they have some weird "suction" for balls when you pass).
Thank you. See, you've said you liked PES2008, and I respect that, but you're also not blind. Thank you.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

LOL @ the video, surprised gilberto didnt put his hands to his face in agony, now that would have been realistic!
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Thomas, Xbox 360 upscales games to whatever resolution you pick, so there is no way to tell if it's really 1080p. :(
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

3 passes and a shot on goal (assisted)

IA is poor

too fast and frenetic

I hate tha demo! Konami is going crazy


I wasn't expecting much more to be honest. IMO next year's PES will be the one.
I'll still buy the final game because multiplayer is great fun.
One good thing: I've been playing the demo with my mates for hours and we haven't seen slowdowns at all.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

I've played some more of both Pro Evo 2008 and Fifa 08 this morning. I must say, Fifa is probably the more realistic game now. It's not perfect, but it does look more like a proper football match. Problem is, I'm having much more fun playing Pro Evo!
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

I wasn't expecting much more to be honest. IMO next year's PES will be the one.

Konamy has already done a sort of PES next-gen (xbox360 version last year..)

i expected much more:

a lot of NEW animations, a better feeling with the game flow, better IA (but maybe that IA is poor cause is a demo game)...
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

So it is too easy :(
Hopefully multiplayer is still great, but yet again it's pointless in single player.
That headbutt video is cool though :)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

I know it's only a demo but I don't like the direction Konami are going in and unless the final game really is different then I would say this is the worst PES I have played yet.

1. PES3
2. PES5
3. PES4
4. PES6
5. PES2008

It's a bit strange that my favourite game will be 4 versions old come the release of this and yet I'll still buy it and probably play it the most of any game all year.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Played 10 matchs and since the 1st seconds I could feel changes. It's way better than pes6. I didn't like it on 360.
It's a bit too fast but it's not a bad point, the only thing I don't like is seeing Ronaldinho and some stars running.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Many people are still forgeting one thing , this is just the game. Fifa demo is holy crap compared to demo PES2008. I would be satisfied with this, if gameplay would be little slower or there would be a 3 speeds in the game so u can choose the speed of game the same way as in NHL 08 f.e., shots and free kicks are very unrealistic, free kicks very easy , almost every shot with good ( not great ) player from no matter how far is dangerous , thats silly.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

The speed is killing me. I don't like it at all, find too hectic. Getting the ball down the flanks and putting in crosses is just too easy.

FIFA seems more realistic to me. I don't like the direction Sebass is taking PES/WE. I enjoy playing Winning Eleven J-League CC 2007 more than this demo.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

My best PES yet is:
1. PES 5
2. PES 3
3. PES 2008
4. PES 4
5. PES 6

PES 6 on the last spot because I played the stripped Xbox 360 version.
PES 5 was my game and came closest to a real simulation.
I give PES 2008 the benifit of the doubt. After playing a lot of games I did indeed see some scripted things which should be out with Teamvision. I think TeamVision is not in the demo, so we have to wait and see if Teamvision replaces the scripting.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

this forum just went down the hill.

the name should be changed to fifa-web.co.uk
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

this forum just went down the hill.

the name should be changed to fifa-web.co.uk

I hope no, but it's true from people who try the full game (no liepzig demo) the demo look like arcade game and the full game look like a perfect simulation.
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