WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Just dl the demo for 360. Just to remind people I have ALWAYS been an avid supporter of all things Konami WE/PES since ISS. Always preferred every rendtion over fifa every year.:) Have recently been watching the forums degrade here into a mud slinging arena of fifa vs pes etc etc, and decided to hold opinion until hands on for both.
Firstly dl fifa08 on 360 and ps3 and actually was pleasantly suprised how much of an improvement it was over 07 and UEFACL. Still was "lacking" the responsiveness and feel though.
Went into the DL of pes2008 with trepidation and excitement that all fears would be allayed after a hands on.

So whats my personal opinion?

What the hell have Konami been doing??????:shock: This demo is like PES6 HD. I was expecting a much more fluid feel to the existing PES engine. But it just feels clunky and arcadey.

I never thought the day would happen that fifa actually feels and plays more realistic than PES, as I always assumed that Pro Evo would always "evolve" but not this year accroding to the demo.:(

I just hope that the final retail is much better than this. Highly disappointed (from a still avid PES fan that hopes seabass gets his shit together for the retail version or more likley for PES2009).
Yes it has improved from PES6 on 360 but only marginally so............

Theres devotion and then there is blind loyalty. Unless the retail version is significantly better I see Fifa08 being played more in my household this year....
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

wow the faces are awesome. what a shame that the rest oft the game did not evolve at all and became even arcadish. wish fifa had these faces.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Oh c'mon mate! Do you watch Sky Sports on fast forward or something? ;)It's not just the pace of the running, it's how quickly they turn in the opposite direction also, very unrealistic imo

Hehe, I live in Sweden so I just watch La Liga whenever it's on. ;)

Well, let's put it this way. The animations etc I saw didn't look like something a real human couldn't do. It can be hard to remember how quickly real humans "can" do things. Seeing Ronaldinho pull an Elastico still boggles my mind, you can barely see his leg move. THe Elastico that was in PES5 was extremely underrated in speed, as is even the current Elastico animation.

What I will say though, is that PES could definitely benefit from some different tempos of animations etc. It's not really realistic or funny always seeing players moving at their absolute maximum in all moves they do. Sure, it is efficient, but what I really miss is being able to do the same lazy "passing-around-the-back-4" as can be seen in real life, where the players don't rerally put any effort into the passes or receptions. In PES; the passes will never be more "lazy" or the receptions won't be relaxed, everything is constantly on edge, whether an opponent is 3ft away or 50ft away.

So in that sense I absolutely agree that the game is too fast, as in lacks the ability to slow down in terms of animation speeds for passes etc if you aren't under pressure or want to slow the tempo of the match down.

Implementing analog pass power, making players walk if you tilt the analog stick only 50%, and such, would lend PES to look more realistic. It looks sort of "off" seeing players always doing things at their absolute maximum, in situations that are very different from eachother.

But, like I said, i didn't see any turns or such that felt awkwardly fast, or moves that seemed too quick for the real Ronnie or such. Again, only played 3 games. ;)
But I didn't see the PES4 I was expecting from the talk here (now PES4 was Sky Sports in fast-forward in my humble oponion). :)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

the cut scenes of PES2008 are superb, and really are next gen. But what the hell happened to the rest of the game????

I hate to sound like a PES basher. but I did expect more........
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

On the hardest level (the laughably named "top player") I can win despite having not played a WE/PES for well over a year, on the Fifa08 demo on the second easiest level I lose or draw most games, I think it's pretty obvious that PES' singleplayer will be as un-fulfilling as previous versions, same old win everything, every season ML, that's what unfortunately made me get so tired with PES so long ago. Obviously multiplayer is the only real attraction for PES.

I'll be honest i am HOPING that novice is easier...
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

the cut scenes of PES2008 are superb, and really are next gen. But what the hell happened to the rest of the game????

I hate to sound like a PES basher. but I did expect more........

I know what you mean. It's all down to KONAMI not expanding their gameplay, only changing and tweaking what is already there.

I said it sometime before, but even if you have a great recipe, eating it every day with only slightly changed amounts for each ingredient quickly becomes tiresome.

Most of the changes I have seen so far could have been done to PES6 if someone had altered all stats (Pass Speeds up, Shot Powers Up, Shot Accuracies Up) etc.

Obviously there are new things in there (Diving, new tricks) but the core is the same as before, only slightly different.

And to be honesty, if KONAMI are "happy" with what they have now, there isn't much they can do. They can't make it better than it is now, unless they change the way we play the game instead of how the game plays.

We nag about passing speeds, shooting speeds, etc every year, since KONAMi settle for giving us one fixed speed per year. SImply giving us the analog power choice of "No power <-------> Really freaking hard" by implementing a power bar, you have done away with that problem permanently.
It is the most elegant solution, and it is obviously how reality works where you can choose to pass really hard or really lossely, or anywhere in between (and we all love real football, so why not?). :)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Ohh yeah, just to make sure, only 1 player can play the Demo right?

Me and my brother tried to play 2, but even though both controllers showed up when choosing sides, the 2nd controller couldn't be moved.

Just to make sure I didn't miss out on something... :)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Good spot Trance_Allstar. If you like the demo (which is a poor version, according to some people) I can trust the game will be good. Because I don't see myself playing FIFA.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Enough of your Fifa fanboy propaganda Trance.

Just an update for everyone.

Real life is more important than computer games.

There we go :]
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

You know first person who cons ref with dive goes down in History (mainly because its hard). :)

Video evidence is required for our viewing pleasure be interesting to see who can pull it off succesfully. ;)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Wel the DEMO is not that great......but the animations and player model/faces looks awsome!
I realy hope for a improved version....and im sure i wil have more fun playing it on the ps3 cus i just hate the 360 controller to play PES.
Made some movies and a pic of ronnies face :)
and they all look amazing in game:)

pls note the awsome goal celebrations of Adriano and Ronaldinho

http://members.home.nl/amar83/Ronnie goal celebration.mp4




Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Can you download this demo as a torrent? B/c i live in Canada
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

That is the best thing I have ever seen in my life.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

javi navarro? i think its xavi.

anyway, there is nothing worse than reading different posts that the game is great/bad but not being able to play it. but i dont believe that much in demos because they can drag you down often. from that moment you start to dislike the game you were waiting for wishfully.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

From a single player point of view, the main problem I have with this game is that is too bloody easy. I couldn't care less about nets, player likeness, animations, etc, etc, if there's no challenge at all. It the skill level of the AI and gameplay in the final version are the same or very close to the ones in the demo, I think many of us will end up winning everything after the first or second attempt.
Lots of multiplayer fun in it though.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

so is anyone running this in 1080p>>?

Also, wat is the sound like? crowd atmosphere...
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