WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Who are they kidding??? just tried it out, it is like the jleague club edition with green grass. 2 years after next gen, we are still stuck here. It adds nothing significant honestly. Very disappointing.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Nobody has commented on the shirts.

Are they or aint they?
Just checked the whole Portuguese and French team for you - nothing untucked. But that might be realistic, I don't know. And you can edit them anyway, I'm sure.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Just checked the whole Portuguese and French team for you - nothing untucked. But that might be realistic, I don't know. And you can edit them anyway, I'm sure.

Cheers Jack.

Oh well no untucked shirts back to Fifa. :mrgreen:
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

My biggest problem with PES, and it fits into what Polakis said, is that Konami have tried to create a 10 minute experience that perfectly maps stats to a 90 minute one. To start with, an actual prem game only has about 40/50 minutes of 'in play' time, so that's roughly a 1 to 4 ratio, lets say. There's also about 10 minutes of random back passing, which wouldn't translate great into a game, so maybe its a bit lower.

Anyway, the point is, Konami have clearly decided that they'd like to have 15/20 shots in an end to end match. To do so, they've made it artificually quick to get from one end of the pitch to the other, and to fashion chances. Of course, chances are the exciting bits of football for most fans, so it makes sense. I had games in PES6 where I would, on the top difficulty level, take some 30 shots in a 10 minute match. The CPU player wouldn't even venture into my half (except to score their obligatory injury time winner, with their 1 shot all match).

The problem is, the chances you create are so good, that konami had to come up wiht a way to stop matches being 10-1 blowouts. So they were forced to destroy the shooting/chance taking system. Essentially they have to regulate how often you score your chances, regardless of how good those chances are. And that's really really annoying.

See playing PES is a joy. Players do just what you want them to (when CPU isn't cheating), they control the ball great, they pass great, they dribble great, so of course its too damn easy. Unlike Fifa, so i've heard (haven't played yet) when it's a bit more like real football, you f-up a whole bunch.

So it depends what you want. Just be happy with what we have, which are hopefully two great games, which should cater to all audiences :)

I agree.

KONAMI are doing it all wrong.

Like you mentioned, they tampered with the shooting etc in PES6 and made it crap to avoid 10-1 blowouts.

That seems completely backwards.

We all know what footballs shots look like, and what power and speed they can get up to. Most of us have played football, so we know how easy and how hard it is to get certain shots on goal etc.

What KONAMI should do, is base things like shotpowers and such on facts. There are ways to measure how fast certain players shoot, and using that we can create a stat system where Adriano shoots as hard as he does, and lesser players are scaled down appropriately.

The difficulty of scoring must come from other places. Improving defence tactics and such would make it harder to score, while still keeping shots realistic.

Also, there is another huge source where KONAMI can make the game harder. US, the players.

Analog aiming means not only can we no longer play with Brazil and have scoring chances handed to us on a silver platter, we still need to aim passes and shots and longpasses properly. Skilled players (Ronaldo etc) are better at aiming where we want them to, but a much larger factor needs to rest on our shoulders.

Also, if you make passing "harder" by implementing analog aim and a power bar, then it would be much more satisfying to play real football, if that means just passing about in the back 4.

KONAMI seem to design the game so that we can avoid passing around in the back 4 looking for openings up front (by making players faster so we can just immediately sprint upfield), when they should spend time making that REAL football experience harder and more rewarding, by making passing rely more on your skill with the game pad and not all on the players stats.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Jack and everyone else, how do you think this compares to JLWE2007CC??
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

But aren't I the perfect example of that? I had an extremely negative opinion of it based on previous PES' + the footage we've seen so far, and I enjoyed playing the demo, if it weren't for me enjoying Fifa more, and the fact Fifa offers more to what I want (namely single player manager mode) I would get PES when it's released.

i havent said names did i?

i know theres ppl that make positive criticism about the game, thats good, theres some things about the game that i also dont like and i expected better.

i was complaining about the guys that come here just to post negative crap about the game...one thing is constructive criticism, other is talking negative just cos they prefer other game and havent even played pes08
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Jack and everyone else, how do you think this compares to JLWE2007CC??
I could play that game. Good speed, Fantasista is a laugh. I couldn't play this, mainly because of the (IMO) ridiculous speed (and it is if you compare it to a real life game, if you disagree then I'm sorry but you must be watching a league I've never seen). Sorry to the people who disagree, this is my opinion...
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Just checked the whole Portuguese and French team for you - nothing untucked. But that might be realistic, I don't know. And you can edit them anyway, I'm sure.

is the edit mode avaiable on the demo? ( i dont think so, but just wanna make sure)

have u seen any pulling shirts? sweat?

btw fantasista? is that the 1 player carrer mode? is it on the demo?
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Konami doesn't want to understand what are separate entities and user-skills approach. Because they are lazy or much risk adverse.

Blame for Konami.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

First, something dedicated to Jack: Funny how you're scoring more than me on PES and I'm scoring more than you on FIFA. :)

Right, my take on it (this opinion is coming from a PES die hard who's been enjoying FIFA08, as my avatar suggests):

> Quick responsive gameplay. (arcadish? don't think so, play some virtua striker and compare).
> Human Defence is improved, I've been able to head the ball clear out of the box most times, which almost never happened on PES6. Reaction times of defenders are better too, they turn around quicker etc.
> Very nice new animations. (when fighting for possession, falling on the ground, jumping in front of a shot while trying to protect their body, etc.)
> I like the way the crowd gets up when they think something special is gonna happen.
> The sound of bodies colliding, the tackles, etc, makes you feel like you're right there on the pitch in the heat of the battle.
> I've had breakaways with Messi and Ronaldo and the defence could not catch me.
> (Compared to FIFA) I like how GKs react quickly when I order them to come out.
> Body proportions are better than FIFA, faces are amazing. Player expressions and emotions are very well portrayed.
> You can adjust the colors of the game.
> Pitch seems bigger.
> The game is fun.
> The refs and linesmen are great.
> Numbers and names on the back are accurate.
> Portuguese menus.

Edit: chipped through passes seem better as well, compared to before.

> The running animations
> The game is a tad too fast (Fifa is a tad too slow)
> The pitch and the grass don't look like much.
> The 360's dpad sucks. As does the blue ball.
> The ball doesn't feel like a marble or whatever Jack said, but it does feel a little heavy.
> Overall look of the game isn't as realistic as the "other one", animations aren't as realistic.
> Don't fix what isn't broken is true and all that. But how long before a new engine is really required? Specially to take full advantage of the 360 and PS3? Seabass is probably thinking about this right now, and if not, he should.
> Music is AWFUL.

To sum it up, and my opinion is subject to change due to the fact that the full versions of the games have to be played to really have an honest and well funded opinion, i will say this:

For the first time in many years I will buy two football games. And this is due to the fact that FIFA has become a very good alternative, and a genuine alternative as the game looks and feels different. PES is still PES, It keeps all of its qualities, has improved here and there, and also keeps most of it's flaws.

Some guys from the FIFA side are blind with hate for PES, coming here and calling everybody fanboys, they are wrong. PES still has a lot of qualities, there are a lot of things in PES that are better than FIFA.

Some guys from the PES side haven't even given FIFA 08 a real chance before saying It's a load of crap, calling FIFA fanboys to whoever likes it, they are also wrong. FIFA has improved a lot, and depending on what you want out of a football game, it can be a better game than PES.

It all depends, and I think the balance is in between, both games are still far from perfect in many ways. And bar some unforseen merging of EA and Konami, the perfect game will likely never show up.

Ideally you should buy or at least give both games a fair chance. And you should also be mature enough to admit the qualities of the game you like the least and the flaws of the game you love the most. And you should respect other peoples choices and opinions. And this forum would be better for it.

I think I never wrote this much before. :)

Peace out and enjoy football, whatever club, nation or game that means for you.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

is the edit mode avaiable on the demo? ( i dont think so, but just wanna make sure)

have u seen any pulling shirts? sweat?

btw fantasista? is that the 1 player carrer mode? is it on the demo?
No edit mode, not seen pulling shirts, not seen sweat (but I haven't been looking, I'll just check). EDIT: Can't see it.

Fantasista is the one-player mode on JLWECC2007, yeah. I really enjoyed that. It's not in PES2008 (demo or full game).
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Re: speed (and I haven't played the demo) couldn't someone 'artificially' change the game speed anyway like they have done for PES6 by editing stats across the board - lowering pace, passing speed etc? Obviously it's not perfect but it's a solution, if it really is that bad.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

No edit mode, not seen pulling shirts, not seen sweat (but I haven't been looking, I'll just check).

Fantasista is the one-player mode on JLWECC2007, yeah. I really enjoyed that. It's not in PES2008 (demo or full game).

ok, thanx

i got the ps3, i guess i have to w8 1 more week to try this demo :(
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

@ Trance Allstar,

Very good points, and i couldnt help but thinking; "Fifa has this, and it has that aswell, oh and they are doing it that way also".

The way you talk about passing it around the back 4 to look for openings up field is what you actually need/can do in fifa. I was playing with barca and was passing it about, the opponents kept pushing up a bit more giving less and less space to my free defenders eventually making me look upfield for an opening as i didnt have any defenders in space anymore. Fortunately i saw messi open on the wing and hit a long diagonal pass into space for him to run onto. Got near the penalty box but my cross was blocked for a corner. It felt great seeing the comp's ai adjusting and actually making it difficult for you to keep possesion. And then seeing the space and free messi on the radar and then also hitting a long pass to where you aimed (with non of the longpass scripting in pes) and it giving you and oppertunity to create a good attack. It felt so good and natural and down to me vs the AI in a worthy competition. Really good.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

PES fans ( and am one of them until PES6 came out and made the series like sh*t ) stop posting freak things that`s the game still good after all of this waitting ,, let us count how meny people posting that the game look bad and you can see ,,
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

I am still waiting for my new Xbox360 to play fifa and pes demo. Thanks MS for a ring of death console. I hope i get my x360 next week.

Here some pics of playerfaces.










Luis Garcia:

Hamit Altintop:









Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

Thanks BlinkGT

Kaka' look so real :shock:





Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

quick question, which players have untucked shirts in the demo? sorry if it's already been answered

Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

What happened to this editorial from a WENB member??? it disappeared......

PES Needs A New Direction - A CW Editorial
As I sit down to write this its been 2 weeks since I came back from the GC in Germany and something has been bugging me about PES since my little play test.

I bet you are now wondering what kind of rant I am going to launch into at this point and I can assure you that this is not an assassination of the game that had served me so well for many years but a mild irritation that will just not leave me alone.

We are now fully in the so called next gen of consoles (by the way, shouldn't we now be calling it current gen or we are going to be calling the next gen of consoles when they arrive next-next gen consoles...anyway I digress) and the base gameplay of PES hasn't actually changed all that much since we were in the full swing of Winning Eleven/PES on the PS2.

Basically what I am trying to say here is that as Konami are still developing the game for the PS2 is this hampering the series moving on and do they need to rip up the code and rewrite it from the ground up in order to make the game more appealing and/or playable to the next gen crowd.

We have all seen the screens and the videos by now and are slightly underwhelmed that the game looks only a bit more polished than it did last year with PES6. The players still move in the same way as they did on the PS2 and though there have been a few little animation additions you are still limited to what you can do with your players.

Don't think I am knocking the game because I love the way it plays, its simple enough to start with but the more you play the more you learn. Playing the game on the show floor at the GC with the PS3 pad brought the memories of nights with my mates round shouting all sorts of abuse at each other as we played for nothing but pride.

From the reception that the FIFA demo has been receiving lately I think that Konami need to take PES on a stage, rip up the code that they have been using for the last few years and give the fans what they yearn for and that is a true next gen experience or they could well lose the crown as the best football game and we don’t want that to happen!
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)

First, something dedicated to Jack: Funny how you're scoring more than me on PES and I'm scoring more than you on FIFA. :)

Right, my take on it (this opinion is coming from a PES die hard who's been enjoying FIFA08, as my avatar suggests):

> Quick responsive gameplay. (arcadish? don't think so, play some virtua striker and compare).
> Human Defence is improved, I've been able to head the ball clear out of the box most times, which almost never happened on PES6. Reaction times of defenders are better too, they turn around quicker etc.
> Very nice new animations. (when fighting for possession, falling on the ground, jumping in front of a shot while trying to protect their body, etc.)
> I like the way the crowd gets up when they think something special is gonna happen.
> The sound of bodies colliding, the tackles, etc, makes you feel like you're right there on the pitch in the heat of the battle.
> I've had breakaways with Messi and Ronaldo and the defence could not catch me.
> (Compared to FIFA) I like how GKs react quickly when I order them to come out.
> Body proportions are better than FIFA, faces are amazing. Player expressions and emotions are very well portrayed.
> You can adjust the colors of the game.
> Pitch seems bigger.
> The game is fun.
> The refs and linesmen are great.
> Numbers and names on the back are accurate.
> Portuguese menus.

Edit: chipped through passes seem better as well, compared to before.

> The running animations
> The game is a tad too fast (Fifa is a tad too slow)
> The pitch and the grass don't look like much.
> The 360's dpad sucks. As does the blue ball.
> The ball doesn't feel like a marble or whatever Jack said, but it does feel a little heavy.
> Overall look of the game isn't as realistic as the "other one", animations aren't as realistic.
> Don't fix what isn't broken is true and all that. But how long before a new engine is really required? Specially to take full advantage of the 360 and PS3? Seabass is probably thinking about this right now, and if not, he should.
> Music is AWFUL.

To sum it up, and my opinion is subject to change due to the fact that the full versions of the games have to be played to really have an honest and well funded opinion, i will say this:

For the first time in many years I will buy two football games. And this is due to the fact that FIFA has become a very good alternative, and a genuine alternative as the game looks and feels different. PES is still PES, It keeps all of its qualities, has improved here and there, and also keeps most of it's flaws.

Some guys from the FIFA side are blind with hate for PES, coming here and calling everybody fanboys, they are wrong. PES still has a lot of qualities, there are a lot of things in PES that are better than FIFA.

Some guys from the PES side haven't even given FIFA 08 a real chance before saying It's a load of crap, calling FIFA fanboys to whoever likes it, they are also wrong. FIFA has improved a lot, and depending on what you want out of a football game, it can be a better game than PES.

It all depends, and I think the balance is in between, both games are still far from perfect in many ways. And bar some unforseen merging of EA and Konami, the perfect game will likely never show up.

Ideally you should buy or at least give both games a fair chance. And you should also be mature enough to admit the qualities of the game you like the least and the flaws of the game you love the most. And you should respect other peoples choices and opinions. And this forum would be better for it.

I think I never wrote this much before. :)

Peace out and enjoy football, whatever club, nation or game that means for you.

Full sensed post. Thanks. :)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)


that faces are great, at least pes 2008 faces are really next gen!

(being in a WE/PES oriented site, whit FIFA avatars is a bit stupid IMO)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/19/07)






Sergio Ramos:














Xabi Alonso:


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