WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

this video made the chance for me getting PES drop to almost zearo.
watch the graphics, animations and the GAMEPLAY!

How can you watch gameplay? If I were as picky as a few new anti-PES fans here, I could make a list of a lot of little annoying things that are wrong in that video.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

yeah airjoca is right there is a lot anti-pes being sprayed all over this forum and it is really depressing, both games will be good with there own faults so if you don't like pes08 stay off this thread and if you dont like fifa08 stay off the fifa08 thread simple as
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

But he said: "Watch the gameplay". I don't know if you're alien, but I'm human, so I can't do that. I can play the gameplay, not watch it.

Adam also said that FIFA08 plays like 07 with pretty much the same faults, some people are also overlooking that.

Even if you combined the best of PES and FIFA you still wouldn't get a perfect game and there would be people complaining as well.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

But he said: "Watch the gameplay". I don't know if you're alien, but I'm human, so I can't do that. I can play the gameplay, not watch it.

Adam also said that FIFA08 plays like 07 with pretty much the same faults, some people are also overlooking that.

Even if you combined the best of PES and FIFA you still wouldn't get a perfect game and there would be people complaining as well.

Read his earlier posts, he has actually played both games, all i'm saying is why dimiss his points when he has more hands on time than any of us.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

Airjoca, so you've never heard of a gameplay video? Meaning, a video of the actual gameplay and not an intro movie, cut-scene, CGI or whatever? Of course you can watch gameplay, if my niece plays Barbie Horse Adventures I can watch the gameplay. As for the "FIFA 08 is the same as FIFA 07" stuff, come on, I thought you weren't a hater? Why stoop to someone else's level just to protect your game? Leave it out. It's had plenty of good reports and they all say it's an improvement, INCLUDING Adonis. But if you don't like it you don't like it, it doesn't make PES2008 any better, does it?

But what does it matter anyway, this thread is going back to how it was before any information was released, arguing over totally irrelevant things... Hopefully there will be a demo out soon and the guys who didn't have the fortune to visit Leipzig will be able to give it a whirl.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

FIFA fans stay away complaining from this thread.
WE/PES fans stay away complaining from FIFA thread.

If you didn't get convinced with the PES2008 and like how it looks FIFA08, just go for FIFA08, but don't come here with clomplainings/comparisons. Each game have their pros/cons.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

Yeh I can understand your dissapointment mate.

Dont be fooled by Fifa's great looks, it plays very similar to 07. Animations are better but there is the same lag there to contend with.

To TankOr, quite simply press had a more complete version to play. Much better than the shambles that was on the show floor.

Cheers for the reply mate. ;)

Just incase you missed it amongst the words though, did you or anyone try the analog sticks and where there more directionality for longpasses etc?

Also, when you say "more complete", does that mean that things were changed between the floor and press versions, or does that mean that there were additional things included in the press version (but the things that were common between the versions was the same)?

IE, was there one more pass animation in the press version over the floor one, but the rest of the animations were the same between them. Just trying to figure out how they were different, in animations, or pass speeds, or time players take to receive the ball, or such. ;)

Again, cheers so much for the coverage mate, I have thoroughly enjoyed and I have checked the blog looots (as I will continue to do just in case :)).

EDIT: Also, are there 2 versions of the heel rush? One I saw with Henry was done 90 degrees from his body (to his right) whilst the video on your site is Ronaldo doing it 45 degrees to his front-left. Is it both an automatic aswell as manual trick (Like the shotfeint turn was in PES6, where for example Ronaldinho would turn 90 degrees when running normally by making a little shot feint move to acentuate his high technique stats?

In other words, you can do the Heel Rush with R1 + 45 degrees (as you said on the blog), but is it also performed automatically by certain players when you turn 90 degrees as a novelty trick for certain special players or players with high technique).

Also, do you know if tricks like the Elastico, the Heel Rush and such are still hardcoded, or are they finally "free"? Reason I am asking is that if I create myself, I might want my player to be able to do the Elastico or the Heel Rush, which wasn't possible in PES6 since they were hardcoded to a few players.

THis is also important for edotrs etc when they might add up-and-coming players to the game, that might be very technical, or for when KONAMI simply miss to assign the trick to real players that do it all the time (There were players in PES6 that couldn't do the elastico when they in real-life have been seen doing it in matches).

I just don't like KONAMI not giving us access to all tricks and features as if they are afraid we cannot handle it properly. :)
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

FIFA fans stay away complaining from this thread.
WE/PES fans stay away complaining from FIFA thread.

If you didn't get convinced with the PES2008 and like how it looks FIFA08, just go for FIFA08, but don't come here with clomplainings/comparisons. Each game have their pros/cons.

What about us SWOS fans :).
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

Hahaha, ok ok. Non-WE/PES fans stay away from this thread.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

FIFA fans stay away complaining from this thread.
WE/PES fans stay away complaining from FIFA thread.

If you didn't get convinced with the PES2008 and like how it looks FIFA08, just go for FIFA08, but don't come here with clomplainings/comparisons. Each game have their pros/cons.

So you only want to see sycophants posting about how wonderful and perfect and amazing PES 2008 looks and sounds and plays and smells? I'm sorry but that's:

1. not what a discussion forum is for,
2. not what I started coming here 4 years ago for
3. idiocy
4. not gonna happen.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

No, I know PES2008 is not perfect, but the difference is there are people that come here to compare both games when this thread is only for PES2008, and I consider this is the only way to avoid flame wars.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

The Ronaldo trick looks good but not 100% real ,in real matches he really changes direction from going straight to turning left (it's 90° move) whereas in the videos the turn is incomplete IMO.
Same problem with the flip flap and the roulette ,they're not realistic enough
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

and I consider this is the only way to avoid flame wars.

The only way to avoid flamewars is if there are the "kids" who can't handle a little criticism, discussion, comparison about their beloved game (whether that be Fifa or PES) then they be banned from the forum, perhaps temporarily, perhaps permanently, maybe with some time away they'll realise that if someone says "PES 2008 looks like a PS2 game" that doesn't actually mean the person is saying "I hate you, I'm going to rape your cat, steal your granny and kill your car".
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

Easy Placebo, at the end of the day it's better not to make comparisons between games when criticizing as people get defensive, yes it's stupid but that's the way of the world.

Anyway I'm gonna go out on a limb here and I know I'm gonna get flamed but I honestly feel that Adonis has had pressure put on him and his sudden turn around is based upon that. Why would Konami put a vastly inferior effort on the show floor call it 75% complete then and let the world see it then show a better example behing closed doors to the press? It makes no sense at all and would mean they are incredibly stupid and inept.

No disrespect to Adonis but his and Suff's impartiality went out the window when they became reps. They can't speak the whole truth and if they do Konami will simply remove any privilages they have.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

I can't get over the ridiculousness of the running animations. They're worse than PES6's, which weren't exactly physical poetry either.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

well I have been to the GC and I played both and I dont agree with with adonis opinion. 08 plays way better than 07 and PES08

Then go for fifa and don't botter us.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

Jayd in response to ur post, maybe Konami didn`t want to show the version at the press because there are diferences between the ps3 and xbox 360 , or xbox or ps3 could be better. Not that i think there will be differences when both games came out.
Konami wanted to show the public a version of the game that looks alike so that ppl dont have the wrong perception that the games are different.
Sorry for my english
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

Maybe your right, but I don't buy it. Anyhow the main issues are still there Konami is stagnent and needs to move on. I will still get PES2008 but I'm sick of Konami's attitude towards PES / WE.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

I think that the fact that Seaass wasnt at tha gc was because he had a lot of catching up to do, like there has been with every f***** multiplatform game.
Lets just hope it plays an enjoyable game and for the sake of those japanese bastards, not that arcade game that pes6 was.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

No doubt it will be enjoyable as even PES6 with it's faults was still enjoyable as PES IS a GOOD game. But Konami have fleeced us long enough with teh same engine and need to step up and utilise the Next Gen like 99% of other sports titles already have.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

I have always defended Konami in the past, and I still support most things they did till this point. But now I'd like to challenge them with this statement: "Konami just do not have enough talent in their team to realize the next gen potential of their franchise. Fifa on the other hand has the sources and the talent to pull it off in a year or two."

It is not like we criticize for the sake of it. Some(many?) of us are/where planning on buying a PS3/X360 mainly for this game because we expect(ed) to be simply overwhelmed. The funny thing is, it has always been Seabass who is responsible for these high expectations. For the last years he has been 'complaining' about PS2 hardware restrictions and how they have so much ideas they are going to put into the PS3 version.

For anyone who opens his eyes it is quite clearly the case that PES is not so much a passion as a product at this time of their timeline. With versions flying around on every possible device this company has become a fabric out of focus. You cannot really blame anyone here, but fact is that the PES veteran is going to need a lot of patience.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

I cant believe that konami had a way better version at the press center than in the public area. where is the sense? this is marketing suicide.

p.s. I am not a Fifa fanboy. actually I havent played a Fifa game since 1998. but instead of some pes fanboys here I am not willing to pay 50€ for a game that I already have played a year before. I am looking at the darkside. and what I have seen over there so far is looking way better till now imho.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/25/07)

I think that the fact that Seaass wasnt at tha gc was because he had a lot of catching up to do, like there has been with every f***** multiplatform game.

Why so hard on them? They gave and will give us so much fun with those footygame.
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