WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

First off all: Who played the fucking game? YOU or my mate? ...and have you ever played pes 6 on LCD widescreen TFT TV? NO? than shut up!

...and you have no idea! I play PES6 on Konami german league on a LCD widescreen TV. and it is so much faster as @ a normal TV. You wanna believe me ? You will see it...


I play pes6 on my 1080p lcd tv on my 360 thanks.

Also, i have played it sd and guess what? No difference.

Step down of your soapbox son you might fall.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

I like what I read, ML was indeed pimped and that is disappointing.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

tobi, is that tv a NON High Def Tv?

Yea its SD, they bought it about 4/5 years ago, also when we play on the 21" CRT in his room the game is too slow but I think its to do with the fact that the TV is rather ancient.

When I play on my bog standard 16:9 TV the game plays at the right speed although sometimes it can get too fast but thats the game and not the TV.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Read in the preview that you can hear your team mates asking for the ball when you're in possession. I thought I had heard that in the videos from Leipzig but thought it could just be background noise from the show floor.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

From the PSM3 October scans, dedicated to Jack Bauer:
I'm touched. :D

Seriously though, that's great news. That's definitely raised the game in my estimation, although judging from some comments on the videos it still happens...
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Did PSM3 play in Leipzig or did they have a private session?
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

I'm touched. :D

Seriously though, that's great news. That's definitely raised the game in my estimation, although judging from some comments on the videos it still happens...
I hoped it was the case, as I told many times before :)
About the comments on the video: Some guys look for excuses if they are losing ;)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

i seriously could pull out a better and more professional looking press presentation than what konami showed there. lol.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

i think they had a private session(sounds dodgy) as they played with man u vs barca and heard some good comments from the commentators!!!! No club teams at leipzig as we all know.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)


I play pes6 on my 1080p lcd tv on my 360 thanks.

you can ask the german best pes6 player mike linden,who is on the photo shots with schlaudraff. or butcher,who won the escw, they will tell you the same!

the videos of pes 2008 ps2 looks also too fast...and i am 100% sure the game have the same speed as we11JL!

You will see it..and please dont delete your signature...in 2 mounths i send you a PM! :)
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Club teams answers the question, thanks.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

no problemo tobi. Do any of you guys play onn fix mode? Its jokes expecially with family and friends.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

I've tried it but the camera stops me from playing it more.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Just to clarify the "it's faster on one telly than it is on another / what a load of bollocks" stuff that's being said in here... It's not to do with whether it's HD or SD, it's to do with whether it's widescreen or square-screen. And yes, it will appear faster on one than on the other. To quote myself from another thread a month or two ago (here comes the science bit):

In-case you don't know why it appears to be slower/faster in different display modes, it's actually a trick of the eye. If you play in 4:3, the "players" are running across a small square area. If you play in 16:9, the image is expanded, and so the graphics are expanded. A player has to reach the middle of the screen in the same time that he does on 4:3, but because the image is stretched, it appears that he reaches that point quicker.

Put it like this. Say you play a video on a 4:3 TV of a man running from the very-left to the very-right of the screen, and it lasts for one second. Then you take that same video and you play it on a one-hundred-foot long specially made widescreen TV. It wouldn't take a longer time for him to run that distance, because it's the same video and the video is being stretched to fit. It would still take one second for him to move from the very left to the very right of the screen, which would make it look like he was moving at 100ft-per-second. :mryellow:

If the video was stretched uniformly, though (i.e. if it kept the same ratio, 4:3 to 8:6 or whatever - if you watched it on any square TV and then a different square TV, 21" to 30" or whatever), it shouldn't appear to run faster, because the stretch is being performed in a "proper" way. But because Konami refuse to implement a proper widescreen mode, that outputs in 16:9 natively, it will always be stretched and always appear to run faster when you play the game in widescreen.

I'm hopeless at explaining, but that's the reason, anyway.

So based on what The Power has said (it's fast on the widescreen monitors but slower on a TV his friend has played it on), Konami still haven't put a proper widescreen mode in PES2008. :| But it is only 75% complete so hopefully they're looking at fixing this... I mean, surely, they have to, in this day and age... Surely...?
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Unfortunately I think the "25%" is probably just an estimate for how much data left to incorporate into the game. So if they still haven't added almost any teams since they are waiting for the last transfers, then that data might constitute 25% of the game. I doubt there is 25% gameplay left to add etc.

As for the height and power suggestion, you are thinking in a good way.

I suppose you mean that you use the analog buttons on the PS3 and X360 to decide power and height. It is a good thing, but most PC pads doesn't have analog buttons like the more costly concole buttons, so in my humble opinion I don't think that is the way to go.

To be honest the "height and power" control issue is a big one. The best one so far is to simply tilt the analog stick in varying degrees for different heights (tilting it 50% is the "lowest" setting, tilting/leaning it all the way gives more height.

Or just pressing it towards your own goal makes the player try low shots.

With the tilt feature you need a pad with a good range on the analog stick though, so that you have good control over it. If thestick has too little movement the "tilt" sense it would get hard to control since you have so little room for the movements.

One thing that could be very useful though, is to use R1 to determine the height you want.

R1 is currently used for making Chip shots. But you could change it so that while you are powering up for a shot, you can also use R1 to quickly "power up" a height bar. That way, you can still use R1 to make chip shots (little shot power, and lots of height on the R1 height bar) but you can also try to make hard low shots (lots of shot power, little R1 shot bar). This system would not be mechanical, and often giving lots of power will make it very difficult to keep the shot down.

With this system, you could also for the first time try to slot it into the far top corner, if you give moderate power and moderate height. Would work great if L2+R2 combinations etc could be used to determine what foot to use and what side of the foot to use (instep or outside for example).

This heightbar would be great also for :circle: longpasses. And it wouldn't be necessary for normal :x: passing, since you could simply use the :circle: longpass with very low height to do low-longpasses that would look like slightly higher :x: passes.

Add a touch of Aftertouch curling (as transparent as you can get it) and you have total control. ;)

Yeah, the L2 button freeing up is definately something KONAMI should do the minute they implement the analog stick (which hopefully is about one year from now. The way you could then combine R2+L2 for lots of tricks, or choosing inside-outside of boot, or just having 2 modifiers for passing, doing tricks with the right analog, etc is great.

You are right about the Throughpass button aswell. We could use the normal pass button to strike the ball into space.

Your point just reminded me of a use for six-axis (which i didnt think had much of a use besides in flight games). For long balls in particular or even shots on goal, the Button ("circle" for long balls) for power bar, analoge stick for direction, and six-axis or contollers tilt position for angle of height....

mind u ive heard the six-axis cant work with the dual shock (which are soon to come in), which id prefer to be used with a footy game.. i need dual shock :)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

thanks for the explanation jack bauer
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

The reason why pes gameplay is so fast is they played it on a LCD TFT TV. My mate see the game @GC on a normal TV and the gameplayspeed is much slowlier as in die videos!

When I played PES6 360 on a standard non widescreen tv it ran faster than it did on our LG HD 50" plasma... :)

To be honest, this is most likely not an actual difference in the game speed, but simple a difference in how you perceive it.

If you took a stop watch and timed how long certain thngs/moves in the game takes, you would most likely find that they are identical (and why wouldn't they, afaik the PS3 won't change the game speed due to TV type, not sure how it handles different Refresh rates etc, but it's not like the PS3 can suddenly process more data and make the game faster if you use a higher refresh rate, it should be locked to the same refresh rate regardless).

There is some difference in size between a SD TV and a 650inch plasma, that will definately skew your perception of the game, and completely corrupt any subjective comparisons between them.

It's the same with PS3 vs. Xbox 360 impressions. "The PS3 version looks sharper", "the Xbox version look smore vivid". As far as I know they aren't even using the same LCD tv manufacturers in Leipzig, so there's your problem right there. GO into any TV store and see a huge difference between the same video feed on the TVs on a wall. some a re bright, some dark, some very sharp, some bla, some bla.

As goes for pads. Unless you are playing the Xbox360 and the PS3 versions with the same pads and the same TV, you cannot properly judge responsiveness and graphical clarity. If the analog stick on the 360 pad has slightly more room to travel, it might take slightly longer for the console to register it, which translates to the gameplay feeling ever to slightly more sluggish. This goes for D-pads aswell to a certain degree.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Could someone in Leipzig (before it's too late!) possibly tell us if you can control the CPU side in the player select screen (for example, if you choose P1 v CPU, England v Germany, but then you pause the game because you want to add P2 as Germany, does the game let you - you can on all PES games APART FROM PES6 360)?

I only ask because that's how I like to play multiplayer leagues - you pick a team each and play a full Premier League, when it's your team against the CPU the other players control the CPU side... Couldn't do this on PES6 360 though, which completely ruined any chance I had of enjoying the game...
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Your point just reminded me of a use for six-axis (which i didnt think had much of a use besides in flight games). For long balls in particular or even shots on goal, the Button ("circle" for long balls) for power bar, analoge stick for direction, and six-axis or contollers tilt position for angle of height....

mind u ive heard the six-axis cant work with the dual shock (which are soon to come in), which id prefer to be used with a footy game.. i need dual shock :)

Yeah, the six-axis is definately superior in this aspect. It has some of the benefits of the Wii, but in a conventional pad shape.

But I am one of those who needs rumble aswell, if anything for any car racing games I play, rumble is completely essential there for getting sensory cues on how the car is handleing, what kind of surface you are driving on etc.

Sadly, neither the PC nor the 360 has these tilt functions, so if it was implemented for the PS3, they would alienate lots of players who would feel like they are playing a vastly inferior game, seeing how the height control would be a huge improvement and something that would be very useful.

You could also use the sixaxis for curling shots, just tilting it in the direction you want to curl before shooting or passing. if you had analog support in PES, you could then aim a longpass towards the goalkeeper, and then make it curl away from the keeper onto the head of a teammate, for example. All comming from your controller inputs. Awesome. :)

To be honest I hope they find some way of implementing it. Like you said, the sixaxis might not be compatible with rumble, since that might disturb the sensors for tilt etc. SO maybe not even all PS3 users would have access to the curl and height options, unless they specifically buy a sixaxis pad.

I don't think it is likely they'll implement that. Still it is a great solution, and a great way to pack another 3 more axis' on a controller pad.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

PSM3 scans mention a few bits about edit mode, one being '12x shirt patterns'. Come again!?
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

I was just about to post that SX, what do they mean, only 12 patterns!? How are we supposed to make all unlicensed team kits?!
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Maybe it means you can put 12 different patterns on the shirt instead on the 4 (or is it 5) that you could in the PS2 version. At least I hope so. :p
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Funny, in the trailer (now in HD glory on winningelevenblog), Nuno Gomes has the right number, 21, but in the pics I've seen him with number 9.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Maybe it means you can put 12 different patterns on the shirt instead on the 4 (or is it 5) that you could in the PS2 version. At least I hope so. :p

It could mean that, it could also mean there is 12 times more shirt patterns to choose from.

To be honest, "Next-Gen" to me means unlimited shirt patterns. There are car-games where you can put 1000's of layers on there. Resize, shape, with enough time create anything you want.

I hope this is one of those things where it is much expanded from the first game.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

The edit mode has to be started from scratch on new gen consoles.
Thats why PES 6 didnt have one it could be actuualy only 12 kit types.
But from what we have heard the edit mode is supposed to be better than that.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

I wish i could read Japanese i would love to visit a Japanese WE forum.

While we all bicker about the Masterleague and what should be present in the game.

I bet they all argue which is the better Animal head to use in the game to replace Ronaldos.And How the Barrel ball now looks amazing with the PS3's graphics engine ;).

:lmao::lmao: If I was japanese I'd be angry at you :mrgreen:
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

The edit mode has to be started from scratch on new gen consoles.
Thats why PES 6 didnt have one it could be actuualy only 12 kit types.
But from what we have heard the edit mode is supposed to be better than that.
How many different brands are used? Puma,Adidas,Lotto,Reebok,Hummel,Lonsdale,Umbro..Does anyone know anymore?
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