WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

People saying that FIFA will be better are so blind.

Testers of Gamekult said that the gameplay is on majority the same as the previous FIFA with an excellent graphic engine and atmosphere.

Sorry mates but I prefer a "tweaked" excellent Gameplay than a Ferrari with a Citroen motorisation

Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

fifa series would&could never even be the half of PES series.. even PES2 is way better than FIFA07.. playing fifa is the dumbest thing, and they're the biggest douches in the universe
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

No that's true,

Like everybody, I hope that FIFA will surpass PES as Seabass will understand that for programming a game he goota move his ass.
I hope to see a FIFA with the PES gameplay...
But with FIFA when you see it you have the impression of big improvments and when you play it an impression of "déjà vu".
And that's the opposite with PES ! from PES3 I have the impression of déjà vu when I see the movies and the graphics, and then when playing it this disapears.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

People saying that FIFA will be better are so blind.

Testers of Gamekult said that the gameplay is on majority the same as the previous FIFA with an excellent graphic engine and atmosphere.

Sorry mates but I prefer a "tweaked" excellent Gameplay than a Ferrari with a Citroen motorisation

If the gameplay engine is the same as the previous Fifas, then i'm definetly not getting it. No matter how great the animations, graphics and atmosphere is.

PES is way ahead in terms of gameplay. But also it is way behind in everything else.

The thing is, it takes A LOT of fine-tuned work to improve gameplay. But the same cannot be said about graphics, animations and presentations. Know what I mean? Hence the frustration on this forum.

360 movement/passes/shooting would totally change this game. It is reported that Seabass had an incomplete 360 movement mapped out for PES2008, however he removed it when it felt "akward", and "wrong". This, IMO, is much better than having a flawed fundamental gameplay issue in PES2008.

So my guess is, 99.9999% there will be an amazing 360 movement/passing for PES2009. With all the new animations accompanying it. And this time it's not "a hope", it's closer to a fact as Seabass already tried it with PES2008.

So maybe a reasonable course of action would be slightly upgrading your PC and playing PC PES2008 for now, and next year, get a proper next-gen title or perform a PC system overhaul for the totally changed PES2009 gameplay/graphics.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

and so it continues. I woke up today hoping this place would have got better. Damn i was wrong.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

All we can do is base our assessments on the stuff we're being show

What you see is not always what you get. We've heard alot each time about how Fifa has changed and how its better with silky videos. However every year come the time to eat the great 'looking' pudding has a slightly sour taste.

This year has been no different, Fifa IS finished (35 days till shops, it'll be done by now), but no one can play it at a massive games conference. This is dissapointing.

Konami are quite bad at PR. So bad they didnt have a big conference or show, they just knocked together a demo and let you play it 60 odd days before its released. If EA got a demo together a month ago and let anyone play it, without a big conference or speech, or showing the fifa street merger, just out in the open, a little less complete, the publics opinions (maybe not yours) would without doubt be different.

This place is very reactionary, the point where the ps3 version of PES2008 was meant to be better, you could see people flipping their view on one persons opinion. Perception management is something EA do very, very well (except with their treatment of staff), but by taking the information the PR department give you as gospel will result in dissapointment, the trick is that you part with your money before this has kicked in.

This dissapointment can be seen by the people that post about different models used in the distance, nearly every 3d game does this. They have brought into the PR about these new super-consoles when the reality is, 4X rise in the available memory in the new consoles is negated by the 4X rise in screen size (hd)... sometimes they dont even make this 4X screen size rise and the games are limited to 720p. I.e. the machines are struggling. Que people moaning about not being everything they've been told.

Fifa will sell by the bucket load, whether people will be happy with this after they have paid for the game is a different matter, hence making the point about trying the game sooner rather than later and my disapointment at no fifa demo and my credit to Konami for showing early.

Finally I think the games companies have it abit easier now, they can drop multiplayer from the schedules and do this in the normal 'off time' when the game is being manufactured and sent out. They can also fix all the small complaints after the fact and update the game... I think EA will be ontop of this too, they have the sales, the licences, the familier voices and the fluff, they are after the crown.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Off-topic alert: I know there's an 'ignore' option but tbh i don't think it's mature to block people because you don't like their views.

1. This is a discussion thread (as many already have stated) meaning anyone can say whatever they want (freedom of speech).
2. The same people who for some reason are very hasty in criticizing both PES and Fifa backup their words with point no.1. Yet at the same time they add people to their ignore list because they don't like what they read? Isn't that contradicting? ;)

At the end of the day let's all remember this is a game. We're here because we're all football fanboys FIRST, and thus we'd want the best out of a footy game :) No one should hate or dislike another over a game. (Now someone will spring out of no where screaming 'THIS IS SPARTAAAA!!!' :lol:)

How about we all gather around a REAL pitch, play REAL footy, invite both EA and Konami and show them how REAL football should be played eh ;)

If someone is talking shit, and flaming others for no reason, the IGNORE button is absolutely great! You don't listen to everybodies opinions - regardless of what they're saying - in a pub do you?

back on topic,

I'm sure Suffwan will give a more in-depth posting on what he thought on the various versions, today. And to clear something up, those guys don't work for Konami, they're just big fans of the series, like many of you on here (er, obviously Lami know's that! Responding to some other comments I've seen on here).
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

I prefer this kind of debate cowden.
Finally we can clearly see that PES players are hesitating and that's a good point I think.
Even me gonna buy probably these 2 games if the demos let me good impressions.
FIFA has been taking some good ideas from PES since FIFA07...And I must Admit they're walking on the wright direction.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

i dislike ea so much because the have exclusivitecontracts with epl and maybe also bundesliga,they do that to convince mainly english and german fans to choose there game because of kits and logos, its the main reason fifa sold more than pes in the uk,there p.r seduices a lot of gamepress,presstrips to sunny destinations with everything provided ,to get good reviews.
I saw gamereporters who dont know shit about soccer praise the game to heaven,frank molnar of belgian tv and gamemagazine for one.
to many people remain ignorent of how good pes is, just because they dont have the patience to master pes,or just dont bother because there team is not liscensed
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Fooking hell! why all this "you think PES has flaws so you must be a FIFA Fanboy?" what the hell? Why are people being so narrow minded?
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Fifa IS finished (35 days till shops, it'll be done by now), but no one can play it at a massive games conference. This is dissapointing.

If nobody can play it why are there gameplay videos floating around such as
http://www.jeuxvideo.tv/fifa-08-video-42359.html ?

Maybe they didn't have a playable version in the public areas but instead had a playable version for press only in the business hall (that's my assumption at least), whilst from a fan's point of view that might be very shiity of EA but from a business point of view it makes sense, we did similar things at BIS, sometimes to get your PR message across you have to focus on the journos rather than the gamers, just for a while at least, E3 for us at BIS was certainly an example of that.

fifa series would&could never even be the half of PES series.. even PES2 is way better than FIFA07.. playing fifa is the dumbest thing, and they're the biggest douches in the universe

You sir are an idiot.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

I hope PES 2008 has online leagues.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

i dislike ea so much because the have exclusivitecontracts with epl and maybe also bundesliga,they do that to convince mainly english and german fans to choose there game because of kits and logos, its the main reason fifa sold more than pes in the uk

I choose Fifa (since PES5 on PS2) because Fifa has a 4 division English league with full manager mode, promotions, relegations and European tournaments, if PES had bothered to improve their ML to such a degree (even if not licensed but editable) I probably would still be with all the PES fans here. I am solely interested in single player career mode, I have no interest in online and the fact remains for me as a gamer Konami/Seabass have been ignoring me for years and years by ignoring repeated calls to improve, advance and enhance the ML.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Maybe they didn't have a playable version in the public areas but instead had a playable version for press only in the business hall (that's my assumption at least), whilst from a fan's point of view that might be very shiity of EA but from a business point of view it makes sense, we did similar things at BIS, sometimes to get your PR message across you have to focus on the journos rather than the gamers, just for a while at least, E3 for us at BIS was certainly an example of that.

Yeah, dont think it was public, I know some Aussie site said they got a few mins before they got kicked off by angry guys from EA.

The journos first is quite traditional, they have to be given 'inside info' first or they're not special. Plus by the time the public get to have a go, its out and everyone is raving, dying to play it, they'll part with their cash and find out later if its any good. The best perception management.

Any journo sweetners in your time? I've heard a few stories about 'donations' to journos from people still inside the industry, dvd players, game systems and such!

I like the pitch lighting on the fifa vid! v-nice.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

How come eurogamer said nothing so far?? maybe their pesbiased Tom Bramwell is getting drunk with WENB fellows to forget how poor the game is??
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Still the faith WENB guys have on konami is quite astonishing:

first poor screens they say it was a "pre beta", more poor screens it was a "beta", more poor screen "early development", poor PS3 videos it was a "75%", more poor pc video "hardware problems", more poor PS3 videos "konami is lying and keep the good stuff for release".

Well dudes it took some centuries but eventually people accepted that the earth moves, it might take you few more months/years to realise konami actually has been doing updates since pes3. So this should be PES 3.4.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

If someone is talking shit, and flaming others for no reason, the IGNORE button is absolutely great! You don't listen to everybodies opinions - regardless of what they're saying - in a pub do you?

Well see that's the problem right there. We shouldn't be using and taking debates/arguments as personal insults and flaming. I don't really like it because there is no point doing it. I'm the type of person who listens to everyone without ignoring anything really. Had little banters with ieatfanboysforbreakfast but i never added him to my ignore list and still read his posts (and everybody else's). The same people who might not make any sense at one time would state a valid point later and vice versa.

About both PES and Fifa, i won't be judging anything really until i get my hands on both and play them for days. I have enjoyed playing PES6 360 for a while until my entire ML team transformed into ultra-superstars winning every game 8,9,10-0. Then bought myself UEFA CL and yes i was impressed. My only dissapointment was in the shooting and heading departments (gameplay-wise) plus the lack of modes.

Now Fifa 08 offers many playing modes along with my personal favourite career mode. Now if this game still looks the same as UEFA CL with improved shooting and heading then i certainly have no problems playing it :)

PES 2008, like i said earlier (in the Fifa thread maybe) looks like the 'complete' version of PES6 360. In other words, pes6 360 looks like the beta version of PES 2008 :)

Conclusion, at the moment i don't have a problem playing both. I shall reserve my final judgement only when i get my hands on playing both for days. :)
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

i'm an idiot, you are a douche
You should be banned for doing nothing but flaming someone.... and calling them a douche? how mature... the 5 year old Section doesnt exist here... go find a forum that has one!
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

I find it disturbing that the WENB boys posts on their blog are "flat". They are not exactly shouting from the rooftops saying "damn guys prepared to be amazed, they have really nailed the gameplay this time".

Its almost as we suspect that PES2008 IS an improvement over PES6 on the 360, but marginally so. Thus of course we should all like it and play it death and enjoy it with mates and online, but its just not the huge leap that we were expecting/hoping/

We were expecting/hoping for a bugatti veyron, but looks like we are getting a mitsubisho evo. BUt we got to remember that we are trading in a VW golf gti so we win but not as much as we would like............
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Any journo sweetners in your time? I've heard a few stories about 'donations' to journos from people still inside the industry, dvd players, game systems and such!

LOL no sadly not, I did make some very good friends in the industry so I consider that a good bonus, best of them being James Carey of PC Format, sadly he detests football but fortunately he's a big BIS/ArmA/Flashpoint fan ;) I did get a few yearly gaming magazine subscriptions sent to the office but I never felt right asking for anything as I was concerned they'd then expect some exclusive game assets and such :)

you are a douche

LOL do you even know what a douche is? You remind me of some 3 year old kid who heard a word for the first time and is running around using it to try to impress the grown-ups.......
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

I think its about time order was restored in this Thread... :) If I was admin id ban half these muther fuckers who are flaming... its pathetic.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Well see that's the problem right there. We shouldn't be using and taking debates/arguments as personal insults and flaming. I don't really like it because there is no point doing it. I'm the type of person who listens to everyone without ignoring anything really. Had little banters with ieatfanboysforbreakfast but i never added him to my ignore list and still read his posts (and everybody else's). The same people who might not make any sense at one time would state a valid point later and vice versa.

About both PES and Fifa, i won't be judging anything really until i get my hands on both and play them for days. I have enjoyed playing PES6 360 for a while until my entire ML team transformed into ultra-superstars winning every game 8,9,10-0. Then bought myself UEFA CL and yes i was impressed. My only dissapointment was in the shooting and heading departments (gameplay-wise) plus the lack of modes.

Now Fifa 08 offers many playing modes along with my personal favourite career mode. Now if this game still looks the same as UEFA CL with improved shooting and heading then i certainly have no problems playing it :)

PES 2008, like i said earlier (in the Fifa thread maybe) looks like the 'complete' version of PES6 360. In other words, pes6 360 looks like the beta version of PES 2008 :)

Conclusion, at the moment i don't have a problem playing both. I shall reserve my final judgement only when i get my hands on playing both for days. :)

Each to his own re: ignoring dudes but you talk sense mate.

Did you ever play Fifa 07 on original Xbox? I thought it was pretty good, solid game engine, albeit a little bit easy. I wouldn't complain if 08 was a prettified version of that with better AI.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

I think its about time order was restored in this Thread... :) If I was admin id ban half these muther fuckers who are flaming... its pathetic.

Its "mother fucker" you complete d.....

only kidding, yeh on other forums you get banned or the thread closes if you insult someone
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Each to his own re: ignoring dudes but you talk sense mate.

Did you ever play Fifa 07 on original Xbox? I thought it was pretty good, solid game engine, albeit a little bit easy. I wouldn't complain if 08 was a prettified version of that with better AI.

Nope only played FIFA 07 on my PS2 then jumped to UEFA CL on my 360.

By the way, has anyone wondered what that "exclusive next-gen game mode" is? Not sure if WENB can try find out..? Has the NDA been lifted yet?
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Update on WENB: Adonis goes Fifa 08 plays alot like Uefa Champions League and he's not that impressed.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Right. ill wait until the Demo comes out... Also shouldnt this be posted in the FIFA thread :)?
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

I just want the same playability and control ISS98 had. 10 years man... ;)

I understand and tbh Virtua Tennis 3 theres only been three, maybe Pro Evo, should give us a game every 2-3 years, now how annoying would that be for us, but atleast we would see a vast improvement, maybe we would be happy with just a little change in gameplay haha!

ISS98 didnt know it had like manual control and passing etc, I cant remember I will have to play it again sometime soon, in ISS2000 for PS1 or PS2, I have both, the way you powered your pass, was how hard you pressed the button, so hard you press square the harder faster it would go, maybe we could take this and make it useful, harder for height, hold longer for power, that would solve the issues in assigning height and power to a pass or shot etc :D Trance im with you, we need a better passing system, as this will truly in the future, put the amazing players apart from the good players, and take a lot more skill on our part, which in turn is for realism making it a better game for us :D But Konami wont listen, we have to play what we got, enjoy it, or not, and then have the same thing for next year :D

But heres hoping that some changes will happen in the 25% and that it isnt just teams and players that will take that up!
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

yeah i know what a douche is and i was just kidding.. because when i'm serious i don't use words like douche.. i'm still not serious and i'm laughing right now because you're questioning my maturity.. i thought video games are for fun, and this topic is for fun either.. i'm having my fun anyways

and i think we've gone a little too far, so wanna say something about the game

it looks pretty amazing, but it still doesn't look like we're going to do what we want.. we have to wait for 4-5 years to see that feature.. looks great anyway
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