WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Seabass has a small team, they got alot more work done when the game was PlayStation exclusive.

How many million £/$ has the series earned? Why does he have a small team?

Next gen titles need big teams to work on all the elements that a next gen game should have: graphics, sound, engine, gameplay, database, it's clear that the lack of numbers in the team or lack of investment by Konami is causing the game to not make the progression it should be making.

Lack of progression in the ML is what made myself and many others start looking elsewhere, career mode is where Fifa pisses on PES from a great height, the fact it also plays a decent game of football, has numerous leagues, amazing commentary and presentation is a bonus.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

i sure hope we in the states do not have to wait till feb to get the game cus its like the ps3 version will only be for those in Europe/ UK
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

How many million £/$ has the series earned? Why does he have a small team?

Next gen titles need big teams to work on all the elements that a next gen game should have: graphics, sound, engine, gameplay, database, it's clear that the lack of numbers in the team or lack of investment by Konami is causing the game to not make the progression it should be making.

Lack of progression in the ML is what made myself and many others start looking elsewhere, career mode is where Fifa pisses on PES from a great height, the fact it also plays a decent game of football, has numerous leagues, amazing commentary and presentation is a bonus.

I find it amazing that the on-pitch gameplay in PES is better taking all this into account.
Perhaps it will change this year.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Oh, so completely different shooting (balls no longer sky over the bar unless you're crap), tricks, players that make runs immediately after passing, teamvision AI, quicker direction change...

none of this is seen as a gameplay evolution to you?

Nick, if "completely different shooting" means I can control direction of my shots, then yes.
Improved AI, we will see... other things are minus, updates.

Anyway, look at this, it seems an intelligent collisions detection (maybe a fortuity), focus on the left leg:

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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

mi-octobre en europe at the end in post from yacine,around 15 october would be 10 days before i expect the game,lets hope so,the only good thing about fifa game is that it is released before pes and this forces them to bring out pes not much later.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

i have this game, maybe yours is harder coz you have this guy nathan blake in yours?????

in mine i have james blake
HAHA, can you tell I'm not a big tennis spectator? :mryellow:

I'm sure if you play it non-stop then it gets easy, but my problem with the game was that the guys were impossible to beat, then you level up your stats for a year and they're piss-easy. Then a few ranks later they're playing like Gods again. When you're ranked 300 you've got tennis champions playing like utter retards, which is one of the most unrealistic things I've ever seen in a sports game. That's like playing the ML as Pub Team Albion and beating Manchester United 5-0 week in week out (until the game deems you've got better, then you start losing 5-0). But then in fairness Virtua Tennis does bill itself as an "arcade" game.

If PES annoyed me as much as it clearly does some people on this thread I wouldn't buy it and stick to games I do enjoy.
That's me.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

lol perhaps he could re-startup Anco... the guys behind Kick Off? Kick Off Evolution Soccer.... its good honest! and Next Gen!

Dino Dini was working on a new football game 2 years back - I have a feeling it got scrapped. He had a blog somewhere, gonna see if I can track it down.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Les aficionados de la série le savent bien : comme tous les grands crus, un Pro Evolution Soccer s'apprécie sur la durée, au moins les quelques mois nécessaires à sa maturation, à sa péremption parfois. D'affinage en affinage, les qualités et les limites de chaque nouvelle version ne sont pas forcément flagrantes, malgré les années de pratique. Autrement dit, il serait bien hasardeux d'oser un verdict en seulement quelques parties sur un stand pris d'assaut et une réalisation loin d'être bouclée (75% d'après l'écriteau), malgré une sortie toujours attendue pour mi-octobre. Voilà pourquoi il s'agira surtout de "sensations" sur cette mouture Next Gen, en croisant les doigts pour voir débarquer une version preview plus avancée dans les prochaines semaines. La santé mentale de la rédaction est à ce prix.

Cliquez sur l'image pour l'agrandir
Comme toute bonne réactualisation sportive, Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 se déclinera sur une multitude de plates-formes, de la PS3 à la DS, sans oublier la PS2, la Xbox 360, la DS ou le PC. Notre attention s'est évidemment portée sur la version nouvelle-génération, censée tirer parti de la présumée puissance des machines dernier cri. Censée, car il faut bien reconnaître au premier coup d'oeil que l'écart entre la simulation de Konami et les autres réactualisations du même type se fait de plus en plus sensible à chaque saison qui passe. La modélisation a pourtant gagné en XP depuis Pro Evolution Soccer 6 sur Xbox 360, du moins pour les stars des six équipes nationales réunies pour les besoins de la démo. Force est de concéder qu'un Carlos Tevez ou un Cristiano Ronaldo sont plus vrais que nature, l'un avec sa corpulence de bull-dog qui semble doubler son tour d'épaule, l'autre avec son élégance balle au pied qui attise toutes les passions.
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 (X360)
Mais pour tout ce qui se rapporte au terrain, au public, et plus globalement aux détails graphiques ainsi qu'à la cohérence de l'ensemble, Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 semble perdre du terrain sur d'autres disciplines et même sur son concurrent direct. Les joueurs ont encore l'air de Playmobils perdus sur une pelouse, quand bien même les animations hyper-détaillées, la marque de PES, viendraient aussitôt nous rappeler où se portent les efforts tatillons des graphistes. Bien sûr, on peut toujours se contenter d'une nouvelle interface, bien moins discrète quelle que soit la version, peut-être pour satisfaire tous ceux qui n'auraient pas encore flambé pour une télé HD. Mais on ne pourra pas indéfiniment se contenter de détails, comme ce focus sur le banc de touche durant le jeu en pause, quand chaque nouveauté sort au prix fort.

La Bombonera

Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 (X360)
Evidemment, l'apport d'un PES évolué, se juge bien au-delà des banales considérations graphiques, et tant que le gameplay restera la référence en matière de foot, et plus généralement de sport virtuel, le succès et l'adoption des nouvelles versions sont assurés. La balise Achtung est de sortie, couleur locale, car la vérité de quelques matchs n'est jamais forcément la même que celle de douze saisons passées à peaufiner et affronter des formations calibrées à la zone de pressing près. L'apprentissage douloureux de la défense à la mode PES 6 nous l'a trop rappelé. Les sensations, manette en main, sont pourtant bonnes, évidemment familières, mais assez prometteuses dans l'ensemble. Les animations des joueurs sont devenues plus amples, notamment dans leurs courses, plus marquées, comme si les crampons mordaient vraiment la pelouse. Les déplacements plus soudains laissent deviner des dribbles encore plus tranchants. Plus globalement, le jeu a gagné en souplesse et en vivacité quand on repense à la version Xbox 360 de Pro Evolution Soccer 6, au tempo plus mesuré. De là à dire qu'il faut déjà s'attendre à un festival, rien n'est moins sûr, car les défenses et les gardiens semblent pour l'heure au point, au
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 (X360)
moins sur nos parties. Peut-être est-ce un effet déformant lié à nos premières minutes, mais on a même cru voir des joueurs se placer sciemment sur la ligne de passe, pour mieux anticiper et repartir tambour battant. Sans doute s'agit-il d'un des premiers effets des nouveaux scripts de l'I.A., baptisés "Teamvision", et censés s'adapter aux tactiques préférentielles de certains joueurs. A voir sur le long terme. Dans tous les cas, ce Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 réserve de bonnes sensations qu'il nous tarde de confirmer, même si, rappelons-le, ces détails paraîtront insignifiants à ceux pour qui PES n'est pas devenu une religion officieuse.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 (X360)
En ce qui concerne les nouvelles possibilités, Konami a d'ores et déjà promis une multitude de nouveaux dribbles, et notamment le crochet en talonnade de Didier Drogba, star et partenaire du jeu. La feinte de frappe est d'ailleurs gérée totalement différemment sur les versions Next Gen, puisque le joueur stoppe à présent sa course, sans forcément repartir dans l'autre sens. Il sera également possible de déterminer soi-même la composition du mur, notamment le nombre de joueurs. Les arrêts de jeu semblent d'ailleurs avoir fait l'objet d'un meilleur traitement : fini les écrans noirs à la moindre faute, on peut profiter d'un court laps de temps durant lesquels les joueurs se replacent pour essayer de jouer rapidement le coup et prendre la défense à revers. L'arbitre semble d'ailleurs un peu moins porté sur le sifflet. Il faudra le vérifier là encore au fil des matchs, mais bon nombre de contacts assez virils n'ont pas été sanctionnés, peut-être pour laisser profiter des nouvelles animations de chutes et autres tirages de maillot. La sortie de Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 est attendue pour mi-octobre en Europe.


It's in French so if you can translate it...
And Gamekult testers are good football games players so I can trust them
as they tested FIFA08 (I posted this article on the FIFA Thread)

to English By Google

The aficionados of the series know it well: like all the great vintages, a Pro Soccer Evolution appreciates himself over the duration, at least the few months necessary to his maturation, with his time limitation sometimes. Of refining in refining, qualities and the limits of each new version are not inevitably obvious, in spite of the years of practice. In other words, it would be quite hazardous to dare a verdict in only some parts on a stand taken by storm and a realization far from being buckled (75% according to the sign), in spite of an exit always awaited for mid-October. For this reason they will be especially “feelings” on this grinding Next Gen, by crossing the fingers to see unloading a more advanced version preview in the next weeks. The mental health of the drafting is at this price.

Click on the image to increase it
Like all good sporting reactualization, Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 will decline itself on a multitude of platforms, PS3 with the DS, without forgetting the PS2, Xbox 360, the DS or the PC. Our attention obviously went on the version news-generation, supposed to benefit from supposed the power of the machines the last cry. Supposed, because it should well be recognized with the first glance that the difference between the simulation of Konami and the other reactualizations of the same type is done increasingly sensitive to each season which passes. Modeling however gained in XP since Pro Evolution Soccer 6 on Xbox 360, at least for the stars of the six national teams brought together for the needs for the demonstration. Force is to concede that a Carlos Tevez or Cristiano Ronaldo is truer than natural, one with its stoutness of bulldog who seems to double his turn of shoulder, the other with its elegance ball with the foot which pokes all passions.
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 (X360)
But for all that refers to the ground, the public, and overall to the graphic details like with the coherence of the unit, Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 seems to lose ground on other disciplines and even on its direct competitor. The players still have the air of Playmobils lost on a lawn, when well even hyper-detailed animations, the mark of PES, would come at once to point out to us where the meddlesome efforts of the graphic designers are dedicated. Of course, one can be always satisfied with a new interface, much less discrete whatever the version, to perhaps satisfy all those which would not have flamed yet for a TV HD. But one will not be able to be indefinitely satisfied with details, as this x-ray on the bench of key during the play in pause, when each innovation leaves at the full price.


Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 (X360)
Obviously, the contribution of an evolved/moved PES, is judged well beyond the banal graphic considerations, and as long as the gameplay will remain the reference as regards foot, and more generally of virtual sport, the success and the adoption of the new versions are assured. The Achtung beacon is of exit, colour local, because the truth of some matches is never inevitably the same one as that twelve seasons spent to polish and face formations gauged at the zone of steam pressing near. The painful training of defense to mode PES 6 pointed out it too much to us. The feelings, lever in hand, are however good, obviously familiar, but rather promising as a whole. Animations of the players became fuller, in particular in their races, more marked, as if the cramps bit really the lawn. More sudden displacements let guess dribbles even sharper. Overall, the play gained in flexibility and promptness when one reconsiders with the version Xbox 360 of Pro Evolution Soccer 6, with the tempo more measured. From there with saying that one already has to expect a festival, nothing is less sure, because defenses and the guards seem for the time being at the point, with
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 (X360)
less on our parts. Perhaps this is an effect deforming related to our first minutes, but one even believed to see players placing itself knowingly on the line of master key, for better anticipating and setting out again beating drum. Undoubtedly it is about one of the first effects of new scripts of the I.A., baptized “Teamvision”, and supposed to adapt to the preferential tactics of certain players. To see on the long term. In all the cases, this Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 reserves good feelings that it delays us to confirm, even if, let us recall it, these details will appear unimportant with those for which PES did not become a semi-official religion.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 (X360)
With regard to the new possibilities, Konami promised a multitude of new dribbles right now, and in particular the hook in talonnade of Didier Drogba, star and partner of the play. The pretence of striking is managed besides completely differently on the versions Next Gen, since the player stops now his court se, sans forcément repartir dans l'autre sens. Il sera également possible de déterminer soi-même la composition du mur, notamment le nombre de joueurs. Les arrêts de jeu semblent d'ailleurs avoir fait l'objet d'un meilleur traitement : fini les écrans noirs à la moindre faute, on peut profiter d'un court laps de temps durant lesquels les joueurs se replacent pour essayer de jouer rapidement le coup et prendre la défense à revers. L'arbitre semble d'ailleurs un peu moins porté sur le sifflet. Il faudra le vérifier là encore au fil des matchs, mais bon nombre de contacts assez virils n'ont pas été sanctionnés, peut-être pour laisser profiter des nouvelles animations de chutes et autres tirages de maillot. La sortie de Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 est attendue pour mi-octobre en Europe.

not good like i thoughts
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

SXFuzz, courtesy of Wikipedia...

Dini was working with DC studios personnel on site at Bristol on a new soccer game code-named "Soccer 3" and later called Total Control Football until the summer of 2005, where the relationship between Dini and DC Studios is rumoured to have broken down, despite the development of a fully playable prototype.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Nick, if "completely different shooting" means I can control direction of my shots, then yes.
Improved AI, we will see... other things are minus, updates.

Anyway, look at this, it seems an intelligent collisions detection (maybe a fortuity), focus on the left leg:

Have to agree the way players go down under takles in PES6/PES2008 is perfect!

Ever see them in FIFA, the way and direction they fall is always RANDOM!
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Dino Dini was working on a new football game 2 years back - I have a feeling it got scrapped. He had a blog somewhere, gonna see if I can track it down.

Dino Dini has permanently retired from game programming, since DC Studios goes in financial troubles.
He play guitar on pubs with his group... on myspace you find info.

I have all info you need on this topic.
I had pleased to post with Dino on abundant forums a few years ago.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Dino Dini has permanently retired from game programming....He play guitar on pubs with his group... on myspace you find info.

He could be the perfect man to take on Seabass!

He could even write and perform his own menu music! \\:o/:)

SORRY, I mean: "write da pheme tune, sing da pheme toon!"
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

For what I know at this moment DC Studios hold rights on code of the Dino Dini's "new" footy game, they cant finish/public the game.
They are looking for a partner and a publisher...
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

so when you were feeling that great speed with henry or martins, were you also feeling those cheating ai bastards coming right back at you, and nibbling at you???

this was my main gripe, its why im looking so forward to fifa, just the fact that when you beat a defender, he's beaten, it IS possible to feel speed with henry or martins, not like in pro evo 6 where the catchup bias is the biggest joke ever.

in my opinion you got that completely wrong. you feel no speed whatsoever on pro evo 6, if you break clear with henry, your gonna be caught, no matter who the defender is!

Its al about your skills! Do you start with pes5 to play pes?
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

just read an what the guys at pesgaming.com thought of pes 2008 at leipzig and they think it dissapointed like most of the guys here and say fifa 08 maybe the game to play this year and also comment on seabass not moving on the series onto greater things which is very true.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

i feel sorry for the wenb guys as they went their to play a supposed to be great game and ended up with just a polished game from last year's 360 version. Know wonder they haven't updated the blog!
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

yeah but i was reading the comments on the blog and suffwan did post saying that fifa gameplay is still the same as fifa 07 and he did say he played the game!
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

WTF? what are all this FIFA videos for? this is a PES topic!

open and fifa topic and post it there.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

yeah but i was reading the comments on the blog and suffwan did post saying that fifa gameplay is still the same as fifa 07 and he did say he played the game!

This will cause mass suicide :lmao::lmao:
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Suffwan said...
Played Fifa, more of the same. We have some videos, including some of the PS3 version. Nothing different from EA.

that's what suff said, same old malarky from fifa fake gameplay hahahahaha
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 08/22/07)

Doesnt anyone think that the pace in the pes2008 videos is a little bit too fast. I think this is something they can change in a few months.
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