You know, the more I play this demo, the less I like it.
Everything just seems that little bit 'off' compared to FIFA 08. Responses are better, but speed is much, much worse. The presentation values seem worse as well.
And my god, the new cameras for set pieces are just terrible, trully the worse new thing to come out of the game, except maybe the managers cutscenes, they just do my head in.
The more I play it, the more I prefer it to 08. The speed increase is fine with me, in fact I prefer it. The responsiveness is awesome

Presentation is MUCH better, the player models are brilliant, SOOOO much better.
The camera for the free kicks is fucked up. The distance is shows is completely wrong and makes it look like the pitch is all squashed up. Bad move, bad camera.
The manager shots are starting to piss me off I must admit. Well, not piss me off but they do start to grate after a while.
There's no way I could play this and then play the snail-fest reactions of 08.