UEFA Euro 2008

You've got about 45 mins... maybe longer when the PSN crashes or we end up passing 10pm and then reading that todays update is delayed until Friday at noon because it comes with a GT Prologue update
Is it just me or does ribery have some new take on the flip flap by going right to left? he does the moves then kinda jumps to the side.

edit: i guess its just a new animation for the trick or something
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Maybe you are right. Either way we will have the demo by tommorow at the latest. In the meanwhile go watch the Grand Theft Auto IV 4th trailer. It was brilliant.
They have to put up GT5 Prologue don't they? As they don't update any other day than Thursdays, and they want money. They are a business for God's sake. So once that's up, you know if the demo's coming or not. Is it up yet? I'll just check...


No it's not there. So the update is still coming.
Its going to suck that for a whole month, while all you get to play new tourneys with Euro, us in the states gotta wait it out. I will be relegated to the reserves damn it! so unfair..... :(
(not the demo, I have that here in the US, I am talking about the full release, April 11 for UK, May 19 for US., stupid region lock, such BS)
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The USA store updated at 10 UK time on the dot - getting the GTA trailer while i wait for SONY Europe to get their heads out of their arses
hey djdoc4 nice moderating and a big thx to contributing us this video.
I guess you have won the race :)
All I am gonna say is they better release this in Asia/Japan or I might have to buy a PS3 or Pal 360 to play this game. Game flows so nice, A.I. react much better, the response times are brillant, GK's have improved, shooting and passing feels great. Graphics are very nice, skills are easier to pull of and look superb.

I have seen the CPU play some great football against me. Ballack was running the show man with his passing. This game is just crazy. You want the best footy game then Euro 2008 is just that no doubt.

Konami/Sebass be scared, be very scared..
27 maart 2008 - De PlayStation Store heeft weer 'n update gekregen vandaag. Opvallend is natuurlijk de verschijning van de game Gran Turismo 5: Prologue, welke vanaf vandaag gedownload kan worden. Het spel is absoluut de moeite waard, maar zal ook op Blu-Ray gaan verschijnen. Deze komt later uit.


- Gran Turismo 5: Prologue

Game demo's
- UEFA Euro 2008 demo

I don't trust this site anymore! Arghhh...
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