UEFA Euro 2008

i was playing becanes lastnight, quite alot of games actually and we had a right laff with the celebrations

becanes makes the celebrations that bit more fun...

that was fun last night. We couldn't stop playing. I think this game is more fun then FIFA 08. I just don't see all of these flaws everyone is talking about. We had all sorts of different games last night.
i really think this is a step back from fifa... the demo was so much better and seemend way more fluid... i hope fifa 09 does not go this way

I agree. I liked the demo much better than the actual game. I picked it up last night and was like ...uh..this is a bit different.

Anyways, I'm now not totally sold on FIFA 09 and am still hoping that PES makes a comeback this year
I am looking after a friends PS3 at the moment and he got this just before he gave me it. Here are my thoughts...

CYC was good, even though I never actually made it to Captain :-P, but Scotland beat England 1-0 in the final with my fine goal.

I still play online occasionally, but last night put me off it a bit as a guy scored 1 minute into play by tapping it to his striker and hoofing it from the half way line over my goalie who never even moved.

I would say that I actually prefer FIFA 08 to UEFA, I think it actually feels and plays like a better game, though I do like the celebration thing.


The halfway efforts very very rarely go in so I think that was just unlucky on your part.

#1 today in the Euro Knockout Cup! :DD That's all I seem to play when I put on Euro.

Btw, I tried to add you as a friend Shooto on PSN but it says your ID isn't registered.
I get realism.

its like they did some new things that are great, like thru balls, but the response times are the same or worse... one touches are better, but crossing is worse... speed of players are faster, but shooting seems worse... this seems like a quick buck for EA and we all got taken...
its like they did some new things that are great, like thru balls, but the response times are the same or worse... one touches are better, but crossing is worse... speed of players are faster, but shooting seems worse... this seems like a quick buck for EA and we all got taken...

Unfortunately I'm not seeing those things. When I played Bitter last night we had great connections for the most part. Very little lag here and there. Response times were pretty much the same as offline. We had great crosses. And shots were fine. Maybe it's just me.
its like they did some new things that are great, like thru balls, but the response times are the same or worse... one touches are better, but crossing is worse... speed of players are faster, but shooting seems worse... this seems like a quick buck for EA and we all got taken...

This sucks! looks like EA is back to their old self again. I hope Fifa09 changes this.
i really think this is a step back from fifa... the demo was so much better and seemend way more fluid... i hope fifa 09 does not go this way

i agree with u...
i got fooled by the demo too :(

the shooting/GK relation in this game is absolutly bollocks..
theres no fell of real scoring a goal, its aways the same old types of goals...back to old fifa i would say, 15 shoots to the top corner per game, ridicusly.

i tried manual shootting, it does help a bit..but the super human gks are still there...they make me feel like the goal posts are smaller and smaller every time.
i just dont get the sensation that a goal can happen anytime in any way like we should.
You lot need to give it a chance I reckon, I'm really not getting these problems you're experiencing.
after playing euro since release, yesterday i played FIFA 08 demo - starting to think that's a more satisfying game. The players feel more solid, as does the ball, the passing isn't as limited to 8 directions and the keepers aren't as ridiculously good.

Re reaction times, i noticed something: i played FIFA as if i was playing euro i.e. expecting reaction times to be better, and didn't feel constrained as i did playing FIFA pre-euro.

I've often wondered this - when i'm playing a game, how much does my lack of trust stop me from trying things - i.e. i rarely tried dribbling in FIFA pre-euro because i expected to lose the ball, but now, with good players, i'm moving through defences quite easily. I used to notice this when going back to play older pro-evo's - trying things that were only perceived to be possible in a later game i.e. pes6 in an earlier one i.e. pes3 (i'm talking patterns of play, not tricks etc)but not as "explicitly programmed" in the latter, suddenly led to successful execution.

I'm not saying FIFA response times are as fast as euro, but maybe once the mental block and lack of trust re FIFa's response times are put to one side, the game opens up in a new way......
after playing euro since release, yesterday i played FIFA 08 demo - starting to think that's a more satisfying game. The players feel more solid, as does the ball, the passing isn't as limited to 8 directions and the keepers aren't as ridiculously good.

Re reaction times, i noticed something: i played FIFA as if i was playing euro i.e. expecting reaction times to be better, and didn't feel constrained as i did playing FIFA pre-euro.

I've often wondered this - when i'm playing a game, how much does my lack of trust stop me from trying things - i.e. i rarely tried dribbling in FIFA pre-euro because i expected to lose the ball, but now, with good players, i'm moving through defences quite easily. I used to notice this when going back to play older pro-evo's - trying things that were only perceived to be possible in a later game i.e. pes6 in an earlier one i.e. pes3 (i'm talking patterns of play, not tricks etc)but not as "explicitly programmed" in the latter, suddenly led to successful execution.

I'm not saying FIFA response times are as fast as euro, but maybe once the mental block and lack of trust re FIFa's response times are put to one side, the game opens up in a new way......

I have no problem scoring. Bitter and I played yesterday and we had scorelines of 3-3, 2-1, 3-2. No problem there. There were great saves but there were nice goals too.
I have no problem scoring. Bitter and I played yesterday and we had scorelines of 3-3, 2-1, 3-2. No problem there. There were great saves but there were nice goals too.

problem scoring arrives especially in offline multiplayer - bro and me playing, creating great chances, but keepers so stupidly good, we were rolling our eyes by end.

watch for this - invariably keepers starts diving at exact moment player shoots - what pes has always got right is keeper reacting a second or so later.

In euro, it's an artificial device to keep scores low
but keepers so stupidly good, we were rolling our eyes by end.

watch for this - invariably keepers starts diving at exact moment player shoots - what pes has always got right is keeper reacting a second or so later.

In euro, it's an artificial device to keep scores low

The keepers spoil the game with their scripted cheating but I thought "no problem, I'll just go edit their stats so they're much weaker".....only to discover you can't edit their stats.... unless it's hidden in the depths of EA's badly designed labyrinth menu system.
problem scoring arrives especially in offline multiplayer - bro and me playing, creating great chances, but keepers so stupidly good, we were rolling our eyes by end.

watch for this - invariably keepers starts diving at exact moment player shoots - what pes has always got right is keeper reacting a second or so later.

In euro, it's an artificial device to keep scores low

Again. I specifically watched to see if the goalie moved before the shot was taken an I haven't seen it. If you say he does, I'm sure he does. I just haven't seen it myself. Goalies do stop alot of shots, but I have no problem with that.
I've noticed the camera lagging behind - i end up thinking ive accidentally changed the camera so it focuses on my CYC player but ive not.

I also hate the jerkyness on the ps3 version's replays when its raining or if its a far out action replay.

That crap should never be there... bloody EA and their next gen graphic hard ons
Again. I specifically watched to see if the goalie moved before the shot was taken an I haven't seen it. If you say he does, I'm sure he does. I just haven't seen it myself. Goalies do stop alot of shots, but I have no problem with that.

not before - but at either exactly the same time as the shot or a millisecond after - in either case, unrealistic.

btw - i'm big fan of fifa and euro (both need work) but the above is really starting to jar.

re the editing stats - can't find it either...
I dont get the celebration thing myself - i'll run off doing the alan shearer hand in the air... then stop with a double hand in the air pose and suddenly it changes to a canned animation of my guy dancing on the spot or waving his arms around like a bird.

Whats the point of letting me nob around if you're just going to cap on a pre determined celebration at the end?

It's a nice idea... but a bit pointless really when they're doing that.
Btw, I tried to add you as a friend Shooto on PSN but it says your ID isn't registered.

Sorry foxtrot, I am signing in using my mates login as I didnt want to screw his up. his ID is cheet22 I think, so try adding that.

I will probably be on Friday night as there are a couple of games on tomorrow night and hopefully a cellebratory drink or 2 after it ;-)

My mate will kill me when he sees his UEFA record :-(

wow, im retarded. I had a torrent upload from my PC going on for the last two days, hahahaahahah. I turnend it off and now the lag is much better and the game is much better online. hahahahaah sorry lads, seemend i jumpend the gun. Starting to like this alot, had a good game vs bitter earlier..
Does anyone else have schizophrenic reactions to online play? I either have a buzzin feeling that i'm beating someone or i wanna launch my xbox through the upstairs window & piss down on it cos i'm losing.

Cos when i lose, i know it's not through skill entirely - it's because my team has gone fuckin gungho (even tho i've set it to defensive) and they just do a tidy little pissin cut back.

GAH!! - this is why i didn't play you last night 'Bitter' when i got your invite, i was currently getting smashed 8-0 by Czech Republic.
Does anyone else have schizophrenic reactions to online play? I either have a buzzin feeling that i'm beating someone or i wanna launch my xbox through the upstairs window & piss down on it cos i'm losing.

Cos when i lose, i know it's not through skill entirely - it's because my team has gone fuckin gungho (even tho i've set it to defensive) and they just do a tidy little pissin cut back.

GAH!! - this is why i didn't play you last night 'Bitter' when i got your invite, i was currently getting smashed 8-0 by Czech Republic.


i had a good cup run last nite only to lose in final against ukraine, i was spain, and this is the euro online cup im talking about, i must say i really enjoyed it, but when i was near the end of the game the other dude starting making chicken noises..........so that was weird
wow, im retarded. I had a torrent upload from my PC going on for the last two days, hahahaahahah. I turnend it off and now the lag is much better and the game is much better online. hahahahaah sorry lads, seemend i jumpend the gun. Starting to like this alot, had a good game vs bitter earlier..

:LOL: :DOH: Eee aww.
All i play on this game is CYC with 3-4 mates and its fucking awesome

especially now we have had loads and loads of gameovers meaning our players keep the stats, so we are all getting pretty good now :))
wow, im retarded. I had a torrent upload from my PC going on for the last two days, hahahaahahah. I turnend it off and now the lag is much better and the game is much better online. hahahahaah sorry lads, seemend i jumpend the gun. Starting to like this alot, had a good game vs bitter earlier..

Whats that?:);))
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