UEFA Euro 2008

It is off putting. I rang them to say I had no contact from them about my case and that I wanted to be sure to get a refund, instead he said "Oh don't worry the refund of £40.98 is being processed and should be with you in 2 days. Have a nice day sir!"
You know uploading goals.. is it as simple as just registering an EA Football World account, assigning your Gamertag to it then hitting Upload during a replay when playing or is there another step?
It is off putting. I rang them to say I had no contact from them about my case and that I wanted to be sure to get a refund, instead he said "Oh don't worry the refund of £40.98 is being processed and should be with you in 2 days. Have a nice day sir!"

What a shower of b'stards!

I remember when I got a BT line installed in my house and they turned up a few days later than originally planned to do the work. When I got the final bill, they'd refunded me about 60% of the total cost because they'd been late. I mean, who the hell do these guys think they are!!??
Played a cup game against England,the guy made a sub but it did'nt show him come on,then the ball started moving around on it's own moving to a player back into empty space then back to Rooney who then tapped it into the net,after the goal celebration Crouch appeared on the pitch.So this bug did'nt show during play.
Played a cup game against England,the guy made a sub but it did'nt show him come on,then the ball started moving around on it's own moving to a player back into empty space then back to Rooney who then tapped it into the net,after the goal celebration Crouch appeared on the pitch.So this bug did'nt show during play.

Best glitch ever for me

ranked game the game loaded but only with 1 of my players and no1 else so I kept scoring goals

then the 5th goal went in then every1 appeared it was the 88th min and i was 5-0 UP LOL the dude quit :)
what a glitch :)

Well I finally got the game today. Played 3 matches. A couple of observations. I have it on the PS3. The game still seems to play fast. Maybe it's the PS3 version, but it seems the same speed as the 360 demo. I noticed when playing against Lichtenstein, that they changed formation to a more attacking one near the end of the game as they were losing. Atmosphere is very nice. It sounds like they have the proper chants for the teams that are actually playing. Haven't seen any glitches yet but only played 3 matches. It is very hard to score. I'm playing on pro and I've only managed 1 goal in those 3 games. If you do the R1 + D-pad mentality change you can put more men in the box on corners and free kick situations. That's it for now. Just some random thoughts. Gotta catch some shut eye and get into this some more tomorrow.
Downloaded the Fifa 08 demo again and compared it to Euro 2008. Can't believe i'm saying this but The Fifa 08 demo feels better and more realistic. Players felt heavier and not light weights like on Euro 2008. I'd love to see Fifa 09 continue building from Fifa 08 and not Euro 2008. Faster response and NOT faster gameplay. Add the good things from Euro 2008 etc.

EDIT: Just thought of this.. Is the Fifa 08 demo better than Fifa 08?
Downloaded the Fifa 08 demo again and compared it to Euro 2008. Can't believe i'm saying this but The Fifa 08 demo feels better and more realistic. Players felt heavier and not light weights like on Euro 2008. I'd love to see Fifa 09 continue building from Fifa 08 and not Euro 2008. Faster response and NOT faster gameplay. Add the good things from Euro 2008 etc.

EDIT: Just thought of this.. Is the Fifa 08 demo better than Fifa 08?

Full version of Euro 2008 is totally different from the demo in terms of speed and response times.
Now that I'm getting better at defending, this game has really grown on me, the goal fests have dried up and I'm having some excellent games online, I tend to use Croatia all of the time so to practise for the league and the only thing I hate is the amount of times I play against Henry and Ronaldo, sorry I mean France and Portugal.
the only thing I hate is the amount of times I play against Henry and Ronaldo, sorry I mean France and Portugal.
:LOL: Ditto. Use my strategy - don't play against them! France are 100% off my play list. It was confirmed earlier when I lost 7-3 as the Swiss, against the French. The guy I played was crap, 2 of my goals were scored as I dribbled round about 6 of his players then slotted it in. The only reason he scored 7 fucking goals was Thierry cunting Henry. All he did was pass to Henry/Anelka and run. It's bollocks, you can't catch them as they're super quick, and you can't tackle them as they're super human. Seems like EA always have a favourite team? Barca on FIFA and now France on Euro. Strange...

I played a friendly against CW earlier on FIFA, my first time since playing Euro for 2 weeks, and I have to conclude, that Euro is by far the better game. Going back to FIFA made me see how poor the reaction times are. And one instance, I pressed pass and......nothing! It was as if my button press never registered!!! They really have got it spot on with Euro, the gameplay side of things is phenomenal, all they need now for FIFA 09 is plenty more teams and 5v5 and we're laughing! :DD
Stupid question, is there any way to edit your Captain Your Country player once you start?

I've unlocked authentic boots, a pair of which I actually own, but I can't find a way of putting them on my character. Seems daft if you can't put them on without starting again...
Stupid question, is there any way to edit your Captain Your Country player once you start?

I've unlocked authentic boots, a pair of which I actually own, but I can't find a way of putting them on my character. Seems daft if you can't put them on without starting again...

I think when you quit the CYC menu it asks for save squad file etc, Choose "Continue" and im pretty sure you can edit your player (in the england squad if thats where you are)
I think when you quit the CYC menu it asks for save squad file etc, Choose "Continue" and im pretty sure you can edit your player (in the england squad if thats where you are)
Tried it, I'm not in there. I've been in there before but I haven't got a clue how I did it, I can't do it again...

JB, I've noticed you've only played 4 ranked matches on Euro? :SS
I didn't play many ranked matches on FIFA either, I hate ranked matches. Friendlies with random teams, don't like it.

I'd rather play CYC and play in the online league. What's it to you?? ;)
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If that happened to me I'd literally never play the game ever again.

Seen shit like that far too often in PES, thankfully I've had nothing of the sort so far but if I did my head would explode.

I'm pissed off just looking at it, I could punch someone in the face.


I had a conversation with Rag the other day and I realised something, in Euro 2008 online (outside the leagues) you might as well play possession football for the first fifteen minutes because if you score, they're going to quit. So you have to go out of your way not to score... I can see why they've done it but I think it's a stupid thing to implement.

I was thinking, could the consoles not be programmed to know when you've switched the console off/unplugged the cable in the middle of a game? If the off button is pressed, send a signal (easy enough to patch in), if the cable is disconnected send a signal (I know there are cable-detection sound cards and ethernet cards). I know there's other ways to quit, if you know what you're doing you could flood your connection etc., but why can't there even be an attempt made to stop this sort of shit?
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I have started a CYC and created myself. I am on the Scotland squad. I have not seen any problems with the ratings system so far. It seems to be pretty good to me. When I play well I am rewarded. We I don't play well I am punished. I have noticed that it might only go down .1 or .2 points for a cross that doesn't connect with the receiving player. No problem with that. The only really big reduction I see is when you get caught in possession and someone takes the ball off you. No problem with that. You shouldn't get caught in possession. I don't see all the problems with the rating system that some people have been complaining about. Maybe I am missing something. BTW I have played about 6 or 7 of these. Also, position changing. It seems that if there are people rated better than you in the position you have choosen, you will get played somewhere else. Don't see a problem with that either. Atleast you are getting on the pitch. Like I said, maybe I am missing something. I'm playing on Pro BTW.
I love CYC Becanes but in fairness the rating system does have flaws. You can put in an amazing cross that your donkey of a teammate decides not to head, and you get marked down (sometimes a lot) for losing possession. If you do an amazing cross, you get out of your chair and say "oh my God that's brilliant", and then your striker decides to walk backwards and let the defender have it - despite the fact that it was pin-point accurate, homing in on his forehead - it's really disappointing to see your score drop heavily because of it. In reality you'd be getting praise for such an accurate cross, and the moron of a striker would be substituted because it would appear he's been bribed.

Same if you make a simple pass and your teammate doesn't "lock on" to it and starts running away. Possession lost and points taken away for you. It's simple, straight to feet, no defenders around, but he's running away from the ball instead of to it and the CPU have plenty of time to collect it.

It doesn't happen too often (or at least it doesn't for me), and in fairness there's some instances where you can understand it would be difficult for the game to see things the way a human mind would - I think there's a lot of things being expected that are too much to be expected from a computer game, to be honest. I used to expect a lot but I'm now resigned to the fact that programming a single-player football game is obviously extremely difficult.
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I love CYC Becanes but in fairness the rating system does have flaws. You can put in an amazing cross that your donkey of a teammate decides not to head, and you get marked down (sometimes a lot) for losing possession. If you do an amazing cross, you get out of your chair and say "oh my God that's brilliant", and then your striker decides to walk backwards and let the defender have it - despite the fact that it was pin-point accurate, homing in on his forehead - it's really disappointing to see your score drop heavily because of it. In reality you'd be getting praise for such an accurate cross, and the moron of a striker would be substituted because it would appear he's been bribed.

Same if you make a simple pass and your teammate doesn't "lock on" to it and starts running away. Possession lost and points taken away for you. It's simple, straight to feet, no defenders around, but he's running away from the ball instead of to it and the CPU have plenty of time to collect it.

It doesn't happen too often (or at least it doesn't for me), and in fairness there's some instances where you can understand it would be difficult for the game to see things the way a human mind would - I think there's a lot of things being expected that are too much to be expected from a computer game, to be honest. I used to expect a lot but I'm now resigned to the fact that programming a single-player football game is obviously extremely difficult.

That's the thing. I don't see that. I put in a cross and the striker goes for it. If he doesn't connect to the ball I don't get marked down heavily. Maybe .1 or .2. That's it. So far I only get marked down heavily when I am dribbling and someone takes it from me. Maybe it's higher expectations because you are playing for a better team. Are you playing for England? I am playing for Scotland.
Maybe it's higher expectations because you are playing for a better team. Are you playing for England? I am playing for Scotland.
Yeah, that's most likely exactly what it is. It does say beforehand, if you play for a poorer team your personal scores will be higher but you might not make it to Euro 2008.

You could argue that's more realistic, with the English press pouncing on everything you do wrong - but sometimes I do an amazing cross that the commentator will say is "fantastic", then when the striker misses it completely he will say "what a terrible cross"...
Yeah, that's most likely exactly what it is. It does say beforehand, if you play for a poorer team your personal scores will be higher but you might not make it to Euro 2008.

You could argue that's more realistic, with the English press pouncing on everything you do wrong - but sometimes I do an amazing cross that the commentator will say is "fantastic", then when the striker misses it completely he will say "what a terrible cross"...

I hear ya. I'm loving the mode that. I've been captain once for a b international. Now I've been playing with the main squad through a couple of qualifiers and friendlies. I try not to do too much most times. But when I get the ball on the wings I fire in crosses. It might help also because I am trying to increase my crossing stat.
OK I fell foul of the hype and joined the club.

First impressions are that its more responsive (just slight) and its about 10% quicker.

My biggest problem is with the fucking goals and replays.

The great thing about scoring is watching the net bulge, the ball spin about behind the goal line or catapult out into open play, whilst the keeper holds his head in his hands.

Now the ball hardly touches the net and it cuts to the pathetic celebration feature and even the replays seem to have been cut short with the ball magically springing out to its resting place like some sort of ghost.

same goes for corners where the ball goes out of play and in a millisecond everyones set up for the corner.

Just add realtime celebrations and do away with this stupid gimmick.They have radically changed what was'nt broke except for changing the cut scenes into realtime on the pitch automation.

The keepers parry everything and take an age to get off the ground.In short the keepers are like fucking tree's when it comes to reacting to the second ball.

Corners are the worst in any football game ever, no skill at all, just hit and hope and you need binnoculars to see your players.

The free-kicks are still a waste of time with no innovation whatsoever, again its a hit and hope afair.

Quite frankly, the amount of water seen on the pitch during the rainy games would mean an instant calling off from the ref. the splasing when someone goes to ground is way over the top and I dont see much effect on the ball except slowing it down.Where is the zip off the surface when hitting a long ball???

This is a Beta for 09 features and to be honest its looking a bit worrying.

The general gameplay is smooth and well animated but its still only just pushing an 8/10 because EA are concentrating on adding features rather than improving the already good gameplay.
The frame rate on the replays drops dramatically, and that celebration feature really is the most poorly integrated, unwanted piece of tat I've ever seen in a game.

Happens quite a lot. I had that one happen when the ball broke to me in the box and just as I was about to pounce on it and shoot, my guy flew back 3 yards and the cpu defender strolled in and cleared it. I wasn't even shocked...probably years of the same shit with PES have made me come to expect that sort of thing.

It happens a lot (not so dramatically) in CYC mode to your AI team-mates too. They're continually pulled out of position by invisible hands to aid the cpu attacks. Once you start to notice it, it gradually becomes the main thing you see....endless cpu cheats.

I hate football AI.

The only really big reduction I see is when you get caught in possession and someone takes the ball off you. No problem with that. You shouldn't get caught in possession.

Problem is you get fouled and the game decides you were caught in possession, and you can lose huge points for this, which, even if you were genuinely caught in possesion, hardly merits your points earned for all your other work being slashed in an instant.

I've gotten pretty used to what the game rewards you for and punishes you for but you end up playing for yourself and your points tally more than trying anything creative for the good of the team. It stifles the gameplay and makes it boring to play.

Same if you make a simple pass and your teammate doesn't "lock on" to it and starts running away.

I've only been playing on manual passing and this is a terribly frequent occurence. The ball can roll right by your guy but the AI model clearly doesn't recognise that path for the ball as being part of the model. So much for 1,000 decisions a second. I do wonder if playing it on scripted passing instead would remove that frequent problem. But who wants to play scripted passing? May as well play PES.

Went back to try FIFA08 be-a-pro off-line training tonight and ovreall preferred it to EURO08. Better pace, you can actually get close to and tackle the cpu, the action is more gritty, you call for a pass and they don't always unquestioningly immediately answer your call as they seem to in EURO. EURO seems too fast, cpu is far too pixel perfect, no physical contact. Only problem with FIFA is the slower responses. EURO08 has some great attacking gameplay but I fear for FIFA09 if they don't do something about defending.
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after getting sick of lag online, i went back online yesterday after about 4 days.

played about 6 games, all basically lag free except one, where the guy quit a few seconds before i was, about 10 minutes in.

wondering if they've bumped the servers?

till yesterday this game was only going to played when brother back from uni, but good connection brings this game in to its own....
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