UEFA Euro 2008

I am scared of posting my opinions in here due to the hammering that I will get from those who love the game and are blind to its faults...

Post away.

Its apparent that the flaws have come to the surface all too quick but rather predictably.

What int'l games see 6-4 scorelines?

Keepers parry most things to a striker!

Scripting?? sounds like there are loads!

CYC scoring system is all over the place!

Still not sorted set plays and especially corners!

Some of it sounds good but its another game that has twinged what was, glossed it over with a new feature charged a full game price and yet not much has changed except the response times and its now producing silly scores.

I think I'll give this a miss.
I'm with Dan, I'm seeing hardly any of these bugs - aside the usual EA (keeper shirts for one).

Maybe because I'm not as good as you guys and normally play on Semi or Pro - never higher. The AI feels really good - both my team in CYC and the opponents.

The most annoying thing is the CPU twisting and turning like FIFA.

* "one on ones always saved" - I've scored LOADS of one-on-ones in all modes. Keepers saved some, I've scored more.

* "woodwork constantly hit" - think in all the games I've played, the post/bar has been hit 2 or 3 times in total.

* "shit teams play super human football" - Not seen, played San Marino and hammered them 5-0 - they played really defensive, couldnt pass, couldnt tackle and I should have scored more. Then played away at Estonia and they had 10 men behind the ball and didnt get out their half - I won 3-0.

* "CYC player played out of position" - whilst I agree with the Downing thing, but what I like is that you arent in charge. Their has been instances of managers changing players positions - Henry, for example. So I see this as playing where the manager wants me and when I get the armband I can influence this. Even better if you are using a created player with no previous experience - you'd be glad to just GET a cap anywhere.

* "CYC rating wrong" - I'd say yes to this to a degree, but people talking about crossings not being rated - I'd say if you whip in a great cross and nobody gets on the end of it, you probably dont deserve any score!!? Whereas if you tackle back, that is helping the team and the ratings are deserved.

That said, I do agree the ratings leave a lot to be desired. In the 5-0 San Marino win, Joe Cole was awesome and scored "3.9" (this was not CYC) - so its definately broke, but has any game done this well? FIFA and PES6/2008 wasnt good either.

So whilst their are faults, I come back to it being personal to how much it affects your enjoyment of the game. For me, the way the actual matches play out and all the modes makes me able to enjoy the game and overlook the bugs.

If we could send all these other faults to EA to fix for FIFA09, they'd never release another game. They aint stupid.
i said it before that my experience is that HB studios make games with a high level of playbility but with little deepth and a lot of scripting.

These games are made in a few month time using the fifa engine to make as much money as possible. But if the multiplayer is fun just focus on that and keep fifa for the single player experience.
Considering I've played 11,000 minutes offline in Fifa it doesn't stop me liking the game, but when they release a game with so many bugs and glitches I think you have every right to whinge about their quality control ;) Some of the bugs/glitches they don't spot/fix are just shocking, changing the arena player = having to download the roster constantly, how do they not find that? Changing man marking of AI substitutes = 50% game lockup (still not fixed) how do they not spot that? And reading these and the EA forums it sounds like Euro is even more buggy/glitchy than Fifa, which is some accomplishment ;)

How the hell have you put up with 11000 minutes of playing the shitty cpu on Fifa?
Tried captain your country last night.

Picked Stuart Downing, I was played up front every game. :MAD:

Seriously captain your country up front is boring as hell as Milanista said earlier.

It's nearly as bad as Cut Scene Solid :SS

Thats football

if you play Sunday league footy do you have the ball for 90 minutes?
When you are world champions and have some of the best ball carriers around the world, you'd expect your team to have at least 50% possession in at least 1 game.
I'm glad I never bought this after the opinions of a lot of people on here.
The demo is good for a quick blast every so often, but I actually think that Fifa is the better game, even the gameplay.
Playing that killer pass or breaking through a defence seems much more rewarding and satisfying in Fifa than in Euro, it all seems too easy in Euro, even against a human.
Given the lack of content in the game, they still charge full price for it, so it would nice to think that EA might release a patch which permits 5v5 on-line. I would then consider it a good game worth having.
Anyone else notice that it says on the back of the box "online multiplayer 2-8, [online] co-op 2-4"?

Probably already been mentioned but seems weird to me. Surely they can't say that because it's not true, and surely they can't say that if it's going to be added via a patch but it's not on the disc?

(At first I thought it might be really cheeky and be referring to a game mode, e.g. say there was an online cup where you played against eight teams - but it can't be because in the online league you can have loads more than eight teams)
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Anyone else notice that it says on the back of the box "online multiplayer 2-8, [online] co-op 2-4"?

Probably already been mentioned but seems weird to me. Surely they can't say that because it's not true, and surely they can't say that if it's going to be added via a patch but it's not on the disc?

If i was American i would sue em
Anyone else notice that it says on the back of the box "online multiplayer 2-8, [online] co-op 2-4"?

Probably already been mentioned but seems weird to me. Surely they can't say that because it's not true, and surely they can't say that if it's going to be added via a patch but it's not on the disc?
The 360 can have 4 controllers connected at a time, guests at the same console can play in regular online matches, so therefore you could potentially have a 4v4 online if each end had 4 players, that is 8 players playing an online multiplayer game...
The co-op 2-4 could mean online or offline because you can play offline v the CPU or online on the same team as someone at the same console.
Maybe it means 4 on the same console vs 4 on another console? So its just 2 connections rather than 8.
That's system link though, not online - can they class that as "online play"? Surely not, it's well dodgy if they can.

The 360 can have 4 controllers connected at a time, guests at the same console can play in regular online matches, so therefore you could potentially have a 4v4 online if each end had 4 players, that is 8 players playing an online multiplayer game...
Not sure if I'm understanding you but you can only play 1v1 online. You could do what Milanista mentions but surely EA can't claim that's "online play"?

The co-op 2-4 could mean online or offline because you can play offline v the CPU or online on the same team as someone at the same console.
It says on the back of the box:


But you can only play 1v1 online!

Something fishy about this...
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About the bugs: Yes they are there, but current days gamemakers let games release without getting all bugs out. That has an advantage for them because it works like a security against illegal games. Illegal games often cannot download patches. So expect a patch this or next month...
No mention of this on the PS3 box, so must be an Xbox360 thing.
The 360 boxes have a layout on the back of the box where all the offline content is listed in green text, all the online content is listed in red text.

The online section says, online multiplayer 2-8, co-op 2-4.

This could be related to system link like Milanista says but if it is I think it's really really dodgy.

EDIT: PROOF that it can't be to do with system link... On the back of the PGR4 box the system link player specs are in the offline content section (green text). It says "System Link 2-8". So either EA have made a huge mistake or a patch is on the way. Either way it's dodgy, surely you can't print that because you're going to buy it expecting it to already be there...
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You can do "unranked match" and sign 3 extra people in on your 360. but its basically 4 players as any
* "CYC rating wrong" - I'd say yes to this to a degree, but people talking about crossings not being rated - I'd say if you whip in a great cross and nobody gets on the end of it, you probably dont deserve any score!!? Whereas if you tackle back, that is helping the team and the ratings are deserved.

Its true - you probably don't deserve a score for crossing. but you don't deserve to be marked down because of it?!! thats what I was talking about.

I do like the Game though - but I have only played a few games. I will give it a couple of weeks - before I make a judgement :DD
Agreed. Also, I am loosing 1-0 to Andorra now on CYC. This is because England took the corner, it got cleared. All 21 men besides their attacker stood in positon from the corner whilst he ran through and scored passed the goaly. HE PICKED THE BALL UP IN HIS OWN HALF AND THE ENGLAND TEAM STOOD WAITING FOR THE CORNER.


I've had this several times now.

The game crashing on the PS3 is doing my head in. These are not little flaws.

Just in case, can anyone who has the PS3 version tell me how bad the framerate is (is it worse than demo - which was ok) - and if there are any other probs.

Players pop in on cut scenes.
Replays often choppy.
Random freezing and players staying in the box waiting for a corner to be taken.

Another poor PS3 port from EA.
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Played more of the demo and it does impress me but it does not wow me nor warrant a purchase(as an import. i imported WE2008 from japan and it's loads better than what we got here in the states. i play pre patch and am having great fun with it) But watching and playing Euro 2008 just seems kinds wierd i don't know. even though we're not supposed to "compare" games or engines Fifa 08 had a better overall 'look and feeling" compared to this game. this game is kinda a pre cursor to what MIGHT BE Fofa 09 or might not be in some regard. i personally feel that PES/WE has NOT evolved yet on next gen at all and in some ways plays the same struggling game that early Fifa titles did on 360 ONCE it's sorted the way fifa 08 was then THEn PES/WE will take over again, it's foolish to not think it will as well. PES/WE is SO close to our hearts(this IS EVO web may i need remind eveyone that it was a shock and a BIg dissappointment for us that it wasn't the step that fifa 08 but too me i feel EVERYONE(including myself) forgot that in order to GET TO Fifa 08 and now MAYBE Euro 2008 it took about 3 games itself. hopefully Konami IS working on that new engine JUST LIKE EA was...LOL

Watch i see something brewing...:MAD:
@JB et al

What is the better game online & why??
Any answer I give will be subject to a load of disagreements and pot-shots. I'm with CW, it's quite intimidating to give your opinion because you have to have total blind love for either PES2008 or EURO 2008, if you have issues with something you suddenly "hate it", have "changed your mind" or "haven't got a girlfriend" (?!)...

Saying that, I do love EURO 2008 despite the flaws. The way I see it, and it's kind of hard to explain... FIFA is a solid game but with one main flaw - the response times - whereas UEFA I feel is almost a perfect football simulation but with major flaws (online), those being the goalkeepers parrying far too much and giving far too many goals away. The scorelines are daft.

Perhaps another way of saying it is, take the flaws out of FIFA and take the flaws out of EURO, and EURO is by far the better game for me, regardless of the fact that the EURO flaws would probably outweigh the FIFA flaws on their own.

To answer your question (sorry for babbling), I would say EURO 2008 is the better online game. See THIS POST for why I think that. The reaction times are better*, the player control is better (nowhere near as many players get "locked on" to a ball, more freedom all round) and your AI really helps you out with some clever runs. I think it plays a great game of football. The scorelines are largely stupid, too many goals go in, which is of course a major fault. I'm not blind. But apart from that I think it's a big improvement.

I would rather win a game 8-3 and have total control of the players, with the odd goalkeeper error thrown in, than win 2-0 on FIFA thanks to the opposition's defenders not doing what he told them to and the goalkeeper making the same mistakes they make in EURO (my last six or seven goals conceded in FIFA were rebounds off the keeper or rebounds off the post, two things almost everybody is complaining about in EURO).

*EDIT: One thing I can't really comment on is lag, because I've had quite a few laggy games. When you get a laggy game the response times revert to FIFA-style response times, and I would say I've had an 80/20 split of laggy games/non-laggy games so far. But when the connection is good, the difference (between FIFA and EURO) is huge, for me.
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Just won an Online Cup with Spain :DD (Fuck off telling me it was easy as Spain blah blah, I still had to win it! ;))).

Here were my results:

Spain 3-2 Finland
Spain 3-0 Italy
Sweden 3-8 Spain
England 0-1 Spain

The final was a great game, very tight and I took my chance when it came, a nice through ball and Torres banged it in for 1-0. As I said, was a tight affair after that until around the 60th minute when Sergio Ramos mistimed a tackle as last man - :r1. After that it was a case of just holding onto what I had and not doing anything stupid. He had a great volley from Rooney but Casillas saved the day with a great low stop.

Got a message off the guy I played in the final, "mattofberwick", and we then exchanged a few msgs:

Him: nice one tim... my first final. much more difficult than fifa08. well played.
Me: Great game, very tight. Apologies for the red card foul, it was a genuinely mistimed tackle.
Him: no worries. it happens
Me: Fair play, your a gent

It's nice to know that it ain't just a bunch of cunts out there, hey. :))
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