UEFA Euro 2008

Bugs (PS3)

I would be interested to know if anyone else has had a simelar buggy experience with the game, the following I actually find SHOCKING or UNACCEPTABLE (words often used when describing minor stutters on replays).

* As with the demo, my games sometimes freezes when going to a cutscene (goal kick) but this can be freed up by pressing start. (rarity: every other game)

* As with the demo the game locks up at half time or full time instead of going to the 'walk off' cutscene, the players just mill about on the pitch with the commentators doing their sign off or half trime summary. There is nothing I can do except press the PS button and quit the game. (rarity: 1 in 4 games)

* 1-0 up against slovakia (i'm scotland) and I get a corner on 85mins. All the players stay in their 'i'm ready for the corner' positions throughout the rest of the match. Seems ok if 10/11 of their players are stuck in their box, but my players where doing the same leaving only small sean maloney back to defend against their lone striker. (rarity: only once so far (of about 10 games)) I see out the game for a rare victory.

None of my other games react like this and I had the same with the demo. The PS3 is 20gb (now 100gb) japanese PS3 in the uk.

Except the last one, these are considered serious faults (A class bugs), that shouldnt pass verification and i was wondering if i'm alone???
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I hate how the smaller teams all play the same 10 at the back if you play them with a decent team.
The tactics are one of the game's best features IMO. If you play Liechenstein they're not going to believe they can beat you.

I was playing a CYC with a mate last night, in our fourth game the manager subbed some players (shame you can't get substituted yourself, makes it less realistic). In the second half, after going 1-0 up, we got a bit complacent and the opposition managed to get two corners (after previously getting nothing). Five minutes later, the manager took off a striker (Owen) and put on a midfielder (Carrick). We were switched to 4-5-1 to try and hold onto the lead - my mate was left up-front on his own.

I think stuff like that is fantastic.

I said with FIFA and I'll say it again, once you know the game's flaws (and everyone online knows all the exploits) a game loses it's appeal, and I'm sure there are faults. But I think this is a big improvement from FIFA 08 and I think it shows that they are improving the things that matter.

Except the last one, these are considered serious faults (A class bugs), that shouldnt pass verification and i was wondering if i'm alone???
Not seen any of those myself, I've had slowdown on set-piece camera movement and I've had a 30-second wait at the end of a CYC match but that's it. And I've played quite a few games now. Perhaps they're PS3-only issues (I'm not saying that makes it okay before you start ;) just making an observation)?
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I just had an awesome game in the Semis of the online cup

I was Belgium vs Switzerland and went 2-0 down and pulled one back then with 10 go go went all out attack and grabbed an equiliser. After that i went defensive as he was putting me under alot of pressure and all i could do was counter. 120th minutes he broke my resistance and won 3-2

Fantastic game to play in though

Every game on Fifa for me was the same, this you have to soak up pressure and counter if your a low team and if your a good team and dominating you tend to throw caution to the wind and get caught out on the counter :))
...once you know the game's flaws (and everyone online knows all the exploits) a game loses it's appeal...

I seem to be burdened with a mind that spots all the flaws during my first few matches :LOL::((.

I agree that a 10 man defence is a reasonably realistic tactic for the minor nations to use but I'm noticing a recurring theme in the Be-a-Pro matches I'm playing.

I play against a weak nation like San Marino, we score a couple of goals early on but then the game, in PES style, refuses to allow us to score again. Suddenly, their keeper remembers he's world class and saves everything, except those shots that crash back off the bar or post, or the keeper saves it and one of my strikers blasts the rebound over the bar rather than into the empty net.

Meanwhile, when San Marino get the ball, they hoof a pin-point perfect long pass up to their lone striker and proceed to going on long mazy dribbles or stroke the ball around with pin-point accuracy in midfield for 10 minutes, evading all of my AI team-mates tackles, and any ricochettes scripting themselves straight to a San Marino player (yes, they copied that from PES too). San Marino don't score, but it's got fuck all to do with how San Marino can really play.

Next match, we play against Germany and absolutely massacre them, winning 5-0, with final stats of 30 shots to 0. The Germans are utterly inept.

I really don't get why they've programmed it this way. It reminds me of PES Master League where matches against your main rivals at the top of the table are a walk in the park, but every time you play a bottom of the table team, it's scripted to be the hardest match of the season.

Oh, and when I score a hat-rick and have both assist during our 5-0 win, gaining passing/dribbling/tackling stats of around 90% for the match, I really think I ought to be getting man-of-the-match.
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I was playing a CYC with a mate last night, in our fourth game the manager subbed some players (shame you can't get substituted yourself, makes it less realistic).

Are you serious? So the coach can take you out of the team before the game but he doesn't substitute you during the match even if you´re the worst player on earth? That´s really annoying.. :\
All I can say Winston is that there's definitely been no pattern like that for me. My CYC games were 0-0, 2-0, 3-0, 0-2, 0-1, 2-2 etc... Keepers can pull off some good saves but I put a replay in here the other day of a goal I could never score in FIFA (some could I'm sure but I couldn't, so to see it come off like it did was immensely satisfying). I win some games, I lose some games. I'm sure I'll notice annoying patterns eventually, every game has them as much as we want them to be perfect, but for the time being I'm having a great time.

Are you serious? So the coach can take you out of the team before the game but he doesn't substitute you during the match even if you´re the worst player on earth? That´s really annoying.. :\
Yep. Ledley King was on 2.0 at half-time in one game while the rest of us were on 6.0-7.0, but he wasn't subbed at any point (and he finished on about 3.5). So I'm sure the manager can't sub any of the four CYC players, which is a shame.
all i can say mate is dont force the ball forwards all the time

Just think how a real game bulids up

its not always a pass forward you have to keep the ball and look for an opening

thats how i play anyway just a patient build up and not constant over the top balls or killer through balls

by the way im no expert i just want people to enjoy the game

I always play like that but the only problem is as soon as i go online the other guy will just start hacking all of my players down.

I'm guessing they're pissed off at me for hogging the ball for 70+ minutes and catching them offside constantly as i play the offside trap a lot - mainly to get my defence forward to get the loose balls because the dumb AI will just backtrack and stare at the ball until the opponent gets to it.

I've won a load of games with the slow build up tactic... loads of short passes... hardly any HOOFS ... the longest passes i do are usually wing to wing play spreading ones so i can sprint into the space and put a cross in.

Im just gutted they haven't fixed the tackling and especially the last defender hacking your FW down and getting away with it
Meanwhile, when San Marino get the ball, they hoof a pin-point perfect long pass up to their lone striker and proceed to going on long mazy dribbles or stroke the ball around with pin-point accuracy in midfield for 10 minutes, evading all of my AI team-mates tackles, and any ricochettes scripting themselves straight to a San Marino player (yes, they copied that from PES too). San Marino don't score, but it's got fuck all to do with how San Marino can really play.

I've noticed that same thing. San Marino packing the defence, hoof the ball inch-perfect to their lone striker who proceeds to hold the ball off five England defenders (:SS), then passes it to the midfield who then want to knock it around England like San Marino have suddenly become Brazil and England have no become Woking.

Again, this is mostly in CYC but it seems like the rest of your team in CYC are utterly shite and the opposition are always better than your team regardless of the difference in stats/star rating. I'm sorry but if I'm playing as a right winger for Italy against San Marino, I'd expect the other nine outfield players to have enough about them to prevent San Marino knocking the ball about the Italians like they're teaching them a lesson.

Basically, there's NO WAY San Marino or the Faroe Islands would be passing the ball about so easily, and knocking 60 yard inch perfect balls to players so easily, if it was real life. Euro does a LOT of things realistically but some of the basic things is seriously gets wrong. Sure, it's a challenge which is nice. But I shouldn't get the same challenge playing Italy v San Marino as I would Italy v France.
Are you serious? So the coach can take you out of the team before the game but he doesn't substitute you during the match even if you´re the worst player on earth? That´s really annoying.. :\

Very true. Rooney was having a terrible campaign for England but he couldn't be dropped/subbed because he was a rival captain.
Sure, it's a challenge which is nice. But I shouldn't get the same challenge playing Italy v San Marino as I would Italy v France.
I wouldn't go that far, if I play San Marino I spend 90 minutes trying to get through the brick wall made of footballers that they erect inside the penalty area. If I play France they're counter counter counter and you've got to play a perfect game. I wouldn't say that's "the same challenge".
"Same challenge" meaning it seems like San Marino's players are equally as skilled as France when they knock it about Italy, spraying 60-yard passes about and keeping a tremendously disciplined back line when they're not packing the defence.
I experienced that "invincible player-bug" last night. Me and four of my firends played BAP and all of a sudden the ball started bouncing all over the pitch. A new "Ghost mode" maybe?:-pp

It's too bad you can't play 2v2 in BAP. That would have been really cool.
Part of my point was San Marino actually provided a much stiffer test than the top nations (after I'd gone 2-0 up). It was not the their 10 man defence was hard to break down (although the game had clearly decided I wasn't going to be allowed to score again), it was that when they got the ball, they played brilliant football, but against Germany...the Germans were hopeless.

I'd put the game onto Legendary level to ensure the Germans are formidable, but I'd hate to think how good San Marino would become.

I may try some stat editing to see if I can reduce their passing brilliance.
Wish they fixed the player changing bug that was also in FIFA. During corners sometimes the cursor is locked on a player who just chases the opposing ball carrier and you cant change player, so it could cost you a goal or waste a corner.
I experienced that "invincible player-bug" last night. Me and four of my firends played BAP and all of a sudden the ball started bouncing all over the pitch. A new "Ghost mode" maybe?:-pp

It's too bad you can't play 2v2 in BAP. That would have been really cool.

That happened quite a lot in FIFA08 5v5 on-line. There are numerous similarly glaring bugs in FIFA08. Sounds like they've not been fixed. I think I'll need to start keeping a note of all the bugs and report them, you'll all be glad to hear.
Wish they fixed the player changing bug that was also in FIFA. During corners sometimes the cursor is locked on a player who just chases the opposing ball carrier and you cant change player, so it could cost you a goal or waste a corner.
A) I've got my player-changing on 1 (not 0) and I've not had this problem yet, B) if I do ever get it I'll use the same fix that I used in FIFA 08. Fully automatic player-changing. Yes it takes a period of adjustment but then you never have the problem again.

Last week on FIFA I changed back to manual for a laugh, first game I let two goals in because of the player-changing bug. So if I were you I'd just stick it on auto.

I think I'll need to start keeping a note of all the bugs and report them, you'll all be glad to hear.
I know you're joking but we all want them fixing so go for it.

The biggest still-existing bug for me is the subs bug, although now rather than letting you make a sub and then finding out that he's not come on, it just doesn't let you do a sub at all (if it's the opposition who pauses).
That happened quite a lot in FIFA08 5v5 on-line. There are numerous similarly glaring bugs in FIFA08. Sounds like they've not been fixed. I think I'll need to start keeping a note of all the bugs and report them, you'll all be glad to hear.

Why not just enjoy the game for what it is, rather than pointing out the minor flaws.

This is what I was talking about last night. What enjoyment can you get 'making a list' of the bugs for us. We can see them and most of us are enjoying the game and overlooking the little things that arent perfect.

If a game REALLY sucks, I'm all for shouting it down and saying how cheated I felt because its £30-£50 down the drain etc.

But if you've got nothing better to be playing and would rather list the bugs in Euro, why dont you just sell it or take it back?

Sorry dude, dont mean to have a dig, but this is the attitude I ranted about in my zombie like tired ramble last night!
At the end of the day, if it's reported to EA and they listen (which they have done with other things - I've suggested online leagues on their forums for years), then it's a good thing Paul. I don't have a problem with people listing bugs, it's for the benefit of the game. It's when they say "it's crap" full-stop or "you're all stupid playing this crap", or "another header against me, LOL! CRAP GAME!" when other people are finding ways to defend it.
Why not just enjoy the game for what it is, rather than pointing out the minor flaws.

I wouldn't call an invisible AI player kicking the ball around the pitch "minor".

But you're right, lets just continue to ignore the bugs and EA will leave them in for FIFA09, and FIFA10, as they have done in Euro08. Mustn't complain, we're British after all.

Do yourself a favour, put me on ignore as I'm about to do to you.
PBB, I think I do it for the reason of seeing if anyone else agrees with me and if others are experiencing the same "flaws".

Like I've said, Euro is a quality game. I'd say it's the best football game I've ever played without a doubt, makes me remember the days of playing Kick Off/ISS/Player Manager and all the others and realise how far we've come.

I think as games become more realistic, our expectations are increasing as well. We accepted ISS and the old FIFA's for what they were because at the time they were brilliant and they pushed our systems to the limit. Nowadays the 360/PS3 are capable of so much, and we know that the machines can do what we want them to do (for the most part). I'd say Euro is a VERY promising sign of what's to come in 09, and the things we want improving are things that can be improved up. Reaction times for example, that was my major gripe with 08 and has been fixed with the next edition.

The future's looking great for EA and football games I feel, but with that comes our high expectations. And I guess I'm used to having high expectations more than most. When a game doesn't do what I want it to do, I get frustrated because I know the console and the programmers are capable of what I'm asking. But I also know that, in time, games are getting to be closer to what I'm looking for :)

YEARS I've been asking for a football game where you play as one player. When it came, I expected it to be by some dodgy company nobody's heard of and it'd have crap graphics and be a bit poo. It's arrived, and also arrived in a great package in Euro/FIFA so at this moment I'm pretty damn happy (regardless of my constant rants) ;))
At the end of the day, if it's reported to EA and they listen (which they have done with other things - I've suggested online leagues on their forums for years), then it's a good thing Paul. I don't have a problem with people listing bugs, it's for the benefit of the game. It's when they say "it's crap" full-stop or "you're all stupid playing this crap", or "another header against me, LOL! CRAP GAME!" when other people are finding ways to defend it.

Well, if thats true then fair play - but we've seen the same bugs present in FIFA probably since the '97 version! Muddle appearances, weird goalkeeping kits being two I know have run through all the FIFA variations since that time.

I think a lot of it is because I play at a low skill level as I'm not as good as you guys, but I still enjoy it.

For example, Dags post about San Marino - would I assume you are playing on a high level Dags? I imagine it must be very hard to program the AI for all the skill levels - i.e. how do you back San Marino 'bad' on Expert skill level? They have to have their AI ramped up to give the player some sort of challenge.

Or just do away with the ingame skills and let the teams determine it - i.e. if you play Brazil its like playing the CPU on 'Expert'. Play against San Marino and its 'Easy'.

Not quite sure what you expect to play against on 'Expert' skill level - and thats a genuine question, not a dig! I.e. how would you want San Marino to play on a high skill level if they arent going to pass it around?

Again, not digging here, genuine question as I know what Dags is on about. As Italy for example, you'd expect to batter San Marino somewhere between 5 and 15-0 - how do you keep that a consistant score from the ingame skill levels between 'Easy' and 'Expert' ??
I wouldn't call an invisible AI player kicking the ball around the pitch "minor".

But you're right, lets just continue to ignore the bugs and EA will leave them in for FIFA09, and FIFA10, as they have done in Euro08. Mustn't complain, we're British after all.

Do yourself a favour, put me on ignore as I'm about to do to you.

LOL... grow up chap.

To me the 'floaty' ball is definately a bug and if you're that anal then yea, phone EA and complain.
Well, if thats true then fair play - but we've seen the same bugs present in FIFA probably since the '97 version! Muddle appearances, weird goalkeeping kits being two I know have run through all the FIFA variations since that time.

I think a lot of it is because I play at a low skill level as I'm not as good as you guys, but I still enjoy it.

For example, Dags post about San Marino - would I assume you are playing on a high level Dags? I imagine it must be very hard to program the AI for all the skill levels - i.e. how do you back San Marino 'bad' on Expert skill level? They have to have their AI ramped up to give the player some sort of challenge.

Or just do away with the ingame skills and let the teams determine it - i.e. if you play Brazil its like playing the CPU on 'Expert'. Play against San Marino and its 'Easy'.

Not quite sure what you expect to play against on 'Expert' skill level - and thats a genuine question, not a dig! I.e. how would you want San Marino to play on a high skill level if they arent going to pass it around?

Again, not digging here, genuine question as I know what Dags is on about. As Italy for example, you'd expect to batter San Marino somewhere between 5 and 15-0 - how do you keep that a consistant score from the ingame skill levels between 'Easy' and 'Expert' ??

I'm not a programmer so I'm not sure what the options are to programmers. But the in-game skill levels are curious. Like you say, we should be battering teams like San Marino with crazy scores, whereas we should be getting very close games with the top teams.

Like you say, it's how you program it so that San Marino don't pose a challenge as much as France. But you have to agree, surely, that even on Legendary, you shouldn't be witnessing San Marino knock it about like they're Arsenal at the top of their game, right? No amount of skill settings should change things so much to make a team as naff as San Marino suddenly look like world class players.

It also raises the question, which level is the right level to get "real" scores? I guess everyone has their own setting so that says to me that Pro is far too hard for me because I'm getting VERY close games with England v San Marino and Luxembourg, watching them take the piss out of me with eye-of-a-needle through-balls and tricks.
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PBB, I think I do it for the reason of seeing if anyone else agrees with me and if others are experiencing the same "flaws".

Like I've said, Euro is a quality game. I'd say it's the best football game I've ever played without a doubt, makes me remember the days of playing Kick Off/ISS/Player Manager and all the others and realise how far we've come.

I think as games become more realistic, our expectations are increasing as well. We accepted ISS and the old FIFA's for what they were because at the time they were brilliant and they pushed our systems to the limit. Nowadays the 360/PS3 are capable of so much, and we know that the machines can do what we want them to do (for the most part). I'd say Euro is a VERY promising sign of what's to come in 09, and the things we want improving are things that can be improved up. Reaction times for example, that was my major gripe with 08 and has been fixed with the next edition.

The future's looking great for EA and football games I feel, but with that comes our high expectations. And I guess I'm used to having high expectations more than most. When a game doesn't do what I want it to do, I get frustrated because I know the console and the programmers are capable of what I'm asking. But I also know that, in time, games are getting to be closer to what I'm looking for :)

YEARS I've been asking for a football game where you play as one player. When it came, I expected it to be by some dodgy company nobody's heard of and it'd have crap graphics and be a bit poo. It's arrived, and also arrived in a great package in Euro/FIFA so at this moment I'm pretty damn happy (regardless of my constant rants) ;))

Yea, I agree Dags, its the way some people do it on here (not you!) - like its the 'be-all-and-end-all' and the world is ending.

The bugs in FIFA arent THAT bad (i've had one myself - had a corner and the AI cleared it, but my whole team stayed in the box whilst the other team broke. I dont mean they were slow getting back, I mean they held their position! LOL), but I didnt jump on here complaining in the strongest possible terms.

Being a programmer (not of games) I know how hard it is and whilst I'm not defending shoddy workmanship, I think the odd bug is bound to slip out in games. I didnt let that bug worry me above and it probably will never happen again.

Maybe I've got bigger things to worry about in life!!! :D
I'm not a programmer so I'm not sure what the options are to programmers. But the in-game skill levels are curious. Like you say, we should be battering teams like San Marino with crazy scores, whereas we should be getting very close games with the top teams.

Like you say, it's how you program it so that San Marino don't pose a challenge as much as France. But you have to agree, surely, that even on Legendary, you shouldn't be witnessing San Marino knock it about like they're Arsenal at the top of their game, right? No amount of skill settings should change things so much to make a team as naff as San Marino suddenly look like world class players.

Ah yea, totally agree with you that thats unrealistic. I was trying to put across that this probably happens to give the player the challenge they need on 'Expert' level. I dont know how else they can do it with the current set up.

If the AI played the same level in the game, you would win 10-1 on Easy and 50-1 on Expert... which people would complain about.

Tricky one!
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