UEFA Euro 2008

that sucks even more for some reason when you create a new Gamertag it works... again but not with ur old gt only the new1

i don't get this bug it hit me at 2am this morning! and theres no way to explain it!

Can I hazard a guess that you have a space in your gamertag and your new gamertag did not contain a space?
Yet we get "the AI 'cheats'" which is a ridiculous statement - its not "cheating" - it may be poorly programmed AI, or obvious scripting, but get over caling it cheating! This is also said about PES too and I ask who cares enough to get worked up about it.

Of course it is cheating. If scripting the physics such that one team gains an advatage (ie. the cpu team), what else is this but a cheat?

A post a few up goes on about his player was clean through and the keeper saved it 5 times. Have you never watched a live game of football! These things can happen - and did it really hit the bar 5 times too, or is that a little stretch o the truth?

Yes, it was true and no, I have never seen the exact same routine play out like this in real life like 5 dress rehearshals in quick succession of a turd falling from an elks arse.

I couldn't give 1 crap if some real-life matches have seen teams hit the post 3 or 4 times. Seeing the exact same scripted routine of an open goal being perverted by scritping the ball to crash off the bar 5 times in one match...get fucked EA...do some proper testing of your wanky script. What a load of cunting arsepipes.
Just won my first online Euro Knockout Cup (as in, first played!) with Croatia. I won the final 6 - 0 against France and scored a really satisfying goal to go 1 - 0 up.

I knocked it forward to Eduardo, who had the the last defender on his back. I quickly flicked the stick towards the opposition goal, making Eduardo knock it over his head and past the defender. He chased Eduardo down and had no quarms with tearing him to the ground, resulting in only a yellow card (wtf?). I bet he thought Christmas had come early. A possible goal saved and only a yellow for it.

Up steps Modric for the freekick and smacks in a 35 yard screamer which smashes in off the right hand post.

Played this all day, after playing we9le for the last few days.

Uefa currently is doing nothing for me, you can but draw comparisons between Uefa and Chelsea, both are very good, very efficiant and exellent in execticution, but lack exitment and flair

In the same way WE9LE can be compared to Manchester United, deficiant in some areas, but make up for with style and flair giving and much more enjoyable and exciting experience.

I am just finding this game very sterile, after playing we9le for a week, technically it maybe very good, there just isnt a spark there, that makes me want to play it, sure you work hard for goals like on WE/pes, but when you do score there is no sense of achievment at all, i dont know whats missing i really dont, wish i could put my finger on i do, there just is something missing.

I had high hopes after the demo, but they toned the responsiveness down, which was a big mistake imo.
I have to agree about the scripting. I think they stole it from my beloved PES 6 :D
Especially in the passing it feels that way. In some cases I was sure to pass the ball vertical and the ball then went diagonal backwards into the feets of an opponent attacker. I managed to block his shot, but from the corner he headed in the equalizer. It was unavoidable to get this one against me.
I still have problems with defending. With a dribbling cpu in front of the box I loose him after some turns and then he is clean through. I know, the defending thing is not a fault from the game although I keep saying that defending is far more difficult than attacking and as such an unbalanced part of the game. Hopefully I finally learn defending well, else it is such an uncontrolable thing in this game and that would get the fun out of it.
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Winston, calm down and go and return your game. Say it's faulty they are obliged to refund you. Problem solved for you and us. You don't have to play a shit game and we don't have to put up with your whinging.
I reckon the game is excellent, my only grip is the 6 minute ranked matches, they are just too long IMO. Another gripe Ihave is that the through ball is too effective when you play against a strong team, they can cut you open to easily. Apart from that I rate this game highly.
Im glad most people are warming to the game becuase it really is the best footy game out in the last 5 or more years
Coopz, help me get into this!

Fifa 08 is ace, but I just cant get into Euro. It just doesnt allow a fluid game of football. Maybe it is just me but hey.

Any tips on how to get better and see the best side of this game?

It seems so hard to string passes, get some responsiveness into my controls, and work some openings. That said the cross field diagonal balls are good, shots seem ok, although keeper seems to hold everything.

I really want to love this, like I do Fifa

On a sidenote, I scored an outrageous goal with Owen, just like the goal Zola scored with the mid air heel flick, off that corner once.
all i can say mate is dont force the ball forwards all the time

Just think how a real game bulids up

its not always a pass forward you have to keep the ball and look for an opening

thats how i play anyway just a patient build up and not constant over the top balls or killer through balls

by the way im no expert i just want people to enjoy the game
all i can say mate is dont force the ball forwards all the time

Just think how a real game bulids up

its not always a pass forward you have to keep the ball and look for an opening

thats how i play anyway just a patient build up and not constant over the top balls or killer through balls

by the way im no expert i just want people to enjoy the game

exactly how I play 7 wins 0 losses explains it works :)
Wow, im loving this game, I made the mistake of underestimating greece (i am Portugal) and I am being taken apart
What the fuck have they done to the through balls on manual?

It seems like theyve only allowed 8 directions for manual through balling, and you can never put it where you want to! Only semi or assisted allow accurate through balls but thats effectively no challenge to win then. I HATE the through balls on this game. Why the fuck would they take 360 degree passing OUT from fifa 08!

Rest of the game is quality. :) CYC is best game mode in years. Going through an england one - my brother bentley, me agbonlahor....for some reason my bro is dominating every match :( hes been made captain for the euro squad LOL
What the fuck have they done to the through balls on manual?

It seems like theyve only allowed 8 directions for manual through balling, and you can never put it where you want to! Only semi or assisted allow accurate through balls but thats effectively no challenge to win then. I HATE the through balls on this game. Why the fuck would they take 360 degree passing OUT from fifa 08!

Rest of the game is quality. :) CYC is best game mode in years. Going through an england one - my brother bentley, me agbonlahor....for some reason my bro is dominating every match :( hes been made captain for the euro squad LOL

Did fifa 08 even have 360 degress of passing, I would contend no, I never felt that on manual it was 360 degrees.
well its the same guys bitching and moaning, so i reckon this game is great, and the same guys who give and honest opinion are saying the game is great, cant wait boys
the game is great and those who claim fifa 08 manual through balls were 360 degrees are lying its the same as the Euro 2008 game 8 directions!

I played on all manual on 08 and it cost me dearly because thru balls could only go 8 ways and the assisted thru balls in 08 were just as bad

Euro 2008 has made it so the ball can curl during the pass and I love it for manual thru balls!
errr fifa 08 WAS 360 degree manual passing. I could literally put it in any direction i wanted to and drop it on a blade of grass on the other side of the field if i wanted to. euro the player receiving the ball has to be on this direct axis from the passer and it sucks..if they are dordling between say, directly south, and south-east, I cannot pass it SSE (if that makes any sense). Chipped through balls are not 8 directions but have always been a little too lofted for my liking on EA games anyway. They never have any oomph or penetration to them.

On a side note - Free kicks are still rubbish. Shots at goal arent half bad but I want to be able to whip balls in from the sides like the crosses do..currently they just float (no curl or only a little bit) towards players and it really takes away from the gameplay. Just watch Endo from gamba osaka to see the types of free kicks i want.
Can anyone confirm this........

The whole team movement is kind of strange.. when playing against minor teams they defend with everything they have. So far, so good. But when they get the ball in their half nearly all of them are starting a counterattack like they are running for their lives. It's unrealistic that such a defensive team is trying to keep their goal clean just to run with the whole middle field and the attackers towards my goal when they trying to counter. They are giving up all of their defensive behaviour which is unrealistic IMO.

If that's true it's completely shit :(
The buzz has gone for me quicker than it did with 08. The CYC is a bit of a mess in all honesty. The ratings system is knackered which ruins the whole mode because if you don't constantly play 2 yard passes and not do any shots or risk any long passes, then that's the only way to guarantee a decent rating. And if you don't stick to basics with no remotely risky moves (by risky I mean a 20 yard pass or trying to cross from the wing) then your rating means you don't go to the final tournament.

Damn right, mate.

it's especially true if you chose to go a weaker player in a weaker team as there's even less chance of attempts to try some creative actually coming off, so you keep losing points. But playing a completely uninspiring game tapping the ball 5 yards to the guy next to you allows you to build up a nice tally.

The solution appears to be to play as the best players in the best teams. Kinda makes the lesser teams a waste of space.

And whats' with a B-international between Faroes and Andorra attracting a vociferous full-house?
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Well managed to play 2 matches yesterday :D

Was worried about the responsetimes after Jack's comment and can see why, however I think it is pretty spot on now. One of the things the demo made me miss was d-pad control. The gamespeed and responsetime just meant that a sharper more direct form of control would be better and for me that's still dpad. With analog I always felt that my control was slightly off pace with the cpu. Now it feels correct.

From what I saw/felt, responsetimes to button presses are very direct while player movement/gamespeed has been slowed down a notch. I like it, but can understand people being frustrated now that players dont change direction in a millisecond, even though thats more arcade.

Played two matches, Eng-Ger and France - FaroeIsl.

First match was a caggy affair, germany were really strong in defense and dangerous on corners, England couldnt really make much happen and SWP was the most dangerous on the wings putting in some decent crosses. Match finished 0-0 so choose the penalty option and won 5-4.

France-Far was an amusing match, everytime faroe got the ball they tried to keep possesion and keep enough men in their half. France were passing the ball about but couldnt get through, with only some really good passing/movement opening their defense up. Crowd effects were really good in this aswell, bad passes from me meant "booo's" while extended possesion from them resulted in whistles. Match ended up 2-1 to me, they managed to score with some good possesion and slack defending from me, while I managed two scrappy goals to win.

So far I really like it.
The BAP cam is really good if you play central mid but pretty much unworkable if you're a winger I reckon.

CM makes it a lot easier to mark using BAP, not sure why but I feel I have more control of the player as opposed to CoOp cam where the player feels looser and moves a bit too quickly.

I also think the BAP cam zooms in too much when you get the ball as sometimes there's no options available ahead of you and you can't see anyone behind you to pass to.

Played a few more CYC games as a winger and I still hate the ratings system. You just can't stick to the arrows telling you where you need to be because if you do, you're completely out of the game. You're too far away from the ball for the CPU to want to pass to you and if you ask for a pass, the pass is always shit because it's got to travel so far. Shit arrows. But if you turn the arrows off and just play how you want to, dropping into the centre of midfield at times to collect the ball, you can get your ratings up. Not exactly realistic if you want to play as a player who hugs the sideline (as I used to play in 5v5) but it's the only way to get points.

And FAR too many points are awarded for getting tackles in (2? 3?) whereas if you whip a cross in and the forward gets to it, you get something like 0.2 points. Which is further evidence to me that the ratings system is so unbalanced and suits central players more.
Can anyone confirm this........

The whole team movement is kind of strange.. when playing against minor teams they defend with everything they have. So far, so good. But when they get the ball in their half nearly all of them are starting a counterattack like they are running for their lives. It's unrealistic that such a defensive team is trying to keep their goal clean just to run with the whole middle field and the attackers towards my goal when they trying to counter. They are giving up all of their defensive behaviour which is unrealistic IMO.

If that's true it's completely shit :(

I have never experienced this. The weak teams literally camp out in their half and I have found there forward often isolated when he gets the ball. Once you score they do commit more forward but if they score or it's level they defend very deep. I had a situation yesterday where there keeper held the ball for the full countdown everytime he got in the last 20 mins. It was frustrating but realistic.
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