UEFA Euro 2008

JB said:
This is happening to me and it's annoying now. I've only picked two midfielders, myself (CM) and Beckham (RM). He plays me on the wing and Beckham in the middle, what the hell?

It is McClown as manager! ;)

Should be getting this in the post today (ordered it yesterday and was in the mail by the end of the day) so will give it a go tonight and give my impressions........I know you are all dying to hear them :D
Sod it im going to take the plunge and buy it this morning and leave pro behind... If your a good standad on onedo you become good at fifa or is it like starting from scratch? Oh and can you switch between formations in a game, so you can play with ball and without ball formations?
yeah av gt the game now an played it n as a person who didn't like fifa 08 becaz ov the slow responsive time ov the players let me say that this game is totally different i actualy feel incontrol ov the team other things i like is that u can see the power bar ov ur pass so u can determin whether to give a soft or hard pass captain ur country is class a fought a wud not like this but a do when u control the player this time (unlike fifa 08) he is more responsive n the ratings when it tells u wat the other 3 players ratings ar during the match caz then u know u need 2 up ur game the only bad thing i'v found so far is sometimes when u put a cross into the box ther i'l be jus 1 ov ur team mates in there but apart from tht there's nt many flaws in this version then there was in fifa 08
yeah av gt the game now an played it n as a person who didn't like fifa 08 becaz ov the slow responsive time ov the players let me say that this game is totally different i actualy feel incontrol ov the team other things i like is that u can see the power bar ov ur pass so u can determin whether to give a soft or hard pass captain ur country is class a fought a wud not like this but a do when u control the player this time (unlike fifa 08) he is more responsive n the ratings when it tells u wat the other 3 players ratings ar during the match caz then u know u need 2 up ur game the only bad thing i'v found so far is sometimes when u put a cross into the box ther i'l be jus 1 ov ur team mates in there but apart from tht there's nt many flaws in this version then there was in fifa 08

Mate, could you type that again without txt speak and with some full stops etc? Makes it slightly easier to read ;))
to the comments regarding online..

online is fine aslong as your connection to the other person is ok, infact if you have a good connection i have never played a football game that is so good

it felt so real.

as for having no midfield,(me and tim played as 1 star teams, it was raining and it was a proper midfield battle/scrap) i have come across a few players, who's aim is to score score score, so you can imagine they get the ball to henry and run run run.. we had this in fifa 08 with ronaldo.

but you can stop this aslong as the connection is ok, either drop off or squeeze the line, change your pressing options and learn to read the passes better, and if you can kill the game with possesion, believe me once you start dominating the game and play it at your tempo you will find the opponents game will crumble and he ends up rushing his passes to much, either changes his tactics or he loses

i have also played against a few mates online, whos connection is spot on and it is has been brilliant

steady progressive football with a killer finish at it's best, you just have to find the right people
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About controls: Manual passing is not really 360º analogue. All manual passes have a terrible scripted feel to them. Long balls and through balls sometimes feel like in rails. I don't understand why can't they just give us fully real 360º decision.

That is how I felt about the demo. I don't believe it's truly manual at all.

There's other annoyances regarding controls: when you play an horizontal through ball, sometimes the receiver isn't automatically chosen, as if the game didn't understand the ball is headed to him, and usually another player is driven there. There's some problems with switching players in certain situations (again!!!!) even on manual switch.

Again, I also noticed this. It is because of things like this and the other cheats that I simply won't be playing normal 1-player mode. For me 1-player mode can be renamed cpu cheat mode.

But the inability to push cpu players from behind, the fact that CPU players only need to be near you to take possession, almost never missing a tackle...I

This is exactly what I was referring to when discussing Han's comments about defending a few pages ago. I think people misunderstood that I was talking about slide-tackles and if you mis-time them, the attacker can skip past. That is not the problem, it is that you cannot barge into attackers like happens all the time in real football. It's the lack of physical contact that is such a critical aspect of football. And even when you do manage to get through the invisible forcefield around the attacker, you bounce off them. I have seen some atrocious stuff in the demo, like you bounce off and land 5 yards away yet the attacker acts like you were the weight of a fly and is completely unaffected. I hate this kind of cpu bias and cheat.

5v5 on-line largely removed this problem of endless cpu cheats, so they removed 5v5 :MAD:.

At least the game has be-a-pro, which I do like.

Anyway, thanks for your interesting and observant comments.
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As I said a lot of times before, this is a great game, but I have some doubts of how well customized off the ball runs work.
One example: When playing the default strategies from Holland ( 4-3-3 ), there is not enough support in the centre when you run at the wings. If you are about to give a cross, you only see the striker at the penalty spot, surrounded by defenders, and at the other side of the box the other winger is coming into the box. So NO support of attacking midfielders.
So what I did was to give the left and right central midfielders an arrow forward.
I did not notice any difference.
I then decided to change mentalities and putted the back-line on high and pressing over the whole pitch.
Well, in this case the defence indeed played higher on the pitch but it did not make the CM's make more runs. It may have to do with the level I play ( professional ) and that these kind of things work better at the higher levels, I don't know.
I just am not sure if this work. If I switch the game back on, the default team is used and not my customized settings. Should I save something after changing it?

I recall this problem in FIFA08 also. I found that if I went into the formation editor (during main menus, not during match) and edited the team to have a back-up formation with lots of attacking support, you could then start the match in the default formation and during the match, go into formations and switch to this new formation.

It wasn't as slick as PES because in PES, you could set an attacking formation on one of your tactics buttons, so just pressing that button made your team really push forward in this new formation, and when the attack breaks down, turn that tactic off and they go back to normal formation.

In FIFA, you had to pause the game and switch to the other tactic. Then you had to pause again to switch back to the default.
I've going into town in 30 mins and still undecided.

I was thinking of trading Army of Two, PES2008 (PS2) - and maybe FIFA08 (PS3) and Orange Box (360).

Dont know if its worth trading all that for Euro with FIFA09 about 6 months away... plus with GTA out next week, gaming is costing a fortune at the moment!

But I played the demo again this morning and it is very good... and the 'Captain' mode... ARGH!...

K, some questions...

1) Are all the countries managers in the game cinematics?

2) In CYC mode, can you choose the team? I'd be a real life (created) player - e.g. Freddy Eastwood for Wales, but I dont wanna have 2 Eastwoods in the side because he is already selected.

I got up early this morning to collect my game from the postal collection office (7am) - I was like a kid on Christmas Day!

First game, on semi-pro (England v Spain) I won easily 4-0 and felt a little disapointed that it felt the same as FIFA.

Then I played a game against Lichenstein to see how the AI differed and, as JB specifically has reported, the lower ranked teams sti back and defend.

Managed to scrape a 1-0 win :-/

Then played a pro game versus France and it finally clicked into place and I had a great game - 2-0 down, came back to 2-2 then Henry (who seems to be the game's new uber-player) scored a last minute tap in.

Brilliant match and having started with an anti-climatic feeling I'm now itching to leave work to play some more.

All this before I've even done anything other than friendlies.
Adonis i don't think that you will ever comment on Fifa without bias,if i'm wrong then i have'nt read your posts,you are after all a WE fan so a pinch of salt is required with it mate.When Winning Eleven/konami do something as good,and i'm sure that they will,we will all be happy.;)):DUMMY:
The usual people trying desperately to put fifa down since their contacts didn't tell them some new bs about pes....this fifa is a very good game indeed and more importantly it is fun to play so it does not make much sense to be so anal about things.

But saying it is too expensive for its content is fair enough, this game should be sold at a different price for sure.
1) Are all the countries managers in the game cinematics?

2) In CYC mode, can you choose the team? I'd be a real life (created) player - e.g. Freddy Eastwood for Wales, but I dont wanna have 2 Eastwoods in the side
1) There are a lot of managers yes, but they only look about reasonable quality.

2) You can either create your own player and use him, OR you can use an existing player from any nation without having to make a duplicate :)).

CYC is truly amazing. I had a shitter of a game and got a final rating of about 3.9 I think, and then got dropped for the next match, I was gutted. Then I got a re-call, and I can't describe the feeling I had knowing I had another chance, amazing :)). Can't wait to play more!
Ah yes, a question: Does anyone know if you can edit the look of your created player in CYC once you have started? And if so, how do you do it?

For example, if I wanted to change my players boots, or take his gloves off. Thx :)).
About controls: Manual passing is not really 360º analogue. All manual passes have a terrible scripted feel to them. Long balls and through balls sometimes feel like in rails. I don't understand why can't they just give us fully real 360º decision.

Manual Passing is definitely not 'manual'

Its like they are trying to make you feel better that you made the perfect pass, even when you didnt. There should be 4 modes, Auto, Semi, Assisted Manual, and REAL manual

I played fifa08 on manual but i'm gonna use semi on Euro, cos like Jack said it takes time to build up the power bar and slows down your passing game.

It would be ok if you could choose to only play opponents with the same settings as yourself, but you cant. So if you use manual passing and play against someone on auto, not only do you have the disadvantage of more difficult passing than them (which I dont mind) but you also have a slower passing game to deal with too.

I've only played for an hour so far and the jury is out on if its better than fifa 08. I've got a marathon 9 hour beer filled 4 player session on it tonight, so i'll make my mind up after that :)
The usual people trying desperately to put fifa down since their contacts didn't tell them some new bs about pes....

If you read carefully my posts, I'm criticizing the game and saying, at the same time, it's the best football game ever made. Fifa is the secondth best. Anb maybe PES3/PES4 would be in the third place.

The flaws that the game has are detracting the fun absolutely to my liking in online and single player. These flaws are not realted directly to the engine, that is wonderful, but to the implementation of AI Cheats (not the actual presence of cheats, that is absolutely normal, but the way they have designed the cheats, i.e: you can't tackle the CPU even if it's Liechtenstein), control issues and online balance related to ammount of lag.

But I already said that everything seems to be working like charm in offline multiplayer, where the game really shows all of its good points, and there are a lot of them!

I don't think anyone is trying to put down the game, simply it's the best football game and we all try to identify the weaker points in order to let EA know to resolve them in future versions, as they have addressed some of them in Euro.

The price would be another discussion: it's simply too much IF you have Fifa.

1) There are a lot of managers yes, but they only look about reasonable quality.

2) You can either create your own player and use him, OR you can use an existing player from any nation without having to make a duplicate :)).

CYC is truly amazing. I had a shitter of a game and got a final rating of about 3.9 I think, and then got dropped for the next match, I was gutted. Then I got a re-call, and I can't describe the feeling I had knowing I had another chance, amazing :)). Can't wait to play more!

Hi Tim,

This sounds absolutely ace.

One question though, would you say this mode is easier in some ways if you chose a striker or to be a striker in a country with a distinct lack of quality options.

e.g. choose Montenegro and your only real competition upfront is Mirko Vucinic

That's quite a different prospect than breaking into the Italian side and nudging aside Toni, Iaquinta, Di Natale etc...


i think this is a great game! i tried it online though and it was laggy. The main thing that bothers me however was the the player i faced. We all like to win but they scored 4 goals all identical, run to the win with Henry square it goal. Thats fine but what fun do people get out of it? it can't be rewarding knowing you are winning by just doing the same thing over and over. I tried to defend it but Henry was too quick and the lag didn't help. Just bugs me that people think they are awesome or really good at a game when the game is football, surely a good player would be one who could win the game with a bit of style.
Hi Tim,

This sounds absolutely ace.

One question though, would you say this mode is easier in some ways if you chose a striker or to be a striker in a country with a distinct lack of quality options.

e.g. choose Montenegro and your only real competition upfront is Mirko Vucinic

That's quite a different prospect than breaking into the Italian side and nudging aside Toni, Iaquinta, Di Natale etc...



This is what i was wondering :) Also, are your stats (for example, starting stats) the same, regardless of what team you pick?
i think this is a great game! i tried it online though and it was laggy. The main thing that bothers me however was the the player i faced. We all like to win but they scored 4 goals all identical, run to the win with Henry square it goal. Thats fine but what fun do people get out of it? it can't be rewarding knowing you are winning by just doing the same thing over and over. I tried to defend it but Henry was too quick and the lag didn't help. Just bugs me that people think they are awesome or really good at a game when the game is football, surely a good player would be one who could win the game with a bit of style.

Join the club mate.

I think we should start a thread of people who want to play "fair", and just play them online.

I know a few of the lads on this site are fair players and I have some cracking games in the past with a few on here.
I think those two quotes sum it up for me. Certainly better than Fifa, but like the previous version I'll be playing multiplayer only as single player isnt very good at all.


look at this picture and think about what you are saying.

Royal Mail can kiss my ass now. Post has came and again, no game. Fucking joke of a system really. So now I'm going off to the Asda and buying it there, ShopTo can have their copy back if/when I get it.
Royal Mail can kiss my ass now. Post has came and again, no game. Fucking joke of a system really. So now I'm going off to the Asda and buying it there, ShopTo can have their copy back if/when I get it.

Argh, that's sh*t that mate.

At least you are able to take the rest of the day to enjoy it now. I'm sitting in work aching to get back home!
In last 2 online games it happened to me when i lead with montenegro vs italy and oppenent quit the game that i lost the game .... wtf??? Anyone else noticed that?
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