UEFA Champions League For 360! (March 20th)

It's not perfect but it's bloody good! (when have we had a perfect football game anyway?)

Played an online match last night against some guy who played as Roma. I beat him on pens. It was a really fun match and I didn't end up throwing my pad out of the window due to lag & Adriano (PES).

I've not seen the players suddenly becoming bumbling idiots. I've seen my players suddenly SEEM worse because I'm playing much better opposition. I think the game is the closest game to footballing perfection we've had so far - that's not saying that it's the best game of all time, but it's fantastic, in my opinion.

There's been several people who've said "I had the game of my life with this the other night" - I said that with FIFA 07 and a game I played in the Premiership, and I've just had another one now.

Newcastle (me) v Real Madrid, for Champions League qualification - I need to win. We kick off and within ten minutes, I've had six shots against me, and yet somehow it's 0-0. My keeper kicks it too far, it ends up with a Real defender who does a backpass to the keeper. The keeper rushes the kick, totally fluffs it, and it lands at the feet of Milner. BANG. 1-0. The feeling is immense.

There's still 80 minutes of the game to go though. They kick off, pass it around for a bit without me getting a sniff, a long ball to the winger, a ground-pass to Nistelrooy, BANG, 1-1. My lead lasted for one minute.

I defended for the rest of the game as hard as I could - they had a ridiculous amount of shots in the end, and I managed about four (one on target). In the last minute, a ground-cross went through all of the players and fell to the feet of Ameobi, who SMACKED it... On to the crossbar. The ball came back into play, was cleared, and that was that. Out of the Champions League.

I've not had this much fun with a football game since the old Football Manager games - and I spent years of my life on those.

I still wake up in the morning looking forward to playing the game, and as I've said before, it's been years since I did that with PES.
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that's it, you've convinced me :D

Problem is, I here they are putting a new and improved Armed Assault on the PS3, so I'm not sure what to get. Is there going to be a next gen Champions league on the PS3?
I just played my third online ranked match. The other guy went as FRANKFURT (how many times do you see that on PES!??) and I chose Marseille. Fantastic but scrappy match. I threw a 1-0 lead away and he eventually won 3-1. It had eveything. I even felt like shaking his hand afterwards instead of beating him up (PES!) because he fought so hard all match. I had 57% posession which is something I like about the game. You can choose to be a possession player or to be a more direct player like my opponent in the last game. I really love this fucking game. God bless EA!

A few questions:

1. Why can't I choose ANY stadium when I host a ranked match? It is always set to my club's stadium (Old Trafford)

2. How comes the other player skips my replays but I can't skip his? Was it because he was hosting?
Peter, UEFA was supposed to be on the PS3 but it's disappeared from the release calendars. It looks like they're concentrating on FIFA 08 instead, which should definitely be out on PS3.

El Diegogogo:

1. That's the way the online game works, I think - I like that personally!

2. Yep.
WTF? What did you want them to do, just let you walk past them?

I'm really worried about this guy...
Ok admit it. Who else is hooked on the ultimate team mode. At first I thought it was just a fad and it probably is but it's a heck of a lot of fun. Just got my team up to level 3 and this game is addictive, trading cards and all. I seriously can't wait to FIFA 08 now and really really really hope they include a full career mode as well. The gameplay keeps getting better and better for me and now some of the moves I'm pulling off are amazing, even dribbling past people now.

Just one thing I want to know is can I use a custom formation in the Ultimate team mode? if yes how?

Can't rate this game highly enough and the key is forgetting how to play PES and learn how to play FIFA. Anyone who dismisses it after a few days hasn't got a clue what they are missing and I'm loving the direction FIFA and EA are heading.
I was quite into the Ultimate Team mode, before I woke up one morning to find my entire squad had just disappeared and I had to start again. That really put me off spending any more time on it.

It is actually really addictive though, it has the whole Football Manager thing going for it; you're constantly tinkering, putting this up for sale and buying this new coach/player, so you find yourself saying "well I have to have one more game to see if this guy really makes a difference"... And then when you lose you think you know exactly who you need to fix the problem, so you buy him and think "well now I have to have another game to see if it works"... And then you lose again and think you need to alter the training, so you do and then you think "I'll just have one more game to see if that training's made any difference"...

Whereas on PES it's play - draw, play - draw, fuck this.
Bumperman can you please stop posting rubbish mate? I don't ever understand the moral of your posts.

Jay D - Yeah, Ultimate Team is great fun! BTW, where did you get your avatar, I love it! :)
I hate to tell you this, but it's missing. I think they've purposefully left it out because it would screw up the "lineup" screen (with the photos of your players on), and you'd have pictures overlapping.

Sad but true...
El and JB seem to be on a two man crusade to convert everyone to UEFA, I seam to recall a similar spate when Fifa 07 came out and I gave in and bought the damn thing!! I am holding off on the next gen until the PS3 is around £350 which should not take too long and by then I'll have a 1080p TV to justify getting a Blu ray player to the other half... So with only playing a couple of games on a mates 360 I'm not going to pass judgement but I'm looking forward to Fifa 08 if they have all the teams and features back in I fear playing the CL over and over would grind real quick like the crap ML in PESWE!!
Just hope I find it more responsive as that was my biggest gripe, that and the shooting, menu's and the in breds!!
For all its glaring damn awful faults I'm still playing PESWE for hours on end 3-4 times a week with a mate, some good games, some cheat games but still enjoying it.
Hi people, first off I want to say I'm a Pro Evo fan, that's why I'm at these forums. But I NEEDED a football game for my brand new xbox and chose the newest one out, as I heard negative things about Pro Evo for 360. Champions league is amazing, I am hooked, good and proper. It is soo realistic, kits, faces boots, oh yeah, gameplay aint bad either. Its such a realistic game, the gameplay is top notch, well done EA!! However does anybody know anywhere where people post up their apps for created players, because I want to recreate some of the Chelsea Players, EG Ballack. Thanks, appreciate the reply
iv'e been playing pro evo solidly on my ps2 for ages, and only recently converted to xbox 360, bought uefa 07 the other day and played it, and for some reason didn't like it as much as fifa 07, but today thought i would give it a good going over and must admit i love this game...still love pro evo aswell but i am really impressed by this game
Well it's now nearly 1.00a.m and my mate who, incidentally ,is just as big a fan of PES as me has just left.We have played this game for 6 hours non stop and just love it.He has never played the game and the offer to put PES on was always available but never a serious option.
The developers have now had a year to unlock the potential of the 360 and at last seem to be getting a feel for the possibilities with this game.Now we have to hope that they take it to the next level.
played someone online last night who used there ultimate team. He/She was pretty damn good and the team was full of superstars, I was Inter but only created 1 chance, did score from it though. Got beat 2-1!
I must say I still love PES6, but I play online (friendly) only.

So now you guys made my buy this game (I also have FIFA 07, but never played it...)
Here are my (first) impressions:

- presentation:

- the replays are great (angles,...), but why the hell do they stop that early

- I do not like the cutscenes, animations are better in PES (Referree !)

- Menues are far more polished than PES, but I'm used to the PES navigation


- they improved the 3D models, but they still look a bit strange to me (play against Hamburg and have a look at Trochowski !!!)
- Numbering and lettering... well, they need to fire their artist director
- Kits: they are ok, but this is not next gen !
- Faces: it seems they do not use players' photos anymore, but re-model the players' likeness. Some are ok, most of them look like monsters. The face textures in close ups are very detailed, too detailed compared to the kits, numbers, crowdsss
- Stadiums: they have always looked impressing, so they do here
--> PES does have a lot to improve, but over all it's coherent, UEFA has next gen face textures, but last gen lettering; next gen 3D models (moving shirts), but last gen animations (referee)

- Gameplay:

- manual passing: I'm not used to the manual passing, so I've switched to automatic (2 bars only) passing. 1-2s, direct passing, everything works like it should. Maybe it's a bit too accurate. 3 passes and I get a one one one, but then there's the keeper (more later) Crossing is ok, but why cross, when there's still no headers (to be fair, I got 1 or 2, but the players kept standing)
In PES I use passing with X and O (mode 5) and additional the right stick (without pressing the button) for free passing -> best of both worlds

- Keepers: they are supernatural. some animations are good, but most times they catch a ball in an unnatural way. I think this is because otherwise the score would be 23:18 in a 10 min match ("balancing" ???)

Sorry JB/El Diego, I can not understand, why you prefer this to PES. Of course I'm also dissapointed by the lack of licenses, masterleague, online modes. But when I want to play FOOTBALL, there's only PES. UEFA/FIFA might be a nice computer game (trading cards, huh ?), but not football.

As I bought it, I'll give it some more time...
jeblo05 - UEFA is a nice COMPUTER GAME but not football!? It's the most realistic footy title I have ever played! Have you played it for more than 1 hour? REALLY? Try it for a week at least, play it every evening. You'll realise (like 100s of other people I know) how good a FOOTBALL title it is!
as I said, I'll give it some more time.

But somehow the balancing (at least in pro difficulty) is not good. Played with Werder against Real, Roma, Bayern and have won every game without any problems.
I've had at least 5 one on ones in every match. I would have smashed them, if there wasn't that super hero goalie....

When I play PES I have to build up my play (and NO, PES is not on tracks!). UEFA/FIFA i need a simple 1-2 with triangle, got a one-on-one and (hopefully) the rebound is a goal.

I have to admit, that I really like the way FIFA/UEFA handles the stamina... You can't press L1 all the time...

...more impressions later this week.
the balancing can be narrowed down to this. the game gets harder when the CPU scores because he switches formation and your players seem to lose bags of energy, thats what makes it difficult to break down. I noticed this while comparing my players to theirs at the the same time. Both players had near identical fitness bars etc yet the computer player was faster even when i had players like Petrov and Henry.

Also in the buildup the cpu works like this:

get past the half way line > dribble to edge of box > if blocked retreat and repeat > take everyone on or attempt to > then either blaze it in or blaze it over.


The cpu doesnt think for itself when attacking. it cant make late runs in the box, it cant header. It cant hardly shoot low. When do you ever see the cpu try and break an offside trap? When do you see him try and get around the back or use an overlapping runner? When do you see him thread a through ball into the box?

The answer is nearly never. I've seen it, sparodically here and there but thats not much seeing i've been giving this game a thorough run since release.

I played a Valencia - Lemans match on pro evo then played the same match in UEFA and guess what? Pes played better. It was a 1-1 draw, the cpu varied its attacking play and scored first, i came back into it and scored a low shot (thats a low shot there EA) from the edge of the box. the heading is superb, players make late darting runs, the movement is realistic.

On uefa i beat them on world class 2-0. They hardly had a shot, when they did they blazed it over. Therefore i can only conclude that the cpu is designed to blaze most attempts over to keep the score down, because the shitter teams do it all the time and play the same way.

Theres still lots of work to do on this. I believe with a proper next gen offering Pes is finally and utterly gonna blow fifa away.
Obviously antred you got lucky and that was one of the matches whereby PES didnt cheat... FOR ONCE!!

PES is pure bullshit im afraid. The CPU attacks you like its Super Human and yet your players suddenly turn into retards... Thats realistic is it? So Steven Gerrard becomes a Retard and a player who cant shoot for shit scores an unbelievable goal past Reina because of it.... Is that realism?

Oh and when you attack do your players make realistic runs for you on PES? Nope! they just stand there most of the time and make very slow movements or they just remain statue esque.... Pass them the ball do they control it realisticly? No they dont they move like bloody Crouch Robots!!

can you still play as national teams? Or is it just the CL teams

I'm also looking for some gameplay videos that aren't just a minute long clip filmed by Americans playing their first ever soccer game
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