UEFA Champions League For 360! (March 20th)

Arrrgggh I don't understand ONLINE! Can someone explain a few things:

Quick Ranked match: Sometimes I get to watch replays, sometimes the other guy gets to skip them. Sometimes I am at home, sometimes away. RANDOM!

Formation editor: How do I store a formation and line-up with a club and take that online (like in Pro Evo with stock data)? It annoys me playing with the default settings and it takes way to long doing it every match.

Can someone help me!?
Also stop changing your avatar every 10 mins :) its giving me a headache trying to keep up with them El Diego. lol!

Thinking of buying this game as I am sick of PES, I had Fifa07 previously, so is this an improvement, can you just play a premiership campaign, and are the players abilities updated, i.e. Carrick is ultra crap, Fletcher is ultra ultra crap, Scholes cant tackle to save his life etc etc
Thinking of buying this game as I am sick of PES, I had Fifa07 previously, so is this an improvement, can you just play a premiership campaign, and are the players abilities updated, i.e. Carrick is ultra crap, Fletcher is ultra ultra crap, Scholes cant tackle to save his life etc etc

lol:lol: no you can't play a premiership campaign:( ,just play a CL
Thinking of buying this game as I am sick of PES, I had Fifa07 previously, so is this an improvement, can you just play a premiership campaign, and are the players abilities updated, i.e. Carrick is ultra crap, Fletcher is ultra ultra crap, Scholes cant tackle to save his life etc etc

I'll take it ur'e a chelsea fan ........
i.e. Carrick is ultra crap, Fletcher is ultra ultra crap, Scholes cant tackle to save his life etc etc

And your point is what exactly? I mean everyone fecking knows Scholes cant tackle, and mean even he must understand that now too.
Played a couple more games last night. I really like the Ultimate Team mode, its fun!

I'm slowly starting to get used to the dribbling, and i will admit it feels class when you actually trick a defender by feinting one way and dashing the other etc.

Crossing is still so/so and shooting is good provided you press the shot power for longer.

Slide tackles are the best thing about this game, I fucking LOVE crunching people, it looks really meaty and hard :D ;)

I think its just men in shorts that do it for me.
this games really pissing me off at the minute, it keeps crashing in all modes, ultimate team is boring now i have a full squad that i want, im enjoying filling the collectors album more than actually playing the game lol, not good
You still being a complete twat?

There's times where you're a genuinely nice person and then you seem to go through a week of being a complete scally and just trying to wind people up. People can play what they want to, get a life.
People can play what they want to, get a life.

why the hell they didn't add a league mode in this game!!!!!:( :( it's really getting boring to play only the CL
This game would be AMAZING with a league mode but without it's just great:D
I really like this game but it definately has a few flaws, some are very annoying. Main ones being the computer shoots over the bar 95% of the time, super-goalies with one-on-ones, slow response to movement of players, the goalie coming out to catch corners and catches EVERY time he comes out regardless, goalies don't look right jumping as if they dont even need to jump (seems more like a skip) and lastly although the collision detection is loads better than FIFA 07, players can still spend seconds bumping into each other until someone walks away. Now this does happen in real life, but in CL it just looks like it is bumping and not scrapping.

Having said all that, it's a great game and EA are FINALLY going in the right direction and competing with PES. It's been a REAL poor showing from PES for the last two years and PES is no longer enjoying its honeymoon, EA are finally mounting a title challenge :D
this games really pissing me off at the minute, it keeps crashing in all modes, ultimate team is boring now i have a full squad that i want, im enjoying filling the collectors album more than actually playing the game lol, not good

try online(xbox live), the ranking is a joke, won three games all added to my rank as 0-3 DNF, what crap, I finished all three games, this game has some good points but EA have gone down the same road as Konami and left all the same problems in. player response, players running in all directions instead of attacting the ball, the list is endless. Is there a technical reason why games like Counterstrike, Battlefield, Joint operations can have a lot of players online at the same time with smooth gameplay but one football game and two players and its back to the cyberstoneage?
onlines a joke i know m8, i have played bout 10 games online and completed bout 2 cus it keeps disconnecting
A few angry notes - from the person who most likes the game on this forum as well (if this doesn't prove I'm not a fanboy of anything then nothing fucking will).

First one. Remember this?

This morning, I've woken up to discover my Ultimate Team deleted. All of the players have just disappeared, and I have no way to start a game without deleting my team and starting again.

Well, I started again, carried on for less than two weeks, and guess what. My team has been deleted again. I go to "Ultimate Team", go to "Lineup", and all of my players have been deleted. So Ultimate Team mode can fuck off.

Second one. I played online at home (i.e. at my house, not at a mates) for the first time today. If all matches are like that, then the online mode can fuck off as well. People complain about switching-player lag offline, which I don't find a bother. In my two online games, it was a two-second gap between every button I pressed. Two seconds; in that time the situation has changed completely and the button you originally pressed to cross ends up as a "mistimed tackle" and you're sent off.

Now fair enough, it could be that my internet is having a slow day (as it often does), but I didn't notice any jerking, so I'm assuming it was normal.

I love this game, I really do, but there's bugs and then there's b-u-g-s. I think the core gameplay is fantastic, and I still think the game is better than any Konami efforts, but the lack of game modes and bugs like the previously mentioned really begin to grate.
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Online has been AWESOME for me on my 20MB Virgin Cable broadband. It's worth splashing out on guys! :)
You still being a complete twat?

There's times where you're a genuinely nice person and then you seem to go through a week of being a complete scally and just trying to wind people up. People can play what they want to, get a life.

Jesus learn to have a laugh and stop being so judgemental!
Learn to not be a twat. :)

Just played online again and, whether it's my connection or not, it is fucking dreadful. So basically, the only game modes left for me to play are Champions League and the Champions League Challenges.

Offline the game is the best game of football I've ever played, single-player and multiplayer. Online it's literally 2-4 seconds before my players will acknowledge what button I've pressed. I'm so disappointed - but then, I hate all of the online modes of all of my games bar Table Tennis and World Championship Snooker, so I shouldn't have expected anything great.
El Diego:- Ive got Blueyonder (now known as Virgin cable...) and have been told i will be doubled up to 20mb connection very soon (from 10mb)....are u serious that your connection is now 20mb?? Just seems a bit early, although Blueyonder were known for upgrading some areas nice and early.....

No, I thought I had already been upgraded. I must still be on 10mb - still fucking fast though! :)
you guys need to get sky broadband

im on 16meg uncapped for just £10, you can even get 2meg for free

obviously u need Sky first and a premium package, get Sky+ or HD facking awesome
you guys need to get sky broadband

im on 16meg uncapped for just £10, you can even get 2meg for free

obviously u need Sky first and a premium package, get Sky+ or HD facking awesome

Cept not everywhere has it yet :(
it doesnt matter what connection you have, the ea servers are wank, fifa 07 never crashed online this much, slowly hating ea day by day, need a decent pes for ps3 and im gone lol
I was thinking that!!

With FIFA 07 I had lag-free games, great fun, and that was what put me off PES online, which is awful. Then with UEFA CL they seem to be server-sharing with Konami...
I'm addicted to collecting the cards and trying to luck upon a new player in buying packs, quality :D
im done with this game and fifa, i cant see how you guys think this game is so great... went back to pro evo on 360 playing guys on live and its still the best game... im off to trade this in with fifa 07, any suggetions mates?
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