UEFA Champions League For 360! (March 20th)

Ok my quick comparison sheet PES vs UEFA.

Cpu Talks Bullshit with deflections, fouls and players suddenly turning into statues that dont move and players dont make intelligent runs. Slow players ALWAYS catch and pull back fast players (I have never ever beaten any player for pace!). Balooning shots over the bar.... You basically know when you dead against it and the CPU will win...

UEFA, No CPU Bullshit, No odd deflections automatically going to the CPU team all the time. Fast players can out run slower players and the CPU does get fouls given against itself! Ok sometimes the shooting feels 50/50 and (for the net junkies) the net doesnt move right giving you less of the GOALLLLLLLL Factor...

All in all which would you rather play? Pro Evolution CPU Bullshit soccer? or EA Next Gen-ish football?

You must be playing a different PES to me cos I never experience the statues and computer cheating. Theres no dodgy deflections in UCL because theres no deflections at all. I hate the one on ones in UEFA and you get them so often that they really need to be better. I don't think the crowd roars as much as it does in PES either. Ive got 5.1 surround sound and PES always seems much louder. You dont get any computer cheating online that's for sure. And if you don't like cheaters then you can play on player match mode. Or play against ur mates. Scoring long rangers on Pro Evo is the best feeling u can get. Watching the net bulge and the fact that all the animations look great. I just dont get that feeling with UCL.

I'll tell you what I want from a football game. 2 weeks ago when we (arsenal) played Everton at Goodison and they got the last minute winner with AJ. The crowd literally errupted and everyone went crazy. Now I remember thinking after that how great it would be if they could capture all that emotion, sound and madness in a video game.
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You must be playing a different PES to me cos I never experience the statues and computer cheating.
All I can say is that we really, truly must be playing different PESes.

As for the crowd, chanting indecipherable words doesn't count as better than UEFA, even if it is "louder" (how about turning the stereo up?) - and playing online results in the same match every time. Oh look, Brazil, and a cutback, I've never seen that before.
I think Noted plays a PES that none of us have played yet!!! :lol: How can you not notice the cheating!?? Mate, I was a PES6 fan before seeing the light. The cracks appear and quite quickly with that game.
Maybe you prefer football with Robots and CPU Assisted bullshit csaunders? (No Offence Mate)


no offense taking but i think you guys dont get out enought and play ONLY against the CPU. Bring your mates around, get some beer and maybe some high quality weed, and then play pro evo... haha
lol @ csaunders even then my mates still prefer FIFA 07 and UEFA bud. They cant stand PES's Stiff "I cant move the players how I want to coz the CPU said so" style gameplay. There is even bullshit present when you play Human vs Human sometimes :)

I agree with having my mates round with a few beers though, grand Idea.

I'll tell you what I want from a football game. 2 weeks ago when we (arsenal) played Everton at Goodison and they got the last minute winner with AJ. The crowd literally errupted and everyone went crazy. Now I remember thinking after that how great it would be if they could capture all that emotion, sound and madness in a video game.
If Nokami and EA got off their arses then yeah we could get something that good :)

lol @ csaunders even then my mates still prefer FIFA 07 and UEFA bud. They cant stand PES's Stiff "I cant move the players how I want to coz the CPU said so" style gameplay. There is even bullshit present when you play Human vs Human sometimes :)

I agree with having my mates round with a few beers though, grand Idea.


that would be awesome if we could all play 2 v 2 on live with 4 different xboxes in 4 different locations, it would almost be the same!
there is defelections on UCL. I scored last night from a long shot from Gago which deflected off the defender and the ball fell to Van Nistelrooy who then buried the chance.
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I agree Saunders, I need to smoke CRACK to enjoy PES these days!

As for getting the beers in, couldn't agree with you more! Friday is vodka night though!
The players turn into balls and roll themselves into the goals. The score is always the same though, 11-11.

...So I've been told.
All in all which would you rather play? Pro Evolution CPU Bullshit soccer? or EA Next Gen-ish football?

Atm neither, all though the development curve means it will be fifa before pes now.

Was thinking about the qualities of both games and why in one a certain aspect is better, while a certain aspect is better in the other. So ill comprise a list, review, comment on them.

- Direct reaction from controller to player (besides the stiffness of movement etc, it does react straight away, unless the comp has started cheating offcourse)
- Difficult to open up a defense (atleast harder then fifa). This means that when you do get a 1-on-1 you know you'll only have 1 or 2 per game (in the tough ones), and usually you can score from them (as in real life).
- Better play likeness, you can see who youre controlling better

- Scripting and cheating
- Same game since pes3?
- ML is shyte
- and all the other usual ones

- animation and physics (ball needs to be tweaked though when crossing and longballs)
- comp AI
- no cheating
- passing
- graphics and licenses/modes (managermode/challenge/etc)

- to easy to get 1-on-1
- Supergoalies (1-on-1 should have a 50% goal ratio, instead of the 10/5% it is now)
- reaction speed controller/player
- Playermodels/likeness
- Nets (for the netwhores among us)

Now for me, why i get a "yes ive scored" feeling in pes is due to knowing that ill only get a couple of good chances a game and i need to score it(regardsless of comp cheating). Fifa/CL on the other hand i get a, "oh ill get atleast another 6/7 1-on-1's and 1 of them will go in" feeling. Meaning that you dont have that edge of your seat, "kuyt you bastard, why didnt you put it away" emotion. You know youll get another few chances. It should punish you more for missing chances. So that covers the scoring satisfaction, oh yeah and the net movement offcourse increases this.

Controller reaction speed, when i move my d-pad the play on pes moves nearly instantly (when no comp cheating is in progress) so you can time splitsecond movements (dribbling/1-on-1/etc). Fifa/cl on the otherhand is slow and you need to time it beforehand, a flaw imo. If i want to adjust my movement it should happen directly, when possible which corresponds with the physics.

Longball/crosses need more speed and less height in fifa. Or atleast more control imo.

Tbh, if they sort those 3 things out, pes will have a hard time getting back to top footiegame as thats all its got going for it now. The only thing i havent mentioned was the player likeness, but they are improving it so that should be good after awhile.
- to easy to get 1-on-1
- Supergoalies (1-on-1 should have a 50% goal ratio, instead of the 10/5% it is now)
- reaction speed controller/player
- Playermodels/likeness
- Nets (for the netwhores among us)
It's such a shame that you couldn't get into UEFA, as I very rarely manage to get a 1-on-1 situation on World Class mode (depending on who you are and what team you're playing, of course, but so far I've been Liverpool, Arsenal and Newcastle in UEFA CL campaigns and only occasionally have I managed to get a 1-on-1 - and if you play the Ultimate Team mode and start with the shite players you get dealt in that, it's next to fucking impossible).

Plus the player likenesses are a lot better in UEFA (not that I think it's a huge matter of importance anyway, I mean, bloody hell, PES looked a bit shit before the 360 came along).

I also think that there isn't an issue with "supergoalies", but rather that you need a low-hard-shot button, and a bit more control with dribbling (which is my biggest fault with the game - not being able to dribble very easily thanks to the general feeling of clumsiness when you try anything, thanks to the reaction times).

And as for the nets... I seriously, seriously, honest to God, hope that the next FIFA has a no-nets option and a jumpers-for-goalposts option. I'm sick to death of hearing about the fucking things!! If you're that bothered, put a goal in your living room and every time you score, smash a ball into it and get on with the fucking game!!

I'd be furious if EA were taking notice of people's issues with the game and said, towards the end of developing FIFA 08, "no time to add more shot methods and more AI tweaks, we haven't fixed the nets yet"...
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Plus the player likenesses are a lot better in UEFA (not that I think it's a huge matter of importance anyway, I mean, bloody hell, PES looked a bit shit before the 360 came along).

Sorry guys, but you really arent making sense now. Uefa champions league player likeliness are awful. Go into team management and select edit player. It was awful. I chose Kaka, Henry and Rosicky. The PS2 version is miles better ffs.

IMO player likeliness is extremely important. Fifa has generally been good, but since its nextgen versions things have gone downhill.

Theres a lot of things on here that I really dont agree with, but at least you're all happy.
On world class i really struggle to create 1-on-1 chances. Jack I havent bothered with Ultimate Team mode yet. Is it worth me doing so?
I'd be furious if EA were taking notice of people's issues with the game and said, towards the end of developing FIFA 08, "no time to add more shot methods and more AI tweaks, we haven't fixed the nets yet"...

Eh? Surely they took notice of the forum and improved the collisions and stuff. If they sorted everything out and left the nets as is i would be over the moon, the maint hing for me is to sharpen the controls. Like you said driblling is so clumsy. but that goes into the hart of the game imo. Ive never been one to go doing ronaldo's from one end of the pitch to the other. But i do apprecaite being able to turn/adjust fast to keep possesion in midfield, to go round goalies etc.

Have to disagree with the supergoalies, i played mostly semi-pro and was easily getting into 1-on-1's (obviously on that level) but the goalie nearly always saved them, same for fifa. Didnt matter how i shot (and i tested it out, both ingame and int eh arena in 07)) It was just to easy as you saw the runners and you could time the pass great and you would be away.

And i hope they bring back the d-pad, but thats me. Cant stand the analog, maybe they could make an analog control but one that is a lot shorter, more like a nub, so you didnt need to move it as much :lol:
Sorry guys, but you really arent making sense now. Uefa champions league player likeliness are awful. Go into team management and select edit player. It was awful. I chose Kaka, Henry and Rosicky. The PS2 version is miles better ffs.
I don't think it's about making sense, it's about personal opinion. I think PES looks like a Disney film compared to UEFA, totally unrealistic, whereas FIFA is duller, more realistic. But you like what you like (that has to be my new sig, to save me saying it 72 times a day).

Jack I havent bothered with Ultimate Team mode yet. Is it worth me doing so?
Well, yes and no. The way the management side works is quite poor and frustrating (you lose players every few weeks because you can't come by "contract renewal cards" without paying through the nose). So having a team that's constantly filled with players you've no idea about isn't fun.

But taking a really poor team and playing against the lower-ranked UEFA CL teams is really fun, and VERY satisfying. If you can score with the God-awful striker you got in your last pack versus Levski Sofia, then you're doing REALLY well. It's so hard, but I love that.

So it's kind of hit-and-miss...
Ok my quick comparison sheet PES vs UEFA.

Cpu Talks Bullshit with deflections, fouls and players suddenly turning into statues that dont move and players dont make intelligent runs. Slow players ALWAYS catch and pull back fast players (I have never ever beaten any player for pace!). Balooning shots over the bar.... You basically know when you dead against it and the CPU will win...

UEFA, No CPU Bullshit, No odd deflections automatically going to the CPU team all the time. Fast players can out run slower players and the CPU does get fouls given against itself! Ok sometimes the shooting feels 50/50 and (for the net junkies) the net doesnt move right giving you less of the GOALLLLLLLL Factor...

All in all which would you rather play? Pro Evolution CPU Bullshit soccer? or EA Next Gen-ish football?


Thats where your all going wrong, the CPU is dogshit in PES and not much better in CL

me and saunders played CL earlier and the game was boring as fuck same tackles, same shots nothing different at all, it all looked the same. So as you can tell the game is getting on my tits now, i prefer Fifa to CL

And as for the nets... I seriously, seriously, honest to God, hope that the next FIFA has a no-nets option and a jumpers-for-goalposts option. I'm sick to death of hearing about the fucking things!! If you're that bothered, put a goal in your living room and every time you score, smash a ball into it and get on with the fucking game!!

I'd be furious if EA were taking notice of people's issues with the game and said, towards the end of developing FIFA 08, "no time to add more shot methods and more AI tweaks, we haven't fixed the nets yet"...

Disagree with you.

NETS!!! NETS!!! NETS!! ;-)

Where are you my net-physic buddies?

EA can never get it right, and whey they almost did, they had to copy Seabass's WE's gameplay to do so, which gave them some success. However, later they decided to go back to their old pathetic crap of gimmicks and unfinished gameplay again. They give the impression that they are somewhat confused at times.
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As far as one-on-ones go, i feel it depends on who you are playing. Against a team like Lille or Barcelona (I know diff, but both quality sides) i really struggle to get through and create anything, which in my view is just brilliant. Against bucharest or sofia though, i can get through a lot more. And the 'supergoalies' arent much of a problem. If you try different things with your one-on-ones you will notice that they are quite good. If you run straight at the goalie and hit it straight at him of course he's gonna save it. try timing your shot right before he dives or just turning ever so slightly before hand to put him off. This doesnt work all the time, but does about half the time, which is pretty realistic in my view. This applies for the dribbling as well. For those that feel that they cant control it, i disagree as i can always control where im going and what im doing. Using the right stick at the same time as left helps a lot and makes the game really great on the wing, where you can non-speed burst diagonal at a player, and then just as he strikes, snap the right stick towards the right and your player will take off into space. It works well and looks completely realistic if you do it right. Again though, against good defenders, especially like Zambrotta (who seems to be best in game) or A.cole, this is harder to pull off and i find they can get the ball off me more often than not.
Disagree with you.

NETS!!! NETS!!! NETS!! ;-)

Where are you my net-physic buddies?

EA can never get it right, and whey they almost did, they had to copy Seabass's WE's gameplay to do so, which gave them some success. However, later they decided to go back to their old pathetic crap of gimmicks and unfinished gameplay again. They give the impression that they are somewhat confused at times.

"some" stadiums are better than others. don't know/can't remeber which but "some" nets are ok but most certainly not all. i wish i kept my football kingdom disc seeing as how it's now region free with the ps3
nets on this game are excellent, this dude flores or whatever your name is get a life man, as if u get so emotional about fucking nets?
CPU doesnt cheat eh?

Well its starting to regularly show its flaws this game. Was playing as Inter in the knockout stages against Kiev and i was fuming. All my players were slow and bumbling, getting in each others way, while kievs players were running around like 100 meter sprinters, it was fucking ridiculous and i got so angry. Ended up losing on pens.

And now the flaws are starting to show. Slow, lethargic players, sticky nets, computer always shooting over, computer NEVER heading the ball from crosses, i mean against kiev they scored by chesting the ball down from a cross for the thousanth time when it was easier for the player to head it.

shite, shite and shite. No longevity at all.
this NETS fixation is similar to my gripe on Tennis games where none of them depict sidespin on the ball, Table Tennis does, but none of the Tennis games do. OK, Top Spin 2 has swervy shots on serves but thats about it, VT3 has naff all, dont these companies ever watch the sports they are simulating???
Okay guys I've given in.
After reading all these threads which go from one end of the spectrum to another I decided to buy the bloody game and see for myself.
To put this personal review in context:-

1.I do not play online.Only single player or against mates.
2.Have thought WE/PES the best game ever for years
3.Never liked any incarnations of Fifa despite desperately wanting to,even disliked 07.
4.Desperately dissolusioned with how PES has not progressed
5.Want a single player game that challenges but does'nt cheat as obviously as PES.

Okay,bought it,played it,thought about it,played it again,for several hours and have to say.Breath of fresh air!I enjoy this game.I really do.Hell I'll even bother to post a comment on here to say I do.Its not perfect,it probably cheats,it needs varying degrees of tweaking in all the areas already identified.Add to that I am complete crap at most games.
The thing this game does though is suck you into the atmosphere of a footballing game knowing that you have a sporting chance of a great game of football especially in single player mode and for that I say a big thank-you to the game makers.
Sure when mates come round PES will probably get spun.It really is great playing head to head,but,for me, at least, single player will be UEFA until the next games are released.
As with nearly all footie games the next eagerly awaited game will probably be completely cocked up in some way but Fifa is so very near to the Holy Grail of footballing games in terms of gameplay.Maybe.Just maybe.......
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