UEFA Champions League For 360! (March 20th)

Jack I was talking about PES with the keeping the ball. And I said "can" not "can't" :D. I understand a lot of work has gone in but how is that my concern. We're paying money for it. The work isn't very good thats all I'm saying.
Sorry, didn't type that very well... Was trying to rush it as I'm in the middle of a match with my (new) Ultimate Team...

You say UEFA is too easy, and then you say "well at least in PES I can keep the ball for ten seconds" - which is saying UEFA is too hard. With practice, you can do anything you want with the game - so to say "the work [that's gone into the next-gen engine] isn't very good" is ridiculous. Sorry mate, but there's things I can do in UEFA that I can't do in PES, and you see the CPU in UEFA constantly changing. If I score against the CPU then they start coming at me like maniacs - and yet sometimes, if I'm playing a better team, they won't do that. And yet sometimes, with the poorer teams, they will start taking desperate shots if you keep them out for long enough. As El Diego has said, every game in PES is the same to me.

I can't understand people badmouthing it for trying to be better than PES, which is something they've not really tried before. But I can understand people not playing it for the bugs. I mean, I was gutted this morning when my "career" team just disappeared (I've done some research and it looks like if you lose the connection to the EA server - which I do all the time because of my SHITE connection - and then your game autosaves, you're looking at corruption somewhere along the line because the version on your 360 and the online version won't match).

But you see that, for me, takes the fun out of it. An Xbox 360 controller is not a brain or a foot. It's much too fiddly in my opinion having to determine how long you've pressed the button down for an I always end up giving the ball away for no reason because the passing controls are too fiddly. This is a game after all, a form of entertainment. If I wanted REAL football I would watch it on TV. PES for me is fun. Dont know about anyone else but I play games for fun not to sit there playing a real football match with a small controller in my hand. I think they're getting too far ahead of themselves and eveything is becoming too "next-gen" in Fifa. I like how PES stick with the basics of a great gameplay engine.
I can't argue with you liking a different kind of game, I'm just saying that you can't say UEFA is crap, just like I can't say (as much as I want to!) that PES is crap. They're just different, with different problems.

The idea of the CPU doing everything for me like it does in PES is not something that I want from a game. In my eyes, that is totally wrong. The CPU can then beat you to death any time it wants to because it knows where your pass is going to go - because it does your pass for you, and if it wants to make it miss the target it can even do that. How that is fun, I have no idea.

It is true that, in UEFA, sometimes you find yourself holding onto the pass button while a player comes and nicks the ball from you, but you can put the pass assistance up and turn the game into PES anyway.

Incidentally, does anybody remember, when the PS2 first came out, how the buzz-words were "pressure-sensitive buttons"? Why on earth can't the games manufacturers go back to using that? One of the ISS's used it - when you press the button HARD, you get a HARD pass, rather than having to wait a few seconds and charge a bar up?

Why the hell did that get abandoned? Then you wouldn't have PES's interference and you wouldn't need UEFA's charging-up-a-bar...
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I think you're very over the top with your statements about PES's "cheating" Jack. They dont make passes for you and shoot where the computer wants you to shoot. That's just ridiculous. I can understand about a few deflections may goto the computer but that's about it.

And I wasn't saying "well at least in PES I can keep the ball for ten seconds", now you're just assuming. I was just replying to El Diego saying he can't keep the ball for 10 seconds in PES.
The more I play this the more un responsive it becomes.

EA have implemented some good ideas, but they must look at the gameplay and ball phisiques, before adding gimicky card games FFS.

The ball is like a slightley deflated balloon.
I think you're very over the top with your statements about PES's "cheating" Jack. They dont make passes for you and shoot where the computer wants you to shoot. That's just ridiculous. I can understand about a few deflections may goto the computer but that's about it.
Erm, well okay, that's your opinion, but I've seen several passes slow down and get intercepted. What, in PES, can you do about that? Press the button down longer and it goes to a different player. I can't use manual pass in PES as it requires pressing three different fucking buttons.

Sorry, but explain all you like. If you want to pass to a player and the game doesn't power your pass enough, then your pass fails. And I get that happening to me so often that I fail to see the point of playing a game that only does what you want 80% of the time. Even if the CPU was taking over for ONE percent of the game, that makes it a farce. You're playing something that you'll never win when the CPU doesn't want you to win.

Plus, there was a study on this forum (I wish I'd kept the frigging link) of tackles in friendlies and tackles in the ML, as I've said already. The amount of balls that deflected away to the opposition in a friendly was normal, in the ML it was a huge, huge amount. Knowing that the game is doing that puts me off completely.

I want to be beaten by a team playing well, not by a magic ball. But you play what you want.

And you did say "in PES I can keep the ball for ten seconds". :eh: Whether you were replying to someone or not, that's what you said and that's what I read, so sorry for misinterpreting it.
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But Jack you assumed I was talking about it in relation to UCL being too hard which I wasnt. Thats all I'm saying.

You don't have to press 3 buttons for a manual pass. You can set it up so you only have to flick the right analogue in a direction and it works brilliantly. It just means the roulette move and the flicking the ball up thing are done by pushing the stick in then doing it. But I never use those 2 moves anyway. You can also use the manual pass for slotting the ball in on a one on one so theres no excuse of the computer making you miss there.
Fair enough; as I say, they're both different games, and you prefer what you prefer. Hopefully PES7 and FIFA 08 will be much improved.

Seeing as the team that revamped FIFA totally with FIFA 07 is working on FIFA 08, I really can't wait to see what they come up with. If they fix the bugs and the issues that people have, it could be brilliant.
I agree that if they sort out the shooting and the crossing and the bugs, make the ball less floaty then Fifa 08 could be very good.
It is down to personal taste definately. For example, I couldn't handle FIFA07 after 3 or 4 games, I think it's a poor effort. I don't get that with Champs League though, I absolutely love it. As for the trading cards, I think it's good for the kids so I am not gonna slag it off when PES6 has as much options as a married church minister.

Jack, how do you find this on Live? I have only played one match and that was on release day, might check it out tonight. Also, can somebody explain the Lounge mode, I cannot be arsed to read the manual.
I've not played it that much on Live mate - as with any title. I don't like how the servers are full of quitters and people who play the game 24/7. But of the three matches I've played, it's been quite good actually. You get a lot of different styles - it's like playing the CPU (which says a lot about the AI of the game), but more varied. It's great, when you can avoid the wankers.

As for lounge mode, don't bother. It's an offline multiplayer mode, and it's fucking awful. You choose a team, your mate chooses a team and then you play eachother in a league of two forever. It really is piss-poor. There's a random teams option which is, on one hand, different, but on the other hand, terrible (if you're drawn Lorient and your friend is drawn Barcelona, then you've just wasted the next 15 minutes of your life basically).
With practice, you can do anything you want with the game - so to say "the work [that's gone into the next-gen engine] isn't very good" is ridiculous. Sorry mate, but there's things I can do in UEFA that I can't do in PES, and you see the CPU in UEFA constantly changing. If I score against the CPU then they start coming at me like maniacs - and yet sometimes, if I'm playing a better team, they won't do that. And yet sometimes, with the poorer teams, they will start taking desperate shots if you keep them out for long enough. As El Diego has said, every game in PES is the same to me.

These are some of the positive things that I do like about this game. And these are the things that PES needs to improve without a doubt. For me, all EA needs to do to improve this game for Fifa 08 and steal me from WE is the following:

1. Tweak the gameplay some more
2. Fix the bugs
3. Fix the akward player animations that look unnatural
4. Fix the players being controled so that they feel tighter and more responsive.
5. Fix the unrealistic ball physics. The ball feels like a balloon.
6. Fix the shooting..Give me complete control of my shots
7. Fix the superhuman goalies
8. Give me more realistic shooting animations
9. Fix the headers. I want my players going up for headers, jostling with each other for position and hammering the ball into the goal.
10. Fix the crosses
11. Fix the player selection delay
12. Give me some dribbles like the current version
13. Bring the stands/fans closer to the pitch

And last but not least,
14. Fix the nets ;-)

Heck, give me different nets/goal styles for different stadiums.

EA, get it right!
Thank God I read the last point first, otherwise I would have wasted 30 seconds of my life that I would have never got back looking at the previous 13... ;)

In all seriousness;

1. Tweak the gameplay some more Well, obviously we all want this
2. Fix the bugs Again, obviously we all want this
3. Fix the akward player animations that look unnatural Disagree
4. Fix the players being controled so that they feel tighter and more responsive Agreed, dribbling is an issue
5. Fix the unrealistic ball physics. The ball feels like a balloon Disagree, sorry
6. Fix the shooting..Give me complete control of my shots Semi-agreed; there is a problem with the way that the bar works, but you do have "complete control" - this is a bug more than anything, as the bar seems to be scaled to where you are on the pitch rather than the power of the player, but it's different for each player which I like - totally realistic, players can hit the ball harder than others
7. Fix the superhuman goalies I've never really noticed this either, apart from on one-on-ones! I've scored from 30 yards out etc., which I can't do in PES. But a few people seem to be saying this, so maybe I'm missing something
8. Give me more realistic shooting animations Don't see the problem
9. Fix the headers; I want my players going up for headers, jostling with each other for position and hammering the ball into the goal Semi-agreed; I have difficulty scoring headers but I find it realistic. However, it would be nice to feel a bit more control
10. Fix the crosses They are realistic in my opinion - in real football a cross is one of the few times you have in a match to THINK about what you're going to do, and I think you're too used to PES
11. Fix the player selection delay Don't see the problem
12. Give me some dribbles like the current version Agreed
13. Bring the stands/fans closer to the pitch What the hell does this matter? If you miss this one off then they'll have more time to work on the previous numbers! Come on! This is the whole reason why previous FIFAs have been all about the stadia or the hair or the BASTARDING NETS and not about the gameplay!
14. Fix the nets I'd love it if there were no nets in FIFA 08, HAHA! :D
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Well I just played a few online games and was really enjoying it until some knob spoilt it all. I was 2-0 up against Barca with Seville until the bloke scored 4 goals all using the same "sprint down the wing and do a LT cross to the unmarked striker to volley or diving header it in" trick and I lost 4-2. All his goals were the same. How does anyone find the fun in doing that. What wankers.
Thank God I read the last point first, otherwise I would have wasted 30 seconds of my life that I would have never got back looking at the previous 13... ;)

In all seriousness;

1. Tweak the gameplay some more Well, obviously we all want this
2. Fix the bugs Again, obviously we all want this
3. Fix the akward player animations that look unnatural Disagree
4. Fix the players being controled so that they feel tighter and more responsive Agreed, dribbling is an issue
5. Fix the unrealistic ball physics. The ball feels like a balloon Disagree, sorry
6. Fix the shooting..Give me complete control of my shots Semi-agreed; there is a problem with the way that the bar works, but you do have "complete control" - this is a bug more than anything, as the bar seems to be scaled to where you are on the pitch rather than the power of the player, but it's different for each player which I like - totally realistic, players can hit the ball harder than others
7. Fix the superhuman goalies I've never really noticed this either, apart from on one-on-ones! I've scored from 30 yards out etc., which I can't do in PES. But a few people seem to be saying this, so maybe I'm missing something
8. Give me more realistic shooting animations Don't see the problem
9. Fix the headers; I want my players going up for headers, jostling with each other for position and hammering the ball into the goal Semi-agreed; I have difficulty scoring headers but I find it realistic. However, it would be nice to feel a bit more control
10. Fix the crosses They are realistic in my opinion - in real football a cross is one of the few times you have in a match to THINK about what you're going to do, and I think you're too used to PES
11. Fix the player selection delay Don't see the problem
12. Give me some dribbles like the current version Agreed
13. Bring the stands/fans closer to the pitch What the hell does this matter? If you miss this one off then they'll have more time to work on the previous numbers! Come on! This is the whole reason why previous FIFAs have been all about the stadia or the hair or the BASTARDING NETS and not about the gameplay!
14. Fix the nets I'd love it if there were no nets in FIFA 08, HAHA! :D

LOL! fair enough mate. To each his own.
Well I just played a few online games and was really enjoying it until some knob spoilt it all. I was 2-0 up against Barca with Seville until the bloke scored 4 goals all using the same "sprint down the wing and do a LT cross to the unmarked striker to volley or diving header it in" trick and I lost 4-2. All his goals were the same. How does anyone find the fun in doing that. What wankers.
Which is exactly what put me off PES6 online... Constantly versus Brazil, all goals were cutbacks, every time you score they quit. Most of the people I know (away from Evo-Web) are quitters on Pro Evo, which just says it all about online gaming as a whole now. There's one mate in-particular who found out (and I don't know how the hell this works) that every time a mobile phone rings his house, he gets cut off - and if he's playing PES, the game awards the win to him. So every game, if he's less than 2-0 up (or whatever the "win by default" score is), he'll wait until the 89th minute and then ring his own house.

What's the point if you're just going to cutback and cheat when you can't score enough cutbacks to win?

But it affects all games, unfortunately. I used to love Burnout Revenge online, it was adrenaline-pumping and a real laugh, but then the lag-cheats arrived and that killed it for me. Hence why 90% of my games I've not played online more than once (I haven't even tried Tiger Woods or World Championship Snooker online yet - what's the point if you're having fun offline and you know what you're going to get).
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Well I just played a few online games and was really enjoying it until some knob spoilt it all. I was 2-0 up against Barca with Seville until the bloke scored 4 goals all using the same "sprint down the wing and do a LT cross to the unmarked striker to volley or diving header it in" trick and I lost 4-2. All his goals were the same. How does anyone find the fun in doing that. What wankers.

You sure it wasn't PES6!? ;)

EVERY game, doesn't matter which team I chose the opponent played as Brazil/Inter.

Two styles of goal they'd score:
1. Cut-back, ball across the goal, Adriano.
2. Throughball from defence to Adriano, goal.

All of this accompanied by ZX Spectrum style jittering & slow-down.

Why cant I change the stadium when I create an online ranked match. It's set as the Emirates and I can't change it. But when I've played away and home in a quick ranked match its set as the stadium for whoevers at home. Strange
well guys this is why we should all be playing each other, Jflores and I played all friday night and we HAD A BLAST(Pro evo that is)

Why say in here you had a great game on Pro Evo???

it will just end up as most football game threads do
Don't worry, I've taken my Night Nurse so he doesn't have anything to worry about.


I disagree Mr Saunders. UEFA rules against the CPU. I had the game of my life against Roma playing with Valencia last night. I have only played the game on World Class so far, I wouldn't have it any other way!

(By the way, sorry about the other night, I was in the middle of a game, couldn't play you!)
I must be rubbish at this as on world class I really struggle too create chances.

playing with Marseille and not getting much joy..
im tyring to say that playing online for either game is way better then playing the CPU...

Most definatly

Single player imo has always been toss on PES as is CL and Fifa, there is no way on earth you can replicate a human vs human, its not gonna happen. Football is a multiplayer game simple as, me and my mates had years of fun on PES now we are playing a bit of Fifa/CL to mix it up which is fantastic

God bless Xbox Live as well, that means i dont need my mates here every hour of the day ;)

Saunders ill have to give you a game on either of these, ill show you how good humans are :)
Most definatly

Single player imo has always been toss on PES as is CL and Fifa, there is no way on earth you can replicate a human vs human, its not gonna happen. Football is a multiplayer game simple as, me and my mates had years of fun on PES now we are playing a bit of Fifa/CL to mix it up which is fantastic

God bless Xbox Live as well, that means i dont need my mates here every hour of the day ;)

Saunders ill have to give you a game on either of these, ill show you how good humans are :)
yeah cool, ove8 is my live tag.. I agree PES multiplayer with your boys is awesome... i havent tried fifa yet cause im the only one with a 360 and i dont want to bring it over ot htere house, its a pain to move around
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