UEFA Champions League For 360! (March 20th)

Allright, everybody raving about this, but i couldn't get the grips with FIFA07 and can't get it with this demo, so:

Can anyone maybe make or point me to a video with two skilled players (or one against the cpu) playing this?

Because i read about your experiences and i want to see that for myself, but i can't seem to replicate them in the demo, so... anyone? :)

I had the same issue with the demo.

first off the demo is just that a demo and not a full representation of the full "gameplay" game at all.

the best way i found to play it it is to put player passing assistance completely off and also the player changing off as well and have completely defpendant on your control. The second thing is to master the 'touch" of the pass speed and the farness it goes. Then thirdly you have to set up your defenses right. play tight defenses strategies when you can and play offensively right depending on team. four try and think of what kind of goal you want to score set plays are the way to go. Stop and pop alot too ease back on going forward and play around the defense as much as you can to open spaces doing so will, make thru passes pure gold and really rewarding.

that's a start to how i did it hopefully it helps you like it did me when i had the same trouble as you at first
Just so you guys know. I am enjoying the gameplay for now. I think the shooting and ball physics still need to be sorted out, along with the Net Physics ofcourse. The ball at times just seems "floaty" if I may, however it's not so bad that it ruins the flow of the game. I feel some slugishness in the players, however not all of them.

This minor annoyances aside, the game is a lot of fun to play. Still don't think it's worth 60 quid, but very close, it still depends on how long this fun will last. So far, EA looks like they are on the right track with this next gen version. Don't misunderstand me, they still have quite a ways to go to rival NOKAMI in all areas, however they have managed to outdo them in many important areas thus far.

Be back later, I have lots of games to play ;-)
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everyone, u MUST all try the following:---

set it to:--


start game controlling either side and then switch it to be CPU vs CPU once game kicks off............it is footballing heaven, the sunny Nou Camp is awe inspiring, and these 2 teams (ive tried em all.....) play the fluidest most realistic video game football u have ever seen..........put ya controllers down for 10 mins (set it to 5 mins each way) and u will be gobsmacked....

i always watch lots of CPU only games to begin with as i love to see how intelligent each new FIFA/PES game is......and as Jack says (and most others on here), this is simply footballing sex.

Ok, maybe I am the first to call it that!!!

Main thing for me is that its free/realistic for us to play it, and the CPU teams have the same freeness in they're AI, and believe me that is f**king hard for the coders to have produced.

EA.....I love u


just remmebered, on FIFA 07 i remmeber posting that i see Eto try (for CPU team) 3 overhead kicks in the same match.......i havent seen a single overhead kick in this yet........has ne1 else??

I've seen four or five attempts in 20 games on the demo, zero in 20 games on the full version. :)

I've been trying to tear myself away from the 360 for two hours, this is not healthy. But it's so good... I don't care what anyone says about it "wearing off". I didn't play FIFA 07 on launch day for 14 hours (although technically the last two shouldn't count, seeing as it's 2am now). Surely that says something.
Just so you guys know. I am enjoying the gameplay for now. I think the shooting and ball physics still need to be sorted out, along with the Net Physics ofcourse. The ball at times just seems "floaty" if I may, however it's not so bad that it ruins the flow of the game. I feel some slugishness in the players, however not all of them.

This minor annoyances aside, the game is a lot of fun to play. Still don't think it's worth 60 quid, but very close, it still depends on how long this fun will last. So far, EA looks like they are on the right track with this next gen version. Don't misunderstand me, they still have quite a ways to go to rival NOKAMI in all areas, however they have managed to outdo them in many important areas thus far.

Be back later, I have lots of games to play ;-)

Have to agree on the points about shooting i cant get the long shots just right they either go over bar or just off. Ye some weird net physics so as ball touches net it bounces all over the shop sometimes definately needs a fix although its not a main concern for me. Played about 30 games so far mostly with friend on World Class (for keepers) noticed shocking keeper bugs though i have looked through thread and have not noticed anyone comment. Well basically the first one was Cech caught the ball and went to ground but went to ground over the goal line wtf and goal was awarded. :/ Second one was Lehmann keepers make some quality stand up one handed saves at time but it hit his hand went saved ball went up in air back of net to my amazement happened twice in match same thing its strange animation. These bugs are rather annoying but they are not regular occurance apart from that keepers do make tremendous saves. Also crowd glitches etc Old trafford stadium is annoying crowd dissapear yet appear in replay Dynamic V2 camera by way which is annoying but nothing a patch could not fix i dont think.

Shock horror also looks like im the only one enjoying Ultimate team mode so far think its a really great mode alot of cool stuff. Building your team up getting more cards etc and also searching online for cards getting contract extension for players so i can keep them adding more fitness to tired players. Saw someone had put Marquez up for trade 4,000 credits lol (he is Gold card though) stuff that i have about that now i like the way you can put cards up for trade and set a price. You can get some bargain cards though some people do put the odd silly price on good players which is strange but hey all good. I like how you build your squad and i have no problem with the players on set games half of them are rubbish so if they go ill get them cheap of trade or if i like them by an extension card. You get packs also buy bronze pack of cards for 100 credits and as you progress levels you get silver pack which im on now which is 500. In Silver pack you get better players although you can buy single players what people dump for trade online some are gold silver also but alot of people are dumping standard card as you can imagine this short into the game life. The Manger card adds characteristic to the team so better manager you get better team will perform eg say i got Fergie or Steve Coppell it will add better stuff. Also another trait is if you have players from same country on team including manager the chemistry goes up which is cool. When you explore it in depth i feel a few of you hear might start to enjoy it you can also unlock credits in normal matches or challenges for it also which is good.

Another point ill touch on is Graphics and authenticity quite stunning really like watching real thing at times. Stadiums are amazing especially St James Park the reflections on ground and shining off players is quite superb. Also when play Uefa champions league mode and box pops up top right saying goal been scored in group nice touch and Clive Tyldesley mentioning it very cool.

I think overall it has a lot of neat touches animations and the close control and passing is good and its better then Fifa 07 on 360. I think PES and Fifa are as equally good in own right i do not like 360 PES though prefer PS2 version think 360 was mighty rush job. And to add to this its not all there Next gen one compared to current plus i like option files on PS2 and authenticity. Overall i would not play both Fifa or Pro Evo if i had to i dont think there all there to recreating real footy but i want a footie game to play. :lol:

I dont really post on this forum that much does not mean dont play the games though and been playing them for years but thought i would give my views.
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another great thing is that with the realism in the game, Man Ure (from Old Toilet) actually LOSE games, they dont seem to get decisions and/or luck going there way like the last 8 games they have had in 'real life'.


Sets us up for a great Fifa 08.
Hopefully they can keep or add to the great gameplay while at the same time adding the teams from the old gen games.
Its a shame but Seabass has had plenty of warnings about Fifa getting better and Pes being stuck going nowhere for 3 versions now
Embrace, do you think PES is staying the same because Seabass is lazy or because he doesn't actually know what to do now that we've moved on from the PSone?
I dont think he is lazy at all.
I think he produces too many versions of the same game at different times of the year and then complains he doesnt have enough staff.
I think he doesnt care about anyone outside of Japan thats why we get a terrible masterleague.
Hopefully with Fifa being improved and maybe he will get a chance to play SWOS in the summer when its released on the marketplace and things might change.
Well I do think Seabass is lazy actually. Aside from some new animations, there has been very little development to PES over the last few versions. After playing PES6 the other day, it finally dawned on me that Konami did next to nothing in the year after PES5.
Seabass has dominated as far as opinions go two generations of Consoles in the Football game Genre.
But it has been so long now since WE8 some would even say WE6FE and not much has changed.

Forget the next gen because you might have noticed (lol) for a few years now i have predicted and keep predicting with the PS3 that the first games will be crap just like the early PS2 releases etc.

But he does seem stuck or maybe content with things at his end even tho the fams are screaming for changes especially in the Masterleague for example but they never come.

PES 8 on the PS3 and xbox 360 will be the real year where we can see a proper release and what he can produce as far as next gen goes without ports form old gen etc getting in the way.

But Fifa has a huge headstart already and unlike Pes6 on the PS2/Xbox 360 you can tell Fifa is a completely different and Improved game on the Xbox 360 compared to the PS2 and EA should be commended for that at least.
NOKAMI and WE games are still king of the real sport of football in my opinion.

Back to the topic...The ball deflections in this game do not look natural. Again, EA has a looooooong way to go...
The stadium lightng is becoming very good now in this game. the stadiums look nice in fallback shots of curse and the grass well? it could use some weather tear here and there but not alot just specks
this just wets my appetite for fifa 08. imagine: even more improvements to gameplay, lower leagues (there bloody well better be this time), next gen weather effects (we need to be able to play in the rain) and all round tune ups.

uefa is a brilliant game but im already sick of playing the champions league mode and ultimate team is absolute arse. still every match plays out differently. ive had 3-0 wins, 2-0 losses, incredibly tight 0-0 draws and all other variety of results. i think they have the quality of the teams tuned up quite nicely as well. just thumped one of the smaller russian sides with arsenal 5-0 and it was bloody brilliant.

but bloody hell, someone help me head the ball at goal!! do i have to improve my positioning? timing of the button press? am i STILL playing it too much like pro evo? ive heard all you guys talk about scoring with diving headers etc and im really jealous.. ALL my goals have been from feet, except for a couple of own goals the weaker CPU teams scored against.

DEAD SET, BRILLIANT GAME. Seabass, we all understand if you are absolutely shitting yourself, you have reason to. perhaps now you can create a new game engine instead of recycling the same one over and over like you have been doing since the start of the millenium??

i still cant believe how good the AI is in this. it beats you by outplaying you. it doesnt cheat. the ball doesnt bobble to the cpu 80% of the time. it adjusts to your tactics and plays FOOTBALL. if this aspect of the game continues to improve in fifa 08 then EA have completely redeemed themselves for the arse they released last generation (possible exception fifa 07, it was a BIG step forward from 06, but still not as good as pes6) if your stuck with a last gen console then i understand you have to play pes (which version doesnt really matter does it? they are just variations on each other, not really improvements) as fifa is inferior. but if you have a 360 then you owe it to yourself to get UEFA and to give it time. once you get over the shock of how different it is to pes you'll realise just how blindingly brilliant this representation of football is.

please EA, don't stop, keep beavering away at this game engine and give us another step up with a brilliant fifa 08. piss off this card playing horse shit and give us a kick arse management mode.

see you lads, im back off to play UEFA. up to about my 50th match i reckon, not bad for someone who can only play 1-2 hours of games a day, sometimes none. (didnt realise studying classical music at university would be so bloody time consuming!!) cheers!!!
Well after playing it all last night.

Here are my thoughts.

The gameplay is near enough identical to Fifa 07 in my opinion, allthough the shooting has been marginly improved.

The ball still feels floaty, and unrealistic.

Again only my opinion.

Saying all this tho, the game is very enjoyable and thats what video games are all about.

My only problem is, Im allready addicted to collecting the bloody cards, and trading them, and putting them in my collectors folder \\:o/ :lol:

So I went back to PES6 for an hour before I went to bed, and I have to say it is a 100% more responsive than UCL.

Im sorry but thats my view.

Fifa 08 will be a true football game and I for 1 cant wait for it.
Fuck PES. Realism my arse. Sick of it. Tried playing a game over my mate's flat earlier in the week. Stiff, slooooow, boring - every goal I score looks the same; 'Through-ball to wing, tap cross button twice, header, goal, repeat.' I know you can mix your play up but whats the point? Even the quality players like Henry and Ronaldo can't seem to beat defenders, it's poo.

Played UEFA all night last night and going back for more today. Brilliant game, loadsa FUN! Was impressed how fluid it was online too. Played a great game against some kid who battered me for most of the match and did win 1-0.

Laters amigos.
Played it for 4 hours last night(online).

Started ok,lost the first,second and third games went to penalties,and won the third.

Ever since I have lost 4-0,5-0 and 7-0.

Bloody hard game.

I really toil to steal the ball like i did in fifa(any tips).

Very good game, make no mistake, but it feels so different to fifa.

This one could take a while to master...
Yeah I agree jambotommy, it is tough. I just played as Man Utd v Chelski at Wembley. Tough game, I had all the possession and played a flare game compared to Chelsea hoofing it long. It ended 0-0, getting through Chelsea's defence was SO difficult. Very realistic.
Yeah I agree jambotommy, it is tough. I just played as Man Utd v Chelski at Wembley. Tough game, I had all the possession and played a flare game compared to Chelsea hoofing it long. It ended 0-0, getting through Chelsea's defence was SO difficult. Very realistic.

It is certainly realistic El Diego.
Maybe too realistic for its own good, if you know what I mean !!!


All before I actually try learning a game, lol.
Am I the only one who gets a new game, then ignores the single player modes and just jumps head first into online games???

Seriously, I do it with every game I get.
I do the opposite Jambo, I get a million people sending me match invites and I have notifications turned off so I can concentrate on trying to beat the CPU on World Class. I've lost ten or so people off my friends list since I joined XBOX Live because they get fed up of waiting for me to play them...!

What a game though... I'll admit that the CL mode is going to get pretty tired pretty quickly, and all of the past-matches use the current-day teams (so what exactly was the fucking point in that, EA?)... But the actual engine I love to pieces. I don't think the ball is floaty at all, I just think people are too used to PES and not used to realism.

I woke up this morning desperate for a game, and I haven't had that with PES for what, four years?
I agree with the LovePump and cammeyboy. I beat Barca 4-0 last night in the CL group stage at the Nou Camp. It annoyed me so much I turned the game off. They didnt have one shot at goal.
weird glitch alert!

playing a friendly using dynamic cam, first few rows are empty but full on replays and cutscenes!!!!!!

in real life the first two rows at champions league games are always empty,perhaps that's why...or would that be to realistic?
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