UEFA Champions League For 360! (March 20th)

Bloody hell, I feel terrible over the D-pad stuff. Not just guilty, but mental. I swear, I fucking swear, I've played FIFA 07 with the D-pad and found it too clunky.

I'm really sorry.

Oh, and Noted, it's because you're dead inside.
Thought I'd have a blast at Ultimate Team Mode and it really is the biggest pile of crap. That only leaves one decent game-mode, and that's the UEFA CL. Which is going to get very repetitive. I'd play a league in FIFA 07 but I actually grabbed five minutes on it after playing the UEFA demo for something like a week, and it was nowhere near as good. I couldn't go back to that.

But anyway, the Ultimate Team stuff.

You get the cards, and actually, I quite like ... half of the idea. I say that because trading online, putting your cards up for sale etc. is actually a laugh - playing with the asking price and seeing what you can get. Trying to fill your collector's album is a fun little distraction, if you're into that sort of thing, and I like the way that the system works as a whole - I just hate the fact that you get given a team of random people, and a random team's logo and kits, rather than being able to choose. If you play Liverpool and you're wearing Liverpool's kit... It's just ridiculous. Plus, you can get manager cards - and yet you manage the team, so what's the point in that?

What ultimately kills it (see what I did there?) is the fact that contracts run out after FIVE GAMES - "that's a ridiculously short amount of time", I hear you say. Well, it is, but there's a reason; there's no actual league or competition to Ultimate Team. You play a bunch of random teams and if you beat ten you go up a level.

What a load of toss. You might as well play in the "lounge", which is equally devoid of meaning and an utter waste of the programmer's time.

Anybody thinking of completing the mode just to unlock the "Golden Ticket" game mode to save themselves from playing the same game mode 72,532 consecutive times; don't bother. This is from Eurogamer:

Eurogamer said:
As you progress through the levels you unlock better packs and better teams to play, but also at the end you earn a Golden Ticket that enables you to compete with your Ultimate Team in the UEFA Champions League tournament.

In the words of Lauren, am I bovvered?

I love the actual gameplay though; put it like this, I played FIFA 07 for something like an hour a day; even on it's day of release it wasn't over two hours that I played it for. I've played this for over seven hours now. My eyes are going to burst. But I don't care.

Every game is different, it's so good. If I play the CPU on PES it's a string of 1-0s. On this I've gone from drawing 1-1 (and being GRATEFUL) to losing 4-0. The game, on World Class, is stunning, and I'll tell you now, if you're under the kosh for 80 minutes, defending for your life, and you score a breakaway goal...

You will celebrate.
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Great game, REALLY great game. You really have to FORGET about PES and adjust to this NEW engine. It is so fluid! I can't fucking header the ball out of defence though! Any tips?
Try pressing X/blue. It's about timing as well - as with attacking headers. Do it too early and you'll execute a kick, too late and you'll watch it go past.

Does anybody else call the 360 buttons yellow, red, green and blue rather than Y, B, A and X? If you showed me a 360 pad with the letters missing from the buttons and asked me which one "Y" was, I'd have no idea. :eh:

EDIT: Anybody else noticed that players have "preferred formations"? How cool is that?!

EDIT 2: While I'm on the subject, just how SATISFYING is it to score and/or defend so well against a team that they start getting desperate as time wears on and start shooting as soon as they get the ball... :D :D :D I LOVE IT!!

Talk about the feeling of urgency; the game will block the wings if you try to run down them too often, it adapts to your play, and if it gets desperate it starts taking shots from 30 yards out.

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I dont understand why its either too easy or too hard. You talk about the "cheating" in PES, Jack, then how's this? I play Roma in the CL second round and its the hardest game I've played so far and I get battered and knocked out the competition. Then I play the same game in a friendly and win 4-0. Both world class.
MY GOD! I am playing away at Benfica with United. It just FEELS like a real Champions League tie. Ronaldo skips about on the wings and Scholes looks so comfortable in possession. This really is a step-up from FIFA 07 which, lets face it, is a shoddy game.

Best football game I have ever played. Will I still be saying that next week/month? I hope so, I REALLY do.
Noted, you're saying that I talk about PES cheating, and then saying that because you lose 4-0 and then win, that's the same thing.

You tell me how the game is cheating, rather than the teams just having good games and bad games. If you or anybody else finds the CPU to be cheating in any way or form then I would have second thoughts about the game. But I've seen nothing of the sort so far. It could be that the opposition's morale changes, the "random" factor of players having a bad game, etc.

And I love the fact that results vary so much. As I've said, in PES it's 1-0 1-0 1-0. I find it astonishing every time I win a game and then get battered in the next.

Unpredictability is a fantastic thing; cheating isn't.
You speak the truth JB. Maybe I'm just finding excuses for the fact that I don't really like it. Oh well :(
There seems to be lots of games where your players just have difficulty controlling the ball, whilst the CPU will whizz past you with ANYONE :S

Also, why is formation editor only availble INGAME and not BEFORE you start a match?!
You speak the truth JB. Maybe I'm just finding excuses for the fact that I don't really like it. Oh well :(
Don't think I'm having a go at you; if you don't like the game then you don't, it's not the end of the world. Millions of people like garlic bread but I think it tastes like sperm on toast.

There seems to be lots of games where your players just have difficulty controlling the ball, whilst the CPU will whizz past you with ANYONE :S
Can't say I've noticed that... :eh:

Also, why is formation editor only availble INGAME and not BEFORE you start a match?!
I'm sure I did it in the UEFA CL menu - yes, I did, definitely, and then from then on I didn't have to alter my formation every game. It's there somewhere, but it's hidden away in the confusing menu. Or are you talking about a different game mode from UEFA CL?
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YEEESSSSS! Just won! I have played 4 games, everytime on World Class. Just beat Benfica away 2-0 (Saha, Larsson). The game was superb, with Benfica having most of the possession but I was clinical in-front of goal when it matterd.

So far my results (all in World Class mode):

Man Utd (me) 2 - 4 Lille
AC Milan (me) 1 - 0 AEK Athens
Man Utd (me) 1 - 1 Celtic
Benfica 0 - 2 Man Utd (me)
One great thing, one good thing and one awful, awful thing I've just noticed graphics/animation-wise...

Great thing: There are so many animations... I did a cross and misjudged it totally meaning that I pulled the player too far out of position and then pressed "head", and as I did you could see him backpeddling like fuck in a vain attempt to get to it! Haha!

Good thing: I've performed one or two backheels so far - which I couldn't do in the demo.

Awful thing: I've only just noticed, after all these games (over 20 now), that all of the players on the pitch, for both sides, stand PERFECTLY STILL during set-pieces (apart from the set-piece taker) - it's as if they're playing "statues". It looks fucking ridiculous. There's no jostling for position, there's no anything. :| Bit of a glaring omission!

EDIT: Another thing I love is that if you're a poor team, you can really feel it and you can only just beat the other poor teams. In PES it doesn't seem to matter to me, if you know how to play the game you can beat anyone with anyone.

Some people think it's better that way but, being a stickler for realism, I don't think that's how it should be. I'm playing an Ultimate Team match, Levski Sofia (no offence) v my team, and it's such a slow, scrappy game that it's so difficult to get a goal in. If you play Man U v Chelsea, then you get a totally different kind of game.

I'm so happy with this game...
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Awful thing: I've only just noticed, after all these games (over 20 now), that all of the players on the pitch, for both sides, stand PERFECTLY STILL during a free-kick or a corner (apart from the free-kick taker) - it's as if they're playing statues. It looks fucking ridiculous. There's no jostling for position, there's no anything. :| Bit of a glaring omission!

Yeah I've noticed that. It doesn't effect the gameplay though, so no biggy.

The player models are SO MUCH better. It really makes a difference.

Anyway, it's half-time, I am Bayern Munich playing against Arsenal at the Allianz Arena. 0-0!
... and it ends 0-0. This game is wowing me the more I play.

Arsenal just played like the draw would suffice in the second half. I threw everything at them (even the kitchen sink! ;)) To no avail. I can see this weekend being dominated by this game.

The soundtrack is stunning. I love Bonobo and the track from his new album is on here! (It's not everday I find an abstract-jazz artist on a video game!)

A happy man :)
Haha, I was going to come on here before and say "the worst thing about the game is the music!!"

But then I scored with a diving header and so I forgot all about it... Thanks for reminding me! :D
Fuck! I had enough!
Looks like I'm gonna have to buy this freaking game. Pepe falls for it again!!!
I didn't like the demo but after such exciting reviews I'm sold.
Good work guys. Good work.
See you Online in a few hours.
Wow wow wow! Just played as Barca V Liverpool at Anfield. Drew 1-1. Was an amazing match.

Fancy a game Jack?
Wow wow wow! Just played as Barca V Liverpool at Anfield. Drew 1-1. Was an amazing match.

Fancy a game Jack?
I've got to stop now mate, I've been playing it since 12pm with five stops for food, toilet, Evo-Web, food and toilet. I'm supposed to be getting a portfolio together and I'm knackered.

Keep an eye out for me at the weekend.
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Amazing. Still playing and still loving this game. ( i have many years to seriously play any sport game but PES , and NBA 2K7 :p )

But I don't want to get hyped for UCL... I'm trying to see what's so good that other fifa games didn't have.
So IMO I think that this one has :
- an excellent passing system , which is difficult to master ( that's why as we play we find it better and better , cause we are learning it )
- very nice shots/crosses , with curving etc. ( PES does not have these... no curving at all I say... )
- very good first touch from the players that YOU control! very important and also difficult to learn ( again with time you do it better so you love it :mrgreen: )
- many many , REALISTIC , animations!!
- excellent , amazing , stunning :shock: :shock: :shock: visuals...
- nice environment ( champions league , stars all over the place etc :lol: :lol: )

also there are many flaws but I think they don't take away the excitement.
for example , shity free kicks... defender standing still as said , GKs with wrong positioning...
and maybe bad AI from your teammates. I mean if a player is not controlled by you , he will not go for the ball even if it is 1m away from him!!

But I think these are flaws that can be fixed... I hope :roll:

so in overall , I Love This Game :lol: :lol:
There's always one... :roll: I bet you were the first to get a new PES and say "the old one's better"... ;)
I seem to remember this type of hyped hysteria when Fifa 07 came out for the first few days some people loved it and lauded the praise!! I couldn't wait to get my hands on the thing only to find it was "better"... still the same old crap menu's, inbred neanderthal players, and that overall lack of control I seem to have with all Fifa's... that nagging press to do wait to happen thing?? Fifa do so many things better than PES and so many things worse. I guess as I'm holding off on the 360 and not going near the PS3 till the rush has died...or it's chi)(ed ;) I will see if the praise lasts more than a few weeks!!
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I think the key to gaming (for me personally) is having FUN. I have had loads of fun on this tonight. I even enjoyed a game on LIVE against some guy. I lost 1-0 but it was FUN.

I don't get that with PES anymore. It's sluggish, slow, unrealistic (yes, be honest, it IS) and TACKY! Look at all those kids spending their lives in their bedrooms editing a dated football game. When they are in their 50's they will look back at their youths and realise how much life they wasted! It shocks me to be honest. Bless them.

Time for bed. I am shattered. Thanks EA - you got this one RIGHT. :)
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I would have liked to see breath and snow in some matches....the current gen versions have it and although they are past gen it DOES add to the feeling of everything.

But overall i feel UEFA is one of the better playing football games i've eprsonally played you just have to get the hang of it, it's just that it's presentation is NOT spot on just yet. i hope fifa 08 is better in the presentation stuff that i mentioned was missing but IN the current gen UEFA.

How cool would it be see snow falling or rain actually puddling up and players breath showing in a next gen engine game?
Allright, everybody raving about this, but i couldn't get the grips with FIFA07 and can't get it with this demo, so:

Can anyone maybe make or point me to a video with two skilled players (or one against the cpu) playing this?

Because i read about your experiences and i want to see that for myself, but i can't seem to replicate them in the demo, so... anyone? :)
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