UEFA Champions League For 360! (March 20th)

I don't like FIFA 07 as there are WAY too many niggles. UEFA plays like a dream to me like I've said a million times now.

Fuck me, roll on next week, I've got the horn waiting for it. The missus is RIGHT pissed off with me today as she knows that I'll be in my attic for the next few weekends playing this hot title!

Sorry but how can it play like a dream? Ok i get that you like it, but play like a dream? Bit over the top for a few minute demo that needs rebooting on every go and no features.

I've seen nothing in it that suggests that its a massively improved game. I suspect though that it will be recieved the same as Fifa 07 was, wheras everyone jumped for joy at the demo and then were dissapointed at the full game.
Downloaded it this afternoon - didn't see anything that special but didn't really have more than a couple of plays. There's nowhere near the range of passing of pro evo - the ball COULD NOT go where I wanted it to at times, so that was very dissapointing. Also the camera is too far out - there's no need for it. Not a bad game but nothing special - i wouldn't lock myself away in the attic for 2 weeks for this game & i'd rather have the horn for my Mrs!
There's nowhere near the range of passing of pro evo - the ball COULD NOT go where I wanted it to at times
In the full game you can turn pass assistance off (as in FIFA 07) and then, I assure you my friend, you can land the ball on a fifty pence piece. The demo has the assistance turned on, for the sake of people who play current-gen football games.

I suspect though that it will be recieved the same as Fifa 07 was, wheras everyone jumped for joy at the demo and then were dissapointed at the full game.
You say that Antred and I understand that you have a different opinion, but just for your information, once I played the demo of FIFA 07 (and once the full game arrived) I was hooked and I've played the game ever since, and every game of PES I've played since has been agony (if it wasn't for a mate refusing to play anything else then I wouldn't have played it again).

A lot of people were disappointed with the full game, and I might be disappointed with UEFA yet, but I won't be going back to PES6 whatever the game plays like.

Hopefully PES7 will have a next-gen engine and FIFA 08 will add further improvements.
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PES6 DOESN'T excite me. Just a few minutes from this demo and I'm climbing the walls waiting for it's release. That speaks volumes. I'm glad the PES-fanboys don't like it - this is EVOLUTION right here but you lot can't seem to see it.

A happy man.
if its anything like fifa 07 el diego you'll love the game at first then be disappointed with the lack of depth.....
I've told him a million times that it's not so far removed from FIFA 07 that he will like it... But we'll see!
In the full game you can turn pass assistance off (as in FIFA 07) and then, I assure you my friend, you can land the ball on a fifty pence piece. The demo has the assistance turned on, for the sake of people who play current-gen football games.

You say that Antred and I understand that you have a different opinion, but just for your information, once I played the demo of FIFA 07 (and once the full game arrived) I was hooked and I've played the game ever since, and every game of PES I've played since has been agony (if it wasn't for a mate refusing to play anything else then I wouldn't have played it again).

A lot of people were disappointed with the full game, and I might be disappointed with UEFA yet, but I won't be going back to PES6 whatever the game plays like.

Hopefully PES7 will have a next-gen engine and FIFA 08 will add further improvements.

u seem to be trying very hard to convince people that this will be amazing? why are u doing this? like the above posts say it is the same as fifa 07, i rest my case
Erm, mate, look at my post three blocks up, telling someone that I don't think El Diego will like it because he didn't like FIFA 07. How's that trying to convince anyone of anything?

Why are you posting here any more? You don't like the game, fair enough. I do. If all you're going to post is "it's the same" when it's not, and "it's crap" just to wind people up, then don't bother, but if you're going to play the demo for ten minutes and post something balanced and say what you like and what you don't like, then there's no point, because nobody will take notice of something that looks like you're just trying to wind people up.
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He's bought FIFA 07 (which he hated after five minutes, hence why I don't think he will like UEFA), but he's played the demo of UEFA and likes it.

We're all entitled to our own opinion.
Noted, you're officially hard now. You can now smash a console of your choice over your head and say "that didn't even hurt or nuffink - dat reminds me, FIFA is shit LOL".

What's sad is that people will probably quote you now thinking that you're serious and go "LOLOLOL HAHAHA hes rite ur al loosers".
haha who was the guy that said PES' passing is better than Fifas??

are u having a giraffe?!?!

I have been spreading the ball all over shop with awesome accuracy, i can even do diagonal balls thats your not able to do on PES.

The simple reason being that on PES u have to hold down/left or down/right at the same time on the pad so u can only ever do long balls at one angle
i forgot to say, i have converted some of my mates to Fifa in the last fews day

they said its so much more free than other games, from the full control of players at all time and the passing that goes exactly where you want it to go and thats not to feet all the time
Noted, you're officially hard now. You can now smash a console of your choice over your head and say "that didn't even hurt or nuffink - dat reminds me, FIFA is shit LOL".

What's sad is that people will probably quote you now thinking that you're serious and go "LOLOLOL HAHAHA hes rite ur al loosers".

I'm better than all of you and you are all sad losers because you like Fifa. Only losers like Fifa. Fifa is for losers. PES is the daddy. No one can touch PES for its brilliant stiffness and I love how when I shoot I dont have to think and just hope it goes in. I also love how Liverpool are named Merseyside Red. It gives the game a special individual feel. Most of all I like the Master League. 16 teams in a league? GENIUS!

Can you bend the free kicks in FIFA 07/UEFA CL? Having trouble doing it in the UEFA demo...
Erm, mate, look at my post three blocks up, telling someone that I don't think El Diego will like it because he didn't like FIFA 07. How's that trying to convince anyone of anything?

Why are you posting here any more? You don't like the game, fair enough. I do. If all you're going to post is "it's the same" when it's not, and "it's crap" just to wind people up, then don't bother, but if you're going to play the demo for ten minutes and post something balanced and say what you like and what you don't like, then there's no point, because nobody will take notice of something that looks like you're just trying to wind people up.

i have bought every fifa hoping it is good, i end up taking it back coz i dont like it, same with fifa 07, from all reports and videos i have seen this new one looks exactly the same, no i have not played the demo but yes i will be buying it but only because i can return it if i dont like, i am willing to give it a chance, but at the moment the most realistic game is pes, just like u dont think pes is any good i think fifa is no good and the word i use to describe it is crap, thats all im saying, but like u said everyone is entitled to an opinion but it seems a bit silly to me to say that fifa is a better game than pes, but if thats your opionion then thats fair enough, know what i mean?
I fully agree with Jack. PES has been standing still for years with little subtle changes while at least Fifa is progressing fast. Fifa 08 and 09 are goin to be brilliant.
I fully agree with Jack. PES has been standing still for years with little subtle changes while at least Fifa is progressing fast. Fifa 08 and 09 are goin to be brilliant.

i do agree with that too, fifa has improved, ill tell u what really shits me in fifa, those crosses when the ball just floats and goes in all sorts of strange directions,like i said i really do hope this one is brilliant, coz if it is ill ditch pes in a second, for me at the moment pes feels more like football, know what i mean jack?
I do, I understand your position and FIFA/UEFA does have problems, I know. If you're used to the style of PES then FIFA/UEFA will seem alien for a while. But I find that if you push the bugs aside and persevere, there is a deeper game than PES underneath. As you said, everyone has their own opinion.
i prefer this over fifa 07. i like that they got rid of useless stuttering and implented some nice new replay angles. adds a lot to the whole game experience allready. definately on the right way there - too bad you can't change the controls.
About the free-kicks again...
Havnt got one in goal distance yet. Are they any diff to 07?
To be honest, I'm not 100% sure. In FIFA 07, I seem to remember being able to bend the ball slightly on free-kicks and corners, but so far on UEFA I haven't been able to do that - all of them have been dead straight. Do you have to hold a trigger button down or something? Not a huge problem if you can't, but it's another thing to add to the list that PES-lovers will use to slag the game off. I've noticed back-heels are missing as well... :eh:
I do, I understand your position and FIFA/UEFA does have problems, I know. If you're used to the style of PES then FIFA/UEFA will seem alien for a while. But I find that if you push the bugs aside and persevere, there is a deeper game than PES underneath. As you said, everyone has their own opinion.

ok cool, ill get this game once it comes out and i will give a good run, i will persevere, if i do like it i will come on here and tell u, im not a fanboy, as i said, i would dump pes in a second if something that i like more came along, we shall wait and see
Well I appreciate that you've come back and discussed - you aren't a fanboy and I do appreciate that, as so many people would come in here, talk a load of bollocks and leave. I don't know if you'll like the full game - without trying to be offensive, I think there's a large number of people who are used to PES's stiffness and the way that the CPU does so much for you rather than you having to aim it and power it yourself (and that's how it cheats as well) - but again, I'm glad you came back and discussed it rather than running off.

Evo-Web group hug! ;)
Well I appreciate that you've come back and discussed - you aren't a fanboy and I do appreciate that, as so many people would come in here, talk a load of bollocks and leave. I don't know if you'll like the full game - without trying to be offensive, I think there's a large number of people who are used to PES's stiffness and the way that the CPU does so much for you rather than you having to aim it and power it yourself (and that's how it cheats as well) - but again, I'm glad you came back and discussed it rather than running off.

Evo-Web group hug! ;)

hahhaha, fair enough mate, u make some good points no doubt, i just cant get into the fifa as much as id like to, like i said, i will give it a good thrashing before making up mind this time, i really hope it is good
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