- 15 August 2003
I don't like FIFA 07 as there are WAY too many niggles. UEFA plays like a dream to me like I've said a million times now.
Fuck me, roll on next week, I've got the horn waiting for it. The missus is RIGHT pissed off with me today as she knows that I'll be in my attic for the next few weekends playing this hot title!
Sorry but how can it play like a dream? Ok i get that you like it, but play like a dream? Bit over the top for a few minute demo that needs rebooting on every go and no features.
I've seen nothing in it that suggests that its a massively improved game. I suspect though that it will be recieved the same as Fifa 07 was, wheras everyone jumped for joy at the demo and then were dissapointed at the full game.