UEFA Champions League 2013/2014

I love tiki taka. Yes it's not everyone's cup of tea and its not easy to do else every team would have it in their arsenal. But when it works is a joy to behold. The possession, movement and control needed is immense. Infact when watching barca under pep it was like watching a choreographed dance.

Bayern on the other hand have fortunately, or unfortunately not mastered it yet. The people who employed Pep knew this is his style and i am sure they are willing to give him the time and resources to get to the level needed.

The hate for tiki taki stems from the fact that so many teams feel victim to it. Real for example were hammered time and again and they are having their day now.

So gloat away boys.
The thing people fail to realise about Tiki-Taka is that it is primarily a defensive tactic, not offensive. The idea of getting the ball into a dangerous area, then going backwards instead of trying to create a chance is founded on fear, not bravery. Pep fears letting the other team have the ball.

So by controlling play utterly, he negates this fear. But I believe it also creates a horrible spectacle in something that is supposed to be 'entertainment'.

While there is definite grace and beauty several times a match in Pep's Barca, that was generally very much the exception. People rave about the highlight of 4 one-touch passes creating a gap in behind and wham - it's a goal. But for the vast majority of the match the pattern is 'safety safety safety safety'. It's actually not that hard to be a winger, and play it backwarsd to your full back, who plays it back to their centre back, who plays it to the other centre back, and repeat. It's counterintuitive to football though - why would you go all the way back to the halfway line when you're already up in a crossing position? Because you fear what happens when you lose the ball.

It's a very effective tactic, but to work requires several very unsavoury things:
1. Fans to accept that the sport will be slowed to a crawl for 85 minutes of the 90
2. High pressure and an incredible amount of unpunished tactical fouls (that is the true secret to the system)
3. Lots and lots of gamemanship to slow down play when the opponents do manage to try and build pressure

Football is full of tactics and tiki-taka will go down as a very successful one. But I find it just as negative as parking the proverbial bus. Choosing not to take attacking risks and recycling possession is dull. It's the equivalent of lobbing every shot in tennis: safe, probably effective but takes all the enjoyment out of the sport.
So, who's with Atléti tonight?

not me certainly, even if they're easier to beat in the final than Chelsea.
but I only support them against Barça, usually.
this year, I suppose it's the first time I'll support Barça if their win against Atletico gives us the title. :D
I'm with Atlético as I mentioned earlier but if Chelski can play some fine football and do what they're supposed to - entertain - then they can win for all I care.

Football and other stadium based sports is directly linked to Colosseum and similar arenas in ancient times. It is, always has been and will always be primarily entertainment (stadium sports that is). People go there to be entertained and not to watch a drudgery of a performance in the name of numerical victory. Maybe some people prefer numerical victory, but those people aren't true fans of the sport they're watching. They are nothing but pathetic weaklings who use a team to boost their self esteem. The good old "Align yourself with a winner to feel less like a loser".

PS. Not directed at anyone particular, just a personal opinion and general observation.
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Chelsea will comfortably win.

I am not so sure. I think Chelsea will win but not comfortably at all. Atlético is a very organized and passionate team but I think that in this situations Mourinho's wonderful mind can be decisive...
I am with Atletico, but i think Chelsea will win.
I just hope they don't win by a mistake of Courtois.

I want Atletico to play the final and win it. But as most of you will have guessed, i don't mind Chelsea in the final at all. In fact that could be an interesting (but boring ?) final: Chelsea - Real. Two teams that are better when the opponent has the initiative...
Tiki-taka its so boring, so glad bayern lost that bad last night, just coz how people forgot that last year bayern won everything and its same team guardiola took but they make it seems that guardiola took a team who was a middletable and make them great, all credit to guardiola . Thats why i wanted them to lose not coz i like real more than bayern.
I'm with Atlético as I mentioned earlier but if Chelski can play some fine football and do what they're supposed to - entertain - then they can win for all I care.

Football and other stadium based sports is directly linked to Colosseum and similar arenas in ancient times. It is, always has been and will always be primarily entertainment (stadium sports that is). People go there to be entertained and not to watch a drudgery of a performance in the name of numerical victory. Maybe some people prefer numerical victory, but those people aren't true fans of the sport they're watching. They are nothing but pathetic weaklings who use a team to boost their self esteem. The good old "Align yourself with a winner to feel less like a loser".

PS. Not directed at anyone particular, just a personal opinion and general observation.

nobody forces people to go to stadiums or watch the games on tv. if they don't like what they see, they're free to switch to any other game, not to mention leaving the stadium or turning the tv off. most of the fans only care about winning, if their team can provide that their stadium will always be full.

chelsea lineup looks like 3-4-3, wow! :D

oops, no it's the usual 4-2-3-1 with azpili as the right winger.
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good 1st half, away gols are so crucial.Adrian Lopez ? the forgotten man I nearly forgot he played for them. Chelsea has to attack this will be interesting :)) 2nd half.
Congrats to Atletico, awesome!

I really hope they win both trophies for the sake of (real) football :D
Well then, this final will be the 1st time two clubs from the same city face each other.

Conrats to Atléti, good luck to Godín and co for the final, I'll be cheering for Real.
Jose :CRY:

Atletico were good 2nd half. Thought Costa was going to get sent off before he could take the pen, looked like he had a spat with Ivanovic straight after his yellow.
If I was a Chelsea player in that situation I'd have run up just before the pen was going to taken and just smashed the ball into the stands. Dunno why players don't do that with crucial pens. Take the yellow and hope the taker bottles it
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